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Old 23-12-2013, 01:39 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
i might not agree with some of the things he says as i think its misleading BUT why censor him by zapping him..
He can "cheatdeath" but can't cheat ZapZ.
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Old 23-12-2013, 02:52 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by phighter View Post
haha yeah, that d8 with cafe om street sounds mighty tempting. gotta start exploring there :]
no im say its the NEW what d8 used to be but its not d8..its actually closer to where u live...confirms d8 is now dead except with a few cafe nhac hanky panky, maybe a few hoc toc..but nothing clearly obvious
Old 23-12-2013, 02:59 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
1mil bottle...what about mixers which can cost another 1mil or more in most clubs or discos...these mixers are the the locals are into shisha smoking...these adds another few hundred thousands into the bill...

was just talking to another samsters online...maybe we should explore the other province and bring the fun there...the new city may be boom town charlie in record time..
as i guy who has explored, bao loc, long xuyen, can tho, vinh long, ha tinh, vinh, ca mau, dalat, nha trang, bmt, some place in dak nong...there really isnt much advantage in going those places, when u factor in transport cost, hotel costs (when u live here), hiring a bike, etc when the cost is generally the same ie bj 200k, fj 500k, when teh girls generally less attractive, tho they not a money focused..u can get more honesty and sincereity here in saigon if u leave teh tourist places or where little foreigners frequent.
If u cant find shit in saigon u wont find shit in those places anyway. Go only if u wnat a change of scenery.
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Old 23-12-2013, 03:46 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Singkieu View Post
Why dont you call Equatorial Hotel (M'sian ownership) in Q5 and ask them what the per entry use charge for their gym is?
300k per entry. Can use pool n gym
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Old 23-12-2013, 04:12 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

mutant you live in hcmc you make love to all ginda of girls yet you seem to be the villian of the city.

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
65k cans of heinikan vs 100k cans in d1 clubs not much difference so if they can afford to go to outer dist clubs then they can certainly go to d1 ones.
Further with 4-5 beers each and 3-4 guys..u looking at 15-20 1.5-2mill...u can def get a cheap bottle of vodka and look like a playa rather than a cheap smuck drinking 2 cents

My point like singkieus is that even if guys earning 3mill a month cant afford to logically go to these clubs, they will borrow/steal it to be able to look the part. They all live at home so no living expenses so relatively high disposable income so to say they wont go, as they cant afford it is misleading.
Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
i dont connect with the locals because i date girls here, or a find girls via local methods, so for example if i meet a plain girl 6-7, its costs me pretty much 50k coffee, then next time i take her to pho etc, then straight to the cost to fuk is 50+20+70= 140k, which is damn cheaper than taking her to nhau.
If she is a 7+ it will be like coffee, dinner with oc or somthing more expensive, 3 dates then i take her back to my place, cost 50+100+100+100+ 350k..still cheaper than nhau.
I have even met girls where i pick her up then take her straight to hotel cost 70K for the hotel.

So no i dont connect with locals but i live like a local as in i live local areas, i pay local prices and i eat local places and i intereact with local women, i dont dont hang out with local men as they have very little to offer me.
But they all know im vietkieu from my appearance, but i refuse to play their game of getting the vk to buy then shit and take them to fancy western places, i refuse to take them to fuken starbucks thats for sure

And if she is a 5 or less i dont even bother.

To tell a story about "drinking girls" this vk i know, he is a vk but one of those that came late in his life so his vietnamese was great but his style was crap local fashion sese if you know what im referring to. He met some girls at a cafe and he managed to invite them to nhau at a quan oc, that night i was having a bbq at my friends place who happens to live next to teh quan oc, so we merged parties. Next thing his girl dumps him, asks for my number and i hook up with her with the coffee, diner diner hotel pattern. What did he get, the bill for the oc and a big hit on his ego/pride.

Go on lau xanh..look at the rau section and see the low quality freebies that locals guys will fuk on the cheap.

Why do i need to connect with locals when they usually try and freeload and i end up with the bill, and i definately dont wnat my local relatives knowing what i get up to, and thirdly i definately have more game than what most locals have.
Old 23-12-2013, 06:36 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Singkieu View Post
Wah VND100k for dinner with oc for 2?

I know you dont drink but damn... you eat much less than I thought.
really depends on go where I guess. there's this roadside stall at night by a small park in one of the hem at D6 that I go quite frequently. first time I was there ordered 4 shell dishes and 6 beers, bill was 140k
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Old 23-12-2013, 08:44 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by decent02 View Post
300k per entry. Can use pool n gym
still ex
Aiyah not bad already lah for an 'international' hotel in Q5.

At least better than the USD 25+ all the Q1 5-star hotels will charge.
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Old 23-12-2013, 08:45 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by XXed View Post
really depends on go where I guess. there's this roadside stall at night by a small park in one of the hem at D6 that I go quite frequently. first time I was there ordered 4 shell dishes and 6 beers, bill was 140k
Yes thats about right, but I was under the wrong impression that MC meant VND 100k for 2.
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Old 23-12-2013, 10:23 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
no im say its the NEW what d8 used to be but its not d8..its actually closer to where u live...confirms d8 is now dead except with a few cafe nhac hanky panky, maybe a few hoc toc..but nothing clearly obvious
new d8 is in d2/d9 right? it seems some shops have relocated there.

btw crackdown still going on. many shops in boke area are closed. fj shop near pvh in qtb also closed

Last edited by HeyB; 23-12-2013 at 10:40 PM.
Old 23-12-2013, 11:31 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

yeah these are hard times, wish you guys had more local connects cause the hotspots that the local guys go to are still bumpin.
Originally Posted by HeyB View Post
new d8 is in d2/d9 right? it seems some shops have relocated there.

btw crackdown still going on. many shops in boke area are closed. fj shop near pvh in qtb also closed
Old 24-12-2013, 06:20 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by HeyB View Post
new d8 is in d2/d9 right? it seems some shops have relocated there.

btw crackdown still going on. many shops in boke area are closed. fj shop near pvh in qtb also closed
Originally Posted by cheatdeath View Post
yeah these are hard times, wish you guys had more local connects cause the hotspots that the local guys go to are still bumpin.
yes local options are still numerous, but your post show how little you know as bo ke and the fj on pvh were both local places...yeah im the villian but your are just stupid
Old 24-12-2013, 07:25 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Evey day I was in hcmc I was having 3 somes and I also had a different call girl every night, and each day all it costed me was 75 USD per day.

the best part was the variety in girls.

Originally Posted by mutantchicken View Post
yes local options are still numerous, but your post show how little you know as bo ke and the fj on pvh were both local places...yeah im the villian but your are just stupid
Old 24-12-2013, 03:37 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

by the way, i need some advice from senior bros.

went to ktv last night in d6. great time. end of the day the bill was 1.2m for 4 people + 4 girls (not bad).

but girls were asking 500k tip and whining about anything less. i tried pushing back saying ktv 300k tip for each girl is okay but no avail more whining and no one had small bills (only 500ks haha). i think they were smelling the Singaporean $s from the samsters.

anyways, 300k a good tip even for this notorious ktv in D6? i go to very cheap ktvs and 200k is standard starting tip.

how do you guys deal with the tipping in these ktvs/MP/etc when they ask for more? just slap them 300k and walk out the door? but what about MP when they refuse to give u anything unless you tip them 500k/1M for a HJ?

Old 24-12-2013, 03:45 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by phighter View Post
went to ktv last night in d6. great time. end of the day the bill was 1.2m for 4 people + 4 girls (not bad).

but girls were asking 500k tip and whining about anything less. i tried pushing back saying ktv 300k tip for each girl is okay but no avail more whining and no one had small bills (only 500ks haha). i think they were smelling the Singaporean $s from the samsters.

anyways, 300k a good tip even for this notorious ktv in D6? i go to very cheap ktvs and 200k is standard starting tip.

how do you guys deal with the tipping in these ktvs/MP/etc when they ask for more? just slap them 300k and walk out the door? but what about MP when they refuse to give u anything unless you tip them 500k/1M for a HJ?
very smple answers...ask the mummy to come in...ask mummy what is the std tip...if mummy said 200k or 300k then just give exact...if the mummy said 500k then tell mummy this will be the first and last time I come to support you...slap 300k each and leave...

as for MP...if no service then next time change masseur or ask the helper in the locker to recommend and give the guy a tip of 30k....guararntee will not be wrong...take the phone number of good masseur and remember ahead in the morning to check if she working before you go down for massage...
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Old 24-12-2013, 04:03 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by phighter View Post
by the way, i need some advice from senior bros.

went to ktv last night in d6. great time. end of the day the bill was 1.2m for 4 people + 4 girls (not bad).

but girls were asking 500k tip and whining about anything less. i tried pushing back saying ktv 300k tip for each girl is okay but no avail more whining and no one had small bills (only 500ks haha). i think they were smelling the Singaporean $s from the samsters.

anyways, 300k a good tip even for this notorious ktv in D6? i go to very cheap ktvs and 200k is standard starting tip.

how do you guys deal with the tipping in these ktvs/MP/etc when they ask for more? just slap them 300k and walk out the door? but what about MP when they refuse to give u anything unless you tip them 500k/1M for a HJ?


every place has their so called "standard" tipping rate...but for me,it all depends on the service of the gals,if the gal service standard is f@@k up,i simply change gal and not paying any tips to her...

places e.g 700,Catwalk,Royale,13 etc...usually a 500k will done the deal.

bia om where the gals dun strip and in higher max is 300k

as for MP,gals usually dun ask me for the tipping amount,and i give 300k if i am in a standard room and 500k if i am in the VIP room.
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