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Old 09-09-2013, 12:52 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
wow ... let's do a straight sum here ...
forget abt the one-time entrance fee 900-1200rmb ... assume she's a permanent staff ... 3 6 10 rate ...
mthly subscription 300rmb
mthly rental and utilities 1500rmb
own cloths and cosmetics 1500rmb
telephone recharge 200rmb
hair blow (20days) 300rmb
make-up (20days) 300rmb
transport (20days) 600rmb
food (30days) 1500rmb
total expenses per mth 6200rmb divide by 30 days = 206rmb per day ..

assume 20days of work ...
10 days ON (1000x10) = 10000rmb
10 days sitting (300x10) = 3000rmb
total collection 13000rmb
deduct 170 x 10 days = 1700rmb
deduct 70 x 10 days = 700rmb
total deduction to mommy 2400rmb
balance 10600rmb ....
expenses 6200rmb
left over 4400rmb per mth

IMHO .... not a very lucrative job ...
Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
Great calculations!! And yes, it really isn't all that lucrative is it??

Which really makes me wonder how is it that some of these girls can have as bad an attitude as they have when they manage to get our patronage?

These girls take our money and think "Wow - a thousand (or 600) - so easy! Not even thinking what their outgoings really are! And not thinking that their days are numbered.

Thanks for some reality check.

All along I was thinking they easily rake in 20-30k rmb per month....and these are average gals...not the angpais.
an average recep at hotel earns like 2k - 3k rmb....looks like not too bad an option for career switch...if these chicks want.

it is easy money.....indeed.
i gave my 18 year old ktv chick 1k rmb plus 100 as tips ( a sucker head...but she was hardworking all right).....she didnt even count.....just plonked the stack straight into her bag....and departed from the room after a kiss.
maybe next time i should just save the tips. coz i presumed these chicks dun appreciate anyway.
I'm Cerberus, guardian of the portal to the death realm.

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Old 09-09-2013, 01:30 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
Paying more attention to all that goes on here the past couple or so weeks – a few things struck me as being notable about this particular thread/forum! And of course all of the nonsense to follow is purely my own point of view/opinion and ONLY to be used as a guide to myself, nobody else!!

- Blogging is hazardous here! You piss a Taikor off here and you’re dead meat!! And the measures they’d take to ensure their Taikor status!! I mean – WOW!! I’m really flattered…that anyone would take the trouble to actually have an actual PM campaign to try to discredit little ole MOI!! And oooops, sorry Taikor – you DO have some detractors in your supposed band of goons who’ve really had enough and turned traitor!! LMFAO!! I mean Christ!! Is a sex forum all that important to you???!!! Hmmmm…..

- Great! Is it really?! – Is it really important to make "informative (?!)" one-line posts like “Hear Hear, Party time, I agree 100%, Great post, Wow.. I smell war.. heehee , So true indeed. So true, I support, etc “ (errr….you ever hear about PM’s …. And that even if you’re so enamored of a particular post, the rest of us really don’t need to know that tid-bit of information about your great mind?) If you do agree about something AND do have further information/opinion to back this POV – go right ahead and enunciate them; otherwise, what’s the point of these stupid fawning one-liners? And heck no, I ain’t telling nobody here to do or not do something or another….like I said, all this for my own guide…but just thought I’d add it on here! Errr. …you know…PM’s can and should be used for a variety of reasons!! Heck, even the reputation points function can also be used!!)

- A blogger is only as good as his last post (and this is especially true here IMHO!!) - So WHAT if you’d had given great information, shared extensive experiences, contributed great volumes of reports and expounded on your great wisdom in the past? You come up with crap one time and henceforth you’ll be judged to be crap!! Good chance for me this time!! LOL!

- Spirit of One Upmanship – GREAT!! The more outlandish the claim, the more fanciful they are….its all good!! Brings much needed colour for us reading…but don’t get all uppity if you get shot down for your shit!! LOL!

- Laughing my Farkin’ ass off!! – Huh? Demand that we must disclose everything about ourselves? Where we’re stationed at? Bao or not bao? Or judged to be FOS?. Oh, OK….I’ll take the mantle…. “Mr. FOS” – and who really cares? Errr… y’all disclose everything about yourself on here? Is this a requirement too?? LMFAO!!

- Follow the program!! – errrr…. What program? What, we’ve got a certain set of criteria to write on/about here? Strict convention to follow….or be banished into ridicule? And oh of course….mass-zapped!!

- Doing something constructive if you don’t like something! Errrr…. You think an information is wrong/ridiculous/leads one up the garden path….and we’ve all seen these. If it really grates on you, well…. Do something…but not by resorting to goonish behaviour, make personal attacks, trying to ridicule etc!! What’s wrong with retorting back in measured, sensible and constructive tones? And OH NO… of course I wouldn’t even dare to suggest that others follow my suggestion….yeah… only what I would be AND are doing!!

- Errrr… same thing… respectfully request that y’all please do not tell me what I can or cannot write on here. Except of course if it’s at the owner of this site’s instructions/demand. It’s after all his and his site only and nobody else's – No?

- And NO, I ain’t writing this for the great majority of Samsters here who are sensibly trying to contribute to all of our body of knowledge, who do altruistically just want to share…or spend some time enjoying the banter whilst doing so. No, I’m addressing this to myself alone…..and perhaps those here who thinks that they’ve so much “invested” here, that they deserve to be the only voice/own the forum!! And no…..This ain’t even addressed to/ain’t gonna do nothing about our own pest JC!!

- And my sincere hope that others who had previously been the subject of the wrath of these “investors”/had witnessed how newbies get so savagely and regularly attacked on this thread, will now feel it safe enough and worthwhile to join in the discussion.

Just my own stupid and unworthy POV!
But Hell, it IS my POV!!

Haha. What a joking post. ..

who was the ass that PM a few of us as school yard bully and threaten us..

do I need to reproduce that PM.. haiz...

now comes in here kpkb...

just how low can some ppl go...
Old 09-09-2013, 10:58 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by lacoruna69 View Post
hit the point.....

pardon for old fart me saying the truth again.

those bros who go there proclaiming so and so is their kc n other bros cannot touch is plain foolish.
even resort to BAO them.
those are wgs.....unless you are there staying at CP....what gives you the right to claim exclusivity?
Very very well said .....

Just my share .... Whats the point of getting them BAO ? Seen some bro spending money to bao a gals , ended up have to find all kind of funny reason to go out play others gals when their visit cp.... stress !
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Old 09-09-2013, 11:05 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by sheridan View Post
whether big carrot or small carrot, all have a budget in mind. Consider myself a small carrot, my current budget is only 4k rmb per night every year increase by 10% liao but still too poor to take only 1 gal per night

I was surprised that one of 2 of you who claimed to be stationed around CP have not gone into baoing cos the prices range from 10K to 30K rmb & the mean price is only 20K rmb per month at the bao shop leh
Originally Posted by racerace69 View Post
Wa bro 4k still just nice for u ar. I one day 2.5k already more than enough leh. Can share how come u spent so much?
4K should be a min spending nowsaday ..... for me is 1 whole day spending .

Wow bro racerace69 , can teach me how to do it with 2.5k daily ? Does this including ktv ? Really wish to learn .
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Old 09-09-2013, 11:25 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by ladiesassasin View Post
Bro, how much do many working class bros left after subtracting expenses leh?!
bro ... me no understand ur question ..
Originally Posted by Cerberus View Post
it is easy money.....indeed.
i gave my 18 year old ktv chick 1k rmb plus 100 as tips ( a sucker head...but she was hardworking all right).....she didnt even count.....just plonked the stack straight into her bag....and departed from the room after a kiss.
maybe next time i should just save the tips. coz i presumed these chicks dun appreciate anyway.
usually we know how much is the ON rate .. so i normally i have the money ready and will asked the gal to confirm it ... then i'll give her the stack and if she deserve any tips i'll said "這是給你買東西吃的” ... this way she will know u have given her extras and she will return with a passionate kiss or hug ...
in most cases, she will sent a text msg when she get home and probably one in the evening before she goes to work ... she's hoping u will asked her to accompany u again ..
Originally Posted by Vertu View Post
Just my share .... Whats the point of getting them BAO ? Seen some bro spending money to bao a gals , ended up have to find all kind of funny reason to go out play others gals when their visit cp.... stress !
這叫做 “賤” 。。。
Originally Posted by Vertu View Post
4K should be a min spending nowsaday ..... for me is 1 whole day spending .
this is my taikor vertu one day ktv tips only ...
Old 09-09-2013, 11:50 AM
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Re: Events In CP

True to form!

That instead of constructively responding, just threats of reprisals.
That instead of putting together even a half-assed rational train of thought, just come out with unintelligible gibberish.

Guess that habits learned IRL – throwing one’s enormous weight and girth around – are also hard to break anywhere else.

And guess this is just another “Joking post!!”

Old 09-09-2013, 12:07 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Vertu View Post
4K should be a min spending nowsaday ..... for me is 1 whole day spending .

Wow bro racerace69 , can teach me how to do it with 2.5k daily ? Does this including ktv ? Really wish to learn .
2.5k is the average spending for average people....

Hotel - 400
Breakfast - Hotel (free)
Lunch - BZL (free)
Massage - 200
KTV - 500 (beers, more than enough to last till 11pm for average drinkers)
Mei Mei - 1200 (average for ONz)
Dinner - included in KTV bill
Supper - 100
Transport - 50

Total - RMB 2450!

This is still a very enjoyable one day itinerary in CP.

So why people spent more than that?

They pick 4 or 5 gals...
They buy BZL gals hour ...
They go SN in the afternoon ....
They pay high KTV bills to drink fake liquor
etc etc ....

Just my humble sharing....
Old 09-09-2013, 01:14 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by SEAJ
PRC – I don’t know you and I don’t think you know me.

FGG keeps on telling me that your on-line personae is nothing like the you in real life and to just ignore you and leave you alone.

But the problem is that you keep on fucking with me. You want to fuck with me, fine I can also do the same; but let me suggest to you that you’re in the wrong school yard as you’re not in Singapore.

On the other hand, it’s no skin off my back if we both just ignore each other and you stop your childish antics at me on the board.

Your Choice

Something just need to share. The true truth or what?

Mine is still mild.. others have got worst.. hoho

bully on the run.. haha
Old 09-09-2013, 01:23 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by prcsytlover View Post
Something just need to share. The true truth or what?

Mine is still mild.. others have got worst.. hoho

bully on the run.. haha
And so.....???!!
Real usual ...!!
How about you re-producing your PM? LMFAO!!

Continuation of your childish antics.

Sigh.... really not worth it and should just stick to my original thought to just ignore you.
Impossible to have any meaningful discourse when dealing with simple minds.
And come to think of it - a total bore to everyone else.

Old 09-09-2013, 01:25 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by racerace69 View Post
Wa bro 4k still just nice for u ar. I one day 2.5k already more than enough leh. Can share how come u spent so much?
Yup 4 k is the minimum , just as an 大哥 had written. The difference is my case is 2 persons spending lol
that's the bad thing about being a bao member & I am part time only
Old 09-09-2013, 02:20 PM
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Re: Oct 1st to 7th Golden Week

Originally Posted by 45degree View Post
18th Sep would be a good day to cheong.meimeis would give more gfe to earn extra tips to "wet" on the 19th you think the girls will be in CP on the 18th....
Old 09-09-2013, 02:43 PM
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Re: Oct 1st to 7th Golden Week

Originally Posted by and_alloy View Post you think the girls will be in CP on the 18th....
Than die liao .... I better be there on 17th than
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Old 09-09-2013, 02:48 PM
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Any bros in cp this weekend , thurs to sun? I may be dropping by again...

pm me if u want to catch up okie ....
Old 09-09-2013, 04:25 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post

這叫做 “賤” 。。。

this is my taikor vertu one day ktv tips only ...
You like that say me good meh .......don't sabo me leh
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Old 09-09-2013, 04:38 PM
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Re: Oct 1st to 7th Golden Week

Originally Posted by Vertu View Post
Than die liao .... I better be there on 17th than
so when u arriving...I got windows next week...heheeee
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