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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 31-05-2021, 07:01 PM
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Re: BACK TO PHASE 2! Any ways to fix blue balls?

Originally Posted by engine View Post
Hopefully by June 13 no more unlinked cases, then everything can be back to normal when school holidays are over, looks like zhenhu will ask companies to do all do mandatory testing. Heard its only $10 for ART test, does any one know?
Realistically, I doubt there will be no more unlinked cases by 13th June... especially with the government's plan to expand, be more liberal and robust in testing and tracing within the local community from now on...

Clearly there is a reservoir of the virus in the local community and it ain't going to disappear anytime soon...the more you test, the more you shall find...what is important is to be able manage and control the situation at any one time while allowing the livelihood situation to return to normality pre-Covid as best as can be...
Old 31-05-2021, 07:45 PM
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Re: BACK TO PHASE 2! Any ways to fix blue balls?

Confirm have one la. The correct answer is all the business buay tong liao. By the time 0 infection, business no cash flow. Those typical setup will kpkb to MP, complain to ministers, want this, want that. So in the end, better open la.
Old 31-05-2021, 07:48 PM
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Re: BACK TO PHASE 2! Any ways to fix blue balls?

Originally Posted by bignehneh View Post
Confirm have one la. The correct answer is all the business buay tong liao. By the time 0 infection, business no cash flow. Those typical setup will kpkb to MP, complain to ministers, want this, want that. So in the end, better open la.
Like I said previously...the Cure cannot and must not be worse than the Disease (Covid)
Old 31-05-2021, 08:25 PM
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Originally Posted by omnia View Post
Not a big fan of PM Lee but must say his update on the Covid situation this afternoon was a promising one and kind of like what I said in here a little while back.

Bottom line we need to find an optimal balance(well as best as possible) between health safety and livelihood within our community.

Fingers crossed we return to P3 after 13th June.
Lawrence Wong already said we wont go back to phase 3 after June 13.
Old 31-05-2021, 08:33 PM
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Re: BACK TO PHASE 2! Any ways to fix blue balls?

The biggest joke is vaccinating students while 1/4 of the seniors or 280,000 people at risk didn’t bother to get jabbed despite being invited last February.
Old 31-05-2021, 09:19 PM
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Re: BACK TO PHASE 2! Any ways to fix blue balls?

Originally Posted by Sadly View Post
The biggest joke is vaccinating students while 1/4 of the seniors or 280,000 people at risk didn’t bother to get jabbed despite being invited last February.
They have good reason to be wary. A lot of social media stories, real or false, spreading about senior citizens getting jabbed, then getting heart attacks/strokes and dying in hospital mere days or weeks after getting jabbed. And how the government and doctors all refuse to certify that the deaths were vaccine-related despite the vaccines already being shown to cause blood clots or severe side effects for a minority of the global population inoculated thus far.

It's not just iron teeth. It's also fear too that with only a few years left on their lifespans why bother risking a bad reaction to a vaccine that will never be recognised as such by the government and medical profession in Singapore, taken as a potential guard against Covid-19 which isn't 100% guaranteed to infect anyone?
Old 31-05-2021, 09:27 PM
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Re: BACK TO PHASE 2! Any ways to fix blue balls?

Originally Posted by Xgenre View Post
Currently, if you are a close contact, you are quarantined. If you later test positive, your family members are quarantined too. Current method is problematic as your family members can be spreading covid 19 before you test positive.

From now on, PM Lee said if you are suspected to be a close contact of a Covid case, your family will be immediately quarantined. You don't no longer need to test positive before your family members are quarantined. If you go to a spa, then good luck explaining yourself under the new rules. 70% of linked cases are household transmission.

Hearsay from a PRC lady, her PRC friend who is a ML in Lavendar is quarantined after a covid guy visiting her MP. All the ML are in quarantined. But no news in the papers about any MP in Lavendar kenna leh. Anyone knows anything about this?
Stay at home kaki pcc. It's free and safe
Old 31-05-2021, 09:28 PM
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Originally Posted by funboi View Post
i think students bochap more than adults. When they play with friends or mingle in school or after school go out play they more high risk of contracting/spreading wuhan virus.
Yes that is the case but many students wont take it. They dont show any symptoms and suffer most in this pandemic given their need to socialise. Without the promise of being able to go out, party and spend time with their friends again they wont take the jab in order to protect the old folks not having taken the vaccine. Let’s not forget that the students are well educated.
Old 31-05-2021, 10:51 PM
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Originally Posted by funboi View Post
below 18 the parents must decide mah and above 18 they ownself decide liao since they are legally ok for fuck.

That time i go the vaccination centre i also thought i saw one ah boy maybe is secondary school or up a bit looking maybe JC/Poly/ITE at most. Maybe I see wrongly? because from the boy size and look very young sitting at the 30mins area.

Anyway those who don't take the vaccination is their choice. When open up time all the variants come in they high risk only.

Now China GuangDong i think is lock down and people rushing for testing and vaccination because scared of the India variant.
Yes some 12-16 years old have already been vaccinated. Those students living in dorms/hostels kind of accommodation. Can fuck legally at 16 bro 😎
Old 31-05-2021, 11:53 PM
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Re: BACK TO PHASE 2! Any ways to fix blue balls?

Trust me it's not a joke for a lot of businesses not just SMEs but also the large ones as well.

Originally Posted by funboi View Post

Heard it before too many times last year. 5555555 Waiting to see what else will come true as time goes by.
Well let us wait and see what happens come 14th June.

Originally Posted by Sadly View Post
Lawrence Wong already said we wont go back to phase 3 after June 13.
Very simple answer to anybody given the opportunity to vaccinate and declines...

Yes you have the right to decline....but at the same time you do not have a right to affect the livelihoods of others in the community and put an unnecessary strain on our healthcare you choose not to vaccinate than you stay at home indefinitely until a solution is found to deal with people like you....

Originally Posted by TheIdesOfMarch View Post
They have good reason to be wary. A lot of social media stories, real or false, spreading about senior citizens getting jabbed, then getting heart attacks/strokes and dying in hospital mere days or weeks after getting jabbed. And how the government and doctors all refuse to certify that the deaths were vaccine-related despite the vaccines already being shown to cause blood clots or severe side effects for a minority of the global population inoculated thus far.

It's not just iron teeth. It's also fear too that with only a few years left on their lifespans why bother risking a bad reaction to a vaccine that will never be recognised as such by the government and medical profession in Singapore, taken as a potential guard against Covid-19 which isn't 100% guaranteed to infect anyone?
Originally Posted by Sadly View Post
The biggest joke is vaccinating students while 1/4 of the seniors or 280,000 people at risk didn’t bother to get jabbed despite being invited last February.
Ditto see my above post

Originally Posted by Sadly View Post
Yes that is the case but many students wont take it. They dont show any symptoms and suffer most in this pandemic given their need to socialise. Without the promise of being able to go out, party and spend time with their friends again they wont take the jab in order to protect the old folks not having taken the vaccine. Let’s not forget that the students are well educated.
Old 01-06-2021, 12:42 AM
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Re: BACK TO PHASE 2! Any ways to fix blue balls?

Today new case at french road health management centre.. those old birds will know is Qiqi outlet. Heng i never visited her for a while ever since she start selling me her MLM snake oil.
Old 01-06-2021, 07:45 AM
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Re: BACK TO PHASE 2! Any ways to fix blue balls?

Also got foot massage
Old 01-06-2021, 08:15 AM
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Re: BACK TO PHASE 2! Any ways to fix blue balls?

Originally Posted by cowboymoomoo View Post
Stay at home kaki pcc. It's free and safe
Yes, stay home and pcc is the safest way to protect your wife and the rest of the family from getting quarantined. The irony of the sentence.. got wife still stay home to pcc to protect her.

Originally Posted by r.fowler View Post
Today new case at french road health management centre.. those old birds will know is Qiqi outlet. Heng i never visited her for a while ever since she start selling me her MLM snake oil.
I said yesterday evening that I heard there is a case in Lavendar. Turns out to be true. The staff were quarantined on Sunday. Now all those who visited this MP ( and their family members )will be quarantined as well under the new rules announced by LHL yesterday.
I don't exchange points. So no point adding me hoping I will up you back. No need to pm me about points too.
Old 01-06-2021, 08:29 AM
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Re: BACK TO PHASE 2! Any ways to fix blue balls?

Originally Posted by Xgenre View Post
Yes, stay home and pcc is the safest way to protect your wife and the rest of the family from getting quarantined. The irony of the sentence.. got wife still stay home to pcc to protect her.

I said yesterday evening that I heard there is a case in Lavendar. Turns out to be true. The staff were quarantined on Sunday. Now all those who visited this MP ( and their family members )will be quarantined as well under the new rules announced by LHL yesterday.
Imagine your family blaming you for getting them placed under QO because u could not control your KKJ
Old 01-06-2021, 09:01 AM
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Re: BACK TO PHASE 2! Any ways to fix blue balls?

It just take one person to start the infection. So the risk is very high considering the number of customers they have a day.
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