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Old 18-08-2007, 08:58 AM
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Re: Melbourne Australia

Originally Posted by bbboy05 View Post
I rate Melbourne Colosseum highly for it's facilities. Nothing beats a good hot shower in such weather! Not to mention, this parlour is sparkling clean and rooms are spacious.

Like all parlours, sometimes the ladies are a bit of a hit and miss.

* Got zapped for copying and pasting the two FR's I posted on another forum. Didn't know that wasn't allowed here? Apologies.
yeah it is a nice place. feels like you're in very plush hotel, very spacious and the biggest beds i've seen anywhere. haven't been back here for awhile, but think i'll check it out now that there's a korean girl. not really into south east asian girls which is what the colosseum usually has.
Old 20-08-2007, 12:03 AM
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Thumbs down Re: Melbourne Australia

Just got back from 39 Tope...Wah! The young punk that was in-charge gave me some kinda attitude mate! Anyway, saw a good collection of Korean chicks and decided to go for a sweet petite gal this time round (usually I prefer my gal to be just a little taller with boobs of a handful).

She was called Julia or Julie (forgotten her name). But she wore a Number 10 tag. Anyway, here is her FR:

Name: Julia or Julie (Tag Number 10)
Age: Look 16 (didn't ask)
Look: Very sweet and pretty
Boobs: 30A (soft to squeeze)
BJ: 4/10 (can feel her teeth from time to time)
FJ: 2/10 (Got tidy after just 2mins and can't touch here and there)
Overall: $200/45mins. A total waste of money again. Service sucks big time coz she pretended to be really tired since it was already 1am. So can't be bothered with the FJ or BJ. Plus the place was really run down too and the young punk is full of attitude.
Old 09-09-2007, 03:01 PM
jackroncal jackroncal is offline
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Re: Melbourne Australia

Went to Melbourne Colosseum today, I agree that the facilities is one of the best. I got Petty, not sure if its petty or kitty. She told me that she is from malaysia but I think she is from thailand. Service is not good as she wants only missionary and nothing else. Looks is 9/10 about 5'3 in height.
Have someone tried manhattan terrace in Swanston? Want to try some aussie girl but not sure the best place where to hook with them.
Any FRs will be very much appreciated.
Old 12-09-2007, 10:27 AM
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Re: Melbourne Australia

Went to 39 Tope again last nite coz I thought of trying some Kimchee...Wah lau eh! The same young punk was there. Full of attitude man! Was totally pissed off with him.

Was thinking of leaving but when the roll of ladies came out, they changed my mind. The quality seems improved and selection had increased a little too (10 gals all up).

Had this chick called June. She looked hot but service only so so and here is her FR:

Name: June
Age: Look mid 20s (tall)
Look: Very pretty 8.5/10
Boobs: 33b (Slightly a handful soft to squeeze)
BJ: 4/10 (no power and short)
FJ: 6/10

Overall: $200/45mins (A total waste of money again)

Although I like the cool look, June didn't smile much. Made me feel like she's not into it most of the time. Her service was SOP. Boring at times. The BJ was short and no power. FJ was was like with a dead fish.

Was thinking to myself, what the heck?! Since I already paid for it might as well make her work. Made her changed a few positions and she gave me the sian look. End up me on top and gave it to her hard till she almost asked me to stop coz it was a little too rough for her. Ha!

Washed up and then she lay next to me and cuddle for awhile before I'm ready for the 2nd round. She initially told me she was tired and wondering if I can call it quit. Too bad coz lim pai already paid and her attitude wasn't that good hence I wanna make her sweat.

Rode her hard again and came with a loud bang. I was happy and she's not

Overall, this place sucks big time but occasional you get a few gorgeous gals there with attitude. If you dun mind and just wanna fuck a hot gal, so let it be.

If not, dun bother. Thats my 2 cent worth.

Old 12-09-2007, 06:06 PM
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Re: Melbourne Australia

Went to Melbourne Colosseum on Sat 1/9/07, called a girl name coco and age 25. She is quite tall about 5'9", 36D, quite slim at waist and smooth white skin. She is from Hong Kong and speaks good cantonese. Damage is A$130. They got a bald bouncer who runs the counter with tattoos.

Quite a nice place, big bed with a small bed at the front and big shower in the room. Nicely decorated folded towels on the bed. Coco wash me up and after that proceed to dry up and lie on the bed where she performed BBBJ. Quite good suction and after that cap me up and did a few positions and came on doggy. Overall quite a nice experience. She does part time and can only be found in MC every 2 to 3 weeks.

And on Sunday 2/9/07 went down to Tope St and went to the center brothel but girls are all occupied. So went to the first brothel and called a girl name lisa age 20 from korea, damaged A$140. She got a tattoo on her body. SYT and dress in black short dress. She got the cold looks and does not smile and talk until the end.

So quite a boring session but service was so so. Did blow job with lestrine in the mouth and it frozed and numbed my dick. Loss feeling on my dick and have to pump her in many position until she told me to stop during doggy so that she can lie on her tummy. Continue to pump her until unloaded. At the end of session only she talk a bit. So some tcss and left the place.

Called a cab and went down to crown and did more donations.

Overall nice experience but very expensive in melbourne. Had a nice dinner at flower drum in market lane and holy cow came up to A$600. Locals say must eat in flower drum if you come to melbourne. Quite near to china town. Quite up scale and more of cantonese food...

A nice photo taken beside Yara river for your viewing.

Old 12-09-2007, 06:43 PM
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Re: Melbourne Australia

Originally Posted by jackroncal View Post
Have someone tried manhattan terrace in Swanston? Want to try some aussie girl but not sure the best place where to hook with them.
Any FRs will be very much appreciated.

mate i reckon manhattan terrace or 112 dryburgh street will be a good place to start. if you have the cash to burn then head across the yarra river where the big brothels are eg. boardroom. happy punting!
Old 13-09-2007, 09:42 AM
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Re: Melbourne Australia

Originally Posted by yoshii View Post
mate i reckon manhattan terrace or 112 dryburgh street will be a good place to start. if you have the cash to burn then head across the yarra river where the big brothels are eg. boardroom. happy punting!
Depends on where are ya comparing with. Sydney will cost heaps more for those high class places.

Having said that, Boardroom got pretty decent looking Ang Moh chicks if you got money to spare. Yummy!
Old 13-09-2007, 03:36 PM
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Re: Melbourne Australia

Originally Posted by MelbSJ View Post
this happens to me EVERY time i go there after 12am.. the girls will moan n groan and complain that "it has been a very long day" for them.

wtf... anyway thanks for sharing..and i do rate melb colosseum very highly too

Yah Lor! Damn pissed off with them. We paid for their services and then got the 1/2 fuck attitude. If they're tired or not interested, then dun work that day lah! Bloody hell!

I only go there once in a blue moon when all other places are kinda packed.

I came from Sydney, although the prices are a little more, the Koreans there're so much better. Great look, good attitude and fantastic services unlike those in Melb.

Do ya know if there're Korean MPs (not FJ just HJ) in Melb that have good services...Facial, hot towel services great seductive HJ etc?
Old 14-09-2007, 06:38 AM
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Re: Melbourne Australia

Originally Posted by pocketrocket View Post
Overall: $200/45mins. A total waste of money again. Service sucks big time coz she pretended to be really tired since it was already 1am. So can't be bothered with the FJ or BJ. Plus the place was really run down too and the young punk is full of attitude.
That's terrible. What a waste of money. But at least you can tell yourself you scored one 16 yr old pussy.
Old 14-09-2007, 10:10 AM
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Re: Melbourne Australia

Originally Posted by MelbSJ View Post
oh u lucky guy... i remember there's one korean brothel (ace 359, surry hills) where they have "super tuesdays" - ie girls queing up in the nude for u to choose .....

Wah lau eh! Super Tuesday?! How come I didn't know...Basket! Never call. Ha!
Old 14-09-2007, 02:35 PM
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Re: Melbourne Australia

Originally Posted by MelbSJ View Post
oops...i think i made a mistake.. its not "in the nude" ..its just "topless"...but i reckon, its good enough eh?

Wah! Wanna givmme a heart attack izzit?! Make me so excited for one min then bring me down to the ground. Ok lah...No fish, prawn also can lah...Show me the bosoms!!!
Old 14-09-2007, 02:38 PM
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Re: Melbourne Australia

Originally Posted by MelbSJ View Post
oops...i think i made a mistake.. its not "in the nude" ..its just "topless"...but i reckon, its good enough eh?

Wah! Wanna givmme a heart attack izzit?! Make me so excited for one min then bring me down to the ground. Ok lah...No fish, prawn also can lah...Show me the bosoms!!!
Old 14-09-2007, 03:47 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Melbourne Australia

Originally Posted by MelbSJ View Post
oops...i think i made a mistake.. its not "in the nude" ..its just "topless"...but i reckon, its good enough eh?

By the way Bro MelbSJ...Thank you so much for the humble point You're a Good Man!!!
Old 14-09-2007, 09:13 PM
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Re: Melbourne Australia

Tough luck, pocketrocket.

Koreans are so over-rated, imho. Once or twice for the novelty factor and that's it. I haven't been too impressed with the service provided by Koreans here in Melbourne.

Thai for the service, Korean for the looks.

* And, Manhattan Terrace is terrible. Very few selection and most of them make it no secret that they hate their job.
Old 15-09-2007, 10:41 AM
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Re: Melbourne Australia

Originally Posted by bbboy05 View Post
Tough luck, pocketrocket.

Koreans are so over-rated, imho. Once or twice for the novelty factor and that's it. I haven't been too impressed with the service provided by Koreans here in Melbourne.

Thai for the service, Korean for the looks.

* And, Manhattan Terrace is terrible. Very few selection and most of them make it no secret that they hate their job.
Thats why I feel as well...Those Koreans in Melb sucks! Although some of them looked hot
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