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Long tale fairy?
He was handsome. Of that she was sure, even though her head still swirled a little from having just woken up. He possessed all that any respectable handsome Prince worthy of his blue blood should. There was that curly blond hair which stayed in place no matter how he swung his head in action. Fight a Fire-breathing Dragon with nothing but a broadsword and shield? Swing from a crystal chandelier into the thick of a melee? Ride a powerful white stallion ten thousand miles to lead his army in a war? No matter! A casual toss of his head and the blond shoulder-length tresses was sure to fall back into place. There were those bright white teeth that accompanied the brilliant smile which could charm his way into the hearts and under the skirts of many a lovely lass. Particularly with that angular jaw line and the princely and aquiline nose, and those electrifying soul-zapping eyes, highlighted by his long eyelashes and thick masculine brows. There were the prerequisite muscular arms and legs, broad chest and washboard-trim waistline. These were well complimented by a confident athletic posture and direct go-to attitude that spelled many years of immersion in all the necessary training by expensive and highly qualified court tutors. There were the exquisitely coordinated and well-cut clothing, from matching jackets and leggings to the ubiquitous capes in the latest colors and style. A beautifully designed and masterfully forged broad sword hanging in its scabbard completed the image of a fashionable yet dangerous Prince-about-town. Of course there was the magnificent and totally gorgeous Princely Package, which included the Hugely popular Royal Dick, straight arrow and expertly circumcised, and Well-filled Royal Scrotum containing the Royal Twins. All of which were being offered to her at the moment. As a well-schooled Princess, she knew what was expected of her. After all, it was well documented in the 'Appropriate Behavior for Princesses, Volume The First, Revision The Seventeenth', compulsory reading for every Princess in every kingdom, that 'The Princess having been rescued from Sleeping Forever by said Handsome Prince must yield to him in the Matter of Marriage and other Related Activities'. Being offered the Princely Package would certainly fall under 'other related activities'. The Royal Dick looked positively monstrous, red and angry and bulging with curly veins upon its surface. Below it hung the Royal Scrotum with its prune-like wrinkled skin taut in his anticipation. Carefully trimmed and slightly straightened Pubic Hairs decorated the root of the rather well maintained Royal Organ. "Come on, my Darling Princess, we do have other matters to attend to. Mayhap ye get cracking?" he announced in that booming and so masculine Royal Voice. He swung the stiff Organ towards her face. The Princess thought she heard noises outside her Royal Chamber. According to the Curse, so cruelly cast by the fat and ugly Witch Of The West, who was left out of the guest list for her Christening Ceremony cause the old woman was a vegetarian and extremely troublesome to cater for as the Court Caterers had decided on serving Roasted Antelope, Deep Fried Monkeys, Barbecued Peacocks and an assortment of equally tasty meats, the others in the entire Kingdom would only awaken if she were Kissed by a Handsome Prince, with whom she'll get married and live happily ever after. That must be the entire Royal Court waking up. to be cont |
Part 2
"Did you lock the door to my Chamber, my Darling Prince?" she asked. She had the Organ held in her dainty right hand, just as she had been tutored. "Like a cigar!" just like her Royal Tutor in Matters Sexual used to remind her.
"Of course, my Dear Princess! I would not want anyone to intrude upon us until we're done. I've been reading the 'Guide To The Rescue Of Royal Princesses, Volume The Third, Revision The Twenty Fifth' since I was told my Destiny at the age of fifteen, three years ago," he announced confidently, "I know the SOP and all the other stuff too." "Well, in that case..." the Princess said, readying herself. All those training she was put through since the tender age of twelve, four years ago, had not been for nothing. The bananas had been easy, tasty even, though she had to do quite a bit of stretching before her tiny mouth, as lovely as a blushing Rose Bud, would accommodate the long and thick Danish Bananas they used. The Cucumbers were tough, being hard and non-yielding, and she hated vegetables anyway. She had enjoyed most the Practical Lessons using live subjects, usually prisoners due for execution. She did not get to see them of course, only found out what they were when she forced her Royal Nanny to tell. During the lessons conducted daily, they were only presented to her as stiff organs sticking through a hole in a wall, a couple of which were in fact not stiff at all to start with. The 'Work Area' was nicely scrubbed and perfumed, although she had caught the most disgusting of smells wafting from the rest of their bodies on occasions. She had worked diligently at her lessons, for 'Giving Head Expertly And With Great Finesse' was a most important part of a Princess' training, or so she was told. So she began on the Handsome Prince soon to be her Royal Hubby. Standing tall before her, his leggings and breeches dropped to his ankles, his arms akimbo and legs apart, said Prince grunted his enjoyment of the proceedings almost as soon as she started. She used the most basic of techniques, the Slow Tight Sliding Within, Version Four, Variation The Second; moving slowly but non sequentially through the Rapid Fire Tongue Flicks, Version One, Variation The Third, and Gentle And Slow Slurping With Humming, Version Four, Variation The Second; finally sustained the pace with the Varying Suction With Alternating Speed Of Head Bobbing, Version Two, Variation The First. She felt him gripped the back of her head with those big masculine hands as she kept the pressure on, relaxing as she sensed his Royal Dick throbbing, a sign he was nearing his Climax, then intensifying the pace when the sensation passed. He did not last as long as she expected him to. Even most of the prisoners she trained with lasted through at least two cycles of her expert techniques. Her Handsome Prince shuddered as she began the last one in the first cycle. The warm gush hit the back of her throat as she rendered her gag reflex inactive using the Rapid Receptive Response To Princely Oral Ejaculation and began swallowing as quickly as she could. The Royal Tutor in Matters Sexual told her it was also called the Bukkake Method, apparently transmitted from a distant land where big fat men with tiny slit eyes dressed up in some kind of ceremonial loin cloth tried pushing each other off a small arena made from packed earth. to be cont |
Part 3
"Whoa, that was good! You're well schooled, my Darling Princess," the Prince boomed.
She however thought she detected exhaustion in his voice. And yes, she saw more signs as she gazed at his handsome face. Wasn't that puffiness around his clear bright eyes, a sure sign he had not slept well in days? And his smile seemed tired and strained, despite the smirk of satisfaction he wore. His stamina certainly left much to be desired. "Well, in case you were wondering, I am quite exhausted," the Prince said, obviously aware of his poor showing and rather anxious to clarify matters, "Hacking through the thick Forest Of Brambles just to reach the castle gate was such a chore, although I have my trusty Arthurian Broadsword made from steel tempered at red-heat and folded twenty times. Then of course I had already ridden my Arabian Steed some ten days prior with only four hours of sleep each night." "But that would be but a stroll in the garden, my Dear Prince," said the Princess. "What with your most impressive physique and all." "You're right of course, my Dear," he said, his voice now moderate in volume, although he still tended to announce rather than simply speak, "I do train rather vigorously with some of the best Royal Trainers in the land! The last war I fought took ten days of almost continuous slashing and slicing and stabbing with my Broadsword and I must have cut down more than a hundred of my enemies before I was done. Not even breathing hard at the end of it." "So my dear Prince must have spent his energy in other strenuous endeavors after arriving at the castle? Did the evil Witch Of The West spelled Goblins and Orgs to guard the way? Were there Were-Cats sent to thwart your progress?" "Were-Cats? Aren't they usually Wolves?" "The evil Witch Of The West only loved Cats, hated anything Dog or Dog-like." "I see," he answered, "But no! Once I got to the castle, it was all smooth sailing so to speak. Well, except for the many distractions..." "Distractions?" to be cont |
Re: latebloomer's originals
"You see, my Dear, I too was schooled in the Art of Matters Sexual and the training was arduous! Every single day I had to attend to at least two young girls as the Royal Tutor taught me the multitude of techniques and skills I had to acquire before marrying a Princess. And then there were the regular Deflowering Training every weekend."
"Deflowering? Of virgins?" "Of course! How else could I've learned all the skills required during our Wedding Night? But have no fear, my Darling, for I passed this section with Distinctions! Just you wait. I'll have you moaning and writhing that same evening!" "Ohh, that sounds, uh, really nice!" said the Princess, "But where do you get so many Virgins to deflower? I used Prisoners due for Execution myself." "Sounds interesting. My people tried using them too but not that many Prisoners are female I'm afraid. So our very efficient Department For Procurement Of Virgins For Princely Deflowering brings them in from various Foreign Lands. I was told they initially got them from a place where the people travel in Chariots decorated in multi-colors and the women are well schooled in Matters Domestic, and the Rich of their Land kept their dead ancestors in elaborate crypts above ground." "You're talking about the Land called Tagalog? We have quite a few Serving Maids who came thence. They do work hard when they first arrived but tend to get lazier as they get more familiar. And they tend to fraternize with the male servants and get themselves knocked up rather quickly and then have to be sent back home." "But I must say they are not bad for my training, being highly sexed and rather accommodating. Of course we had our Wizards fixed up a potion so they do not get pregnant at all," said the Prince. "Mustn't have that happen eh? My seeds are meant only to grow within you, my Dear." "Oh..." "Anyway, the King of Tagalog decreed that no further maidens come over as serving girls, so we procured girls from other Lands. Personally I prefer those from the Land of The White Elephant up north, where the girls are inherently well suited for being courtesans. Their gentle natures and soft-spoken demeanor can make a man feel so superior and so energetic, if you know what I mean. “Then there were the virgins from the Land of Crowded Streets where Chariots crowd the roads and making it through traffic alive is considered a great feat. Those virgins are young, some very young, and I loved to train with them most. Deflowering one of these is a pleasure I would not know how to begin describing. But enough about my training! I must be boring you." "Oh no, not at all! I'm very honored you trained so hard on my behalf. But we were discussing why you seemed so exhausted and you mentioned distractions?" to be cont |
Part the fifth
"Oh yes, Distractions," he seemed to hesitate. "Alright, first you must understand that the daily training has a distinct effect on my, um, Appetite. So the ten days I traveled to get here was quite a strain. Of course I had my trusty Steed, but there's only so much I could do to a horse you see. Although I can certainly reassure you, he likes it unreservedly, what with the arduous training I've received."
"Um, I see..." "So when I entered the castle and saw that everyone was sleeping, and you do have quite a number of ladies around, I was overjoyed. I helped myself to the first available woman and continued from there." "What?!" "See, I know that you need to remain a Virgin until we get married, so all I was going to get was what you just did, which, by the way, was Fantastic! After all the daily doses I was getting, I would 'starve' till our Wedding Night, if you do understand my meaning. So I thought I would get myself some to last till then." "How many did you, eh, help yourself to?" "Well, I lost count after the tenth. It's probably closer to Fifteen, cause I went on for quite a while till I finally came to kiss you." "You didn't come to kiss me immediately?" "Um...No, not quite. Too busy you see." "How long were you helping yourself to the women around the castle before you came to my room?" "Oh, not too long. Just one and a half to perhaps two days, that's all. There was this sweet young girl as I pass the castle gate who had dropped the pile of washing she was carrying. Looks like she was fraternizing with the guards." "Must be one of the Serving Maids from the Land of Tagalog." "That's what I thought when I undressed her. Something about that Honey-colored skin just drives a man randy." "So you started with her?" to be cont |
Part 6
"Oh yes! Couldn't help myself so I, eh, helped myself to her. Not a problem with that right?"
"Sure. The guards are always helping themselves anyway, so I was informed. She was the first then?" "Well, once I got started it was difficult to stop. I was a hungry man suddenly offered a buffet spread on a table twenty feet long, with delicious foods and wines from all over the land! There was no way I could resist such temptations." "Oh, I understand. You're no different from other men. Even my Royal Papa the King takes liberty with the Serving Girls and other Maids in Waiting rather frequently." "Ah, a man after my own heart. Now you understand why I was so exhausted." "Were they all Serving Maids you helped yourself to?" the Princess asked, sounding a little anxious. "I suppose most of them were. I worked my way from the lower levels up, right from the courtyard where I started, into the kitchen where there were two really cute girls collapsed near the stove." "These be the Royal Cook's assistants. They are Twins." "Oh, you bet there were, and equally delicious too, so I had each twice. After that I moved to the storehouse and had the woman behind the counter." "That'll be the Royal Store Accountant, in charge of tabulating the stores and placing orders in the case of any short-for. But she's short and stout, and the last I saw her, she had a paunch!" "When you're as Ravenous as I was, then you will realize that looks are the last thing I, eh, look for. I thought I'd be alright after the twins, but it was not to be. They just made me hungry for more. Thus, paunch or no, and beard nonwithstanding, I had my ways with the Royal Accountant, simply because she was nearest the twins." "So you must have had the Store Cleaner and her daughter too?" "The Skinny woman with knobbly knees and the Fat girl in possession of those gloriously huge boobies? At the back of the store?" "That's right." "Yup, did them, the girl twice, after I finished with the Accountant a second time," he answered, recalling. "She'll give me such wonderful memories of her Mammary." "Twice? You did the Royal Accountant twice?" the Princess asked, "Well, there really is no accountin' for taste then." to be cont |
Part 7
"The second time's usually better. Or a 'hole lot easier, in the case of Virgins."
"So what happened next?" "After the Store, I passed the Stables and saw all those sleeping Horses." "Horses? Again?" "Nay, enough's enough for me. Not going to balance precariously on a rock risking getting kicked in the Royal Family Jewels when there are all these women around. I had myself a few more Serving Maids, came upstairs. You have so many rooms and all unmarked, so I had to search one at a time." "These are some where my Maids in Waiting sleep, some three or four to a room." "Yes, and I found two of these rooms and I was overjoyed. It was like Heaven, and I got to ravish the Angels, all six of them. Had myself two rounds of each at least before I call it quits." "I must admit some of them are rather pretty, and Jill and Marianna have these monstrous breasts." "Think I know which two. The Cleaner's daughter has nothing on them. She has only Cantaloupes to their Watermelons." "And all these yesterday?" "Not quite. The Serving Maids downstairs probably took up most of the first day. After coming upstairs, I rested for the evening. Had some of the food I brought along, cheese and bread and wine. After that I had a good sleep." "The sleep of the Satiated." "Right ho. This morning I started early and found the Maids in Waiting. I finished with them just before the noon day, ate then came over this section of the castle." "And you came looking for me?" "Um, not quite. You see, eating makes me randy, and I had to satisfy my other Appetite." "Please don't tell me you went into the first room down the end of the corridor!" "First room? Where this Slim, Willowy woman with the long black hair sleeps? Now she was the most beautiful woman I'd seen in the castle, uh, until I saw you of course." "Oh, God!" to be cont |
Part 8
"What? What's the problem? Isn't she another one of your Maids?"
"No, she isn't. She's my religious guide, the Royal Religious Mentor by title." "So?" "So she's actually a nun, from the Order of Saint Magdalene, and she had a taken a Vow of Celibacy for life." "Oh! Well, that's too bad then." "Didn't you see her Habit?" "So that what that gray thing over her head was! I saw her flopped on her bed, and I was undressing her so fast all I could tell was that she was wearing something gray and dreadfully boring for someone as lovely as her. Her skin was alabaster, without a single blemish as far as I could see, and believe me, I've examined every single inch of her body three times. With her Gorgeous Boobies, she was simply Heavenly. Having her could easily get to be a Habit!" "Oh Lord!" "That's what I said too, when I was enjoying her. Repeatedly." "Which other rooms did you enter?" "Well, there were only two others before I came to yours." "And you went into both?" "Both, yes." "And you helped yourself to both ladies?" "Both, of course. Are they Royal Nuns too?" "One of them is my Royal Nanny. She took care of me from the time I was born." "This the Chubby one with the rosy cheeks? Smelling of honey and peppermint? And this huge mole by the side of her nose?" "Yes, that's her." "She's not by any chance sworn to Life-long Celibacy too is she?" "No, eh, not quite." "Not quite?" "Well, she'd sworn to marry the first Man who violates her virginity." "So that's why she's so tight despite her age! I was guessing as much. Not quite like the Virgins I trained with." "What're you going to do about her?" "Nothing. You don't really expect me to marry her, do you? She cannot prove it was me who did it anyway." "I don't suppose she can, what she being asleep and all." "So there's no problem then." "Well, if you've gone into the other room and helped yourself, there is." to be cont |
Part 9
"You mean the woman who was in there?"
"Was she alone? Wasn't there an old man in the room with her?" "Well, there was. In fact, they were just going to have some fun when they fell asleep. Both of them were stark naked on the bed." "What did you do to him?" "I just shifted him that's all. Their bed was so huge you could have six people on it! I'm sure they have lots of orgies on it." "As a matter of fact, I know that they sometimes do." "Wow! That old man looks like one lucky rascal. Probably have all the Maids in Waiting join in too eh?" "That's right." "Well, he sure had it made. All the Maids and this foxy lady he was going to have. She was just beautiful, with lovely features, soft fair skin, long shapely legs, proud firm boobies, and a cunny so smooth and juicy it was simply heavenly to enter. She does look rather familiar though. I wonder where I've seen her before?" "Does she look like me perhaps?" "Hey, now that you've mentioned it, she does! Same features, especially the eyes and lips. Almost the same long legs too. Eh, wait just a minute. Are you by any chance related to her?" "I'm related to the old man too." "Would they be likely to be your parents? And that was your mother I was having so much fun with?" "Yes, likely they were. And yes, I'm sure it was." "Oh My Lord!" "Did you also say that when you were having her?" "Not quite. It was more like 'Yeah Baby, Yeah Baby! Yes, Yes. Oh God, Oh God!' and quite a huge dose of 'Who's your Daddy?' Um...oops, sorry!" "How are you going to explain it to her? Just what do you say to your future mother-in-law the Queen? Sorry but I was so horny I had you three time?" "Um, it was, uh, four times." "Alright, Four Times! How am I going to face my mother after this?" "Hey, your Royal Father could have done it to her." "He probably could have. If he was not also under the spell and fast asleep!" "Don't tell her then. If was don't tell, she might not know." "Not know? Four times and she might not know? Don't you leave something behind each time? Don't you think she might get Sore?" to be cont |
Part 10
"So you read the 'Revised Guide to the Joy of Royal Sex, Basic Edition' too?"
"Required reading for Princesses, and I read it cover to cover twice by the time I was twelve." "Excellent for cold lonely evenings eh? I still carry a copy in my Royal Backpack. The chapter on 'Variations, Positions & Postures for Pleasure' was my favorite. I've already tried half of the Hundred and Twelve Techniques listed. I managed to get hold of an illustrated Edition and the Diagrams are just so Hot!" "That's nice. But we were talking about my Royal Mother?" "So what do you expect me to do, my Dear Princess Leona? Huh?" "What did you just call me? Leona?" "Yes, Dear Princess Leona of The Kingdom of Blue Mountains! If you want to be picky about it..." "Look, I'm Princess Fiona and This is The Kingdom of Cool Fountains! Oh, Please don't tell me you made a mistake." "I was told that this was Blue Mountains. My Royal Valet who did an Advanced Recee reassured me!" "Well, in that case, he had gotten it all wrong." "And I thought that only the Royal Princess meant for me could be Awakened by my Kiss?" "Didn't you hear the Latest? Royal Scholars from the Land of PAPer Qualifications has published their findings on this Royal Phenomenon in last month's Royal Geographic Gazette. And they say that Princes and Princesses are not one-to-one exclusive as was previously assumed." "So how do I find my One True Love?" "You don't. By the way, if you're not Prince Valiant I was 'destined' to be rescued by, what's your name, Dear Prince?" "Hmm...you don't know who I am then, do you? Interesting isn't it?" "Well? Are you going to tell me your name?" "If I'm not your 'destined' Prince, I have no duty to wait till after the Wedding then, do I?" "Wait till after the Wedding for what?" "What do you think, Dear Princess?" "You are not going to..." "And why not? After all, I've had your Nanny and your Mother. So yield up, my Dear. I'll have my Fun then take leave by swinging down your window to my Royal Stead waiting below." to be cont |
Part 11
since I missed posting the last few days, one more installment for ye faithful readers.
as for those bored out of their noggins, pray be patient, I'll shall post a totally new tale next. It was, to be honest, a futile tussle. The ripping of a perfectly tailored satin gown cut to show to best effect the svelte figure of a Princess; tearing of the bodice with its lacy edges and frilly trimmings; followed by much rustling as the long gown was pulled off and thrown to the ground; then frustrated grunts as a randy Prince was denied easy access and entry. Finally a crisp zing as the Broadsword was pulled out of its jewel-studded scabbard by its master, wielded as a threat. And ultimately, resigned acquiescence and some silent sobbing as the Princely Package was exposed and readied. The Princess Fiona of the Kingdom of Cool Fountains laid exposed on the Royal Bed, long fair limbs splayed apart. The Prince of 'God Knows Where' watched with a huge grin on his handsome face. His greedy eyes took in the smooth fair skin, par for a Princess who bathed in Royal Camel Milk twice daily. The Princely Erection seemed to stiffen even further as he savored the sight of her Lovely Boobies, well supported by the new-fangled flesh-colored 'Optically Non-Observable' Booby-Extremizer just recently launched by the Royal Accessorizor. He glanced down between those long shapely legs and noted that the Princess was a Natural Blond, not one of those rebonded and dye jobs so common these days. The Princess watched the throbbing Princely Package approached. This was not some Oral Action so familiar to her. Losing her Royal Virginity today meant the end of her easy life in the Palace. No more Princes would even stray near her Kingdom once the news go out. Her Royal Parents would be shamed, their subjects unforgiving in their disappointment. Royal Weddings were wonderful events that provided much Fun and Entertainment for the People, Grand Distractions from their generally miserable lives, as well as great opportunities for Commerce. Denying them these was tantamount to committing Political Suicide, planting the seeds for Possible Future Rebellion. She herself would probably end up as Dragon Snack, useful only if some Fire-Breathing Dragon attacked the Kingdom and a Princess had to be sacrificed. Something clicked in her mind as anger rose within. As the Prince aligned his Erection with the entrance to her Royal Cunny, the Princesses acted. Bending her legs at hips and knees, she brought her feet up to both sides of the Stiffened Organ. Swiftly, before the Prince could react, she clapped her soles together, catching It between them. A Painful Ouch escaped the lips of the Prince as he rolled off the bed. His long slim fingers with their manicured nails clutched at the quickly shrunken Royal Dick, his legs folded into the Fetal Position as he moaned and cursed in pain. to be cont |
Part the last, finally, phew...
The Princess, in the meantime, had jumped off the bed, picked up the Broadsword and now held it with a two-handed grip. One glance at her stance told the Prince that she was not just well schooled in the 'Art of Matters Sexual' but in the predominantly Male 'Art of Matters Martial' as well.
"Please don't," he begged as the leggy nude Princess moved nearer. She made no silly moves, swinging the sword unnecessarily or showing off. Now he was the one to tremble. He had great plans and Death was not an option he even vaguely considered. "You said you were swinging out my window?" she asked. Her beautiful blue eyes seemed to pierce right into the Very Essence of his Being. That was the Soul-Zapping Technique he remembered from his Lessons Martial, but having adapted it frivolously for Seduction instead, he was powerless in countering it. He could feel his innards whooshing about, a strong sensation of Nausea rising from the pit of his stomach, as Fear pulsed cold through his arteries. He felt Panic gripped him. He needed to escape, needed to leave this Scary Woman. He forced himself up off the hard stone floor, pulling haphazardly at his undone breeches. Two steps took him to the window. He had not analyzed why he thought it was a good idea to have his rope attached and hanging off the window when he first came into the Royal Chamber. His Royal Mentor in Matters Martial had always emphasized this aspect during his Training. 'Expect Nothing, Be Prepared For Everything'. Always going on about how 'The Safest Place Is Where It's Most Dangerous'. Conversely 'The Most Dangerous Place Can Be The Safest'. He was just glad that he heeded the Teaching. The Prince was at the window before the nude Princess crossed the room. "See you, Princess!" he said, "Can't say it's been fun. Not with you anyway, but I sure enjoyed screwing your Mother!" His bruised Ego, coupled with his painfully bruised Royal Organ, drove him to shoot off his mouth, making that one significant Last Remark. The Princess had perhaps decided to let him go. In fact, she started to relax when she saw him swinging his legs over the ledge of the casement window, had begun to lower the broadsword. When he let loose that statement, her head snapped up and her eyes opened wide in Anger. The broadsword came up as she jumped off the ground with a short two step take-off, her leading leg already stretching out towards him. Around her, everything seemed to slow down. For a moment, she appeared to hang in the air, her movement precise and detailed as she brought the broadsword across her body in a circular motion, hefting it over her head to swing downwards in a stroke so swift it zinged. Her trailing leg angled forward with knee bent, and she had already more than halved the distance between them. "Oh Bloody Shit with a Capital S!" moaned the Prince, his Royal Butt still sitting on the sill. Who the Hell was her Royal Mentor in Matters Martial anyway? This was no ordinary Technique, but the highest level of Skills Martial attributed to the Grand Master Yuen of the School of Golden Stork from the Land generally referred to as The Pearl of The Eastern Seas. The Grand Master had been last seen traveling to the Kingdom of The Twin Towers, officially asked to train the Royal Army and oversee Matter Martial in the entire Kingdom, particularly in the Realm of Moving Images. Along the way, he must have passed through this Kingdom and taught Princess Fiona. Another split second and the said Princess suddenly changed direction in midair. Towards the wall she spun, her body horizontal, defying Gravity. Two swift steps on the wall she ran, before a hard kick-off sent her flying in his direction, broadsword leading. With another 'Shite!', the Prince held on to the rope and jumped off the sill. His gloved hands gripped the rope loosely as he tried to rappel down the castle tower. He only hoped he could get close enough to ground level, the fall, when it came, would not kill him outright. A last glance up at the window and he knew it was much Too Late. Sparks flew off the stone of the sill as he heard a loud zing followed by a duller thud of broadsword driven into the window. The rope in his hand fell loose and he began to fall. At the window, the Princess tipped her head out slightly and listened for the splash. It came in seconds and was immediately followed by louder splashing and a voice shouting for help, calling out as if in great pain. Gradually the voice died, and slowly after that, so did the splashing. The moat around the castle was recently filled with fishes brought in from the Land of Wild Monkeys where they infested rivers and streams and could chew their way through water buffaloes careless enough to wander in. The Princess threw the broadsword out the window. She turned towards her Royal Wardrobe, pushed the sliding door to one side and selected a Midnight Blue gown with frilly trimmings and puffy sleeves. Stepping into it, she quickly got herself ready. There was hammering at her door. Her Royal Court awaited. The End |
New new new
That's what friends are for?
My friend's wife invited me over to her place. I was to go during my lunch break. She would be home alone then. Her husband was in Malaysia on business. Her sons were both in school. I was to collect something from her. A set of papers on a topic I was doing some research on. I was sure that was not the only reason I was going over. It was just an excuse. We had discussed the real reason. She was lonely. She felt neglected by her husband. They had not had sex for months. She craved intimacy, even if it were illicit. She confessed her problem to me. And when I asked, half-in-jest, if I could help, she said yes, I definitely can. We communicated mainly via sms. We were texting messages back and forth over many sessions the last few days, messages that we both erased from our handphones as soon as we were done. She called it 'cyber-flirting'. She got bolder and the messages became more intimate, even sexy. Despite that, she wasn't sure we should go all the way. She was Catholic. I guessed that had a lot to do with it. But she was obviously frustrated sexually. She compared her situation to being in nun-hood. She confessed she would like to go the whole distance, but had 'constraints'. I wondered if I could change her mind with regards to those 'constraints'. I was determined to try. more? |
Part Deux
I went to her place on a Tuesday. She had decided on Wednesday at first. Then she tried enticing me to go on Monday. She was certainly frustrated and desperate. Still we had to change our plan when she found out her son would be home on Wednesday. She sent an urgent sms. I responded and so Tuesday it was.
I drove over during my lunch break. I was both excited and anxious. The fear of discovery was a major concern. Getting caught was not something I would appreciate. It weighed heavy on my mind. It was only barely overcome by the anticipation of illicit pleasure with this desperate woman. That was too strong a draw. I was still weighing both concerns when I parked my car in the carpark next to her flat. I thought I saw her watching out for me at her kitchen window as I drove into the carpark. It turned out that I was right. I walked to her flat swiftly, head down against being noticed. She stayed on the fifth floor. She was already at her door as I reached her unit. There was a huge smile on her face. She had applied foundation on it. Her lips were painted pink. She was wearing a lacy purple sleeveless top and black leotard leggings. She looked good for a woman her age, though a little short. I would describe her as being pleasantly padded. more? |
Part San
She showed me the set of notes. It was actually something inconsequential. I didn't really have much use for it. I thanked her for it nonetheless, but it wasn't what I was there for. She left it on the table and led me towards her bedroom. I got a good glance of her behind. The leotard wrapped tightly around it defined its shape. I decided that I would investigate that shape at the earliest opportunity.
The air-con was already humming in the room. She closed the door behind me, then she locked it. "Hot outside, isn't it?" she asked. I nodded. She smiled and asked me to remove my clothes. I stripped down to my brief. "Lie down on the bed," she said. Over the last few days we had discussed the what and whereforth. I allowed her to lead the exchange. I did not want to push too hard. She must feel comfortable enough to continue with whatever we would do. She wanted to keep things safe, at least initially. She only wanted some form of intimate massage. It was something she claimed she thought up. I just went along. "Let me show you how I like it," she said. "Close your eyes and relax." I closed my eyes. I felt her sit down next to me. I felt her fingers touched me gently. She began at my forehead. Her fingers played along my brows. They moved down my temples, down my cheeks. more... |
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