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Old 30-04-2013, 05:18 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by sgmjplayer View Post
Most of us know Mr seaj will have a 1000word essay to refute any negative
comments on his post.

Unfortunate I m too uneducated to refute his 1000 words essay.

Ok I m SORRYto refute his wise views. Lol! I agree with him that I am stupid and naive to answer his wise views.

I only go CP once in 2years, cannot compare with his 'frequent' visit.
Up u!!!

next trip: CA/CP trip: erm... i'll nv know....
Old 30-04-2013, 08:32 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by sgmjplayer View Post
The gal doesnt like my gifts too, why S3, when she can have some better stuff?
But some of us not able to give extras worth more than the gifts, some of them
not willing to give extras more that the gifts. .

Very honestly, most of the gals will like cash more than anything. Or at least
most that I encountered. They accept gifts in place of cash!

Honestly, I feel being known to be from Singapore isn't a good thing in CP. To them, Singaporeans are easy to con.

Everytime I bring friends there, they are always acting like romeos. This one ok that one anything. Girls tend to take advantage.

In the KTV room everything fine, but out of KTV many girls give many patterns.

The rules are simple:

Be firm and in control - The girls know the rule of the game and how much they are entitled for. We shouldn't be seen as "roberts" and let them climb over us.

In the KTV room, I always chit chat with the mummies and waitress on the recent CP news and if there's any upcoming promotions. I give firm NO to flowers, teddy bear and all sort of weird stuffs. I keep track of the stuffs we order and I always ask KTV waitress and mummies for 88 discount and free food. Once, our chosen waitress brought her friend along to serve our room, I requested her to leave the room at once. The ktv girls are always watching us, and thinking if we can be bullied.

In the hotel room, where everyone is alone with their girl is always the time my friends complain about their girls suddenly change climate, like suddenly become strangers. The problem is these romeos think they can win the girls' hearts with their charm. BIG mistake! these guys are the preys, not the KTV girls. We need to be firm and in control till the end. They are by nature comfortable being controlled, so do the same. We can joke and have fun with them, but they need to know they are under our command. So pls Singapore guys, no more acting like romeos and roberts.
Old 30-04-2013, 09:29 PM
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Re: Events In CP

I don't know.... I really don't know!!

This board is great - but why is that even in the best of boards, there's bound to be some numb-skull or another?
Petty minded wankers acting like the School yard bully that they are?

And what's all this being so proud of being uneducated? I is only primary educashun, I is too uneducated, I is a dumb shit........!

Seriously, you guys REALLY take pride in being uneducated?

Oh MY!!!

And then of course the sycophantic shrill from those hanger-ons who has most to gain!
Upz him? Really Upz him?
Why don't you also go to your usual pattern of taikor this taikor that to him too? LMAO!

Look-it guys, as far as I'm concerned the main purpose of a board as this is the sharing of information and opinion.
Personalities and whatever personal vendettas - real or imagined - has no place on here; take it to a PM if you really want to "engage me"
Or even find me - I believe that its not gonna be difficult if you really want to meet and face me!

Fine if you have a differing opinion, but ForCrissakes, stay away from personal attacks!
Does not add to the value of the board and boring.....totally boring!!

Of course just IMHO!!


Last edited by SEAJ; 30-04-2013 at 10:03 PM.
Old 30-04-2013, 09:44 PM
SEAJ SEAJ is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by bret hart View Post
Honestly, I feel being known to be from Singapore isn't a good thing in CP. To them, Singaporeans are easy to con.

Everytime I bring friends there, they are always acting like romeos. This one ok that one anything. Girls tend to take advantage.

In the KTV room everything fine, but out of KTV many girls give many patterns.

The rules are simple:

Be firm and in control - The girls know the rule of the game and how much they are entitled for. We shouldn't be seen as "roberts" and let them climb over us.

In the KTV room, I always chit chat with the mummies and waitress on the recent CP news and if there's any upcoming promotions. I give firm NO to flowers, teddy bear and all sort of weird stuffs. I keep track of the stuffs we order and I always ask KTV waitress and mummies for 88 discount and free food. Once, our chosen waitress brought her friend along to serve our room, I requested her to leave the room at once. The ktv girls are always watching us, and thinking if we can be bullied.

In the hotel room, where everyone is alone with their girl is always the time my friends complain about their girls suddenly change climate, like suddenly become strangers. The problem is these romeos think they can win the girls' hearts with their charm. BIG mistake! these guys are the preys, not the KTV girls. We need to be firm and in control till the end. They are by nature comfortable being controlled, so do the same. We can joke and have fun with them, but they need to know they are under our command. So pls Singapore guys, no more acting like romeos and roberts.

Totally agree - but this is NOT the exclusive remit of just Singaporeans or of ANY single nationality.

Rather, it is either the pathetic pattern of behaviour of those unsure of themselves or those who forgets that CP is after all, only a Disneyland for us mongers. It is NOT a place to find the love of your life (although admittedly, this HAS happened a few times that I know of), and it certainly is not where "Romeo" moves are worth a damn. The CP girls have seen it all, discussed it amongst themselves thoroughly, teach each other their own survival tricks and they certainly are NOT in CP to try to find THEIR own love of their lives.

OK - your own methods of enjoying yourselves, spending whatever money you think appropriate, the hell with everybody else - but ForCrissakes, don't let these girls get the better of you. THAT.... is central to all of us keeping our own sanity in such a sex fantasy world as what CP is!

Just my POV again of course - and PUHLLLEEESE, if you don't agree, don't just resort to name calling - OK guy?


Last edited by SEAJ; 30-04-2013 at 10:17 PM.
Old 30-04-2013, 11:19 PM
Siawlang Siawlang is offline
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Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post

Totally agree - but this is NOT the exclusive remit of just Singaporeans or of ANY single nationality.

Rather, it is either the pathetic pattern of behaviour of those unsure of themselves or those who forgets that CP is after all, only a Disneyland for us mongers. It is NOT a place to find the love of your life (although admittedly, this HAS happened a few times that I know of), and it certainly is not where "Romeo" moves are worth a damn. The CP girls have seen it all, discussed it amongst themselves thoroughly, teach each other their own survival tricks and they certainly are NOT in CP to try to find THEIR own love of their lives.

OK - your own methods of enjoying yourselves, spending whatever money you think appropriate, the hell with everybody else - but ForCrissakes, don't let these girls get the better of you. THAT.... is central to all of us keeping our own sanity in such a sex fantasy world as what CP is!

Just my POV again of course - and PUHLLLEEESE, if you don't agree, don't just resort to name calling - OK guy?

Fully agree, they are our sex toys, they must serve us well and please us all the time. In changping we are king and the meimei just to pamper our dicks. Pay them a little more or give presents like iphone5 is not a problem but we must be treated like king. If u ask them to bj they must comply. Send them back immediately if pattern and treathen not to pay. Thats my way
Old 01-05-2013, 12:41 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Read your own past few post till now, and mine, and tell me
I am attacking you.

Tell me my post are offensive to you, while your words are all

Your words arent offensive at all. Only your opinions are valid, clever

The rest of our opinions are wrong offensive to you.

I rest my case and this is the last post I am going to waste
the bandwidth for you.

Whatever your 1000words essays can defend, by all means.

Only you are entitled to your opinions. The rest of our opinions
Are all wrong and NOT entitled

All your post are your opinions which are entitled, while all our post
are not our opinions, and we are not entitled.

Unfortunately, I am not rich or as educated as you to have mine
Opinions. You decides the market, being poor and uneducated,
my opinions are wrong. Only the rich, educated like you are entitled
To your opinions.

I am just an idiot, you are so intelligent.

Hope this post satisfied you. I am so sorry to have posted my wrong opinions
Which I am not entitled to. Again I am so sorry.

This thread belongs to you. So SORRY to have wasted your bandwidth.

My post are not allowed, I now knows, my opinions are NOT allowed.
I now knows.
Old 01-05-2013, 02:01 AM
SEAJ SEAJ is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by sgmjplayer View Post
Read your own past few post till now, and mine, and tell me
I am attacking you.

Tell me my post are offensive to y...........

My post are not allowed, I now knows, my opinions are NOT allowed.
I now knows.
This…. Is truly remarkable!!

Hey Bub – out of the clear blue sky you started taking pot shots at me; I don’t suffer fools gladly and I sure as hell ain‘t gonna suffer you!

You posted up your #9650, starting with
The gal doesnt like my gifts too, why S3, when she can have some better stuff?
But some of us not able to give extras worth more than the gifts, ….”
Which I had NO PROBLEM AT ALL with and IN FACT, I had even upzed you with the following message
Events In CP
29-04-2013 07:08 PM sgmjplayer
SEAJ-Yes, the power of telephones! And the price of these phones desired by gals keeps going up! Sigh.!
And out of the clear blue sky you came out with your totally weird and totally irrelevant post attacking me.;
I have nothing against your ideas, nothing wrong being clear minded, know
Your worth, her worth.

But why is there a need to repeatedly put them in words!

Btw, do you look down on girls in your own country? Do you
Think they dont deserved gifts of their liking?

Is born poor, very poor means they dont deserved to be 'loved'?
Being naive, not able to differentiate the real world out there is
Something to be looked down on? Are you sure you know everything
about them? Are you sure those that have given gifts/xtra cash did
Not get more than they have paid/given?

Finally who determines the market? Who has the rights to say how
Much others is worth?

I am not into arguements, just want to point out that there is no need
to put down these gals because they are poor/naive/stupid/clever/intelligent.

To everyone. We have our preset values of our own, if we cannot see it ourselves, your repeated reminders dont help, to certain extend, annoying.
So …. Of course my response….to which you then promptly laid down and die ….. and now continue to try to portray yourself as being the victim of all this.

What IS WRONG with you Bub?
Your postings and totally weird thought process really make me wonder as to your state of mind.
May I recommend that you get some kind of counseling?


Ps. STOP already will ya Bub - like I said, go to PM and keep this out of the thread as its totally irrelevant and boring to others here. (with my appropriate apologies for even having written this here!)
Pps. What in the world does your signature mean?
"...Beware of
-DBS account no. 338-00009-0

Last edited by SEAJ; 01-05-2013 at 02:33 AM.
Old 01-05-2013, 03:10 AM
Ah_Fu Ah_Fu is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by bluemooner View Post
2nd night in cpdg and have bad experience alr.. 1st night mayflower is good, 2nd night went to ouya, true that they have slightly better choices, but 2 out of 3 of my group got played out tonight. Ladies whom agreed to overnight, then after 1 shot say can't stay have impt things... Have read abt stuff like that on ouya but encountering is believing... Not to say bad service provided by the lady (for me) in the sense that nipple cannot touch neck cannot kiss lips cannot even go near, dead fish, cannot doggy. If u all meet a lady from ouya called TingTing beware, 20 yr old big eyed lvl 4 lady... Think twice before bringing her overnight
No ouya for me
Old 01-05-2013, 06:06 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by bluemooner View Post
2nd night in cpdg and have bad experience alr.. 1st night mayflower is good, 2nd night went to ouya, true that they have slightly better choices, but 2 out of 3 of my group got played out tonight. Ladies whom agreed to overnight, then after 1 shot say can't stay have impt things... Have read abt stuff like that on ouya but encountering is believing... Not to say bad service provided by the lady (for me) in the sense that nipple cannot touch neck cannot kiss lips cannot even go near, dead fish, cannot doggy. If u all meet a lady from ouya called TingTing beware, 20 yr old big eyed lvl 4 lady... Think twice before bringing her overnight
take it as chance to have a early rest

it depends on how many times you went to ouya, and you will probably have different sexperience... cos your team got 2 out of 3 hit by flying aeroplane (but still got chu what). Not all crashes! This means there are still gems there
Old 01-05-2013, 06:57 AM
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Siawlang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Originally Posted by Ah_Fu View Post

No ouya for me
If the girl want to go back ask them to go but ask them to collect at 8 am in the morning. Pay them at 8 as its overnite rate.
Old 01-05-2013, 07:09 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post
me no DFS owners ... shit!
tailoh, u no DFS owner never mind but your bottle of DFS Royal waiting for you here in CP...Thank you once again for your hospitality in LA. See ya soon...
Old 01-05-2013, 10:02 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Ah_Fu View Post
No ouya for me
ouya is playground for my group of $ power S'porean friends & they get treat like kings there.
so why u kena kick out of ouya?
maybe your tips kacang puteh?
no $ don't go ouya & siat sway yourself there mah!
Old 01-05-2013, 10:45 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by and_alloy View Post
tailoh, u no DFS owner never mind but your bottle of DFS Royal waiting for you here in CP...Thank you once again for your hospitality in LA. See ya soon...
Haha... no need to buy that many next trip .... thanks bro ...
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯.

Last edited by FeiGohGoh; 01-05-2013 at 11:24 AM.
Old 01-05-2013, 11:40 AM
prcsytlover prcsytlover is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
This…. Is truly remarkable!!

Hey Bub – out of the clear blue sky you started taking pot shots at me; I don’t suffer fools gladly and I sure as hell ain‘t gonna suffer you!

You posted up your #9650, starting with
Which I had NO PROBLEM AT ALL with and IN FACT, I had even upzed you with the following message

And out of the clear blue sky you came out with your totally weird and totally irrelevant post attacking me.;

So …. Of course my response….to which you then promptly laid down and die ….. and now continue to try to portray yourself as being the victim of all this.

What IS WRONG with you Bub?
Your postings and totally weird thought process really make me wonder as to your state of mind.
May I recommend that you get some kind of counseling?


Ps. STOP already will ya Bub - like I said, go to PM and keep this out of the thread as its totally irrelevant and boring to others here. (with my appropriate apologies for even having written this here!)
Pps. What in the world does your signature mean?
"...Beware of
-DBS account no. 338-00009-0
Hmm.. Maybe u dun see where the problems lies... Haha..

Ok, I use my primary school standard ang mo to try to express myself.. Heehee

The reason for sgmj post to u is simple. And it's also the reason why some of us like me and krone keeps response to ur post.. Or if u prefer to call it 'attack' haha. I dun really care..

U keep repeat and repeat the same fxxking post and views of ur own.. And keep putting others down when u claim u dun.. Ok.. Maybe u dun intent to do it.. But for my primary school ang mo, I DO FIND THEM OFFENSiVE.. How do u like it when others post in bold... If u ask me, I find the, damn rude! And u always do it..

U can have ur view.. Others can have their view as well.. So who is right who is wrong. Who to judge... Are u god or what..

And please spare me the 1000words reply.. And YES! I'm telling u that I'm 'attacking' ur post yet again.

Please go read thru ur own post... Please reduce in repeating ur view again and again.. WE KNOW UR VIEW now... Thanks for reminding us that we are suckers, Robert king carrot king or what ever u call it... Sorry we spoil ur playground..

Yes, we give iPhone, Samsung iPad watch etc etc.. We are stupid... But u also mention u used to do it, dun u... Just that u wise up, and stop doing it...

So please also gives us a few years to learn as well.. We need the learning curve as well to be as intelligent as U...

Wow... I'm longwinded as nagging. Haha..

But that's all just IMOH... Hope u dun take offense...
As u always like to end them with..

To be truth, I do find them offensive...

Ps: I forgot to add... I have also up ur points before.. Do u need me to show u the proof?! Haha
Old 01-05-2013, 11:45 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Here's a photo from my ctc in HMTL sauna .....

如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯.
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