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Old 01-03-2019, 07:37 PM
japantvb japantvb is offline
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco


最近,很多兄弟跟我们反应有同行抄袭模仿我们,我们推出什么他们就推出什么。在这边有必须要澄清的几样事情 。。

所有sn和高端模特都不需要给定金,而且如果是incall的话,我们都是有安排交通接送,你只需要负责开 心的去玩,其他的交给我们。见到美眉时候发觉货不对版时候,也可以第一时间跟我们确认,可以拒绝接受,我们 会第一时间帮你安排其他的。
不管是中文,英文,马来语,日语我们都可以帮你安排妥当。你也可以同时比较下我们的价格,绝对是同城内最优 惠的价格保证。

有个好消息是我们的sn90分钟两次除了安排深圳,广州,东莞,和珠海地区以外,马上也会开通成都,重庆, 海口,三亚,长沙等地,敬请期待。。

当然,我们中国全国各地★包括香港,澳门和台湾,也可以安排高端模特(1次/过夜),上门和包房都有。有注意我们微信朋友圈的话,你也可以发现我们2018年也花了时间,金钱和精力去 开拓日本夜生活市场,现在全日本都可以安排泡泡浴,日本av和日本伴游, 有需要的兄弟们都可以随时微信咨询我。

ktv全中国也能安排,好多地方都是自己亲自去考察探路,不是别的同行连去都没去过然后就告诉你说可以代订 ,里面装修是怎样的,消费是怎样的,美女素质是怎样的一窍不通,到头来问题多多不懂得帮你把关 消费。。

我们提供的服务,是精益求精,做到最完美地步,我不喜欢抄袭同行。飞利浦提供的服务,都是亲自亲为花时间精 神金钱地去开发,所以当你来中国寻找开心玩乐的时候, 请真正的认清楚我们的商标★飞利浦团队★,还有提醒一句,外面还有很多人还会冒充是我的团队或合作伙伴,所 以要谨慎的不要上当受骗。。

我们的服务广告词很多同行会抄袭,不过只是抄袭表面而不知道里面的精髓所在,来中国或日本旅游或玩乐,你需 要是一个对你用心服务,多方面为你着想的兄弟帮你安排一切,让你玩得开心安心安全~~致懂得选 择的你..

Copyright of Team Phillip

There were some feedback from the brothers that few competitors in the market has copied what we do when we launch our services in the market. I would like to clarify a few things here.

Deposits for all SN services and high end model are not required. If it is an incall services we will make transportation arrangement, all you need to do is to relax and have fun, we will handle the rest. When you meet up with the girl and you think that she does not look like anything you have picked, you can confirm with us and reject the services. We can make alternative arrangement for you as well.

If there are language barrier or preferences such as Chinese, English, Malay or even Japanese, we can organize it nicely for you. You can also compare our price, guarantee the most economical in the same city that you are visiting.

Good news is that our SN services for 90/2 will open up Chengdu, Chongqing, Haikou, Sanya and Changsha cities on top of Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan and Zhuhai.

Of course our services cover the whole country including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. If you are keen on High-end Model services (1 time or overnight), we offer both in call and out call services too. If you are in our weChat group, you will notice that we have spent quite a lot of time exploring new options at Japan night life, so now we can make arrangements for the bubble bath in Japan, also for AV and escort services. Anyone interested can send your inquiry to us.

As for the KTV services we can make arrangement for the whole of China, which we explore the options ourselves. Not like other competitors where they may not have visited the venue themselves, not sure about how it looks like and the spending structures. If you can’t even tell what kind of quality you can get, later you might hit into a problem where the expenditure does not meet the quality and your expectations.

We always aim to service you better as the time passes, and being perfect is always our business motto. We don’t like and don’t want to copy anyone from anywhere. All services we offer is something we spent time and effort to create. When you come to China for fun, please recognize our branding, Team Phillip. A gentle reminder that some of the competitors will fake themselves as our business associates or counterparts, be mindful not to be deceived.
Old 02-03-2019, 01:17 PM
japantvb japantvb is offline
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

我们的短钟服务90分钟2次除了遍布全广东以外,我们还可以安排伴游12个小时陪兄弟们,这当然包括可以陪 你拍拖走街看电影去ktv或者pub甚至陪你泡温泉然后还包括晚上的啪啪啪。

Our short time services of 90mins/2shots is all over Guangdong, apart from that we can also arrange escort for 12hours of roaming around with brothers, this include watching movies KTV or pub sometimes even hotsprings and night activities. If you required high end models we can also accommodate that. Outward delivery to Macau and Hong Kong is also available.

Old 03-03-2019, 10:53 AM
japantvb japantvb is offline
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

当你要租房子时候,你会选择多家地产做比较,除了参考价格之外,也会考虑地产的实力,带你看房子的过程,耐 不耐心给你讲解,最后才选择你的心头好。。
飞利浦在安排中国旅游和各方面的夜游娱乐活动,现在算起来也有第7个年头了。温馨提示一下,我们从不抄袭同 行的广告词,每天微信朋友圈同步更新中国和日本哪里好吃好玩等劲爆娱乐消息和新闻,全部都是第一手更新,而 且好多地方都是亲自踩点去考察的,不是同行可以做得到的。。。

If you are looking for house rental, you will normally compare prices, the services of the developer, the process of viewing the house, are they with the mindset to ensure your satisfaction etc, before you decide to rent certain house. Similarly, when you want to travel overseas, since everyone is arranging the same route, what are the deciding factors for you to pick the travel agent you like?

Team Philip already in this line for 7 years, we never quite copy any idea or slogan from our competitors. Those news and moments sharing we have in our weChat about China and Japan on where to play and eat and have fun, are first hand information. We have explored most of these travel spots ourselves, which not normally done in the same way as others. If you are keen to travel to China or Japan, just add our weChat and there our stories began ...
Old 04-03-2019, 03:29 AM
japantvb japantvb is offline
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

当你要租房子时候,你会选择多家地产做比较,除了参考价格之外,也会考虑地产的实力,带你看房子的过程,耐 不耐心给你讲解,最后才选择你的心头好。。
飞利浦在安排中国旅游和各方面的夜游娱乐活动,现在算起来也有第7个年头了。温馨提示一下,我们从不抄袭同 行的广告词,每天微信朋友圈同步更新中国和日本哪里好吃好玩等劲爆娱乐消息和新闻,全部都是第一手更新,而 且好多地方都是亲自踩点去考察的,不是同行可以做得到的。。。

If you are looking for house rental, you will normally compare prices, the services of the developer, the process of viewing the house, are they with the mindset to ensure your satisfaction etc, before you decide to rent certain house. Similarly, when you want to travel overseas, since everyone is arranging the same route, what are the deciding factors for you to pick the travel agent you like?

Team Philip already in this line for 7 years, we never quite copy any idea or slogan from our competitors. Those news and moments sharing we have in our weChat about China and Japan on where to play and eat and have fun, are first hand information. We have explored most of these travel spots ourselves, which not normally done in the same way as others. If you are keen to travel to China or Japan, just add our weChat and there our stories began ...
Old 06-03-2019, 02:39 AM
japantvb japantvb is offline
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

相信很多人会有一个同样的问题,找我们在中国安排各种娱乐节目,我们是怎样收费的。从安排中国全国各地KT V,sn90分钟两次,模特和伴游等不同的服务,我们都是不征收任何服务费,因为佣金已经包含在里面了。当 然,真的觉得我们安排得不错的话,打赏小小的红包给我们也很愿意接受的,就好像美国文化给小费的文化这样, 但是我们绝对没有强求的。我们好多客户都是之前朋友互相推荐的。之前有个兄弟还说找我们安排KTV更加优惠 好玩,因为我们会跟你清楚交代怎样消费,那个环节必须注意,我们不需要冲KTV消费,相反的更加注重你玩的 开心实惠安全每一个环节。
飞利浦在中国安排各种不一样的服务已经第7个年头了,好多安排其实是做volume赚一点点就好,因为做全 国各地,赚个口碑就可以了!很多兄弟还说找我们更加优惠,因为有什么问题可以放松地找我们商量,可以达到你 的要求的,我一定全力以赴。。

Many of you maybe curious about our charging mechanism when you engage our services. Just to clarify that we do not have additional charges on top of what you paid for the KTV room, SN, Escort services, Models, etc. This is because we already getting the commission from the service provider, so we do not collect additional charges from you. Many times brothers had really good time and wanted to tip us, that we will accept gladly as a token of appreciation no matter how much you wanted to tip, we are not particular on the amount. This is really something up to you my friends, just like how you tip the restaurant service staffs, it’s voluntary. The group of customers we have now, are mostly recommended by the word of mouth, we treated all of you with highest hospitality and provide all kind of discounts and freebies as we could have. We will also be very transparent with you in terms of your spending because we do not want to be ambiguous about money matters. The most important part is that, you must have a good time here before you go back so that next time you will want to visit us again.

This is the 7th year we have made all kind of arrangement in China, we work based on constant volume and not one-off basis. Reputation is very important to us, no matter how some of you might think. Many brothers actually get better deals from us because we are very open about meeting your demands if you are clear about them. If you have a chance to visit us in China, give us a try, we promise to give you the feeling of second home in China !
Old 06-03-2019, 02:57 PM
japantvb japantvb is offline
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

A lot of you have been asking me when can Danshui KTV back to normal operations. When everyone thought it is ok to go, on 1 March, one of the bigger operation is busted and 300 people were detained. It comes as a shock to everyone. I also brought some customers to Danshui KTV during the last couple of days, with limited viewing option of 3 pax at once, everyone is laying low at the moment, midnight police spot check etc, situation is not optimistic. Anyone who will visit KTV during March, we will organize other safer spots for you such as Huizhou city, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Zhuhai etc. BTW,90 mins/2 SN services available at Changping, Shenzhen and Guangzhou. We always update our forum with latest movements for whole country so you won’t see Danshui update too often. For those who are keen or need to know the Danshui information, we will provide those updates on WeChat and Whatsapp, just add our account to receive first hand information. You are out here for fun, safety is the utmost important. We will make sure you go back a happy man. Team Phillip is your first choice for Entertainment option.

大家都问我,淡水KTV什么是后时候可以正常回。。就在3月1号开始慢慢复苏的时候,某大型sn场被扫,听 说抓了300人,震动了八方。
3月份有过来淡水的客户们,KTV 可以帮你们改地方去惠州市,深圳,广州,珠海等地方。SN 90 分钟两次可以安排常平,深圳和广州。
由于论坛上是更新全国各地,淡水消息不会每天更新,需要知道一手资料的欢迎加微信或whatsapp,如果 有好转了,也会第一时间通知。。。


Last edited by japantvb; 06-03-2019 at 04:17 PM.
Old 06-03-2019, 11:27 PM
japantvb japantvb is offline
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

Do you know what’s the utmost important thing when you come enjoy yourselves in China? Do you feel happy when you found something really cheap? Do you know about local extortion and con jobs? Few days ago, one of the Danshui SN has been raided and 300 plus people were detained, with some Singaporean and Malaysians included, do you think they will know such things might happen to them? I have been roaming in Danshui market for more than 5 years, I know clearly which places we can visit and not. Compare to those who looks for half baked tour guide and car drivers to point you the directions, I am confident to say it is a lot safer to go with us. A lot of them out there still think that they are the old heroes from the old Dongguan Changping era, knows everything in and out, but when something happened they have totally no clue who can they seek help from. When you are out there for fun, it is better to prioritize personal safety, look for those reliable ones to make proper arrangement, it won’t go too wrong.

过来中国玩乐,什么最重要知道吗?不是你找到便宜就是好像很开心这样,这背后你知道什么叫仙人跳,鬼敲门之 类吗?
就好像前几天 ,淡水某一个sn被扫了,带走300多人,其中包含不少新马人在里面,玩乐之前有没想过安不安 全呢?
淡水我进驻了差不多5年了,什么可以安排什么不可以安排,大概都比一般人自己摸门路的,或者找司机安排的, 甚至找业务安排的来的清楚明白。。但是到现在还不知道还有很多人以为他是东莞那个年代的hero,比我还懂 ,请问出事了,你找谁拯救?

Last edited by japantvb; 07-03-2019 at 02:00 AM.
Old 07-03-2019, 01:25 PM
japantvb japantvb is offline
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

如果有关注我们微信朋友圈动态的兄弟们一定知道,这两年我一直开发中国不同地区的旅游景点和KTV。我们做 娱乐安排是非常认真的,从包厢安排到酒水价格还有美女陪伴的价格,我们都是亲自去玩过考察过。每次帮兄弟安 排到国内不同地区的ktv场子玩,就好像我在你旁边你绝对放心安全,消费透明清楚而且玩得也要开心,并且全 程有我自己人跟进!夜场本来就是每个月都有变化,今天这间好玩不代表下个月你来也好玩,所以说来大陆开心寻 求娱乐时候,你需要委托一个靠谱的团队帮你安排处理一切,飞利浦团队,提供5星质量安排3星价 格消费!

If you have followed our wechat moments for the past two years actively you would know we have been exploring different part of China in terms of touristy spots and KTV. We are pretty serious about making arrangements on our entertainment business, from room booking to liquor pricing and companion pricing, we have personally involved in negotiation. When we make arrangement for you at different KTV in China, it is as if I am there with you, you don’t have to worry about the pricing because it will be transparent. We have local contacts everywhere to make sure you get the enjoyment for what you have spent. Night entertainment environment is always changing, while it is fun to play at one KTV now it does not mean it is still fun the next month. So when you come to China for fun, you will need someone you trust to ensure everything is handled properly. Team Phillip always offer 5 stars services with 3 stars pricing. Try us and you will know.
Old 07-03-2019, 06:34 PM
japantvb japantvb is offline
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

这是今天帮兄弟安排哈尔滨ktv的对话记录,如果没错的话,他们之前就听信了别人可以安排招待,结果被蒙了 进去消费,到最后的时候就说女孩不方便或者有状况公司不让出去过夜。
这种情况,不知道你们有没有遇过,大家兴致勃勃吃完了晚饭,突然间说不如去KTV唱唱歌玩一下 。。
3。直接walk in,不好意思,要嘛你进到一个黑店,要嘛人家直接跟你说我们这边不接待,因为怀疑你是暗访。。
4。最常见的一种,问他能安排吗,他说绝对行,不过买单后想要带走,突然有状况了,不方便~今天有检查等扫 兴。。


This is a converstaion records from the brother who I made KTV arrangement for him at Harbin. If I am not mistaken, they have engaged someone else to organize a KTV session and got conned into spending good money without any happy ending being arranged. They were told the girls are not convenient or the company do not allow overnight outside. I am not sure if you have faced the same situation before, when you finished dinner and everyone is eager to find a place for KTV fun, do you:-
Know who can make arrangement for you, are they professionals, do they know where are the good stuffs?
Have you talked to the driver and try to get him to organize the party for you, this is one of the worst choice you made, imagine who is driving for others day in and they out, how do they know what fun and where are the fun?
Walk in directly, if you are unlucky enough you will get conned a large sum of money or you might be rejected because they suspected that you are undercover police.
And the most common ones, you asked if they can make arrangement and they promise heaven and earth, only when you made the KTV payments they told you there are spot check for today and the girls can’t go out.
If you look for Team Phillip, we guarantee that the situation above won’t happen to you. You will spend the money happily and got back the same happy feeling.
Old 08-03-2019, 04:03 AM
japantvb japantvb is offline
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

Recently i found many advertisement from some KTV mummy wechat moments...

缅甸仰光,属于佛教圣地华人多治安好⚠️凯撒国际娱乐会所⚠️因为雷雨天气影响,装修缓慢,于11月30日 ↔️盛大开业,再次招聘女神数名,要求身高156以上颜值高靓丽佳人。平800起.出3000起。分开计算 。⚠️公司提供三个月,别墅住宿,24小时保姆住家免费服务。工作优异者满一个月补助机票800元。提供晚 1餐,有化妆间周围有理发店都是华人开办。附近酒店安全客户稳定富豪多,商务场,不押金,不押护照。钱当天 结算,人性化管理,月入10万以上,期待女神加入敏敏团队。。

Myanmar is a Buddhist city where there are lots of Chinese and quite a safe place to be. Due to rapid rains and weather issues, the renovation of Caesar Entertainment centre slows down and will only be opened for business on 30 Nov. We are hiring GMO who is at least 156cm with decent outlook. In services 800 and Out services 3000, counted separately. The company will offer 3 months accommodation in a villa with 24 hours concierge services. Those who fulfill good services requirements within a month will be offered 800 on air tickets. Accommodation comes with 1 complimentary dinner. There will be make up parlor and hairstylist shops around, run by Chinese businessmen. Hotels surrounding will be safe with lots of clients with spending power. We will not require any deposit or holding onto your passport. All salaries are counted on daily basis, we emphasize a lot on human rights if you would extend the same understanding. On average monthly income would exceed 100k. Looking forward for you to join MinMin entertainment group.

你还会觉得大陆的价钱贵吗?论数量,质量,想和语言相通的中国娃娃谈情说爱,还是来大陆最好玩 。。

Try to imagine, some brothers keep complaining that China has raise the entertainment fees a lot these few years and many has reminiscent over the time of 258/369. I have seen recently that many mummies brought their team of girls to places like Vietnam and Cambodia, have you look at their prices? Those that will cost you 2000rmb in China, will have the minimum starting price of 3000rmb.

Do you seriously think China is expensive? No matter quality, quantity and language barrier to have a lovey relationship, no where else’s can match up to mainland.

(I am here referring to exported Chinese to other countries and not local GMO)
Old 08-03-2019, 12:27 PM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

MIRATON new wing KTV, 880RMB onwards starting

Recently due to some issues DANSHUI is not a very good choice of entertainment spot. Many brothers have come to Changping looking for alternative arrangements. There are still Changping KTV opened but more of the family type, there are no gal selections. If there are needs you can choose from the photo album, do take note don't do it last minute, the left over quality can be questionable. Our recommendation is to choose someone during the day and bring them along with you at night to the bar or KTV. Miraton Hotel KTV has been renovated too, minimum spending of RMB880 include 4 dozens of beers. The promotion starts from 8pm all the way to 2am, sounds really worth it isn't it? We can book all KTV rooms for you in Changping, just send us a message and we will get it done. On top of this, one of the unspecified KTV can provide gal choosing in real person, but the hardware and software are less than ideal, so do it at your own risks. We can also make arrangement for SN 90 mins/2 times, with relatively good pricing compare to Shenzhen and Guangzhou. If you are at Dongguan Changping, just say hello to us, our stories may just began...

常平的KTV还是有开的,不过属于family type,没有陪坐女孩给你选 ,如果需要可以提前看照片安排,注意的是不要最后一分钟,剩下的真不多,最好建议选修时间是下午选晚上的, 可以带去酒吧或者KTV。。
像以上最新装修的二期美怡登 ,880低消还包括4打啤酒,这么优惠从晚上8点玩到半夜2点,觉得值不值得?所有常平的KTV我们都可以 代订,欢迎咨询。。
另外,也有人说某KTV有真人选,这个也可以安排,不过质量有点欠差,硬件和软件都不理想。。 。
除了KTV和酒吧以外,我们也可以安排SN90分钟2次,价格也优惠,如果跟深圳和广州比的话 。。

Last edited by japantvb; 08-03-2019 at 12:42 PM.
Old 08-03-2019, 09:08 PM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco


凡事有安排常平,惠州,深圳定KTV 至少2晚的,人数不限,我们可以赠送你美女脚底按摩1个钟,让你们回味以前美好的常平[愉快]

March CP Promotion - anyone who booked KTV at CP, Huizhou or Shenzhen for a minimum of 2 nights, we will give you a free foot massage by pretty masseur. Remind you of the good old memories of CP.
Old 11-03-2019, 02:49 AM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

很多兄弟们,都是在我2012年开始进驻常平做导游的时候认识我,到现在已经是第7个年头了,你们还怀念这 地方吗? 现在的cp , 多了一份舒适感, 没有以前那么喧哗,如果有来中国旅游放松的时候,可以来这边放松一下,品尝常平美食以外,其实这边的SN还 相当的ok, 90分钟2次可以包房可以外出,价位相对深圳和广州来说性价比蛮高的(1000~1200RMB)..另外 酒店也便宜,KTV酒水也便宜, 伴游甚至可以安排陪唱ktv或者清吧或者看看电影谈情说爱都可以帮你安排好,有需要的兄弟们, 可以联系哦

Many of the brothers come to know me personally when I started my entertainment business at Changping during 2012. This is the 7th year, do you still miss CP? The CP now has becoming a more relaxing town compare to last time. If you come to China for fun, you may consider paying it a visit again, have some local food food, enjoy the still pretty ok SN services, 90/2 in and out calls. The price is also value for money (1000-1200RMB) compared to Shenzhen and Guangzhou. Hotel are not expensive, drinking in KTV with reasonable pricing too. We can arrange escorts for romantic activities such as singing in KTV, music lounge, or even watching movies and having heart to heart chats. Anyone needed the services, do let us know

Old 11-03-2019, 01:15 PM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

Many of you whom know me from Changping days, do you remember we always go for the roasted goodse and chicken, we also massage at PZL with free claypot rice? All these are still available even till now, Changping has becoming a leisure town where one can really relax and chill…
KTV, bar, massage packages are readily available, suitable for single to roam around, or a group of few people to gather and relax. Anyone who comes to Changping, give me a call, I will make some arrangements for you, everything from transportation to hotel to golf session and night life, one stop shop for all…

很多兄弟在常平认识我的时候,还记得我带你们吃烧鹅腿还有烧鸡,然后在宝足林按摩完有免费的煲仔饭吗?这些 美食依然都在,而且现在常平也变成了一个很悠闲的小镇。。。
KTV,酒吧,按摩等配套也很齐全,适合1人过来休闲,或者几位三五好友一起过来放松休闲,有过来常平的话 ,欢迎联系我们哦,我会尽地主之谊安排好你们的行程,从交通*酒店*高尔夫*夜生活一站式的安 排

Last edited by japantvb; 13-03-2019 at 01:06 PM.
Old 11-03-2019, 02:59 PM
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco

Originally Posted by japantvb View Post


凡事有安排常平,惠州,深圳定KTV 至少2晚的,人数不限,我们可以赠送你美女脚底按摩1个钟,让你们回味以前美好的常平[愉快]

March CP Promotion - anyone who booked KTV at CP, Huizhou or Shenzhen for a minimum of 2 nights, we will give you a free foot massage by pretty masseur. Remind you of the good old memories of CP.
PZL upstairs decent massage joint have tear down all the doors of the massage room. I am in CP now and not hear and say type of information.
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