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Old 26-03-2014, 10:04 PM
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Re: Events In CP

I think some people here have a problem with me having the idea that I am telling other bros no to go to CP?

Exactly, what do I get in return if no one goes to CP? Nothing, I don't make a profit with people going or not going to CP. Basically, there are 3 camps here:

Camp 1. Not worth going with the heat.
Camp 2. If you don't go, just shut up.
Camp 3. I can guarantee your safety, don't worry.

I think I belong to Camp No. 1.

If you want to zap me because I expressed a different view from yours, so be it. I considered myself a lurker and has been reading more than posting since 2006.

The reason why I became active again because this YD is one of the most serious one I have seen for the past 8 years. IMHO, it is not a routine YD but something huge from the top like SEAJ has said.

Anyway, I will continue to go back lurking and reading which I enjoyed more. I don't like to quarrel or get into a zapping war with anyone.
Old 26-03-2014, 11:29 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by chonburiboy View Post
I think some people here have a problem with me having the idea that I am telling other bros no to go to CP?

Exactly, what do I get in return if no one goes to CP? Nothing, I don't make a profit with people going or not going to CP. Basically, there are 3 camps here:

Camp 1. Not worth going with the heat.
Camp 2. If you don't go, just shut up.
Camp 3. I can guarantee your safety, don't worry.

I think I belong to Camp No. 1.

If you want to zap me because I expressed a different view from yours, so be it. I considered myself a lurker and has been reading more than posting since 2006.

The reason why I became active again because this YD is one of the most serious one I have seen for the past 8 years. IMHO, it is not a routine YD but something huge from the top like SEAJ has said.

Anyway, I will continue to go back lurking and reading which I enjoyed more. I don't like to quarrel or get into a zapping war with anyone.
Brother Chonburyboy,

There are 3 camps

Camp 1. Not worth going with the heat.
Camp 2. Report the situation, but somehow someone dun like or dun believe
Camp 3. I can guarantee your safety, don't worry - OKT

I and Bro Besafe belong to camp 2. I also kena zap for speaking out my real life experienced, because I agreed with him, funny.

Is this thread getting like war of mouth? Not worth spending time n effort here. People just like to hear what you want to hear.
Old 26-03-2014, 11:35 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post
anyway come join my BD party in June, should be back to 50% by then ...

thanks, read on my cell phone oredi this morning
Can I gate crash bor?

Originally Posted by alsahaf View Post
Let me know when the party date is. I may be in northern part of China for work but I will fly down if work permits.
Knn....thought u said u in chapati land?


7 pointers and above
Old 26-03-2014, 11:36 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by sex crusader View Post
Can I gate crash bor?
hahaha ... sure, cum cum ....
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯.
Old 27-03-2014, 12:45 AM
krone krone is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by chonburiboy View Post
Camp 1. Not worth going with the heat.
Camp 2. If you don't go, just shut up.
Camp 3. I can guarantee your safety, don't worry.

I think I belong to Camp No. 1.
Originally Posted by rahang View Post
Brother Chonburyboy,

There are 3 camps

Camp 1. Not worth going with the heat.
Camp 2. Report the situation, but somehow someone dun like or dun believe
Camp 3. I can guarantee your safety, don't worry - OKT
Don't be too bothered abt these zappers bros... They will always be ard no matter what... I've upped both of u with my humble points as kudos to u guys.

For me it's very simple, like i said, everyone got different risk appetite, if u can afford to have fun at the risk, by all means go ahead. I'm just totally against the idea of some agents giving false sense of security by giving "guarantees" of safety to other bros... There will still be ppl going over and if u are sincere and truthful enough ppl will still support u. Don't give empty promises of guarantees and hope to get away with it. When one day something really happens, will u be able to make good ur guarantees? Is the money u make worth more than the conscience u must bear shld something happen to a fellow bro in our little community here?

next trip: CA/CP trip: erm... i'll nv know....
Old 27-03-2014, 01:05 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by sex crusader View Post

Knn....thought u said u in chapati land?
You think I like XXHF meh, everyday flip thosai chapatti paratha!

In SG now lah.
Old 27-03-2014, 10:49 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Police bust 62 sex trade gangs and arrest hundreds in Guangdong vice blitz
[email protected]
PUBLISHED : Wednesday, 26 March, 2014, 1:58pm
UPDATED : Thursday, 27 March, 2014, 4:08am

Suspected sex workers are arrested in Dongguan last month after state television exposed the city's flourishing sex trade. Photo: AP
The vice crackdown that began in Dongguan last month has resulted in the arrest of more than 850 suspects and will expand across Guangdong before it wraps up in May, provincial police authorities said yesterday.

Zheng Dong, the deputy chief of Guangdong's public security bureau, said the three-month campaign against the illegal sex trade has already led to the break-up of more than 60 criminal gangs, according to the Southern Metropolis Daily.

It had cost more than 3,000 hotels, saunas and massage parlours their licences. So far, 865 people had been arrested, including 541 accused of running prostitution businesses.

The crackdown began in the wake of a February 10 China Central Television report accusing Dongguan authorities of allowing a massive sex industry to flourish in the struggling manufacturing hub's hotels and bathhouses.

Zheng said fighting prostitution across a province that borders Hong Kong and Macau was a formidable task which required perseverance. Municipal police bureaus would be held accountable if they failed to crack down on vice in their jurisdiction, he said.

Thirty-six police officials in Dongguan, including Yan Xiaokang, the former deputy mayor and head of the city's public security bureau, have been suspended or removed from office on suspicion of protecting prostitution businesses. In addition, some 854 websites and more than 96,000 public instant-messaging accounts have been closed for promoting sex services online.

The Yangcheng Evening News reported that the provincial department of public security had drafted new rules and regulations to standardise the operation of massage parlours, saunas and other entertainment venues.

The measures, which would ban VIP rooms and prohibit massage parlours from locking doors and shutting off the lights, are expected to be submitted to Guangdong's executive conference for approval.
Old 27-03-2014, 10:53 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by jc_wtc View Post
Hi Bro, tks for update
10++ unicorns returned. Tks
Old 27-03-2014, 11:27 AM
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Smile Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by chonburiboy View Post
I think some people here have a problem with me having the idea that I am telling other bros no to go to CP?

Exactly, what do I get in return if no one goes to CP? Nothing, I don't make a profit with people going or not going to CP. Basically, there are 3 camps here:

Camp 1. Not worth going with the heat.
Camp 2. If you don't go, just shut up.
Camp 3. I can guarantee your safety, don't worry.

I think I belong to Camp No. 1.

If you want to zap me because I expressed a different view from yours, so be it. I considered myself a lurker and has been reading more than posting since 2006.

The reason why I became active again because this YD is one of the most serious one I have seen for the past 8 years. IMHO, it is not a routine YD but something huge from the top like SEAJ has said.

Anyway, I will continue to go back lurking and reading which I enjoyed more. I don't like to quarrel or get into a zapping war with anyone.
Bro....don't worry. I also kana zap when I said it won't recover so fast.
Old 27-03-2014, 12:13 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Was at calired last night. Lots of MM come here to pass time. Even bringing their toyboy along. I guess all this talk about dont go dont come please go dont worry etc is quite stupid. At the end of the day, if they know the risks that are on hand and still decide to go, no point keep pouring cold water over it.
Old 27-03-2014, 01:02 PM
lcw16 lcw16 is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by krone View Post
For me it's very simple, like i said, everyone got different risk appetite, if u can afford to have fun at the risk, by all means go ahead. I'm just totally against the idea of some agents giving false sense of security by giving "guarantees" of safety to other bros... There will still be ppl going over and if u are sincere and truthful enough ppl will still support u. Don't give empty promises of guarantees and hope to get away with it. When one day something really happens, will u be able to make good ur guarantees? Is the money u make worth more than the conscience u must bear shld something happen to a fellow bro in our little community here?
I guess there will still be brothers going over to CP for various reasons. Me for example, will be making a trip with my buddies over the canton fair period. Although we have no idea where we will be staying and what will we be doing, this trip is compulsory as we have been using canton fair as an excuse to our CO for us to make a trip to China every April and October without fail. We cannot afford to stop this flow of visits for the fear that we will lose this excuse and will not be able to go over China that often Also, the news of DG being raided has spread far and wide. We are also worried that CO might get suspicious "how come china now raid than you don't go for your exhibitions?"

So like what bro Krone had said, everyone has got different risk appetite. If you are worried about this and that, don't go. But even if you do go, doesn't mean that you have to be in CP or DG. End of the day, make sure you reduce your risks to the minimal.

On the aspect of agent giving out false sense of security to brothers here, I can see that the particular agent is not replying well on his thread on questions being post to him by various brothers here. I personally know 3 other agents (1 in Zhuhai and 2 in CP) who don't advertise their service in this forum and they have been giving very sound advice via wechat. Last but not least, am just wondering if the pictures of various girls posted by that particular agent, do the girls know that their pictures are being posted on a website like SBF by an OKT? Not a very smart move by the OKT as this might get all the girls into trouble.
Old 27-03-2014, 03:10 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by lcw16 View Post
Last but not least, am just wondering if the pictures of various girls posted by that particular agent, do the girls know that their pictures are being posted on a website like SBF by an OKT? Not a very smart move by the OKT as this might get all the girls into trouble.
Very much agreed. Seems to me this guy just want business and money at the expense of others... This is however just my personal view.

On a side note, I believe tony was talking abt these pics when he made a comment abt putting up photos at this time, which another bro mistook as tony talking abt him....

next trip: CA/CP trip: erm... i'll nv know....
Old 27-03-2014, 05:13 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by lcw16 View Post
I guess there will still be brothers going over to CP for various reasons. Me for example, will be making a trip with my buddies over the canton fair period. Although we have no idea where we will be staying and what will we be doing, this trip is compulsory as we have been using canton fair as an excuse to our CO for us to make a trip to China every April and October without fail. We cannot afford to stop this flow of visits for the fear that we will lose this excuse and will not be able to go over China that often Also, the news of DG being raided has spread far and wide. We are also worried that CO might get suspicious "how come china now raid than you don't go for your exhibitions?"

So like what bro Krone had said, everyone has got different risk appetite. If you are worried about this and that, don't go. But even if you do go, doesn't mean that you have to be in CP or DG. End of the day, make sure you reduce your risks to the minimal.

On the aspect of agent giving out false sense of security to brothers here, I can see that the particular agent is not replying well on his thread on questions being post to him by various brothers here. I personally know 3 other agents (1 in Zhuhai and 2 in CP) who don't advertise their service in this forum and they have been giving very sound advice via wechat. Last but not least, am just wondering if the pictures of various girls posted by that particular agent, do the girls know that their pictures are being posted on a website like SBF by an OKT? Not a very smart move by the OKT as this might get all the girls into trouble.
I think DG sex industry would be pressed down if not extinguished. It is like the early days when China just started to open up it was places like Shenzhen that was the sex capital (South China) - Sauna, KTV, BBS, Walkers (few thousand chicks on the street of 上沙,下沙,沙嘴 plying their trade for only 150 rmb ST and 300 rmb LT) , but then the authority decided to stop these industry and there was about 1/2 yr purge in Shenzhen.

The result of that purge ended Shenzhen Sex Industry, but created place like Zhu Hai and ZMT (also called 二奶村) which was again clamp down thus pushing various places within Dong Guan to mushroom like HJ, DL CA, HM and the infamous CP.

My 1 cent worth of thought would be - DG sex industry would be hard pressed and will never rise up to what it was before. DG would transform herself from a Sex Capital of China to something else like what SZ is now after transformation. Most probably the trade would move to other locations like maybe further inner china .... go west to locations like Guangxi (广西), Gui Zhou, Hubei, Hunan etc.

Thus right now I guess DG is very hot and only brave mongers would venture there and test the system (I hope they do not use the SZ method of getting rid of the trade - catching sex mongers, girls, mgrs. etc. and have parade them around the city with signage hanging on their necks with Name, Address, phone number, Offences - to top it off they even invited press around the world to witness this event. Once done the girls would have to ask their family member to bail them and off to their village. The mongers would have to ask their family member to bail them and have their passport stamped .... Sex Monger ... (I got a relative who was caught at that time and was tasked to bail him out).

Thus for the brothers who still need to release their load, my advise is to go elsewhere like Macau, Xiamen, Nanning, Fuzhou etc. where the heat is not that hot. For those who love challenges then go ahead and try DG.
Old 27-03-2014, 06:00 PM
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Re: Events In CP

I gotta laugh – don’t worry too much about these zappers!!

They’re nothing more than yellow bellied, juvenile misfits who can only jealously live vicariously on the board. These needy, nerdie, pimple-faced recluse really gets hot and bothered that others are really out there and doing actual girls. They take out their frustrations by trying to cause havoc on the boards and anonymously zapping those who are actually living and contributing to the board.

And oh yeah, the “Taikors” driving the behind the scene machinations, their clones, their sycophants, sah-kah-tzua’s and assorted boot-lickers – so bereft of any social skills or any other redeeming factors that they are so desperate to cling to domination…or even a semblance of relevance … on this…a sex board!! The only place….. where they can feel a bit of importance…. about their sad deprived real lives. And ooi! These idiots swapping points with each other – just to cloak their cowardly self with falsely earned points.

What I AM concerned about though, is that these idiots ARE driving out too many good CONTRIBUTING members; after all, this IS just a sex board, and how many of us would actually bother to hang around when the reception is so hostile and the anonymous zaps so hateful. All I want from participating on any board is to have some fun, enjoy some banter and of course to get information; and I believe that to be fair, I must also do my part by providing whatever information, opinion, rumours or whatever else that I have, back to the board. I believe that most of us are of the same mind on this.

It’s such a pity that a few idiots here feel the need to dominate this board, lay down the rules on what’s OK or not OK to post, organize Mass zap campaigns to enforce their rules, behind the scene organizing of concerted attacks and to even have a cloak-and-dagger and actually named “Club” that they belong to!! WHAT??? How old are you guys?? Really??!! And how do I know this?? Wellll…. let me put it this way… …yeah, as a lark, in a moment of drunken levity, just for the hell of it, guys rah rah rah and join ….but sobriety brings about realization…and how truly idiotic and juvenile the whole thing is. So you guys in the white robes (or is it a secret handshake? A signal? A Gesture?? LOL and LOLs!): You got yourselves a sabo king amongst you!

Anyway, an appeal to you guys who are just wanting to contribute – please continue doing so! I for one appreciate it and I’d venture to guess that there are other level headed and fair-minded guys who would TRY to help out if you get zapped. Sorry, cain’t guarantee you this as of course I ain’t got nothin’ solid to back me up – just a strong conviction that there must be more good guys here than there are plonkers!!

And oh – of course….PEACE….Only my POV….IM very HO….and….. LOL!!
Wooo Hooo!!

Old 27-03-2014, 06:18 PM
teltel teltel is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Peoples Daily Online has had a few articles recently including extending the three month campaign - google peoples daily online for latest news.

The crackdown has spread from the southern and eastern cities into Shanxi and other provinces according to the online news, heading to Ordos city soon so hope that is still ok.

Even if there is a return to 'normal' one must remember the one hundred flowers campaign.

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