Matters of the Heart. Has a Commercial Fuck turned into a torrid Love Affair which has turned your life upside down? Fear not. We have experts here who can help you through your roller coaster ride. Tell us your story and we'll do our best to help.
27-07-2017, 06:56 PM
Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 147
Mentioned: 0 Post(s)
Tagged: 0 Thread(s)
Quoted: 0 Post(s)
My Reputation:
Points: 752 / Power: 9
Re: Thread for Exchange of Rep. Points.
Originally Posted by
Good morning.
Wishing all a nice day.
Originally Posted by
Hope kind bro's & sis's would up me....
Thank you in advance all
Upped 1 for exchange.
Welcome to xchange points. Sharing is caring.
27-07-2017, 06:59 PM
Re: Thread for Exchange of Rep. Points.
Originally Posted by
Exchange please
Add 3 points ka ...
"My name is Alice, and this is my world."
~ Alice, Resident Evil
2ND List - Lamborghini, powerkid, lonelyheart, SimplyUnperfect, esssinine, izaaat, charcoalfilter, Hurricane88, DrPussy, S.B.Y.1, TwinTowers, Exbro, zl1983, cloudy80, meatvegelove, Anitamui, CumExplorer, Jay Chou
27-07-2017, 07:34 PM
Re: Thread for Exchange of Rep. Points.
Originally Posted by
Morning, folks - many thanks to those who upz me and have left me a PM. Current queue for upz: Seventynine, Sponge05, Wu Song Jr, Josh_Ray, gilaxes, 胡's your daddy!, HonestCrook, NorthEast, qizai , ShaolinHamster, smartke, waikeekee, basfreak, ejectjoy, Kremil
Pls let me know if I missed you out, remember to PM me so I can add you to the queue list
+18 points to be given out daily.
Have upz u for exchange
27-07-2017, 07:48 PM
Re: Thread for Exchange of Rep. Points.
Originally Posted by
Bro gilaxes, had returned your nice gesture!
Cheers and enjoy!
Joy upped =)
Find Joy in your Jo urney =)
2X return list
27-07-2017, 08:00 PM
Re: Thread for Exchange of Rep. Points.
Originally Posted by
Upped 1 for exchange.
Friend, XingLing +2 xie le
My uplist - izaaat
27-07-2017, 08:06 PM
Sawadee Krup :D
Re: Thread for Exchange of Rep. Points.
+39 Rep Points To Exchange
Due to overwhelming Demands, I have decided to give priority to those who have +15 Rep Power & above
Not accepting exchange with Rep Power Below 15 till I clear the list
Users that have been Upped
( Click to show/hide ) Naka_Timo, 8waldz, francesco, Deskboard, overboard, luvit, cyberkoh88, owl888 , Supervert , lonebonker , siam66 , Koiz, El bistro, HuatAh16, szczesny, Sailsingapore, tropiccana, Exbro, Botakhead2, baigonggong, SureScore, madpig88, 4Dguru, powerkid, Hurricane88, HayDay, Bugging, Lamborghini, Belt, ItsEsther, Swagelock, marlboroken, bbbjkim, gilaxes, ktmakmak, Andrew101, Wu Song Jr, DevilChan78, Tingtonglove, justl00king, owen10, Passerbyer, Slyer, badboys, arse-nal, Sexy_lion, Linkus, Kalv, basfreak, i^Xi0n, randily, Yvonne123, izaaat, Lovelyboy, bababoo, PeroPero, apollo, crackpod, Cafu, Rangerous, yashlro, esssinine, Lemon2, Smoky7, Prince7, Sponge05, georgemagnum, Tai_zi21, ken6890, lone_dog69, forsaken101, Rasta Marley, ly1968, SAFFRONnation, aakumu, topcook1, ngengheng, sunhuan-con, surbana, needsing38, SteelX, hamsapkwai, ho-lee, wkc77, liewkc2503, max_priest, cavemanng, ah rat, loneyheart, seabass, hungten, simple2kee, NorthEast, gozoo, meatvegelove, F-boy, unicornboy, nokia3510, sianren, GOODFELLO, skyleon, CoCk shoCk, Informer, Shiofukis, Masakarius, aDeCaLs, S.B.Y.1, CaptAm, bk81665, schmeichel, brunt, Clownteaser, Furby85, kopigaogao, Pink2577, 3MOQ, smartke, Exbros, braxlex, ProjectAlice, kengng, PeaceKris, menshealth, Fansees, bk4ever, jjmagic, Mplover, justanewbie, vrossi1980, EnjoyLife99, Sleepyguy2, Slide2despair, dyelook, plsfloodme, riderboy, wally888, Ktvbuddy, 69sex, tookara, SiaSuay, simimabochap, OysterLover, TonyCheong2, Effendy, Tho66, lobowolf, imfirecracker, Penguin23, diputs1269, Josh_Ray, bigbirdbird, nastythaiboy, Cash8877, otamay, CuriousSG, vanram, faithevans, lobangkingz, rawboy83, KaraII, Cloudy80, hoian, Toobee, reading, nantboy7, KenTeo, chukeliang, smay, cheeseL
Will up users next in following order :
Priority List (Those with +15 Rep Power and above)
Queue List
( Click to show/hide ) asgapi, sky88, Amplus, Msuzu, iluvfish, alfang, applepie130, xqueen, antartica, Boarding, charcoalfilter, chatlovers, warbird, Goalie, xDylan, alphaoasis, Dinoroar, Usign, adlo, jonkoller, Saltyraw, fatspider, mecurix86, dobo, fatty1234, jay.lay, KREMIL, Botakhead, happywoody, Pompous, Shalala01, gadtark, Jay chou, vampangel, metascooter, Charlie130, draven78eric, ejectjoy, MattJB, Weiwe, newyorker88, hondalvin, overseasgboy, skyscrape, Icekeeper, MerlinW, FEDERER801, Xiaoboy18, jessieisabitch, siithh, jcang, shit8, Latexman, redapple26, pocketrocket, Greenfrog, kick_ass, 1447, Zeith, wohaha96, relvo, andrew9030, Kuan Aik Hong, digital_, albertchen123, SMGG, Me Siam Bu, chris91, tuyet, WahLan, ipay4six, ahlongkia, Megatronzombie, hockkie64, Oh yes, ronin_dark, andythai, nixjrr, t4tortoise, Rally, Babarella, efini81, water_boi
The following Post have Expire, please PM me when you have a new post
KUN MAN TONG, sky_liner2
27-07-2017, 08:15 PM
Re: Thread for Exchange of Rep. Points.
Originally Posted by
in queue: furby85,saltyraw,lonebonker,supervert,ktmakmak,caf u,conquer,josh_ray,i^Xi0n,sponge05,knowitall,cash8 877,curioussg,madpig,mplover,bk4ever,truthful,jjma gic,justanewbie,vrossi1980,nastythaiboy,informer,l obangkingz,rawboy83,meatvegelove,bk81665,powerkid, esssinine,hamsapkwai,clownteaser
Sent 9 dinings
Jio lim kopi at El Bistro
Minimum 10 points needed
Havanna Slicks
27-07-2017, 08:25 PM
Re: Thread for Exchange of Rep. Points.
All are welcome to exchange...
please be patient while I up each bro daily. Thanks
Me Siam Bu
danielsun Anfield2017 Oysterlover Mplover jjmagic justanewbie Meijipcc Apollo powerkid SimplyUnperfect sailsingapore
27-07-2017, 08:42 PM
Re: Thread for Exchange of Rep. Points.
Thank you v. much to.... !
Originally Posted by
open for exchange but must be patient because i do not login often these days. minimum power 8 to trade.
T.Q. v. Much to.. bro/sis airforcegurl ...for returning favour so promptly wif his/her generous points ! ....Greatly appreciated !....Another v. nice bro/sis worthy of support....
Cheers !
Note : Nowadays one can up 2 bros a day i/o of the previous 1 only a day by courtesy of boss sam...good for bros wif long uplist...can clear faster
Next to up > bro 胡's your daddy!, PeaceKris (2nd round)...still unable to upzz them back...sigh...
& Bro Mandin
Exchange wif senior bros who post regularly for the 2nd round are welcomed..
Besides them, all other favours hv been returned
Rickey ~~~
MIN to EXC > POWER...5
Up my points n I will return immediately
Pls PM me if I haven return favor
27-07-2017, 08:51 PM
Re: Thread for Exchange of Rep. Points.
Returned list:
( Click to show/hide ) gilaxes, qizai, smartke, 胡's your daddy!, Hurricane88, Tingtonglove, Ktmakmak, SureScore, ShaolinHamster, Rickey, Cafu, Sexy_lion, marlboroken, goalie, Koiz, Kalv, lonebonker, PeaceKris, Supervert, El bistro, nastythaiboy, vrossi1980, CuriousSG, madpig88, Truthful, bk4ever, simple2kee, Owen 10, owl888, Slyer, bbbjkim, HayDay, waikeekee, NorthEast, Tai_zi21, Lamborghini, justl00king, Clownteaser, Everlasty, meatvegelove, 4dguru, tundrawolf, Andrew101, guest68, ProjectAlice, SimplyUnperfect, arse-nal, justanewbie, dyelook, Lemon2, Mplover, jjmagic, lobangkingz, Informer, rawboy83, Ktvbuddy, smoky7, vampangel, asgapi, toobee, Shiofukis, crackpod, bk81665, EnjoyLife99, powerkid, CaptAm, ly1968, Furby85, Iluvfish, apollo, Prince7, reading, ejectjoy, Sleepyguy2, SMGG, Skycarpenter, candle2000, ah rat, Love 6969, Hoian, Pink2577, Fansees, Charlie130, Saltyraw, 3MOQ, Suwy, SG10, Pompous, baigonggong, XingLing, Ahqing, Young Hero, koc88, me siam bu, Samdude, Howgoodisthat, Super00, Sex1314, Metascooter, QT169, hamsapkwai, esssinine
Pending (The order starts from the bottom of the list):
conquer, Bugging, sams11, Cloudy80, randily, liewkc2503, liewkc2503, Acegik, Europa
Waiting list is empty soon!
Do not PM me! I'll check for those who UP me. Just leave your nick in the comment.
Inactive user (PM me on your latest post, and I'll up you.)
Botakhead2, kopigaogao, szczesny, Silentreader88
Thanks for the generosity!
27-07-2017, 08:53 PM
Re: Thread for Exchange of Rep. Points.
Originally Posted by
Anyone up for exchange?
Upz bro powerkid before, so cant return yet.
A particular bro upz my points and left behind an initial "from"
Cant seem to find this nick. Do pm me
Bro Slide2despair, Spikerman, MerlinW, EnjoyLife99 & sanuuk, no latest post to return.
Please pm me.
Appreciate the pm if you do upz me. easier for me to monitor
Pending: BigBird123, Sex1314, Super00, SiaSuay, ly1968, ReelSchnick, Tailok, Lovelyboy, AhQing, Paladinofsola, Howgoodisthat, blackface, Violet, beersingha, koc88, amplus, MrPlayer, conquer, kuan aik hong, OserbergGold, Suwy, Mandin, ipay4six
Bugging up.
27-07-2017, 09:00 PM
Re: Thread for Exchange of Rep. Points.
Min 7 pts for exchange .
0 in que . Please be patient .
“Love will wreck your heart like a derailed train. So choo-choose your partner wisely.
― Jarod Kintz,
Ignore list: Jason_
27-07-2017, 09:17 PM
Re: Thread for Exchange of Rep. Points.
( Click to show/hide ) FunnyHippo, Hurricane88, acemanfred55, shctaw, Jackbl-, Prince7, TingTongLove, lonebonker, Harvest, DevilChan78, hamsapkwai, PeroPero, Rickey, Kalv, sleeping, ctchua, Arse-nal, dyelook, Yakuza, basfreak, i^Xi0n, sponge05, bunty, tarma69, ml1138, waikeekee, ShaolinHamster, georgemagnum, chochochang2, owen10, Goalie, esssinine, SureScore, Sexy_lion, compgen, bbbjkim, Cafu, Andrew101, Tho66, apollo, qwertycarbo, clinton, reading, Belt, Sailsingapore, loneyheart, Cumexplorer, cash8877, jc_wtc, marlboroken, Rasta Marley, wittyman, owl888, tuyet, sunhuan-con, shoot to target, gasscut, norigo77, xiaolaopo, 胡's your daddy!, HonestCrook, jay.lay, smartke, manu_no7, abbie mayo, powerkid, justl00king, menshealth, Swagelock, Supervert, Koiz, Slyer, deathryuk, Greenfrog, big sister80, brunt, PeaceKris, Rugalsc, szczesny, Lamborghini, devil reds, watsunder, plsfloodme, ngengheng, Josh_Ray, dysfunk, Kingsle, kopigaogao, grey82, Black Page, ramirez, curiousSG, mplover, NorthEast, gilaxes, hairy_abalone, bigbirdbird, JJmagic, vrossi1980, naka_timo, wally888, 55055, more, BBHumper, chatlovers, 69sex, tinalam, SimplyUnperfect, badboys, sky_liner2, bk81665, etsys, aimbird, ken79, spas, 1447, Slutwen, divedeeper, Exbro, Exbros, lglg666, PocketRocket, marc5, BikinisLover, the old nite, Ktmakmak, me siam bu, aloius, surbana, 1deg, Mito, ho-lee, Froster, conquer, kuan aik hong, HayDay, seabass, topcook1, masterwanker, Clownteaser, Smoky7, cyberkoh88, slut, El bistro, bulleye, bababoo, Oh yes, sbftiankon, Unfit, bukit mewah, Binbin81, Linlaobei, qizai, hungten, anotherlife, meatvegelove, 222nge, Just_Did_It, sex crusader, lazuka, sc slayer, randily, Furby85, ejectjoy, Sanuuk, siam66, FUNNYANDHORNY, HornyKingKong, grandfather, Linkus, Poker, Draculax, HC NEWBIRD, zl1983, dogstar69, lookingaround, Javabeans, naemlo, frostfuryz, needsing38, liewkc2503, Jay Chou, Espress0, GOODFELLO, Passerbyer, simple2kee, izaaat, Wu Song Jr, lost99, Love 6969, Steventan, silver5surfer, nottiboy, lone_dog69, Lawrence1713, max_priest, Botakhead, Ibanezjem555, swordfish2006, The Milk Man, w00f, Botakhead2, chukeliang, nixjrr, WOOHOO, Bigbooblove, TheMentalist, avboys, skyscrape, alex18122003, vaxvms, Tai_zi21, silverug, EnjoyLife99, Pink2577, wohaha96, sgGem, jonkoller, ProjectAlice, fabteo, ken6890, lls8, oreoman, owenfang, joelee2016, 4Dguru, Everlasty, Attilio2003, Deesiaokia, Banana Man, Shiofukis, IAMGOD, Lauteko, Hanster, AndyCock, braxlex, strikeback4, 35cents, hitman1891, ipay4six, BLACKITES, zron.45, thedevil666, newyorker88, Lemon2, gozoo, ah rat, sometimes_only, vampiredevil, Achor, lobowolf, tofustick, solopop, bernie, KDLiverpool, jask357, SG10, TwinTowers, SMGG, fion.18, aakumu, Taiko2006, CaptAm, ly1968, dvilla, Charlenexo, Toobee, Silentreader88, siithh, Msdy777, Suwy, MensPlus, alantan27, khoon1, 3Dragon, launua2, kick_ass, Pompous, Alpha001, Cando, GladBoy, beersingha, stiwrx,
Pls only exchange points with me when you are power 7 and above.
Sincere apologies to those bros who want my 12 points but do not qualify. You will still be placed in the waiting queue to be upped...
I owe these bros my 12 points....
In Queue:
Waiting for bro to return points:
@ 07-11-2016 06:12 PM Draculax
@ 03-01-2017 10:03 PM Espress0
@ 26-02-2017 12:32 AM Bigbooblove
@ 26-03-2017 12:00 AM fabteo
@ 01-04-2017 01:04 PM lls8
@ 13-04-2017 07:17 PM Attilio2003
@ 19-04-2017 11:28 PM Banana Man
@ 23-04-2017 04:33 PM IAMGOD
@ 27-04-2017 06:32 PM AndyCock
@ 06-05-2017 10:58 PM hitman1891
@ 10-05-2017 01:19 PM BLACKITES
@ 18-05-2017 10:11 PM gozoo
@ 29-05-2017 11:32 PM Achor
@ 04-06-2017 11:25 PM bernie
@ 26-06-2017 01:58 AM SMGG
@ 06-07-2017 11:47 PM siithh
@ 06-07-2017 11:47 PM Msdy777
@ 11-07-2017 08:59 PM alantan27
@ 13-07-2017 10:56 PM khoon1
@ 17-07-2017 07:17 PM kick_ass
@ 24-07-2017 10:49 PM Cando
@ 24-07-2017 10:49 PM GladBoy
@ 27-07-2017 09:09 PM stiwrx
I will do day by day only if possible...
Seriously I dunno why we are exchanging all this points for, but since I cannot disappoint them, i have to give right...
27-07-2017, 09:27 PM
Re: Thread for Exchange of Rep. Points.
17 points for exchange!
**pm me for 2nd/3rd round
33 096 5/3/25 Vinrington+15, 4/3 raygoat+15, 25/2 Returning favour bro thanks=messi
2nd xchange list:
27/1 Samkieu+12, 15/1 marklui520+9, 16/11 4Dguru+18, 23/10 rawmaster101+13, 22/9 Havanna Slicks+23, 29/9 124asf124+7
27-07-2017, 10:35 PM
Re: Thread for Exchange of Rep. Points.
Originally Posted by
Returned. Thanks
upzz u 11 pts for exchange
Pm me to exchange points! min 4 pointers pls
uplist: wpns
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