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No need for explaination. SG has a system in place which has worked well so far. On testing +ve you are sent to DRC for observation. If you do not show symptoms of an addict.... you may be given benefit of doubt and released after a few days.... however you need to report for urine test every 2, 3, 5 or 7 day cycles depending on your supervision officer.
But if you show signs of addiction or withdrawal symptom..... then you squat inside and undergo cold turkey and rehab for 3-6 mths if newbie..... for hardcore addicts squat time is longer period.
This is a tried and tested system that applies to all..... even white knights kenna +ve oso will go squat inside.... no SAF 2-tier privilege here.
I beg to differ on white horse
Squat is squat but still privilege
See metro grandson Jett Ong he should have been 20 years even gallows but got off lightly
Not to mention PL’s daughter
even white knights kenna +ve oso will go squat inside.... no SAF 2-tier privilege here.
Originally Posted by F-boy
I beg to differ on white horse
Squat is squat but still privilege
See metro grandson Jett Ong he should have been 20 years even gallows but got off lightly
Not to mention PL’s daughter
An interesting news, a "stern warning".... Wonder how n why...
Both of them were not caught...... somebody baotoh them to CNB and they gong gong admitted to the offence. Blame themselves for not being steady enough under interrogation.
If they did not admit there is nothing CNB can do as they were not caught in the act and their system oredi cleared of traces of the drug.
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Do not up me and ask for points return as I am not into this game...... I will only up deserving posts.
Both of them were not caught...... somebody baotoh them to CNB and they gong gong admitted to the offence. Blame themselves for not being steady enough under interrogation.
If they did not admit there is nothing CNB can do as they were not caught in the act and their system oredi cleared of traces of the drug.
Cannabis how to clear?
Urine can clear hair also can’t clear
It’s CNB want or dun want to catch only
Animal farm la
Some are more equal than others
Both of them were not caught...... somebody baotoh them to CNB and they gong gong admitted to the offence. Blame themselves for not being steady enough under interrogation.
If they did not admit there is nothing CNB can do as they were not caught in the act and their system oredi cleared of traces of the drug.
There must be something "good n strong" to admit to an offense done. CNB will not just arrange an "interview". "Hello, someone told me u smoke ganja, u want to admit or not?"
If just by verbal baotoh, then back to back videocall also not enough time for CNB.
Anyway, just an interesting news for anyone thinking of having few mins of "high" in TH.
Last edited by hellothis555; 31-08-2022 at 03:51 PM.
Tailors u can consider
1) crown tailor
2) jesse and son
3) paul fashion
Viagra / cialis just go to pharmacies near NaNa BTS. No prescription needed.
Jesse and Son is my preferred choice. The only thing I have against them is that I am a fat bastard while they are pretty slim so the clothes they make while fitting and looking good on them perfectly, is abit uncomfortable for me. Made many shirts over the years with them but only 1 pants with them. Always had to ask them to open up the shirts abit more around the shoulders if not I would be freaking stiff.
Srevice wise, they are superb with perfect english.
Jesse and Son is my preferred choice. The only thing I have against them is that I am a fat bastard while they are pretty slim so the clothes they make while fitting and looking good on them perfectly, is abit uncomfortable for me. Made many shirts over the years with them but only 1 pants with them. Always had to ask them to open up the shirts abit more around the shoulders if not I would be freaking stiff.
Srevice wise, they are superb with perfect english.
Jesse and Son is my preferred choice. The only thing I have against them is that I am a fat bastard while they are pretty slim so the clothes they make while fitting and looking good on them perfectly, is abit uncomfortable for me. Made many shirts over the years with them but only 1 pants with them. Always had to ask them to open up the shirts abit more around the shoulders if not I would be freaking stiff.
Srevice wise, they are superb with perfect english.
I've never ventured to get tailored shirts cause I'm afraid that even though they fit perfectly in the store, after a few washes, they may shrink a size or two. Have you ever encountered this problem?
I've never ventured to get tailored shirts cause I'm afraid that even though they fit perfectly in the store, after a few washes, they may shrink a size or two. Have you ever encountered this problem?
Only from bad tailors. Normally the fabric is already washed before they pass it to you so that this doesn't happen.
I had it happen to me twice. Once in Singapore and once in Thailand. Never went back to those tailors.
Jesse and Son is my preferred choice. The only thing I have against them is that I am a fat bastard while they are pretty slim so the clothes they make while fitting and looking good on them perfectly, is abit uncomfortable for me. Made many shirts over the years with them but only 1 pants with them. Always had to ask them to open up the shirts abit more around the shoulders if not I would be freaking stiff.
Srevice wise, they are superb with perfect english.
I prefer Jesse and Son in terms of cutting. Even my recent trip I went back to them for tailoring. But 1 issue with them is their attitude can be quite selective on different people, especially the dad.
I prefer Jesse and Son in terms of cutting. Even my recent trip I went back to them for tailoring. But 1 issue with them is their attitude can be quite selective on different people, especially the dad.