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Old 26-08-2021, 04:34 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Kopiosteve View Post
Boasting!? Last min fly aeroplane!? Wow, tbh, I first thought she was a well mannered person, a humble person. Well I guess I am dead wrong. Bitch Brigade member for sure.
Wah Bro how come all these vanilla ML pattern all the same one. This Breeze or Topaz also same leh.

I still remember that day when I was suppose to meet her she also almost fly my aeroplane. When I was there she also suddenly text me to either postpone or wait for her for about 2 hours plus. I was thinking since I am there already might as well lor.
For bros who had been to her place. Her place nearby got some eating place and also walking distance to PS.
So ok lor I kuai kuai go makan and jalan jalan at PS there. Come to think of it that is a clear warning sign to bail out already. But silly me dont want to have blue balls then kena lor.
Sigh can blame who.
Like what bros here said we customers have really been taken advantage of by those MLs already. Biz for them so good and kena bao by those WK and rich suckers to spoil them what can we do except like those OKTs and WK say...can only come here to rant lor.
Anyway be prepared when u book the above ML be prepared to kena fly aeroplane cause you are definately not on the priority list.
When their WK or sugar daddy is available we will have to stand one side.
Old 26-08-2021, 04:37 PM
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Originally Posted by rahl View Post
I used to ask for WCs as a matter of course, just like most people. But I find that I have little practical use for it - I would not take a slot that's suddenly freed up anyway.

And it was causing me to have certain reactions and emotions that were ultimately counter productive. Case in point Angel's postings about her gifts which led me to delete her.

So its better to keep the MLs at arm's left. Sometimes the less we know of the ML, the better the experience.
I guess social media in general has that kind of effect on people. But I agree that if seeing what is posted on these platforms stir up undesirable emotions, best to avoid them altogether.

For me I only ask to add WeChat if after the session I feel there's a chance I will RTM. Else I don't bother. Sure it is candy to the eye if the ML is the type that likes to post her selfies or videos but end of the day, main benefit imo is booking through WeChat is easier than SMS especially for RTM.

Some likes the drama of these MLs on WeChat, a form of entertainment I must agree, to some extent.

Last edited by Johndick; 26-08-2021 at 04:52 PM.
Old 26-08-2021, 04:44 PM
Franco_Barsei Franco_Barsei is offline
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To end the session on a good note, I still add the WC of those who I won't meet again (usually coz is fail to meet my desired physical attributes but have good attitude).

Who knows you can get to know one of her friends who ticks all your boxes.
Old 26-08-2021, 04:54 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by SaintTKP View Post
I'm not surprised from the ML point of view

I'm surprised of the way money can be spent this way.

I won't even like to jog myself . Don't expect me to pay for someone to jog with me.

I guess some people just have deeper pockets.
Bro dont be surprised by all these man
Another ML as below

When I book the above ML. She also mention that other bros also easily will book her few hours just to talk to her and KC together.

For me I only can kick myself for paying way too much to up her cause that day really small head take over big head. Yes I was a roberto on that day. Who would have known she is just a FL in disguise as from the above FL website. Really a scam.
Anyway like what I mentioned in my earlier posts dont bother asking my for FR. Its basically a case of put on condom and wham bam thank you m'aam. An overpriced whore or ML.
We bros sibei cham man got plain vanilla ML nevermind now still have to deal with ML disguise as FL as a marketing ploy so as to command a higher price or premium.
Sigh what to do playground so limited now those MLs can disguise as FL act high class.
Anyway for Bros who manage to up her and score dont think you are good or had got a premium hor. Basically she is a whore or FL in disguise. Ita a scam we had paid a premium for nothing liao.
Anyway biz for her also must be damn good I tried couple of times then manage to hook up with her. I thought I kio tio liao so try up her also as I thought its premium keep saying she seldom or dont do with customers. Really a marketing ploy and scam.

Yes I was a sucker and Roberto on that day.
Old 26-08-2021, 04:57 PM
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Originally Posted by rahl View Post
I used to ask for WCs as a matter of course, just like most people. But I find that I have little practical use for it - I would not take a slot that's suddenly freed up anyway.

And it was causing me to have certain reactions and emotions that were ultimately counter productive. Case in point Angel's postings about her gifts which led me to delete her.

So its better to keep the MLs at arm's left. Sometimes the less we know of the ML, the better the experience.

PS. Saw that Xiaoqi has left. That made me sad. Fuck Delta.
Ya, sad, Xiaoqi is one of the better MLs with really good service.

Mei Er also not bad, quite accomodiating
Old 26-08-2021, 04:59 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Had boycotted her before your frank sharing
She deserves no sympathy!
She said it before and said it again. Still have backbones left in her, pack up and FO from here!
Don’t treat us as kumgong. Play your game well.

Originally Posted by Kopiosteve View Post
I don't know about you guys but what XX commented on her WC last night kinda of ruffled my feathers.

Sure, that guy is an annoying stupid pest, but to say what she did seems to allude to her general dislike of Singapore and everything about it. To be livid and "swear not to ever come back to Singapore again" suggests she loathes the life, the business and the people here - meaning you and me.

Even worst, to publicly post it with seeming impunity. What's going on with these vanilla MLs? All beginning to be high and mighty, arrogant and even insulting. And apparently not caring about the repercussion because they believe we will swallow all their shit with a smile. I really feel personally slighted with XX.

Anyway, the airline ticketing offices are opened daily, what's stopping her?

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Old 26-08-2021, 04:59 PM
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Originally Posted by mickeymouse1710 View Post
Wah Bro how come all these vanilla ML pattern all the same one. This Breeze or Topaz also same leh.

I still remember that day when I was suppose to meet her she also almost fly my aeroplane. When I was there she also suddenly text me to either postpone or wait for her for about 2 hours plus. I was thinking since I am there already might as well lor.
Whenever a ML can suggest to you to postpone, THAT is usually her real message to you. She is basically telling you today don't need your patronage. To still go ahead with her absurd "counteroffer" of waiting 1 to 2 hours will usually end up with a less than satisfying session, as we are not in her equation for that day at all.
Old 26-08-2021, 05:14 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Seems like her TT website changed to ML. What was previously quoted for FJ?
Hope you didn't kenna tok too much

Originally Posted by mickeymouse1710 View Post
Bro dont be surprised by all these man
Another ML as below

When I book the above ML. She also mention that other bros also easily will book her few hours just to talk to her and KC together.

For me I only can kick myself for paying way too much to up her cause that day really small head take over big head. Yes I was a roberto on that day. Who would have known she is just a FL in disguise as from the above FL website. Really a scam.
Anyway like what I mentioned in my earlier posts dont bother asking my for FR. Its basically a case of put on condom and wham bam thank you m'aam. An overpriced whore or ML.
We bros sibei cham man got plain vanilla ML nevermind now still have to deal with ML disguise as FL as a marketing ploy so as to command a higher price or premium.
Sigh what to do playground so limited now those MLs can disguise as FL act high class.
Anyway for Bros who manage to up her and score dont think you are good or had got a premium hor. Basically she is a whore or FL in disguise. Ita a scam we had paid a premium for nothing liao.
Anyway biz for her also must be damn good I tried couple of times then manage to hook up with her. I thought I kio tio liao so try up her also as I thought its premium keep saying she seldom or dont do with customers. Really a marketing ploy and scam.

Yes I was a sucker and Roberto on that day.
Old 26-08-2021, 05:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Nitework View Post
Thanks so much bro.

Given Kopiosteve posts...I agree and will avoid XX but try Ling Long.
Yet to touch xx but LL is actually well balanced overall. Looks, slim bod, leggy, smooth skin.
Old 26-08-2021, 05:56 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by ddae44 View Post
I second this thought also. For those MLs I visited , if they tell me they are I’m not happy with Singapore, I always tell them you can buy an ticket back, plain and simple. I remembered there was a ML , forgot her name, she will always say her ex bf damn rich , drive super cars, give her all the bags and watches in China. I was thinking if really so good, why come to Singapore to earn and risked get caught.

For those rich bros, well money is theirs, how they spend, we got no rights to questions, only can say hope I can earn what they are earning

As for what they post on WeChat moments , well I do enjoy seeing what they post, coz they are also marketing themselves , in short this is a 花花世界 , 看开点 😀
wah i remember this ML too bro, what g-class, bentley all haha, central location. Had a great bod when she first got here and got chubby.
Old 26-08-2021, 06:38 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Wah seriously?? Now this kind of game also have ar.
Pay ML to go jogging totally weird.

Originally Posted by SaintTKP View Post
Hi bro

To add on to what you said.

The other day I saw a ML WeChat Moments. She showed a customer asking her to go jogging with her and he stated that he will pay her to jog with him.

I didn't know can make money so easily one.
Old 26-08-2021, 06:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Life6666 View Post
Bro, been sometimes never visit her, not sure about that hahah
I don’t have her WeChat either hahah

If she’s still around probably will pay her a visit on September

Been waiting and praying when Zoya will relist man.. any kind soul got her ctc can pm?
Old 26-08-2021, 06:44 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Johndick View Post
The Vanilla Syndicate...and have different clans, like the AN family etc lol

Jokes aside my 2 cents on ML give attitude when kena touch at areas they deem out of bounds. I will make my decision on whether she is worth RTM based on HOW it happened.

Some of us may ask for access rights before trying to touch, be it tits or south, if the ML reject politely or even firmly (not to be confused with rude telling us off), then it's fine imo. If after they declined and we still horny and try our luck, then whatever sour the session we can't really pin the blame on her.

If we adopt the don't ask and just try to touch, then it will really depends on how experienced the ML in dealing with such situations, which should be very common anyway. Seasoned ones will just remove or even swipe off our hands follow with her reasons. That to me is fine too, coz we took a chance w/o seeking permission anyway. If she gets very offended and show attitude or black face, I still feel we share 50% of the blame. As to RTM or not for such case, really depends on how offended WE feel with her reaction or how the session recovers (if at all) after that incident.

End of the day sometimes we get caught up with the idea that coz we pay for the session, we are entitled to do a things to them which we ASSUME to be very normal to girls in their trade. Reality is each girl have their own threshold which they either refuse to cross to preserve something sacred to them,or only willing to allow if the chemistry/or price is met.

FL is the most comprehensive services, but many don't allow kissing let alone speak French. ML whom focuses on massage may allow frenching but no touch south. ML whom allow painting may not allow suckle tits. You get the idea la, the permutations are endless, all we need to understand is, THEY dictate the boundaries coz it is THEIR body afterall. Caveat is if they list the service/access in the website, they jolly well abide to what was agreed before hand. If they didn't, then we ought to respect their limitations.

Not meant to rub anyone the wrong way with this post, but some of these thoughts will help us manage expectations and more importantly, rejection lol, which will in turn lessen the chance of an unpleasant session. Working lady or not, they are still lady, respect their constraints and who knows, maybe you earn enough respect from her for obeying her boundaries and she may slowly lower her defences
more guys need to read this

i don't think people here should be exacting their hate on the girls but some of the girls do see some freaks of nature, which can lead to outbursts such as that seen by xx. i've met xx several times during her stay here and she is very much a down to earth person and just trying to make things work. that bro that said he got aeroplaned? she has never done it and in fact has turned down customers who try to slot themselves ahead of others by paying more.

people here choose girls based on looks and skills and they too have a choice on customers, particularly rejecting the freaks, often due to excessive personal harassment almost bordering on physical intimidation, as seen from xx's posts. but time and time again these freaks are the ones that threaten to call the police on them upon rejection. if you put yourself in the girls' shoes, on top of managing the task of not being apprehended by police, you have to deal with freaks, don't forget these girls are young, early to mid 20s, and they have to deal with this kind of mental stress. you guys here are fortunate enough to be born in a first world country without having to entertain entering the sex trade for a decent shot at life and the biggest stress you have now is some massage girl ignoring your request for a session. think about it.

all i am saying is after you're done having a good time, have some empathy. on post nut clarity you are in the best position to understand the difficult situation some of the girls are in and be a proper human being. it's not a trade most want to do 100% willingly but while they are here, you can try to practise abit more empathy. empathy here doesn't mean showering financial rain on the girls but more like understanding that some of these girls can have terrible days given the trade they are in. customer is also in a position of power be it legally or financially and the freaks tend to abuse this position to the maximum, hurting the girls emotionally and adding mental stress.

i have been rejected by tonnes of massage girls and i move on, i don't post anywhere, don't kick up a big fuss on service level. just look for the one that treats you well and stay with her. it isn't that hard and doesn't have to be so dramatic.

at the end of the day, there are bros here who think they are getting the short end of the stick getting disrespected either on response or service levels, but it is actually the fucked up guys out there ruining the working conditions for these girls leading to burning out and then to have no way to deal with the situation given where they are age wise, mentally and financially.
Old 26-08-2021, 07:05 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

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Originally Posted by ddae44 View Post
I second this thought also. For those MLs I visited , if they tell me they are I’m not happy with Singapore, I always tell them you can buy an ticket back, plain and simple. I remembered there was a ML , forgot her name, she will always say her ex bf damn rich , drive super cars, give her all the bags and watches in China. I was thinking if really so good, why come to Singapore to earn and risked get caught.

For those rich bros, well money is theirs, how they spend, we got no rights to questions, only can say hope I can earn what they are earning

As for what they post on WeChat moments , well I do enjoy seeing what they post, coz they are also marketing themselves , in short this is a 花花世界 , 看开点 😀

not just WC, sometimes also can find the lady 抖音. like o.g Angel, mint, sunflower, youzi etc
Old 26-08-2021, 07:09 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by mickeymouse1710 View Post
No wonder lah bro..long time here liao no lack of supporters and white knights here. Singapore is really a rich men paradize. Got money got honey. With the closure of KTV those rich men got nowhere to spend their money so just dump their money with these MLs like what other forumers bros said here. In the process they spoil market and playground for us lor.
Poor souls like us can just LLST.
Speaking of this spending money thingy.. the most ridiculous amount I encountered is Xx.. back in year 2017/2018 ish.. she was a housemate of another ML call H

One day when I had my session with H, this Xx customer brought her 100k in cash and ask to rest for a while.. or go back China.. a bit like he wanted to 包养la..

But.. walao.. I swear to god I NVR see so much cash in real life before..When H ask me if I wanted to see something crazy or not.. she show me to xx's room after the customer left.. it's like a few blocks of bricks wrapped with plastic.. but it's made of $100 notes..

Guess life is good if u r rich man..

Last edited by LoveGru; 26-08-2021 at 07:14 PM. Reason: XX Names
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