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Old 14-10-2009, 12:25 PM
Dermarko Dermarko is offline
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Re: Huizhou/Danshui

Originally Posted by bigboobman007 View Post
Thanks for the reply.

I will probably arrive in DS at night and not wanting to do the sauna tour with limited time and carrying my luggage around, would anyone please recommend the top 3 saunas in DS and with review of room quality please.

Will write FR once tried.
I frequent Qiong Yuan Hotel for the Sauna quite a number of times and the normal going rate is 428 yuan. The higher end girls are 528 to 628 Yuan if I am not wrong(so far never try higher end ones) There are even russian girls available if you want, just ask the supervisor..Every tue, thu and fri, there is a parade of sauna girls on stage starting at 1930hrs.
The girls are working on shifts and end at 0500hrs(if I am not wrong). The hotel has quite a number of girls as well as new girls coming in often..
Also Legend Hotel(Li Jing) is quite a good hotel..Have seen the girls before but not try them yet, I normally go there to have my Oil Massage.
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Old 16-10-2009, 06:06 AM
ISO 9000 ISO 9000 is offline
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Danshui Saunas

Jia Hao Hotel
Lu Hui Hotel
New Regent Hotel

In no particular ranking order. ¥400 and up. Saunas are literally everywhere in Danshui. From low to high budget. Those lower than ¥300 I dare not recommend to bros here as some bros standard may be very high. I only recommend to close buddies.

Please feedback after trying.

Here's the best room I found for ¥168/268 category saunas. Unbelievable right? You can stay overnight at no extra charge if you go in after 12am. Check out by 12pm.

Old 16-10-2009, 11:35 PM
Dermarko Dermarko is offline
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Re: Danshui Saunas

Originally Posted by ISO 9000 View Post
Jia Hao Hotel
Lu Hui Hotel
New Regent Hotel

In no particular ranking order. ¥400 and up. Saunas are literally everywhere in Danshui. From low to high budget. Those lower than ¥300 I dare not recommend to bros here as some bros standard may be very high. I only recommend to close buddies.

Please feedback after trying.

Here's the best room I found for ¥168/268 category saunas. Unbelievable right? You can stay overnight at no extra charge if you go in after 12am. Check out by 12pm.

Which hotel is that in the pictures? Though I stay Luhui Hotel most of the time, I havn't try their sauna yet. The times I have been there to see the gals, there were not many to choose from, that is why most times I go Qiong Yuan whereby they have more..The cab fare to go there from Lu Hui only 10 Yuan..In fact, all taxi fares around Danshui only cost 10 Yuan..
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Old 17-10-2009, 10:34 AM
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Re: Danshui Saunas

Originally Posted by Dermarko View Post
Which hotel is that in the pictures? Though I stay Luhui Hotel most of the time, I havn't try their sauna yet. The times I have been there to see the gals, there were not many to choose from, that is why most times I go Qiong Yuan whereby they have more..The cab fare to go there from Lu Hui only 10 Yuan..In fact, all taxi fares around Danshui only cost 10 Yuan..
bro ,,,, when u want to bring me there ???
Old 17-10-2009, 11:08 AM
bigboobman007 bigboobman007 is offline
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Bro Demarko,

thanks for points n recommendation.

Bro ISO n Coolmank,

thanks for recommendation also.

cannot tahan after reading the posts, decided to go HZ from CA with 1 fren to meet up bro Shibaxian on 19th. On the way back, I shoud be staying in DS as well. Will put your recomendations to gud use n posts later. signing out for now as I dont think can access sbf...wont have the time anyways...busy cheonging...hahha

Really looking forward to this as I am quite tired of CP.
I will share, share and share. Appreciate upz points from Bros...and any info on Slim SYT with Big Natural Boob...I'm a sucker for that
Old 17-10-2009, 02:34 PM
Pink_Flyod Pink_Flyod is offline
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Bro BigBoob, don't forget to post FR hor.. I am also counting the day to go to HZ and put good use the tips of senior there..
Old 17-10-2009, 07:49 PM
ozziz ozziz is offline
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Shixiban and Tony Stark asked me to post my FR. On Oct 1, I did make a U turn to Huizhou and DS because of logistic problem and late preparation due to work, Any the 2 towns are like Malaysian cities - easy going and people are relatively fair dimkum and speak Teowchew and Hakka. The bus stations are centralised. In Huizhou, if you come out of the bus stn and walk towards the above ground round around, there are a number of hotels. In East Fun Hotel, there is karaoke and the hotel next to it is a Sauna and charge 300 yuan. At the back is the night - market and at the back of the market are some BBS - about 3/4 hour for 130.

In DS, there are some hotels and Saunas opposite the bus station and Wal mart department stores are about 1 km away which was mentioned by Tony Stark. In Haiya Hotel, the Sauna cost 260 to 280 depending on the girls and tips are not required for the massage.

The sea food in Dayang Bay is very cheap and takes less than 1 hour. I had fresh prawns and sheel fish just for 38 yuans.

Sorry for the brief report and having some problems as my reading chinese is so so.
Old 18-10-2009, 01:49 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by ozziz View Post

Sorry for the brief report and having some problems as my reading chinese is so so.
Thanks for your report. Upp your point.

Old 18-10-2009, 02:08 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

2 days ago, i went to venture a new sauna joint in HZ city. The hotel name is jin dian jiu dian, it is a newly built hotel. The sauna occupied on the 4th and 5th floor. Frankly speaking, the sauna is very new and quite good decor' (believe the boss invested a lot of money). Really value for money.
As the boss is the same as 'cheng shi ke zhan' (which i mentioned earlier), the gals are transport between these 2 places to meet the customers' needs.
Rmb 300 for normal gals, 400 for models, 500 for supervisors and 'A' grade gals. Based on my personal taste, we can miss the cat 300 gals. But i saw a few gems on the cat 400 & 500, few of them are syt.
I took the rmb500 trainer cum supervisor. Her kungfu very good, almost died in her hand.
However, the sauna boss is very strict on his gals, so their service less gfe but still can frenching. As the boss always fined the gals to control them, please don't complaint unnecessarily unless the gals service really sucks.
I will try this sauna again if i got time, overall not a bad place to visit.

Old 18-10-2009, 02:10 PM
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

Originally Posted by Pink_Flyod View Post
Bro BigBoob, don't forget to post FR hor.. I am also counting the day to go to HZ and put good use the tips of senior there..
Bro PF, i found some hakka and teochew gals for you. Just waiting for you to come....

Old 18-10-2009, 02:18 PM
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Re: Danshui Saunas

Originally Posted by Dermarko View Post
Which hotel is that in the pictures? Though I stay Luhui Hotel most of the time, I havn't try their sauna yet.
Luhui hotel is one of the hotels operated by four powerful brothers in HZ city. There is one in DS and one in HZ city. Their sauna not bad, heard the gals are trained and QC for 1 month before they are allowed to serve customers.

Old 18-10-2009, 04:50 PM
funtastick funtastick is offline
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Re: Huizhou Recommendations

hi bros, will be making a trip to hz from 21/10 (arriving at 3am) to 25/10, interested to meet up with bros here.
have some questions.

1) hao yue hotel, can i have the chinese characters? cannot search internet using english characters

2) long men springs
to my understanding, i need to take a bus to huizhou bus terminal and buy a bus ticket to long men springs. is this true?
Old 18-10-2009, 10:55 PM
Dermarko Dermarko is offline
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Re: Danshui Saunas

Originally Posted by shibaxian View Post
Luhui hotel is one of the hotels operated by four powerful brothers in HZ city. There is one in DS and one in HZ city. Their sauna not bad, heard the gals are trained and QC for 1 month before they are allowed to serve customers.
That is what I was told by my ex-regular cabby as well..He did tell me that the brothers are fron Shandong..I have a eye for some of the receptionist there...But as a matter of fact, most of the Hotel receptionists are quite pretty and would be a challenge to know them better..Of course, you must have time if you wanna get to know them better...That is my next aim..
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Old 19-10-2009, 04:05 AM
ISO 9000 ISO 9000 is offline
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Huizhou City

There'll be some bros coming to HZ/DS this week. 99% of them will experience their 'can opening' trip. Hehehe. Day time activities will include sauna tours, eating, etc.

There'll be a get together KTV session in HZ City on 21st Oct. HZ resident bro shibaxian will lead the charge. Those interested can get in touch with him.
Old 23-10-2009, 03:08 PM
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Huizhou City KTV/Sauna

For saunas they're everywhere in HZ City. Just yesterday I found a 38E big boobs girl. Fired two shots within 120min. She even had an orgasm during the second round. I've not encountered such a WL for a long period already so was quite surprised. She's new to the trade.

bigboobman007 and funtastic have also tried the saunas by themselves respectively. Their verdict is also quite similiar to mine. Although not as technical as DG saunas but it has a strong GFE factor that you can't get anywhere else in nearby cities. Even more so when it's a PRC. Bro shibaxian is right. It's not like f*cking a robot but some form of passion is involved as well. Just like doing it with you loved ones. I'm sure bros out there know what I mean.

Was at Jin She Shi Dai KTV for the past two nights drinking. All the comments I hear from bros are why are the DJs more beautiful and cute than the hostesses?! Suddenly all these bros switched to become 'DJ Killers'! On the first night bro KohKen got to know a DJ towards the end of the night and I must say it's another cute hottie! I'll leave it to bro KohKen to relate how he found his DJ. Bro bigboobman007 got himself a big boobs girl. No surprise on that!

On the second night met up with bro funtastic. He turned up at Jin She Shi Dai KTV unannounced and booked a small room for himself. I must salute him for his DIY and adventurous spirit for venturing into HZ by himself! Joined him for some drinks and chit chat. Hope he had a great time with his girl last night.

Glad that more and more bros are venturing into HZ and discover that there're actually cheong places that are no so 'commercialised'. I'll also have more kakis in the future.

Also like to use this opportunity to clarify that the DJs here are not WLs. I don't want bros to misunderstand that they can be up when you just come in, throw in some small money and say you want to up them. It takes some charm, time and not even a lot of money to score with these fine cute creatures. Heck you don't even need to be young or handsome looking. It's your personality that counts. If you've a LSB attitude from the beginning then the battle is already half lost. So if any one wants to play KC you've to abide by the 'rules'.

Also take note even if you're as handsome as Andy Lau it doesn't mean you don't have to pay when you cheong KTVs or WLs. My friend and me named this philosophy as the 'Andy Lau Project'.

Just called bro funtastic. He's on his way to Long Men Springs by himself. Again really must salute his adventurous commando spirit!!! Hope he have fun and post more info about this place. Can go with KC for romantic getaways. Haha.

Later maybe I'll go and RTF the 38E big boobs sauna girl. Tonight will be trying another KTV. Stay tuned...
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