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Old 30-08-2006, 06:46 AM
dakboyslim dakboyslim is offline
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LOS pricing... why not?

this matter has crossed my head several times and since now i have the time i tot i might as well start a discussion abt it....

the prices of the LOS gers seem to be increasing gradually over time.... used to be 110 and den now 150 or 170... seems that there is inflation even for FLs...

well the prices have increased and yet the timing has remained the same... well here comes the question... how many of us actually manage to get 2shots off in the stipulated 90mins? i mean after the introductory tcss, bath and changing.... already take up about 30mins.... so there practically left 60mins to complete 2shots.... i for one most of the time only manage one shot and den just enjoy the company or leave early so she can rest....

why dun the OKTs offer different pricing for different timing? maybe 70/45/1 or 130/90/2? this allows those who dun have time or cannot make 2 shots to have a choice... also this allows more brothers to be able to have a chance... of cos those who wish to have more time can opt for the longer timing...

already we see koreans gg for 100/45/1 so why not change the LOS? well... food for thought... dun mean any harm.... hope can be posted in this section since it concerns FLs...

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Old 30-08-2006, 09:11 AM
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

I agree with you.
Not all can accomplish 2 shots within the timing.

I also believe in just enjoying one good, solid satisfying shot.
No point forcing yr little bro to overwork just to get the money's worth.

Profit margins for OKTs will be marginal if they were to adopt single shot packages.
Its like strategies used in product marketing.
Just my 2cents.
Old 30-08-2006, 09:33 AM
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

Originally Posted by dakboyslim
why dun the OKTs offer different pricing for different timing? maybe 70/45/1 or 130/90/2? this allows those who dun have time or cannot make 2 shots to have a choice... also this allows more brothers to be able to have a chance... of cos those who wish to have more time can opt for the longer timing... cheers...
Bro.. I also agree. But I think OKTs normally make $50 from the 90min deal. So if cut to the 1 shot price, he and the gals earn much lesser liao. There are some OKTs offer for one shot price but definitely higher than what you quoted.. So for time and money wise, OKTs and their gals still prefer the 90min deal. For me, unless esp horny long time never do, I then look for them. But choose OKTs carefully, some are dishonest.
Old 30-08-2006, 09:44 AM
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

Originally Posted by dakboyslim
this matter has crossed my head several times and since now i have the time i tot i might as well start a discussion abt it....

the prices of the LOS gers seem to be increasing gradually over time.... used to be 110 and den now 150 or 170... seems that there is inflation even for FLs...

Bro glad to see someone brought up this issue. I'm surprised to see the prices of LOS gals keep increasing despite the huge influx of FLs to Singland lately.Shouldn't it be another way round....

there will be a new OKT appear every month to promote their FLs.Base on the prices of 130, the gals will keep 80 and OKTs 50. Furthermore the gals have to pay for their daily accomdation the ratio is around 38:62....

i not surprised some of them never come back to sing after their first stinct.
Old 30-08-2006, 11:13 AM
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

Originally Posted by Da Ming
Base on the prices of 130, the gals will keep 80 and OKTs 50. Furthermore the gals have to pay for their daily accomdation the ratio is around 38:62....

Where did you get the facts from? daily accommodation paid by gals?!!!
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Old 30-08-2006, 11:20 AM
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

so far im ok with 2 shots for LOS gals, don't think any okts will come up with single shot deal but i wonder how will be the response be like.
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Old 30-08-2006, 11:24 AM
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

Originally Posted by Bonniesan

Where did you get the facts from? daily accommodation paid by gals?!!!
This is one good okt. Think some bad OKTs did ask their gals to pay their own expenses.
Old 30-08-2006, 11:29 AM
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

Originally Posted by johnnyistoogood
This is one good okt. Think some bad OKTs did ask their gals to pay their own expenses.
I have been acquiring Bonniesan's gals and very satisfied with their services.
All the gals does not compromise in terms of quality and can see that they are treated well from the environment they stayed in and as well as their top notch services ... but comes with a premium as compared to others.

Thumbs up for Bonniesan
Old 30-08-2006, 11:33 AM
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

C'mon guys, it's buyer beware. If you can't make your 2nd shot, you shouldn't complain. After all, no OKT put a gun to your head telling you to pay the amount you're paying, and to see the girls from LOS, right? What you pay for, you should use. If you don't, you can either choose an option which suits you, be it a Korean for lesser or another PRC FL that is even cheaper.

As for how much the OKT and girl splits, unless you're the OKT, I seriously doubt you'll be given very accurate info. Even IF the girls come for only 1 tour, it'll still be much more money than what they'd earn back home.

And on the point of new OKT's coming up with new listings, as some of you will notice, some girls aren't new. They're just on their 2nd tour or even 3rd, albeit at a much later time after their 1st one. It looks like a lucrative business, seeing how many OKT's are popping up but it's up to the customer that decides which OKT they're comfortable with. Someone got pissed off with one and made sure everyone on this site knew about it, remember? As for others, they like the end product and the 'after sales service' so why not stick to one? It's the same as your mechanic and his workshop-you like his service, gives you good info, updates you on kang thau, stick with him!

This is a personal opinion. Just think it's unfair to demand lower costs just cos the client can't meet what's offered for the price paid. There's plenty of options out there so there's always meat for someone elses poison. And it's not natural to expect SIA service, if you're flying on Air Asia!
Old 30-08-2006, 11:40 AM
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

Bro dakboyslim,

I read with interest on your thread and would like to make a few pointers

For a long time, FL or even WL circumstances, LOS girls have always been priced below China / Koreans / Malaysians / Singapore girls / etc. A bonk is a bonk, can we agree? However...the standards have changed so much for the commercial sex scene.

What actually warrants girls other from LOS to command much "higher" fees? The countries they come from, service or even the ability of speaking our language?

I am not being biased when i can safely say, of all nationalities i've bonked, LOS and maybe even Batam girls provide value for money. We pay higher for ang-mo or even PRC girls...other than being beautified and more..."exotic"...i really don't know what i'm paying for...maybe, as most samsters would say...the "experience" per se?

Small, insignificant increases of let's say $10 may go un-noticed for 1 customer...but to a working girl...if we do the maths, it is not small.

While i'm not saying your suggestion is bad, we have to give credit that LOS girls work just as hard but are not paid as well as "others" for whatever reasons. They really earn their money. For a long time, they have been living in the shadows of their more illustrious neighbours...

Whilst the timing has been the same, the quality more or less has also never been compromised. If we are really going to count dollar and cents...let's not forget...since the day we've all bonked - Lorong 4 days especially for me, with all GST / inflation and what-nots...S$40 has always been S$40 for fish-tank girls...that has not changed, nor questioned.

Therefore, i think a more true reflection of the price tag should be at least S$80 instead of the S$70 proposed. Tips and otherwise can be negotiated. Of course maybe what OKTs can do is looking at some form of "loyalty discounts" for their preferred customers...that's the beauty of the "FREE LANCE" trade isn't it, to barter?


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Old 30-08-2006, 11:50 AM
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

CLAP CLAP.. wise words fm JWNY..

dakboyslim.. if 170 price u find too steep yet u find their studio pic irresistable, request 4 stand by bed inspection.. BUD of course no stripping la.. den if not happy can call okt 2 reject! noboby can force u 2 accept rite? if gal service u feel not up 2 170 standard den complain! if nothing is done den blacklist the bugger!
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Old 30-08-2006, 11:52 AM
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

It is simple economics - the price will be as high as the market can bear. Remember, once it was okay to pay over $100 k for COE. Sound so stupid now, right??

Just drive along Geylang and see how many beautiful FLs there are. Go to fish tanks, the quality of CAT40 also not bad. Now also have so many local girls ... just look at Nato's list. So don't be stupid and pay extra for Thai girls.

Exercise your power as a consumer. Just boycott the OKTs that charge high like Bonnie and price will eventually come down. Support the cheap OKTs. There are a lot of chee byes around. Don't waste money and don't spoil market.

Old 30-08-2006, 11:56 AM
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

Originally Posted by muncher
C'mon guys, it's buyer beware. If you can't make your 2nd shot, you shouldn't complain. After all, no OKT put a gun to your head telling you to pay the amount you're paying, and to see the girls from LOS, right? What you pay for, you should use. If you don't, you can either choose an option which suits you, be it a Korean for lesser or another PRC FL that is even cheaper.

As for how much the OKT and girl splits, unless you're the OKT, I seriously doubt you'll be given very accurate info. Even IF the girls come for only 1 tour, it'll still be much more money than what they'd earn back home.

And on the point of new OKT's coming up with new listings, as some of you will notice, some girls aren't new. They're just on their 2nd tour or even 3rd, albeit at a much later time after their 1st one. It looks like a lucrative business, seeing how many OKT's are popping up but it's up to the customer that decides which OKT they're comfortable with. Someone got pissed off with one and made sure everyone on this site knew about it, remember? As for others, they like the end product and the 'after sales service' so why not stick to one? It's the same as your mechanic and his workshop-you like his service, gives you good info, updates you on kang thau, stick with him!

This is a personal opinion. Just think it's unfair to demand lower costs just cos the client can't meet what's offered for the price paid. There's plenty of options out there so there's always meat for someone elses poison. And it's not natural to expect SIA service, if you're flying on Air Asia!
Well said! You pay for what you see. Everyone has a choice. Nobody is forcing you to take on the girl as well as to cum twice. So long as you spent your 90 mins within the allocated time, it should be fine. Let the market force decide.
Old 30-08-2006, 12:08 PM
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

FL 90mins -$130

Cat40 20mins -$40
80mins -$160

Can anyone tell me which is more expensive?

I book 4 sessions for Cat40, does it mean I have to shoot 4 times?

If 90mins cannot shoot 2 times, I suggest, click on the banner on top with the green tablet. Who knows one may accomplish 2-3 shots in 90min?


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Old 30-08-2006, 12:11 PM
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

Bro Bustlover,

Honestly though, after 1st shot, I thought I was a goner and couldn't rise to the occassion the 2nd time but man, the girl really did a good job so I had to ensure she wasn't disappointed! If she's able to get me to rise to the occassion, I have no worries paying that amount of money!

2 Thumbs up for Bonnie-san's girls!
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