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Old 23-05-2006, 08:44 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by CibLover
Bro Taurus,

Magic words??....ohh Ah Hia, pak pao, ai mai? Oppsss...wrong words....hehehe.

I dun wanna see Dekuip's fiancee pictures, lah. You better dun post, if not Dekuip come after you with samurai sword, leh!!
sorry la brudder..i try to do it this week..been busy lately.
meanwhile take a refresh on this recent pics..
Old 23-05-2006, 09:25 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Welcome brudder Duck84

Gentlemen...i would like to introduce on a fresh blood in hatyai scene..
Brudder Duck84...

well...a really decent young man who just "hook" on hdy..or perhaps i should use the word mesmerise...
TF75..i think we have to let go our titles of being the youngest arnd here(for this thread)...seems like brudder DUck84 is reall one hell of a young dude!!!
think both of us (TF75/TS75) must give way liao...

Once again...Welcome Brudder Duck84..welcome ...
i am sure many brudders will be happy to help u around...till then happy reading.
Old 23-05-2006, 09:52 PM
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Re: Hatyai Agent-T Dedicate Post 2400 to you...

i know many of us here have a rough idea of how my Agent-T' service...
Dedicated Post 2400 to you...

Please. I am not doing an advertisement for him....he dun need that.
i will NOT give his numbers unless very close reputable brudders here.

coz he touched my heart when he bought the birthday cake and bouquets of flowers...on my hdy birthday bash...with this..i dedicate this post to him...I love You Agent-T..!(Dailo..dun get jealous hor..)

Let me elaborate on Agent-T more for this post.
the reason why i kept him in my little that i get to have his best service just by serving me alone...yes..all by myself.
but i think its time to share his outmost best service(with a fee of coz)

Agent-T 's profile

1. A very decent, down-to-earth, honest family guy who had mouths to feed.
2. He's a local.
3. He is not out for a killing....he's only out for a simple living.
4. both of us have been frens for more than 6 years since my 1st visit in
5. He is not those other tuk tuks that drives you around and keep on pestering u to take WLs...instead his signature words are "UP TO YOU"
6. He is your Favorite Butler, Friend, Buddy, Father, Uncle,etc... Just ring him..he will be there at your service.
7. He will always snatch the bill from you whenever u snapped yr finger for bill settlement..(not that he's paying for u...) , he will look thru all items and prices...and place his signature smile back to the biller.* which then u will see your bill comes back in shrunk amount. (*PS. Most of the places his smile will works but not for the whole hdy!!!.Bear in mind)
8. Not only will he be driving you around..but he will act as a tour u wonderful The 2000 hatyai Flood...etc..
9. He is a poor drinker...but if u both turns out to be good frens...he will one day invites you to his tuk tuks clan gathering drinking session.
10. He speaks Hokkien...( still learning cantonese/english from me...but can tell that his cantonese is improving well...)

His A-Mobile
1. Slow but steady( can always go a bit faster if i am rushing for my plane)
2. Old, rusty but who really cares when u have a beautiful puying sitting and hugging with you.
3. Compact..and All weather drive...not Four wheel drive hor...kekeke
4. Just a transport to bring u to point A to point B.

His service fee
1. Like what he always say: " UP TO YOU "
2. Depends on his service level to you.

i believe many brudders have know my Agent-T for their few previous visits no matter what i say...ppl will bound to ask..'got this kind of ppl meh?'
'have shadow bo'? ' got such toad jumping around streets meh?' etc....

last but not least ..i am sharing this coz i love my Agent-T...and not becoz of any forms of publicity in promoting or advertising him.....

okies...maybe my Dailo, stiffneck or the rest will like to add more on this...
till then i go get busy liao...
Old 23-05-2006, 09:58 PM
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Re: Welcome brudder Duck84

Hook is ok but do know your limits ok....when u wanna go just jio in the forum i am sure one one will reply or go along.

Originally Posted by taurus75
Gentlemen...i would like to introduce on a fresh blood in hatyai scene..
Brudder Duck84...

well...a really decent young man who just "hook" on hdy..or perhaps i should use the word mesmerise...
TF75..i think we have to let go our titles of being the youngest arnd here(for this thread)...seems like brudder DUck84 is reall one hell of a young dude!!!
think both of us (TF75/TS75) must give way liao...

Once again...Welcome Brudder Duck84..welcome ...
i am sure many brudders will be happy to help u around...till then happy reading.
Pm Me For more points.
Old 23-05-2006, 10:03 PM
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Re: Welcome brudder Duck84

Originally Posted by Prolink
Hook is ok but do know your limits ok....when u wanna go just jio in the forum i am sure one one will reply or go along.
Proooo-Link 's wise words spoken....
Old 24-05-2006, 03:25 AM
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Red face Re: Welcome brudder Duck84

Originally Posted by taurus75
Gentlemen...i would like to introduce on a fresh blood in hatyai scene..
Brudder Duck84...

well...a really decent young man who just "hook" on hdy..or perhaps i should use the word mesmerise...
TF75..i think we have to let go our titles of being the youngest arnd here(for this thread)...seems like brudder DUck84 is reall one hell of a young dude!!!
think both of us (TF75/TS75) must give way liao...

Once again...Welcome Brudder Duck84..welcome ...
i am sure many brudders will be happy to help u around...till then happy reading.
1st of all of cos gona thanx bro tarus for such gd cool...btw i am still learning too...hope u guys understand ...haha btw i dun wana be decent la...haha i wana be a devil to thai mei lol...btw wat is puying ? stand for ger in thai?
Old 24-05-2006, 08:43 AM
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Re: Welcome brudder Duck84

Originally Posted by duck84
1st of all of cos gona thanx bro tarus for such gd cool...btw i am still learning too...hope u guys understand ...haha btw i dun wana be decent la...haha i wana be a devil to thai mei lol...btw wat is puying ? stand for ger in thai?
wow..Devil huh??! make sure its not the other way round.
actaully many of us are also learning....
wow...this one is easy..
Puying = Girls, ladies (Thai)
Puchai = Boys, Men (Thai)
Old 24-05-2006, 12:19 PM
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Re: Welcome brudder Duck84

Originally Posted by taurus75
wow..Devil huh??! make sure its not the other way round.
actaully many of us are also learning....
wow...this one is easy..
Puying = Girls, ladies (Thai)
Puchai = Boys, Men (Thai)
I love Puying!!! Devil in the making...but heart too soft when with Thai Mei...sianx..Taurus75 teach me more!!!
Old 24-05-2006, 01:58 PM
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Raise a hand to enter Thailand

Report from The New Straits Times dated Wednesday 24 May 2006 :-

Raise a hand to enter Thailand

BUKIT KAYU HITAM: Want to know an easy way to enter Thailand without any travel documents?

Just ask any of the locals here, who will be only too happy to tell you about the "angkat tangan" practice.

How it works is simple: just raise a hand and wave at the personnel manning the Bukit Kayu Hitam checkpoint, a gesture generally accepted as indicating an intention to visit the duty-free complex a few hundred metres beyond.

Once there, there is no stopping anyone from going across to the Thai town of Danok, often to be waved on at the Thai checkpoints.

Locals like Ibrahim (not his real name), who travels regularly to Danok, said he preferred the "angkat tangan" method despite having a passport and border pass.

"I go there to have a good time but I don’t want my wife to know. A heavily-stamped border pass will give me away," he said, smiling.

Ibrahim said it was easier to walk the 700m stretch between the Malaysian and Thai checkpoints than drive.

"You are less noticeable if you walk, which makes it easier to slip in and out of both countries," he said.

Ibrahim claimed the locals had been using the "system" for years to enter Thailand for various reasons.

Smugglers, however, have taken advantage of the "angkat tangan" practice to ferry contraband between the two countries.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork

Thai pussies are the best in the world. Once you have licked them, you're addicted for life !!!
Old 24-05-2006, 01:59 PM
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Raise a hand to enter Thailand

Report from The New Straits Times dated Wednesday 24 May 2006 :-

Raise a hand to enter Thailand

BUKIT KAYU HITAM: Want to know an easy way to enter Thailand without any travel documents?

Just ask any of the locals here, who will be only too happy to tell you about the "angkat tangan" practice.

How it works is simple: just raise a hand and wave at the personnel manning the Bukit Kayu Hitam checkpoint, a gesture generally accepted as indicating an intention to visit the duty-free complex a few hundred metres beyond.

Once there, there is no stopping anyone from going across to the Thai town of Danok, often to be waved on at the Thai checkpoints.

Locals like Ibrahim (not his real name), who travels regularly to Danok, said he preferred the "angkat tangan" method despite having a passport and border pass.

"I go there to have a good time but I don’t want my wife to know. A heavily-stamped border pass will give me away," he said, smiling.

Ibrahim said it was easier to walk the 700m stretch between the Malaysian and Thai checkpoints than drive.

"You are less noticeable if you walk, which makes it easier to slip in and out of both countries," he said.

Ibrahim claimed the locals had been using the "system" for years to enter Thailand for various reasons.

Smugglers, however, have taken advantage of the "angkat tangan" practice to ferry contraband between the two countries.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
Old 24-05-2006, 04:31 PM
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Re: Welcome brudder Duck84

Originally Posted by duck84
1st of all of cos gona thanx bro tarus for such gd cool...btw i am still learning too...hope u guys understand ...haha btw i dun wana be decent la...haha i wana be a devil to thai mei lol...btw wat is puying ? stand for ger in thai?
hehehe i scare u not the devil but is the thai girl voodoo u b4 u can even become a devil.

anyway welcome to Thailand .... n my little hometown hatyai

Chok dee na
Hee Man
Old 24-05-2006, 06:52 PM
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Re: Raise a hand to enter Thailand

Originally Posted by KatoeyLover69
Report from The New Straits Times dated Wednesday 24 May 2006 :-

Raise a hand to enter Thailand
u really wont learn brudder...
Why dun u raise your hand higher this that BOSS can see your double NEWs posts and zap you into moderation again...kekeke
Old 24-05-2006, 06:57 PM
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Re: Welcome brudder Duck84

Originally Posted by duck84
I love Puying!!! Devil in the making...but heart too soft when with Thai Mei...sianx..Taurus75 teach me more!!!
i have this one which is useful by brudder Thaivisitor(teevee/tv)
Read it..and learn more...!
The Attraction Of A Thai WL
Old 24-05-2006, 06:58 PM
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Re: Welcome brudder Duck84

Originally Posted by pussyman72
hehehe i scare u not the devil but is the thai girl voodoo u b4 u can even become a devil.

anyway welcome to Thailand .... n my little hometown hatyai

Chok dee na
Honored to have another laojiao aka senior here in the thread...
brudder..u based in chiangmai?
Old 24-05-2006, 07:12 PM
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Re: Hatyai Agent-T Dedicate Post 2400 to you...

Originally Posted by taurus75
i know many of us here have a rough idea of how my Agent-T' service...

okies...maybe my Dailo, stiffneck or the rest will like to add more on this...
till then i go get busy liao...

Agent-T is a VERY HONEST man which is VERY RARE in Hatyai!
Puu ying khoon Thai mai ko hok mai chai puu ying???

Map of Hatyai!!!
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