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Old 09-03-2014, 04:00 PM
SEAJ SEAJ is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Ok krone, fair enough, although I'm of course disappointed that you've chosen to just shoot from the hips instead of first trying to understand what I wrote. And as our man Harry says, opinions are like assholes...... everybody's got one.

Mass - and I strongly suspect - organized zapping is what I wrote about; and as it affects OTHER unsuspecting punters and not myself. And how it then leads to these posters to just stop contributing. The same with the lemming like - and truly childish and inexplicable - behavior of some guys here to gang up against others who are just contributing.

You wish to discount everything and ignore evidence, that is of course your prerogative; But That does not make you right and anybody else wrong.

And on your buddy, well.... you know how it is when you see someone and even upon first sight, you think the guy is disgusting? Well, that's precisely what happened when I got pointed to his unsightly gargantuan mass. Quite uncanny that this first impression matches his bumbling goon forum personae to a tee! Yuck! And thus my aversion to anything he's got to say; my bad. LOL!


Old 09-03-2014, 05:47 PM
krone krone is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
And as our man Harry says, opinions are like assholes...... everybody's got one.

im sure I'm not the only one to agree that u're definitely have more than one asshole/opinion and maybe that's why u're so full of s**t hahaha!!

You wish to discount everything and ignore evidence, that is of course your prerogative; But That does not make you right and anybody else wrong

Dunno how I came across as "discount everything and ignore evidence"... I'm just saying that ur incessant ranting ang nagging will only add fuel to their fire and not serve any purpose at all.... Zzzzzz... Sometimes I really wonder why I bother to reply u at all... Anyhow, I'm just gonna treat u like those zappers and just ignore u... I'm sure u're gonna wanna have the last word but hey, I don't really care!! Hahaha

And on your buddy, well.... you know how it is when you see someone and even upon first sight, you think the guy is disgusting? Well, that's precisely what happened when I got pointed to his unsightly gargantuan mass. Quite uncanny that this first impression matches his bumbling goon forum personae to a tee! Yuck! And thus my aversion to anything he's got to say; my bad. LOL!

highly matured of u to judge a book by its cover.... I wonder what kind of first impression u give others as well seeing the fact that u're so critical of others... Well, it can't be too awesome from what I've heard from those that have met u before thus far.... Anyways like I said, think what u think and say what u say, I can't be bothered with u... Like wat bro besafe said, u're entitled to ur fair share of kpkb as well... Cheerios!!!

Yadda yadda yadda~~~

next trip: CA/CP trip: erm... i'll nv know....
Old 09-03-2014, 10:11 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Krone, krone, krone!!! Lmfao! How many times exactly has it been that you've written that you will just ignore me. I know, I know, you're gonna say it's like flies to shit!! LOL - just be careful it's not moth to fire!!

And on your friend the fat book - nothing of the sort! Yeah his very sight is disgusting but it's the nonsense and unintelligible diatribe that he constantly comes up with here that confirms it. Woooohoooo!!


Old 09-03-2014, 10:13 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by lacoruna69 View Post
what is the category?
never try russians before....
Russians are in Category 1 & 2. There also Korean (North) there.
Old 09-03-2014, 10:24 PM
terry69 terry69 is offline
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Re: Events In CP

So with so much bickering occurring in this thread...what's the actual situation in CP?
Old 09-03-2014, 11:47 PM
prcsytlover prcsytlover is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by krone View Post
Yadda yadda yadda~~~
Knn... Damn noisy...

Well, again... As we all know, the always wants to have the last say...

Damn boliao...

Oh ya, I know why u reply him liao... Cause u also boliao. Am I right haha
CP is gone... ZH, here I come
Old 09-03-2014, 11:49 PM
prcsytlover prcsytlover is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by hot1168 View Post
Russians are in Category 1 & 2. There also Korean (North) there.

U post pic of gals!!!

Wait some ppl shoot u! Haha

Just joking.... Heehee

Need to relax a bit, some Kuku is causing so much stress in here.
CP is gone... ZH, here I come
Old 10-03-2014, 12:47 AM
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Unhappy Re: Events In CP

pzl update:

continued to have no massage. There are gong an checking every few hours. randomly checking customers as I was told as I kena checked despite being alone. just asked me where I am from, what i am doing here and where I am living.

standard has dropped i feel. there are very few js left. not many customers but still very long wait.

cp is in a very sad state.
Old 10-03-2014, 01:42 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by chonburiboy View Post
pzl update:

continued to have no massage. There are gong an checking every few hours. randomly checking customers as I was told as I kena checked despite being alone. just asked me where I am from, what i am doing here and where I am living.

standard has dropped i feel. there are very few js left. not many customers but still very long wait.

cp is in a very sad state.
Must find a true person to arrange for you, what is the suitable time for massage, do you know before you come, you must book the JS and the room first and no need waiting...BTW, i also can arrange spa body massage as well..Contact me if you need...

PHILLIP aka Japantvb
Old 10-03-2014, 02:49 AM
krone krone is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by japantvb View Post
Must find a true person to arrange for you, what is the suitable time for massage, do you know before you come, you must book the JS and the room first and no need waiting...BTW, i also can arrange spa body massage as well..Contact me if you need...

PHILLIP aka Japantvb
I don't think we need a true person to arrange for us to know that if we book room and JS before we go, we don't have to wait.... Zzzzzzzzz....

next trip: CA/CP trip: erm... i'll nv know....
Old 10-03-2014, 03:03 AM
krone krone is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by prcsytlover View Post
Knn... Damn noisy...

Well, again... As we all know, the always wants to have the last say...

Damn boliao...

Oh ya, I know why u reply him liao... Cause u also boliao. Am I right haha
Aiya I tot for once he will listen to reasoning mah.. And once again I'm proven wrong... Haiz... Don't understand how come others can see where I'm coming from but some ppl just cannot... Only know how to reply so drama machiam he in some musical or some Shakespearean play.... Zzzzzz...

Seems like everytime I hit the right note that stings him he only know how to discount facts and ignore evidences haha... Like how I pointed out that if he had left the other forum on his own free will like he so proclaimed, then why they still need to ban him... This kind of thing he no reply one... Anyways, why bother... 公道自在人心... There will always be zappers ard and there will always be naggers ard... I tried to explain for the last time but it didn't seem to work as usual so be it...

next trip: CA/CP trip: erm... i'll nv know....
Old 10-03-2014, 08:16 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Tiger offering flying to n back from SZ at below $200. Great deal but no where to go... Sad
Old 10-03-2014, 08:28 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by bret hart View Post
Tiger offering flying to n back from SZ at below $200. Great deal but no where to go... Sad
My Taiwanese friend also told me the "Taiwan Boats" have stopped coming. Their most popular agent at Lucky Hotel ground floor (Little Fatty) also closed shop. Heard the boss or some employee was arrested for organizing sex tours. So this seems to be some very serious YD according to his contacts.
Old 10-03-2014, 08:41 AM
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Re: Events In CP

My post is location specific and refer only to Star Party family ktv. I cannot comment or attest to the other conditions of other hotels or ktv in CP as in why no Gong An come knocking at your door or arrest you.

I basically learn my ropes as a newbie from the forum seniors since 2003 and still visit this forum occasionally. So when I heard, I will tell because I don't want to see fellow bros get scammed or get into troubles because it is better safe then sorry.

Originally Posted by sexrookie View Post
Thanks for sharing

Bottom line is still “hear from a friend" and did your friend physical experience it or did he hear from somebody. Are they really GA ? Is the KTV person tell your friend that RMB can resolve the issue and not GA .

There is a lot of blind spot and your friend may be kena cheated by the KTV scam, who knows

There is a lot of sharing recently that are rumours and information that are not accurate.

Was in CP last week and now in CA still.

There is no raid in hotel or even family KTV as far as I am concern.
I an on site and personally experience it myself

OR .........Maybe I am lucky

Looking it deeper in the current situation, I will personally do not think the GA dare to do corruption at this time.

Looking further down the thread another bro say there is no arrest

To me, one is onsite with no arrest and the other hear from friend that there is arrest.

So bros who do you believe ????!?

Old 10-03-2014, 08:51 AM
krone krone is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by azndaylights View Post
My post is location specific and refer only to Star Party family ktv. I cannot comment or attest to the other conditions of other hotels or ktv in CP as in why no Gong An come knocking at your door or arrest you.

I basically learn my ropes as a newbie from the forum seniors since 2003 and still visit this forum occasionally. So when I heard, I will tell because I don't want to see fellow bros get scammed or get into troubles because it is better safe then sorry.
Thanks for the effort bro. Totally agree that it's better to be safe than sorry. My humble +9 for u. Cheers.

next trip: CA/CP trip: erm... i'll nv know....
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