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Old 11-11-2017, 07:57 PM
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Re: Dated a FL/WL who became a FB. And my new fetish is....

Originally Posted by basfreak View Post
Nice story and just sharing my views bout dating those in the flesh trade.

I've dated current and ex FL/ML few times before. One rule I stick by: Never go ask bout her work and go think bout wat's happening behind closed doors. No point thinking about it if I can't afford to give her enough to leave the trade, just pure torture. Even if I'm able to give her enough, no guarantee she will not do shady stuff behind my back.

This is a very good rule to follow .
Old 12-11-2017, 02:46 AM
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Re: Dated a FL/WL who became a FB. And my new fetish is....

I couldn't sleep and the same night she said not to contact her anymore, I tried to stop thinking about her but I couldn't

I tried to call her but her phone was switched off. Now I know I was in trouble. I kept getting her voice, and finally at 4am she turned on her phone

In a sad voice I said, please don't shut me out. I don't mind your past, almost begging. In my heart I know I did, but my feelings were already given to her. I couldn't take it back.

I asked her, how about breakfast? And I drove across the island for breakfast. Tired from lack of sleep, I was happy to hug her.

I cant understand it, but she is the only girl I see that I have a instant hard on. After a passionate kiss and hug. I send her home and went home to sleep. But in my heart, I know I still had the fact she was a WL/FL as a thorn in the flesh
The Best Way to overcome heart break is in the arms of another. You focus on making money, you get girls, you focus on your body, you get sex, you focus on the girl, you get NOTHING but heartache and disappointment
Old 12-11-2017, 12:54 PM
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Re: Dated a FL/WL who became a FB. And my new fetish is....

Shadow warrior. Man to man please wake up ur idea.

The Chinese once said that even the strongest of heroes will fall to a woman.

We were all mesmerised by that one woman who stole our hearts and cocks at the same time but you will need to ask yourself if you can sustain both emotionally and financially.

Unfortunately based on ur story, both u also cannot so please cut loss and sell. If not, the next thing u will be selling will be ur dignity.

Cheers bro
Old 12-11-2017, 07:13 PM
musselsmurf musselsmurf is offline
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Re: Dated a FL/WL who became a FB. And my new fetish is....

Originally Posted by EasternWind View Post
I also interested to know .
Interested to know too .
Old 13-11-2017, 01:36 AM
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Re: Dated a FL/WL who became a FB. And my new fetish is....

As I always say: the problem with the chickens is not their rotten pussies, but their distorted mindset. They will bring troubles to their own life and whoever that shares life with them.

It's alright to have some fun with them. But if you are looking for a serious relationship, you are in a wrong department, my friend.

My advice is: go enjoy the "love", the "romance",... whatever you wanna call it. When the time is up, just back off and get another chicken as your new "girlfriend".
Old 13-11-2017, 01:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Shadow_warrior View Post
I couldn't sleep and the same night she said not to contact her anymore, I tried to stop thinking about her but I couldn't

I tried to call her but her phone was switched off. Now I know I was in trouble. I kept getting her voice, and finally at 4am she turned on her phone

In a sad voice I said, please don't shut me out. I don't mind your past, almost begging. In my heart I know I did, but my feelings were already given to her. I couldn't take it back.

I asked her, how about breakfast? And I drove across the island for breakfast. Tired from lack of sleep, I was happy to hug her.

I cant understand it, but she is the only girl I see that I have a instant hard on. After a passionate kiss and hug. I send her home and went home to sleep. But in my heart, I know I still had the fact she was a WL/FL as a thorn in the flesh
Every time I see a man making a chicken his girlfriend, I feel like they are playing with firecrackers. It's dangerous but it's fun.

How not to get yourself hurt is up to how soon you throw the firecrackers out of your hand after you lit it.
Old 14-11-2017, 06:43 AM
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Re: Dated a FL/WL who became a FB. And my new fetish is....

Originally Posted by conquer View Post
Every time I see a man making a chicken his girlfriend, I feel like they are playing with firecrackers. It's dangerous but it's fun.

How not to get yourself hurt is up to how soon you throw the firecrackers out of your hand after you lit it.
The best way is to find another target.
Old 14-11-2017, 10:17 AM
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Re: Dated a FL/WL who became a FB. And my new fetish is....

I ever dated a FL in those "barber shop" in China, it is like the cheapest place to find sex and you get the see the girl before you book.

You enter a secret room behind the shop for a RMB100 quickie, or bring the girl to your hotel for overnight at RMB300.

One night, I found an innocent looking young girl with a body to die for in those barber shop, which is really a rare find because girls end up there is of lowest quality or need $$ urgently. She told me it was her first day of work (which i don't believe at first, because every FL will say that they are fresh in the trade) and I was the 3rd customer of that day.

We exchange contact so that I can book her directly in future, and later i found out that what she said is true after google her name and address. She used to run a business which failed, that's why she got to sell her body and repay debt. She quit FL after 2 weeks as she found a decent job. However, I still continue to meet her overnight for sex, and pay her as usual because she need money.

Few months later, she stopped accepting my money, because she said she fallen in love with me. We even met her family for meals and I was introduced as her friend. She knows that I will never accept her as gf because of her past, but we still continue to meet and have sex until I came back to Singapore for good.

We still keep in contact after 8 years, never had any bf since then and started another business. I know that she needs money because her mum fall sick and business not doing well, but she never ask me for $$ and told me she will never go back to do FL.

She is still waiting for me to return after 8 years!! so guilty and confused now...
Old 14-11-2017, 01:29 PM
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Re: Dated a FL/WL who became a FB. And my new fetish is....

I used to date a FL before as well, it started off as just meeting once or twice a month and she was really cute and easy to talk to.
One particular meet up I was hungry afterwards so I asked if she wanted to go eat, from that time onwards whenever we met up I would bring her to go eat outside and treat her to food.
Things continued a a month or two like that then I noticed a change in her behavior and eventually she refused to take money from me, admitting she had feelings for me.
We started to meet more regularly after that but she continued meeting other men outside as she needed the money and I was in no position to settle all her debts or spending needs.
We eventually ended, she lost feelings for me and we became friends.
We still meet occasionally every few months to eat and we text to check up on one another once in awhile.
She is still working at the moment in this trade but has stopped advertising as she has a few regulars she keeps to now.

Her mentality was that since we were close friends, I couldn't pay her to fuck me anymore, nor would she as she said it was weird to be fucking her friend. Plus if I did insist, I we wouldn't be friends anymore and she would cut off contact with me. Damn weird.
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Old 14-11-2017, 07:54 PM
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Re: Dated a FL/WL who became a FB. And my new fetish is....

Iam currently writing a story of a FL and this is her perspective: keep romance and work/play separate. Whether you are fl or a customer, romance should never come into areas where you work or where you play. If you get them mix up, there will be hell to pay. The emotional baggage is enough to torment you. Please remember: Its better to be alone and lonely than to be embroiled in the complex relationship with a FL or the customer. It’s like fire. Why play with fire when you know it can burn you? But humans are like that: we tend to gravitate towards danger zones for it excite us..
Old 14-11-2017, 11:43 PM
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Re: Dated a FL/WL who became a FB. And my new fetish is....

Originally Posted by Jebuschris91 View Post
I used to date a FL before as well, it started off as just meeting once or twice a month and she was really cute and easy to talk to.
One particular meet up I was hungry afterwards so I asked if she wanted to go eat, from that time onwards whenever we met up I would bring her to go eat outside and treat her to food.
Things continued a a month or two like that then I noticed a change in her behavior and eventually she refused to take money from me, admitting she had feelings for me.
We started to meet more regularly after that but she continued meeting other men outside as she needed the money and I was in no position to settle all her debts or spending needs.
We eventually ended, she lost feelings for me and we became friends.
We still meet occasionally every few months to eat and we text to check up on one another once in awhile.
She is still working at the moment in this trade but has stopped advertising as she has a few regulars she keeps to now.

Her mentality was that since we were close friends, I couldn't pay her to fuck me anymore, nor would she as she said it was weird to be fucking her friend. Plus if I did insist, I we wouldn't be friends anymore and she would cut off contact with me. Damn weird.
Can share her contact with me so I can book her n find out why u have fallen for her ?
Old 14-11-2017, 11:45 PM
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Re: Dated a FL/WL who became a FB. And my new fetish is....

Originally Posted by Jebuschris91 View Post
I used to date a FL before as well, it started off as just meeting once or twice a month and she was really cute and easy to talk to.
One particular meet up I was hungry afterwards so I asked if she wanted to go eat, from that time onwards whenever we met up I would bring her to go eat outside and treat her to food.
Things continued a a month or two like that then I noticed a change in her behavior and eventually she refused to take money from me, admitting she had feelings for me.
We started to meet more regularly after that but she continued meeting other men outside as she needed the money and I was in no position to settle all her debts or spending needs.
We eventually ended, she lost feelings for me and we became friends.
We still meet occasionally every few months to eat and we text to check up on one another once in awhile.
She is still working at the moment in this trade but has stopped advertising as she has a few regulars she keeps to now.

Her mentality was that since we were close friends, I couldn't pay her to fuck me anymore, nor would she as she said it was weird to be fucking her friend. Plus if I did insist, I we wouldn't be friends anymore and she would cut off contact with me. Damn weird.
Can share her contact please ?
Old 14-11-2017, 11:48 PM
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Re: Dated a FL/WL who became a FB. And my new fetish is....

Originally Posted by Shadow_warrior View Post
I couldn't sleep

all night I replayed that video

I finally messaged her and told her, I have something to show you.

She saw the video and said, we cannot talk anymore. Please stop calling me.

I was crushed.

I fell asleep dreaming I was a customer at orchard towers, perhaps she really seldom did full service. maybe just clothed handjobs. Or just blowjobs without CIM. With condoms, no roaming. The more I thought about it, the more torn apart I was.

How I wish I was a customer receiving a handjob or blowjob from her. Was she nude? Did she take off all? Was the customers she solicit good looking? Orchard towers so they were all well hung because most patrons were ang mos?

Yanked myself off watching videos as such.
Can share her contact with me so I can go contribute to her wallet and spearm bank please ?
Old 15-11-2017, 09:58 AM
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Re: Dated a FL/WL who became a FB. And my new fetish is....

Originally Posted by BTech View Post
Can share her contact with me so I can book her n find out why u have fallen for her ?
She's not meeting anyone else new anymore. But thanks for the interest
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Old 15-11-2017, 10:34 AM
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Re: Dated a FL/WL who became a FB. And my new fetish is....

Her mentality was that since we were close friends, I couldn't pay her to fuck me anymore, nor would she as she said it was weird to be fucking her friend. Plus if I did insist, I we wouldn't be friends anymore and she would cut off contact with me. Damn weird.[/QUOTE]

Guessed different MLs have different definitions of friends. Some will reject sex from customers they sees as friends because of the weird feeling to F a friend. Others still continue to allow but still accepts $$ from their so call friend customers.

So, imagine customers became friends with ML still need to pay for FJ also. There are also some MLs who sees customers as friends and ask them to buy them stuffs like phones , tablets etc.

Enjoy the friendship moments cos we won’t know when it would change
Spending time with ex MLs no longer in this trade is another type of feeling. But then they might still be selectively seeing some ex customers. So where is the feeling?
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