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Old 18-04-2011, 07:36 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Xdecepticon View Post
I beg to differ. at Tg Batu, the moment the van reach the farm place, juz abt to step out of the van, can hear all ceweks fm all angles shouting "Ah Pui Ah Pui, mari sini lah". Same thing oso happen at TBK @ Phua Kang
Ya bro, for tamu they like fat one, but pacar, they like lau kao type..
When the one year plus I stayed batam, sometime morning 3am I like to go nagoya coffeeshop 24hrs for porriage, can see many skinny lao kao waiting below GG aka Golden Girl for their gf to finish work.
Why they like fat tamu? Coz they always think fat tamu wouldn't be kuat at main..
Old 18-04-2011, 07:44 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by jimdiri View Post
I really cant stand to see some bros talking about LOVE in batam...... they are just putting their head on the chopping board for the ceweks to chop like carrot........ha.....ha.....ha....

Those bros who really believe there is REAL LOVE in batam are putting their ATM and CPF money in the "Land of the Sinking Sun" Bros, don't day dream. Please wake up before it is too late. Don't wait until you see the coffin then you started to cry.

I got a few cheonging bros who simpan ceweks btw 2001 to 2004 and they have lived with the ceweks for about 10 years and some got chidren. But now they are already old (average about 65yo) and not much money left. Their ceweks/wife (age btw 32 to 36yo) with their children have already left them and balik kampong or run away with younger men. Leaving this few old men in batam without care. So bros, LOVE or MONEY!!!

Believe it or not, it is up to you. But one day, I am sure you will regret if you believe all these bros talking about REAL LOVE in batam.........
Bro, u seems to have a very bad experience. I believe u and totally agree with what you have said. I also experience heartache with those ceweks which I like very much. Starting they are ok, really take care of you, wonderful feeling. Even better than your wife. But after sometimes they will start asking for expensive handphone, money to send back to village to build houses and many, many things. It is really a headache if you are not really rich.

You have put a very good advice and a warning to all the bros here. Hopefully, no one will come to such a state that they have to live in an old folk home in S’pore. Real pity!

"Life is short. Enjoy while you can"
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Old 18-04-2011, 08:12 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by jimdiri View Post
I really cant stand to see some bros talking about LOVE in batam...... they are just putting their head on the chopping board for the ceweks to chop like carrot........ha.....ha.....ha....

Those bros who really believe there is REAL LOVE in batam are putting their ATM and CPF money in the "Land of the Sinking Sun" Bros, don't day dream. Please wake up before it is too late. Don't wait until you see the coffin then you started to cry.

I got a few cheonging bros who simpan ceweks btw 2001 to 2004 and they have lived with the ceweks for about 10 years and some got chidren. But now they are already old (average about 65yo) and not much money left. Their ceweks/wife (age btw 32 to 36yo) with their children have already left them and balik kampong or run away with younger men. Leaving this few old men in batam without care. So bros, LOVE or MONEY!!!

Believe it or not, it is up to you. But one day, I am sure you will regret if you believe all these bros talking about REAL LOVE in batam.........
What makes you think that by marrying a Sinkie gal they will not treat you likewise in this day and age wen you're 60 plus

Your fren did have a swell of a decade bonking a young Indon cewek and so maybe its karma that your fren got for cheating on their wives before.

Gone are the years of being filial,faithful and chivalrous nowadays ITS all abt $

You think your sons and daughters in 20 years time will shelter you in their houses with this kind of economic turbulence like you do now to our own parents

Once the signs of us being redundant then the OLD folks home is where we call HOME
Old 18-04-2011, 08:17 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Years back reported in the papers. An Indon woman taking care of her old handicapped Singaporean husband. When interview, shes humble enough to admit its all fated. Tat she has to take care of her husband the rest of her life.
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Old 18-04-2011, 08:54 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Halo Mas of Batam thread , long time Pak never transit over

Pak wishes all the best of health and obviously great bonks to you all

See the likes of Mas Joki,Xdecepticon,Newyorker88,JOGK,ndnd and other Mas happily taking 45 mins ferry trips

Hmmm where's my MOS surely up to his bencong sexapades again

Pak in today to inform that Pak will be making a trip down Batam on the 16 May 2011 which the next day will be a National holiday for you (Vesak day)

As usual Pak's will be staying at the Pasifik Palace hotel (wherelse)

PM Pak or reply here and Pak will reply if not can get intouch with Mas ndnd who is Pak's POKEman (spokesman)

All the best and SlmT
KliK sInI >>>IndO C3W3
Old 18-04-2011, 09:03 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

halo..president...i thought you forgot about us...only taking care your cewek..hehe....welcome back!!!!
as for the singaporeans being conned by the indon women....but i read one of our bros here was given money by 3 cewek...hehe!!!
Old 18-04-2011, 09:11 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Pak Prez....u macam main pek jie! Sekali kali keluar. Sekali kali masuk. Hehehe....

Aiyah. Not all cewks r con woman lah. One must learn fm mistake. Juz like bu$ine$$. If 1 failed, if still got interest, then try again. Never say die. But must be smart the next time round lah. But frankly hor, to have 2 or 3 simpanan in 1 place.....hmmm....bely bely dangerous. I rather simpan 1 at Msia, 1 at Thailand and 1 at Batam....i.e. if i got the x and $$......
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Old 18-04-2011, 09:19 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

To support a sinkie wife that was not working, how much a month need to give her? That I don't know, but I still believe to support an indo wife, seem easier.

Just share how I finance my oc and gf. Hope it helps..

For me I never agree my oc to have saving, of course they can do it behind me back, but how to save, if they got no money to save.
All my oc or gf, before we together, I always tell them I have BIG financial problem, I owe bank 50 thousand sin dolars, same story to all, if want to be with me, sure will suffer, I make this clear to them. If they agree, that fine lor.
I give my oc 400k rupia per week, then when I go batam, the balance I will take back. If no balance, I normally will ask what she buy. I know the normal living hse wife expenses, so easy for me to know.
Then when I'm going back, I will give her 400k again for a week.
Some may say, if that case, she might curi ayam to cari uang behind me, but I have make clear and explain to my oc, if she want to do that, she mights well tell me and break off with me to look for better man, or became a full time ayam, to have better prospect, rather than have to curi curi. I always believe that if a cewk can't suffer with me, no point I keep them.
I only let my oc save when she tell me she want something like hp, then she can save bit by bit to buy lor. Using the balance from the 400k. Those bros who know my oc, the nokia E71 shes holding, she save few months to buy. she mentioned before to some bros here.. And starting time with me, I only give her 300k a week, after 2 years together then increase to 400k a week.

Hope this help, I find this method works well on my oc and gf.
Old 18-04-2011, 09:39 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1 View Post
Pak in today to inform that Pak will be making a trip down Batam on the 16 May 2011 which the next day will be a National holiday for you
Pak, on 16th?
Ok, I arrange my group to change the date from 12th to 16th.
Anyone interested to go togther can PM me.
Old 18-04-2011, 10:05 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

See the likes of Mas Joki,Xdecepticon,Newyorker88,JOGK,ndnd and other Mas happily taking 45 mins ferry trips

hello presexdent
I taught you forget me already
ya I think it's time for me to pay your land a visit
just to improve your country economy
Old 18-04-2011, 10:34 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by hendri2 View Post
for the singaporeans being conned by the indon women....but i read one of our bros here was given money by 3 cewek...hehe!!!
Ayo ah Pek, seem like u interested with this given money by cewk, ok just be frank with you, being a ex cewk-exporter, its very easy for me to control the mindset and thinking of a indo cewk. I'm not a batam cheongster, I used to use batam to make money. And, living off indo cewk is a very easy thing. Pribumi can do it, why can't we? They smarter than us meh? Simple trick is enough to make these kampong cewk do anything. Not complicated and impossible lah.. Lorong 12 padang side, used to be indon FLs place, do u know at lease 5 cewks there work for their spore and malaysia bf ? Spore at one time many cewk using fake buku nikah to enter spore and extend their visa, the buku may be fake, but the guy is really their bf.. They work at the padang while their bf look after them. Real cases ah pek..
Old 18-04-2011, 10:37 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ndnd View Post
I always believe that if a cewk can't suffer with me, no point I keep them.
Tis 1 bely chun n I agree 100%. N btw the 400K per wk is only for her personal allowance? Including weekly mktg..or everyday/nite makan luar?

Got to know a cewk at TBK. Simpan by a Sillyporean. But latter dump her and go for another woman. She gave me hint to simpan her. But my condition very simple. She must work. But not as ayam. I have my reasons. Cant juz stay at home, play PS watch TV 24/7. Last yr, called me and told me shes balik kamp. Found a job at PT, Msia. Asked me for some $$ to tied her up for couple of wks. Now after 6 mths working as factory operator, complained tired cos is a standing operator job. Two wks back saw her at TBK. Now full-time ayam! Easy job mah. Juz open legs! So tis type of cewk definitely CMI to be a fulltime good housewife. Luckily she failed my test. Hmmm.......
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Last edited by Xdecepticon; 18-04-2011 at 10:53 PM.
Old 18-04-2011, 11:20 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

thanks bro ndnd, i already knew you are in this line....just tell us frankly in the first harm...nobody will harm u...they can just blow up the laptop..hehe!!! ah pek already said one in a billion chance a cewek will give money to an hard feeling, ndnd....we are here just to take COCK..haha!!!
Old 18-04-2011, 11:29 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Bro ndnd is an expert in HIS field like James Bond - good looker ,suave and good talker knows how so sian Indon char bo .

How we apekS' can compete

All left for us are the scrap ones
Old 18-04-2011, 11:45 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by hendri2 View Post
thanks bro ndnd, i already knew you are in this line....just tell us frankly in the first place....
No worries pek..
That was just part of my past..
Actually many bros here know also,
Remember I post before I ever stayed at batam straight one year plus, and post before for one year plus every nite sit at the row of chair near to ladies toilet at Pacific? Think I like disco so much meh.. Of course got work to do..
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