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Old 12-03-2014, 08:30 PM
besafe besafe is offline
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Re: Events In CP

If discussion degenerates into names calling, I think something is seriously wrong with the person. Sigh.
Old 12-03-2014, 08:38 PM
krone krone is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by besafe View Post
If discussion degenerates into names calling, I think something is seriously wrong with the person. Sigh.
Well said. And digging into ppl's personal life, that's just downright despicable.

next trip: CA/CP trip: erm... i'll nv know....
Old 12-03-2014, 08:40 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Here to read about CP. Care about how things are developing over there.
For this portal is a treasure trove of information on cheonging.
Keep the spirit alive. Hope the better days will return to our play ground.
Be True to Oneself. 处事意善,忠於自己.
Old 12-03-2014, 08:45 PM
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Re: Events In CP

真的是悲啊,非常的悲啊。真是一唱一合的完美组合。开个演唱会给他们应该比较适合啦。噢不是,是演讲会。说 错了。说的话可是头头是道,但得适合听得进啊。每天都是那些内容,要不这个长平的标题换掉啦。换有空来讲的 标题更好。大家互相交流长平的讯息,互相分享,多好啊?:d:d:d
Old 12-03-2014, 09:31 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Hi all bros here,

I just went last weekend to CP to celebrate my friend birthday and as well as 3.8 Woman Days with syt there. Pretty much like many bros share here, and thanks for the sharing too, that's why my other frens so impress why i know so much, hotel KTV & sauna definetly is closed.
However, because we not really favor of sauna, so it doesn't really impact us so much, we can still go normal KTV.

When we reach CP on Saturday, my Hongkie fren call one to mummy to arrange some girl for us, quality wise not bad, although cannot compare to flower street that have more choices, but at this timing, we cannot expect too much.

We trying to get 音悦龙, but it is fully booked, so we went to 快乐谷 near Tesco there, the place is ok, however the song is not quite updated. We have spent 2 nights there, no issue found, no GA checking, even though we have big gang 7 male & 7 females.

We do spent our day time go Cinema, n 千足阁.

We stayed in Hai Xia hotel, may be we are lucky or the 严打 is getting loosen after 1 month, so we did not encounter any GA check or plain clothes sitting in the lobby.

I have seen many 水疗会 is opening now, so I guess very soon hotel KTV is go back usual business, but may not have flower street.
Actually to me, flower street is great, but too many flower oso will cause me make wrong decision, pro n con, it depends on individual liking.

That's all my report. However on thing i must say. I am not the type of people like to cheong many night spots, i rather spend time with my girl, can go window shopping, movie, chit chatting, so the time past quite fast, so again this is depend on each individual how they want to spend their time if they still want to go CP.

I am looking forward my next trip may be in May.
Old 12-03-2014, 09:37 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Hilarious , truly hilarious!!

Now trying to take the moral high ground!!

And I'm disappointed - you managed to only round up a measly four of you in your lynch posse??!!! LOL. And where's all the Taikors? And not just you cannon fodder!

And....Eerrrr.... Aintcha all just a bit late? Like by a few years?! Years when you bunch ride rough shod over anybody who dares to "trespass!" Gotta give it to you guys though - you ARE if nothing else, very organized and extremely effective. But to what end if I may be bold enough to ask?

You bunch really need to show that you're the alpha males ....on a mongering web site? Where sex for sale is THE topic? Where I would have thought that FREE and timely exchange of information would be of most use? Not only to everybody else but also to yourselves?

Zeroes to heroes! Sigh....!!

Look-it guys, you play nice, everybody else play nice. You keep it up, all you'll end up with is you talking cock about nothing. Chang Ping is dying and we all need as much input as possible. I for one want to hear as much info, opinions, rumors and whatever else....and not have to only read posts censored and given the seal of approval by you bunch.

Play nice I'll play nice. Play rough of course I'll play rough. And puhleeeeessse....before you make up your mind one way or the other, why don't you try to REALLY understand instead of just auto-reverting to your preconceived but wrong old ways?

Ok? Fair enough?

Old 12-03-2014, 09:51 PM
tchad88 tchad88 is offline
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Re: Events In CP

What sanctimonious crap!

First start this with smart alec comments and snide remarks. Trying to show off how clever he is to his ilk.

Then when target respond in conciliatory manner, took that as a sign of weakness and crowed to his cohorts and amongst themselves even more.

Back slapping each other in cocky triumphalism. Acting very brave, many against one. Unfortunately for your lot, unlike others before him, whom you bully into oblivion, this target did not quietly sulk away. He stood his ground.

And not only you reject the olive branch offered, you further mock your target by insinuating he has more than one arsehole.

So target start open fire just a little. Bully start getting hurt and offended. And start climbing on moral high horse, and crying to mama. Pleading righteousness. Hollering morality.

Check your own rudeness and goading the past 3 days lah. Truly gutless. And shameless.

What an effing hypocrite you are. Now that you are sprung, you feeling like an arsehole huh? Lols

Last edited by tchad88; 12-03-2014 at 10:31 PM.
Old 12-03-2014, 09:55 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by 3m3m3m View Post
U talked too much la.... when come back Home Ground lah beer?
Why dun jio me again..look down on me leh u...
Retiring in the Process
Old 12-03-2014, 10:02 PM
besafe besafe is offline
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Re: Events In CP

So much anger in a fucking sex forum. Could be OCD.
Old 12-03-2014, 10:21 PM
Yoshi Chiong Yoshi Chiong is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by rahang View Post

That's all my report. However on thing i must say. I am not the type of people like to cheong many night spots, i rather spend time with my girl, can go window shopping, movie, chit chatting, so the time past quite fast, so again this is depend on each individual how they want to spend their time if they still want to go CP.
Great !! Nice updates on the current situation Bro.

Yes, actually those mei mei I know in CP loves your style.
That is shopping, movie and chit chat. They are really tired of Drinking, as most
l know have 胃痛problem. After working for some time.
Good that u are taking gd care of them

Old 12-03-2014, 11:18 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Anger? Who's angry? Lols
Me just a singing and a tap dancing here hahaha
Tcss and having a bit of fun exposing hypocrites. Lmfao.
Old 12-03-2014, 11:24 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by osamabinladin View Post
Tiu lay loh moh chow hai. People say 1 sentence you reply 1 page.
Oh stop being potty mouthed!
Just run along now...

Old 12-03-2014, 11:30 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Hahaha, another wannabee, whose only recourse amounting to what he thinks is intelligent rebuttal is to mouth off expletives in Canto. Lols
And commonplace ones at that.
Can't even string a proper sentence together.
And so make a virtue of one liners. Wa piang. Lols
Give added meaning to the phrase 'man of few words' kekeke
Sometimes I wonder why I even bother.
All these are lost on him of course
Old 12-03-2014, 11:32 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Old 12-03-2014, 11:37 PM
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Re: Events In CP


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