I drove for two hours, and we arrived. Initially, we enjoyed the slides until lunchtime. After lunch, we moved to the naturist section. I'm not sure if you're familiar, but you're required to remove your swimsuit before entering the spa. We headed to the changing room, and we all undressed, although we kept ourselves wrapped in towels. Let me give you a brief description of the girls. My girlfriend is slim but not skinny, with average-sized breasts with light-colored nipples, standing at 165 cm tall, and she was completely shaved that day.
Really similar to this girl, little bit bigger.
L. is about 168 cm tall, with a physique quite similar to my girlfriend's but slightly smaller breasts.
S., on the other hand, is quite tall, at least 178 cm, very thin, athletic, and muscular, with a very flat chest (she eats very little, is vegan, and runs daily).
Each of us tried out a sauna on our own, possibly to get used to the situation. After about an hour, we met up and lay down outside on the grass, admiring the mountain view. At that moment, I saw the girls in their entirety.
L. had a thick bush, while S. was completely shaved, and her clitoris and labia minora could be seen. Her hip bones were strikingly noticeable. The whole scenario was quite stimulating.
We lay on the grass on a large 3m x 3m cloth I had brought, relaxing. I recall giving my girlfriend a brief back massage and then giving L. one. My girlfriend shot me a sharp look, so I stopped. We spent the entire afternoon moving in and out of the saunas and pools. I savored that view, and I'll forever carry that memory with me.
Re: Ever saw your relatives, friends or colleagues naked?
Originally Posted by superkk
Totally agree with you bro. When I was younger I was too obsessed with boobs and only learn to appreciate other aspects of a woman because pretty girls with big boobs are way above my level and won't want a guy like me.. and also they are all usually already taken.
Maybe it worked out better for you in the end.
Like my SIL, she's pretty but I really enjoy being around her not because of her nudity but the kind of stuff we can talk about.
Nudity to me is like a bonus but I can live without it. Just yesterday saw a down blouse from her, managed to spot her left tit and nipple.
Re: Ever saw your relatives, friends or colleagues naked?
My helper every time will wrap a small towel out of the bathroom to walk to her room. Catch her a few times and she even smile at me give me a shy look. I always fantasize her towel will drop and show me her naked curvy figure... I wondering how to catch her naked in front of my eyes
My helper every time will wrap a small towel out of the bathroom to walk to her room. Catch her a few times and she even smile at me give me a shy look. I always fantasize her towel will drop and show me her naked curvy figure... I wondering how to catch her naked in front of my eyes
Re: Ever saw your relatives, friends or colleagues naked?
Originally Posted by vlaar
My helper every time will wrap a small towel out of the bathroom to walk to her room. Catch her a few times and she even smile at me give me a shy look. I always fantasize her towel will drop and show me her naked curvy figure... I wondering how to catch her naked in front of my eyes
the fact that she let you catch her and smile and give you a shy look.. is setting trap for you already
Re: Ever saw your relatives, friends or colleagues naked?
Originally Posted by vlaar
My helper every time will wrap a small towel out of the bathroom to walk to her room. Catch her a few times and she even smile at me give me a shy look. I always fantasize her towel will drop and show me her naked curvy figure... I wondering how to catch her naked in front of my eyes
Be careful, maids are very smart now a days...recently the case of the 69 year old convicted cos he can "depersonalized" his maid by just saying the word "sleep" and she become helpless cannot move...i mean this whole thing really smells of something real fishy...is the man a "Mentalist" able to hypnotize...or was it just a case of employer/maid disagreement over "benefits" till she "cry rape"..
__________________ Shake Rattle And Roll!!!
Apologies to anyone who have already upped me and I did not return favor, please pm to let me know as I don't usually check rep pts.
Re: Ever saw your relatives, friends or colleagues naked?
Originally Posted by vlaar
My helper every time will wrap a small towel out of the bathroom to walk to her room. Catch her a few times and she even smile at me give me a shy look. I always fantasize her towel will drop and show me her naked curvy figure... I wondering how to catch her naked in front of my eyes
If you are married and your wife is aware of what the maid is up to, then something must be very wrong with your wife.
Even if you are single, the maid is likely wanting to find a better life than being a DH.
Either, not worth banging your own DH unless you are prepared to marry her.
I don't believe in a no string attached, free lunch.
If you like what I comment or post, feel free to comment or give me your oranges.
If it's merely for the exchange of oranges, I don't. Sorry about that.
Re: Ever saw your relatives, friends or colleagues naked?
Originally Posted by vlaar
My helper every time will wrap a small towel out of the bathroom to walk to her room. Catch her a few times and she even smile at me give me a shy look. I always fantasize her towel will drop and show me her naked curvy figure... I wondering how to catch her naked in front of my eyes
Agree with brothers that this is dangerous. My helper usually has a shower in the common bath after 9pm and goes to her room dressed in her pokemon print nightdress. Then out of the blue she started having her night shower and walking back to her room wrapped in her towel.
I would be in the hall watching TV as she walked past on the periphery to the room but I paid little or no attention. She is not a looker but pleasant enough - slim Filipina with b-cups in her late 30s. Then during world cup this year she would come out to use the bathroom or drink water. I noticed very visible pokies but said nothing. She would take great pains to walk into my line of vision to say "Goodnight sir", which I would nod and say back. Won't lie and say I did not notice or appreciate the pokies but was not stupid to do anything more.
Then one weekend my MIL visited and stayed over. Helper repeated her towel routine and MIL - who had come out of the gust room to speak to my wife, saw her. Wifey had a stern talk with helper the next day (I was not present) I got both barrels from wife for "not telling her about this nonsense" and was in the dog house for some time.
Just as you would not eat and shit at the office (even if U ARE the boss), no good can come out of this. And even though I did not do anything wrong - each time I do something nice/thoughtful for my helper - my wife will give me hell if she is unaware of it. Dun risk it - definitely not worth the aggro or consequence.