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Old 03-05-2009, 09:58 PM
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Re: When BF becomes FB

Originally Posted by ddboyz View Post
Actually i still feel so guilty inside me. Anyway bros. your turn will come. Cheers =)
bro ddboyz, my turn will COME meh? really meh? so, all i can do is wait lor.
anyway, nice story.
**pm me for 2nd/3rd round

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Old 04-05-2009, 01:57 PM
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Re: When BF becomes FB

Yup of cos.
It's not that you don't have. The time is not right yet =D

I picked up her call despite her complains and start chatting with my girl, i was quite worried and feel really bad about it. And at this point of time, she walked over to me and knee down to suck my cock again. I didn’t stopped her, instead i told my gf i need to bath and will call her back later.
Her:”See you have just chosen me!”
Me:”Ya right, hey we can’t continue lah”
Her:”So you want me go outside and do around with other guys?”
Me:”No i mean you shouldn’t, as in self control k?”
Her:”And when i can’t control? C’mon just treat it as a lesson or what, i’m teaching you how to make your gf more comfortable in bed next time. And furthermore i’m not asking for anything in return right? Don’t worry about it, i wouldn’t tell anyone, promise!”
Sounds like a win-win situation, but i still feel very bad. We both have the needs, but i’m attached.
2 days later she called me while i’m with my gf, she’s at my house and we were playing and teasing each other, sort of having fun. I didn’t picked up her call and my gf kept asking who’s the one bugging me, i said to her nothing is more important than you girl, but deep inside i know i’m dying to answer that call. After several missed call she left me a message, which i finally picked up and take a look, i was lucky for my girl didn’t asked me to share the content or that message.
Her:” eh boy, i’m a little itchy now, wanna piangz piangz?”
Old 05-05-2009, 08:51 PM
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Re: When BF becomes FB

She called that piangz piangz because we fuck, it’s the sound of my body banging against hers. So i lied to my girl saying my aunty wants me to go over to her house and helped my cousin with her spellings, so i send my girl home first and i called her immediately.
Her:”Wa lau so long then reply my call, you pianging with your gf arh? Haha”
Me:”No lah, anyway my brother is coming home soon, so where you wanna do it huh?”
Her:”dunno lei, go public do arh! Hahahaha”
After what she said, the first craziest idea i had was to go back to our campus and do, i know a few places which hardly there is any people that will walk pass.
Me:”Eh go our campus do lah!”
Her:”You want do in library or canteen?”
Me:”Trust me, let’s meet at 3pm, anyway do i need to bring condom?”
Her:”Trust me, you can shoot in me again”
Campus just reopened and to many new students, they like to wander around, or rather they’re “Lost”. I begin to worry.
Her:” Where you wanna bring me to?”
Me:”Just follow me”
When we reached the location, there’re still a class of people moving out from that block, and that is what’s visible to us, those in rooms, we’re not pretty sure.
Her:” you siao arh, you want do it here”
Me:”This toilet camera when we were year one already spoiled it le, later we go inside the toilet do lah! Haha... you want we can walk to the stairs do after 6pm also can, anyway you know the histories of this block, after 6pm lecturers will usually ask the students to leave, anyway if we go up to the top floor stair case, we will be notify by the loud footsteps right?”
Her:”You say until like we’re invisible like that, so fierce for what?“
Even though i sounded pretty confident to her, i was deeply worried inside, but at the same time, it’s the excited that drives me further. I asked her to check if there’s anyone in the girls toilet before going in, because there’ll usually be students smoking in the boys toilet, slightly more risky. When the coast is clear, i quickily went in and dragged her into one of the cubical.
Old 06-05-2009, 12:23 AM
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Re: When BF becomes FB

seems like an interesting story to stay
Old 06-05-2009, 01:27 AM
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Re: When BF becomes FB

Seems like there's more to come
Old 06-05-2009, 01:32 AM
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Re: When BF becomes FB

Remember to leave your nick when you up me..
Old 06-05-2009, 01:49 AM
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Re: When BF becomes FB

heaven on earth man..
guys are naturally born horny creature..
dick is our most valuable possession..
getting laid or being laid we dun mind..
we are not bastard, we r juz pure 100% guys
Old 06-05-2009, 11:22 PM
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Re: When BF becomes FB

Me:”Time for some FUN!!!”
The moment i hold her close to me, my cock was fully erected, ready for action, and the best part is when i placed my hand into her skirt, i realised she ain’t wearing anything inside. I know i’ve lost my control, without any preparations or what i instantly slide my cock into her pussy, of course i admit i’m not a sniper yet, i missed like 2 or 3 times, anyway we were standing still. Somehow it’s tighter than the previous time, i guess it’s because her legs was closed. She whispered into my ears...
Her:” Relax boy, it hurts okie?”
And she squeezed my butt real hard.
Me:” Okie okie i understand your pain.”
I forced her onto the wall with my hands lifting her up as she used her legs to cramp onto my waist with my hands now carelessly stroking her tights.
Me:” I didn’t know your legs were so smooth.”
Her:”There’re alot more things you dunno about my body.”
And that sentence really tempts me to further explore her inside out, especially when she said that sentence with her seductive eyes. We were both sweating quite badly. And i was ramping her quite loudly, it took me quite some time to gain my self-conscious. I slowly remove her shirt and followed by bra, and seriously i didn’t know it was so easy to remove a bra from someone. At the same time, i also reduced my pace because our sweat is making a really big sound in the toilet, and if anyone comes in we’ll most likely be dead.
Her:”Why are you slowing down? I’m coming. Faster, i want it faster”.
She pulled my head onto her breast.
Her:” Lick them quick! Kiss them you bitch!”
There is no way i should resist or reject her request, so i start ramping her really hard, and i seriously think that anyone that walked pass the toilet should be able to hear it, it’s pretty obvious. And i didn’t want to lick nor suck, she make me so hard and excited that I was actually thinking of biting her breast and nipples, so i left her fall slightly downwards and i bend down to reach her pinkish nipples, but i can’t because of our position, no matter how hard i tried so in her end i kiss and lick around her neck and shoulder area, it was pretty salty of a fact, anyway i ended up biting her. Her soft groaning turned into a loud screamed. Upon her screamed i stopped and rised her body up against the wall again, frankly speaking. It’s quite tiring.
Her:” Oh god! I love fucking inside campus toilet, i’ve never been so excited before, i love you man.”
And she starts kissing my neck as i slowly let her down onto the ground. She removed my shirt and start licking my nipples.
Me:”Ya and i just shoot inside you twice just now, you and your words made me so excited that i didn’t realised i had a cooooool OUCH! Down inside your pussy!”
Her:” Revenge bitch, you bite mine just now.”
Me:”Haha up to you, anyway what now? You wanna continue here or go out?”
Her:”You still can? Let me clean it for you first bah”
Old 09-05-2009, 11:37 AM
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Re: When BF becomes FB

more! more!
Old 09-05-2009, 02:21 PM
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Re: When BF becomes FB

Camping here for the story.
Old 09-05-2009, 02:41 PM
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Re: When BF becomes FB

why some guys hav all the luck..
Gd story,camping here.
Old 09-05-2009, 06:26 PM
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Re: When BF becomes FB

where to find such girl ?
Old 09-05-2009, 07:42 PM
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Re: When BF becomes FB

nice nice =)

wish i know someone like that too
Old 09-05-2009, 08:03 PM
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Re: When BF becomes FB

ai seh.. bf = best friend..

so best friend pass std to best friend after fking so many guys.. interesting... camping here.
If you got a lot of money don't know where to spend, why not give me some?

Thank you!
Old 09-05-2009, 10:19 PM
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Re: When BF becomes FB

Wow. Nice story.

If its real I ll definitely urge u to go safe n wear a cap no matter how hot she is. U did say she was sleeping around.

I was once in a situ like this, gd girl buddy suddenly get all horny and want me to fk her on her desk in her office when we were alone. luckily I never lose my head n insisted on being capped and had a gd fk w her.
selective bonking mode. Got good JG lobang, pls let me knw. Thx
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