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Old 11-10-2017, 08:47 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Originally Posted by Felixang View Post
Not bad. 3rd wave zap. Very impressive. 果然有料。

君子有礼让之贤德。虽小人当道,但我依然退避三舍。 出来玩以和为贵。开心就好。

Its the darkest time in dome1. All those "senior" enough should know what's going on. 我清者自清。问心无愧。

Hope everyone can wake up from this nightmare. 迷途羔羊,小心被虎狼吞食。

Please continue with REAL genuine FR and uphold the long traditional FR sharing spirit.

Luckily all the zaps cannot compete with 1xNaka Timo's mighty up. Still ok la.
Old 11-10-2017, 09:17 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Originally Posted by acelim View Post
anyone tried BYE from siam escort?
I think some are saying she is a he. Check back pages few weeks ago.
Old 11-10-2017, 09:26 PM
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Post Re: Great Bonks

Originally Posted by Felixang View Post
I am very lucky. Out there still have some "seniors" know me, despite all the UNTRUE blacken and whatever. 人生苦短,唯有真英雄知多少。要抹黑他人,也得有些分量。

May I suggest you and your kakis or gang or group start a new thread in dome1? 我斗胆建议。请莫怪。

If need? I can start for you, "KOC88 FR" Thread. We know all the stables you visited is under same group. 一条船的。 They are related to Titanium. Behind others call them the "exile" group of another active stable. We also know you very hardcore active in SBF and can meet OKT face to face and have OKT blessing. 我们甘拜下风。

Not say you are clone but we prefer to read a mixture of FRs across all stables in SBF. 谢谢你。请多多包含。
At least i know who your SENIOR is now lor...really baffles me that such a reputable samster would even associate with a cad like u WOR!!! Ok la start a dedicated thread for me la if u so insist. Your support is damn power WOR!!! I am sure SENIOR will be so pleased u "highlighted" him for all of u to see WOR muahahahahahahahahahahahaha...
Yes i met OKT before..maybe i handsome u lj face...maybe i honest u not or vice versa??? So???!!!! Whats the link Mr Know All with years of service in SBF and philanthropist towards FLs lol??? Talk left talk right still ownself talking leh...i wait for my dedicated thread la but i choose where i want to post leh. I still got my premium which doesnt need to be transferred WOR LOL...
Old 11-10-2017, 09:26 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Originally Posted by reddevil888 View Post
bro koc88 can speak thai right? i think most bros who can speak thai and yandao enough will have better chemistry with the ladies? those like me cant speak thai will just have to spend a little more money and time to rtf and build up that chemistry with them
Hi Bro reddevil888, I know ur ques r directed towards Bro KOC88 but hope u dun mind I kaypo abit & offer my opinion. I think Bro KOC88 is a specimen la, which many of us wld be envy of . But back to ur ques, I personally think it's Yes/No.

Yes, it's easier to break the ice wif the FL cos after all, if u look @ it, it's something like a super speed dating (wif guaranteed happy endings). U & her r meeting each other for the 1st time, so a lil communication will make alotta diff. Unless u r a Daniel Henney or 王力宏 lookalike, else I really dunno how much of sign languages or 鸡同鸭讲 can help u in ur cause. No, becos personally, I think it really depends on the FLs attitude 1 la. I can speak conversational Thais & can understand them more than 1/2 time, but I dun feel that I hav that much advantages than normal Bros who can't speak Thais. Maybe I dun hav enuff BFEs like Bro KOC88 la, that's y I think end if the day, the FL will see who benefit her more & will incline to be nicer to Bros whom they feel will potentially RTF them more often.

No doubt, Siam bus r much better options than ATBs & Viets (imo la), in terms of GFE & services. But there r oso plenty of those who r juz here to be paid & get bonked ONLY, which means they'll only provide the bare min. services & nothing else. To them, this is strictly a job (& not a very glamorous 1) so they won't be interested @ all to build rapport or relationship wif any customer. In short, their mentality is "Happy u come, not Happy u F**k off" or "Ai Lai Mai Suah". In my experiences, gals who dun enjoy sex usually fall into this category (albeit not all la). Dun gimme that funny look man! Alotta of them who r in this industry r in desperate need of $$$, not becos they love sex & wannabe bonked by guys (although there r oso hell lotta them who r vain B**ches saving for the upcoming iPhones or Gucci handbags!), Surprisingly, alotta FLs who r or were in the sex industry belongs to this category oso. Reasons r too numerous la, which I shall not touch on. I think I'm still quite a newbie vut I've experienced lotsa bad bonks wif Puyings in SG, Malaysia & Thailand whose services can be even worse than the Geylang 站街 whores! Well, for dudes who juz wanna hav quick release & be on their way, prob such FLs r adequate to satisfy them.

Originally Posted by GreatEast View Post
Body language usually best works for me.
Personally, nowadays, I think the ultimate universal language that talks Best is MONEY

Okok, talk too much liao, as usual Pardon my idle babbling folks & once again very sorry if I offend or irritate anybody here. Happy Chionging, Cheers
Old 11-10-2017, 09:48 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Originally Posted by Felixang View Post
There are quite a number of samsters up me outside points exchange. Are you saying those reputable real samsters are all dirty? 你看你啊,就爱抹黑人。自己做好人。Its individual choice to decide who is telling truth. I don't tell lies, i don't do fake, from the start never bring anyone down. 从头到尾,我们都很冤枉。

Okok. You win i lose. 你赢好吗? Please... you can try blacken me but please do not blacken another. 拜托了哦。
No need to say blacken or whiten laaaa...or no need to talk so childish la win or lose..we not playing tikam here WOR.
Okok i go and ZZZ liao to have sweet dreams having finally know who SENIOR is lor...i need to take a snapshot of your masterpiece for memento...
I am fake lol...oh yesssssssssssss and so many bros are happy WOR with this batch of FLs i FR for. HOLEY MOLEY WOR muahahahahahahaha...KOC88 can really imagine bed room romps and stories till that zhun arrrrrrrrrrrr
I better go buy Toto tmr and win yer yer to buy cups n hangers for FLs!!!
Okok i diam diam in case i tio a mighty zap too but oh wait, i cannot be zapped right??? Muahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
Old 11-10-2017, 10:17 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Originally Posted by Felixang View Post
There are quite a number of samsters up me outside points exchange. Are you saying those reputable real samsters are all dirty? 你看你啊,就爱抹黑人。自己做好人。Its individual choice to decide who is telling truth. I don't tell lies, i don't do fake, from the start never bring anyone down. 从头到尾,我们都很冤枉。

Okok. You win i lose. 你赢好吗? Please... you can try blacken me but please do not blacken another. 拜托了哦。
Eh you can shut up alr anot? You damn irritating leh, 1 thing talk so fucking long still talk. People zap you then zap la fucking gu niang, damn buay tahan sia. People come in the thread read FR or find FR, because of your stupid attention seeking "oh people zap me I'm so poor thing I need to add chinese idioms" make it so difficult for people to find/see FR.

You all want to fight just go fight other place or meet to fight la, talk 1 shit talk so long haven't talk finish keep circling around same thing. You not sian I see also sian. Please la, just fuck off, for the benefit of everyone unless you putting FR.

No one is interested in your grandmother grandfather story of who zap who, you say please rao le wo or whatever fuck. You no one to love or talk to is it so must get attention here. Go adult discussion section and attract attention la
Old 11-10-2017, 10:35 PM
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Re: Great Bonks


Wah diedie must try look like my goddess korea model
Old 11-10-2017, 10:41 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Name: Bebe

Allegiance : yea first time , i like the patience of an OKT replying your queries etc.

Face :gotta discount the photo, but what takes the cake was her cutesy smile when you make the experience fun for her.

Boobs: Really nice firm boobs it is hard but hell its still boobs and she definitely wants u to grab them

Body: Nice shape , not flabby but not a small girl , glad im a decent tall guy

Pussy: Shaved with just very little hair and clean

BBBJ: really good effort and i enjoyed it , especially when she went for round 2 just glad she went for it =)

FJ: she is rather nice to let me try various positions , im glad we can communicate what i wish to do and if the position made her too tight to take my bro

GFE: Communicate in English but have a very limited vocabulary so try to talk slow and use simple words

RTF : i would , but i got a new target in mind.....

The downer is mainly the location, room isnt big but plus side bed is big so i'm glad for that.

The Next Boobsy girl i wanna go for....Molly....maybe OKT can give a reviewers discount? haha
Old 11-10-2017, 11:10 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Originally Posted by KOC88 View Post
Luckily all the zaps cannot compete with 1xNaka Timo's mighty up. Still ok la.
Anyway,i up anyone who up me before so doesn't meet i m associated. However if u up me, i up you back too. That doesn't mean anything too.
Anyway is small issue.. Move on...


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Old 11-10-2017, 11:22 PM
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Busty Baby Elephants

tsome stables write "busty" while the really mean "Baby Elephant"
some stables write C boobs for A boobs

some of us like big boobs
some of us like not so big boobs
some uf us like smaller boobs

some of us like slim girls
some of us like not so slim girls
some of us like BBW girls

and let us forget about the age
all too ofent it is like going to a fancy restaurant
age + +

dear OKT, please give honest stats of the girls
giving fake stats confuses the punters and in the end it hurts your business
Old 11-10-2017, 11:55 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Thanks for the sharing the details!!

Just write more often and u will get used to it. Lol.

Originally Posted by robotman12 View Post
Haha ya i dont write fr often.. but heres ur info:

1. Flat tummy
2. Not saggy, small natural b cup
3. Im not a fan of frenching, more towards neck/lip kissing
4. During stripping i tried rubbing her clit, she didnt reject my approach. But im not into licking so idk abt tat

I forgot to take a pic of her b4 leaving, but this is a pic tat she showed me. Ur experience wif her may vary from ppl to ppl.. maybe becos im younger, or maybe becos she likes older guys like koc88 lol

Old 12-10-2017, 12:00 AM
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Originally Posted by itguy07 View Post
tsome stables write "busty" while the really mean "Baby Elephant"
some stables write C boobs for A boobs

some of us like big boobs
some of us like not so big boobs
some uf us like smaller boobs

some of us like slim girls
some of us like not so slim girls
some of us like BBW girls

and let us forget about the age
all too ofent it is like going to a fancy restaurant
age + +

dear OKT, please give honest stats of the girls
giving fake stats confuses the punters and in the end it hurts your business
Did you get snooked by fake stats recently? Haha ... like all marketing efforts, some exaggeration is expected. We just have to use experience and gut feel.

Age is a bo pian thing - sure will discount to become younger. It's not a big deal as long as the looks is still attractive IMHO.

Boob size is tricky business. Even we can make mistake. Only sure thing is to peek at the girl's bra label when she go shower ... hahahahhh.
Old 12-10-2017, 12:07 AM
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Re: Great Bonks

woah, so noisy here, I guess it's time to add some of the self-proclaimed senior bros to ignore list
Old 12-10-2017, 12:14 AM
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Re: Busty Baby Elephants

Originally Posted by itguy07 View Post
tsome stables write "busty" while the really mean "Baby Elephant"
some stables write C boobs for A boobs

some of us like big boobs
some of us like not so big boobs
some uf us like smaller boobs

some of us like slim girls
some of us like not so slim girls
some of us like BBW girls

and let us forget about the age
all too ofent it is like going to a fancy restaurant
age + +

dear OKT, please give honest stats of the girls
giving fake stats confuses the punters and in the end it hurts your business

Bro, can understand how u feel. Bobian, each and everyone of us has different taste and standard. And since none of us really wear a bra (I suppose), guess we can't really gauge the cup size accurately.

So, nowadays I only refer to FR selectively... I will only rely on those who wrote FRs on ladies that I have also bonked before and verified that we have the same standard.

Cheer up man!
Old 12-10-2017, 12:20 AM
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Re: Great Bonks

FR on Moon from Sexsense

Location: Central
Looks: Similar to photos provided
Boobs: Amazing C cups, nice nipples too.
Body: Toned and curvy. Really tight cute ass.
Shower: Standard
BBBJ: Puts in effort and switches it up with different techniques.
FJ: Excellent, accommodating to your likes. And really "becomes one" with you when you're thrusting. Likes to make out when she's feeling it.
GFE: Really sweet girl, we talked and laughed a lot. A gem!
Overall: 9/10

She's only left with a few days, otherwise would definitely RTF. Plus points, she definitely loves to cum when you finger her. Really enjoyed myself. Thanks OKT.
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