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Old 06-12-2005, 12:26 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by oakleyeug

Ok I understand, I will post it when I am back in Singapore for you guys to help. I really wish to know cause it is not that the money is a issuse but that amulet is for what porpose.

I am in business and I need a good amulet to ensure smooth sailing for me, I think this is what all bros wants here. I will post the pics next year, hope by then bros here will be able to help.

Many thanks,
Dun get me wrong bro Oak.

your amulet could be by someone else, or i could be misinformed.hehe
in any case, a price of 10k is really alot and that is why i said i would sell it!hehe =D

Looking forward to seeing your piece, i would be back in Dec/Spore too.^^
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Old 06-12-2005, 01:32 PM
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Talking Re: Thai Amulets...

Hi All Bro,

Sometime in Jan this year, I bought a gold pendant with a "Four Face Buddha" (encase) in it at one of the shop selling Buddhist items at the MBK in BKK. I think it's at 4th floor. The lady told me that the Buddha was blessed by the monk. It cost me 1600B. What she say is true or did I got ripped off by her?

Anyway, ever since I wear the Buddha, till now, everything went smoothly for me.

No complain about it. It's just that I want to know whether the shop sell "fake" amulets as what had been discussed in this thread.

Many Thanks,

Old 06-12-2005, 01:40 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by slippers
Dun get me wrong bro Oak.

your amulet could be by someone else, or i could be misinformed.hehe
in any case, a price of 10k is really alot and that is why i said i would sell it!hehe =D

Looking forward to seeing your piece, i would be back in Dec/Spore too.^^

By any chances where are you posted? Is it in the Land of the Dragon or?
Old 06-12-2005, 09:55 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by oakleyeug
By any chances where are you posted? Is it in the Land of the Dragon or?
Nope bro.
I'm down under.=)
Will be back permanently liao from dec.^^
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Old 06-12-2005, 11:55 PM
sex0l0gy sex0l0gy is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Yo.. Bro Slipper.. since you coming back, when will you be starting the class on learning "Thai Amulet" lesson... Me wan to enrol leh.. Hope the school fee is not to expensive.

It seem tat most amulet wearer are Man, seldom heard abt Girl (not +++ing abt aunties loh) wear amulet.. Maybe there is lah.. but wat amulet do they alway wear.

Lastly, I overheard some Ah Pek say tat it is not good to wear Thai Amulet to toilet when doing Big or Small business.. true meh?? I only heard tat it is not gd to walk under those HDB block where they are drying their clothes outside.
So many rumour on this cannot, tat cannot.. If only someone can come out a list of "Can" and "Cannot" or be any Bro can share on wat they noe, then based on tat, I shall compile a list on it...
Old 08-12-2005, 05:00 PM
Sunshine Sunshine is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Dear Oak ,

Since you will be back this dec'05 we can meet up and seek my teacher to explain it to you .

Take care ,

Best regards ,

Explorer .
Old 11-12-2005, 08:28 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by sex0l0gy
Yo.. Bro Slipper.. since you coming back, when will you be starting the class on learning "Thai Amulet" lesson... Me wan to enrol leh.. Hope the school fee is not to expensive.

It seem tat most amulet wearer are Man, seldom heard abt Girl (not +++ing abt aunties loh) wear amulet.. Maybe there is lah.. but wat amulet do they alway wear.

Lastly, I overheard some Ah Pek say tat it is not good to wear Thai Amulet to toilet when doing Big or Small business.. true meh?? I only heard tat it is not gd to walk under those HDB block where they are drying their clothes outside.
So many rumour on this cannot, tat cannot.. If only someone can come out a list of "Can" and "Cannot" or be any Bro can share on wat they noe, then based on tat, I shall compile a list on it...
no lessons lah.i am not qualified.

as for the list of dos and dont's, i think many of them are not practical and so i believe as long as we take utmost care in handling and wearing our amulets with respect, that is good enough for me.=)

I have heard about the toilet business and even how some of them keeping the amulets in their mouths while they do their business.haha imagine them doing that to my chain of 7 amulets, i think they will regret doing that.hehee

somemore in spore everywhere high rise, how to avoid not being under a ladies dress,etc?

We should be practising Buddhism with a touch of logic and practicality instead of hearsay and irrational beliefs.=)
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Old 11-12-2005, 04:31 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Hi.. Bro Slipper,

Great to hear frm you again.. Tot u gone MIA.. Yah. you are rite, we should be practising Buddhism with a touch of logic and practicality.. Wah.. at tis rate, when will you be attain Enlightment . Are u wearing 7 amulets? Wat are they? Care to share..

Btw, saw some Bro thread say tat wearing Khun Paen = outflow $$$ alot. Y is tat so? And some ppl say tat wear Khun Paen got "Lady Luck". But from wat I understand, there are many type of Khun Paen amulet(Khun Paen in Buddha Image, Khun Paen with 3 wives, Khun Paen and Nang Wan, Khun Paen with 2 wives, Khun Paen with Kuman Thong etc) does it mean tat as long as you wear Khun Paen, you sure got "Lady Luck "meh? Btw, I am wearing Khun Paen in Buddha Image but there is a small image behind, dun noe wat is it? Could it be Kuman Thong? Pls advice...
Old 11-12-2005, 09:46 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by sex0l0gy
Hi.. Bro Slipper,

Great to hear frm you again.. Tot u gone MIA.. Yah. you are rite, we should be practising Buddhism with a touch of logic and practicality.. Wah.. at tis rate, when will you be attain Enlightment . Are u wearing 7 amulets? Wat are they? Care to share..

Btw, saw some Bro thread say tat wearing Khun Paen = outflow $$$ alot. Y is tat so? And some ppl say tat wear Khun Paen got "Lady Luck". But from wat I understand, there are many type of Khun Paen amulet(Khun Paen in Buddha Image, Khun Paen with 3 wives, Khun Paen and Nang Wan, Khun Paen with 2 wives, Khun Paen with Kuman Thong etc) does it mean tat as long as you wear Khun Paen, you sure got "Lady Luck "meh? Btw, I am wearing Khun Paen in Buddha Image but there is a small image behind, dun noe wat is it? Could it be Kuman Thong? Pls advice...
Kp amulets are for metta.. not really lady luck i feel. metta.. you get well liked by people. as well as girls included.

a small image behind i believe it's gumantong. not a real gmt but normally there would be a gmt behind or under lord buddha on kp amulet, cuz ask u noe kp is the creator/father of gmt. so it's just there to symbolise, ur not really wearing a gmt.

outflow alot = cause you metta well liked by people.. go out more or go out with girls more so you tend to spend. for me i never encounter this maybe cuz i never social much. but some people may want to wear a wealth amulet with kp if you are worried about it. sangachai is one example
Old 12-12-2005, 01:00 AM
Aviator Aviator is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by wanker10
Hi All Bro,

No complain about it. It's just that I want to know whether the shop sell "fake" amulets as what had been discussed in this thread.

Many Thanks,

Four face buddha or what the locals call phra pol arised from a legend.outside buddhism.its a traditional guardian of the land in four directions N S E W.Not many temples makes them anymore even if there is, its rare be it new or old. at 1600B with gold case, i would say its pretty new item but not fake. this is very rarely a speculation item so no worries bro
Old 12-12-2005, 01:06 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

hi bros i m looking for a long pu tuad 253x something years brass or copper with a story written behind. i have the small one but i am having a hard time looking for it's larger version(men's size).

Last edited by Aviator; 12-12-2005 at 01:19 AM.
Old 12-12-2005, 01:17 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by sex0l0gy
Hi.. Bro Slipper,

Btw, saw some Bro thread say tat wearing Khun Paen = outflow $$$ alot. Y is tat so? And some ppl say tat wear Khun Paen got "Lady Luck". But from wat I understand, there are many type of Khun Paen amulet(Khun Paen in Buddha Image, Khun Paen with 3 wives, Khun Paen and Nang Wan, Khun Paen with 2 wives, Khun Paen with Kuman Thong etc) does it mean tat as long as you wear Khun Paen, you sure got "Lady Luck "meh? Btw, I am wearing Khun Paen in Buddha Image but there is a small image behind, dun noe wat is it? Could it be Kuman Thong? Pls advice...
Powers of khun paen cannot be overlooked. Basically it is suppose to bring good charisma. however it so happens to attract women exceptionally well. once u are able to attract lots of women, naturally, u will be spending alot of $$$$ that's logic. so u should actually try to attract women with lots of $$$$ to reverse its natural law. the most famous khun paen is from bang gang their retail price are now in the thousands range how ever i have a very rare piece wihich is beyond that era the last time i saw mine(of same type, year and origin) being sold at $3800. after a lot of bargaining. however, i had mine for a long time. if u wear it and u don't think of only women but for career and business, u won't get all these women problems. its really what u want it to do that counts. just my 2 cents
Old 12-12-2005, 09:49 PM
sex0l0gy sex0l0gy is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Thank Bro Jackylee and Aviator for sharing yr knowledge with me. Now I understand y Khun Paen = outflow $$$ and also Khun Paen = metta, charisma.
But so far, have not encounter such "attract lots of woman", "well like by people". Maybe I not fated to had such luck

Btw, from a previous threads, it show many type of Khun Paen (eg: Khun Paen with 3 wives, Khun Paen and Nang Wan, Khun Paen with 2 wives), does it matter which type of Khun Paen you should wear? Or you must wear this type of KP so that you will had this type of blessing. Or you must wear that type of KP so that you will had that type of blessings. Or as long as you wear KP, you will had the same effect as the rest of the KP.

Bro Aviator, which Khun Paen amulet you are wearing now?
Old 12-12-2005, 11:19 PM
Aviator Aviator is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by sex0l0gy
Thank Bro Jackylee and Aviator for sharing yr knowledge with me. Now I understand y Khun Paen = outflow $$$ and also Khun Paen = metta, charisma.
But so far, have not encounter such "attract lots of woman", "well like by people". Maybe I not fated to had such luck

Btw, from a previous threads, it show many type of Khun Paen (eg: Khun Paen with 3 wives, Khun Paen and Nang Wan, Khun Paen with 2 wives), does it matter which type of Khun Paen you should wear? Or you must wear this type of KP so that you will had this type of blessing. Or you must wear that type of KP so that you will had that type of blessings. Or as long as you wear KP, you will had the same effect as the rest of the KP.

Bro Aviator, which Khun Paen amulet you are wearing now?
the newer versions of khun paen will have all this wives options. like i say the most valuable is from ban gang. the unique thing about them is that u can never find an identical twin. colour is of bright orange to dull orange in colour its made of some unique red earth. the one i have is before this batch, red earth and human ashes its very rare so far i have only seen 3 around and i saw one being sold ae $3800 years ago. ps. if your thoughts are good, it will help u acheive your goals. but if its negative, it will still help u but with heavy consequences
Old 12-12-2005, 11:44 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Yo.. Bro Aviator,

Then yr KP must be very valuable now. Care to post the pic here for our eye-opening. Never since such KP amulet before. So Bro Aviator, hw many amulet do you wear now?

Where is Bro Slipper? where are you?
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