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Old 06-01-2017, 07:57 PM
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Hen will still get his big fat bonus for outstanding performance as DM.
Old 06-01-2017, 08:03 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Those in charge of the delivery of these vehicles will be held accounttable liao
Old 06-01-2017, 09:32 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

I thought Singapore so westernised, since the Govt invite the US military assets into the South China Seas to maintain peace.

Why not invite US military assets to Hong Kong 🇭🇰 to recover the terrex?

Oh Singapore is just upholding “international law”?

There is nothing “international” about the The Permanent Court of Arbitration in Hague. The PCA is not affiliated to the United Nation , nor to the International Court of Justice. It is more of a de facto private court presiding over non-binding rulings.

In Chinese culture it's expected that younger people respect older people. It's only time the Father teach the sons a lesson. The mother country of all Chinese teaching core the Chinese values of the Confucius which have always been built for a strong and unified China.

Too bad , Singapore had probably miscalculated or underestimated China’s growing economic clout In the Asia-Pacific region. The TPP was crafted in the context of a declining economic power of the United States as China had outmaneuvered the US in the WTO, and rewriting many trade and commercial rules with the Belt and Road Initiative.
One mountain always higher than another

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Old 06-01-2017, 09:46 PM
sadfa sadfa is offline
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Originally Posted by arsenal168 View Post
Hen will still get his big fat bonus for outstanding performance as DM.
Without a shadow of doubt .
Cos if they dont give bonus It means he's in the wrong.

So garbagement must show the opposite.
By giving hen a big fat bonus to prove all doubters wrong
Exchange points got doubt ma
Old 06-01-2017, 09:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Mr_don_juan View Post
I thought Singapore so westernised, since the Govt invite the US military assets into the South China Seas to maintain peace.

Why not invite US military assets to Hong Kong 🇭🇰 to recover the terrex?

Oh Singapore is just upholding “international law”?

There is nothing “international” about the The Permanent Court of Arbitration in Hague. The PCA is not affiliated to the United Nation , nor to the International Court of Justice. It is more of a de facto private court presiding over non-binding rulings.

In Chinese culture it's expected that younger people respect older people. It's only time the Father teach the sons a lesson. The mother country of all Chinese teaching core the Chinese values of the Confucius which have always been built for a strong and unified China.

Too bad , Singapore had probably miscalculated or underestimated China’s growing economic clout In the Asia-Pacific region. The TPP was crafted in the context of a declining economic power of the United States as China had outmaneuvered the US in the WTO, and rewriting many trade and commercial rules with the Belt and Road Initiative.
First paragraph wrong le
USA Come to region is for their own selfish reasons. Not maintain peace .

They're in region to monitor China n North Korea . It's damn clear even if Japan South Korea n Taiwan get invaded, USA need Congress approval to start war n retaliate.

They did nothing in SEA. And no. USA by doing nothing, got no deterrent effect.

In south China sea, USA just kaypoh n spying. The navys of Korea n philliipines n Taiwan n Japan quarrel n got skirmish, USA do NOTHING.

they're not peacemakers. They Also never cheong down n calm matters or even dare calm down all four countries which are USA allies

If it's Hillary or Obama they'll criticize China. But now Donald is weighing his options even though China is his future enemy. So don't expect usa to help la. Unless temasek pledge 50 billion to create jobs in USA

The most important question which sporeans should ask and China already know is WHY SPORE BUDDIES WITH USA . WHAT'S THE BENEFIT TO GARBAGEMENT
Exchange points deterrent ma

Last edited by sadfa; 06-01-2017 at 10:24 PM.
Old 06-01-2017, 10:03 PM
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Originally Posted by skyleon View Post
MPs to seek answers on Terrex issue in Parliament

Published: 1:35 PM, January 6, 2017

SINGAPORE — The seizure and detainment of Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) armoured vehicles by Hong Kong customs will be one of the main topics on the Parliament’s agenda when it sits on Monday (Jan 9).

The Order Paper published on Friday (Jan 6) showed that six Members of Parliament (MPs) have tabled questions on the issue, touching on areas such as Singapore’s relations with China, whether any military secrets could be compromised, and what are the steps the Government is taking to get the vehicles back. The MPs also want to know whether the Ministry of Defence is reviewing its existing contractual arrangements for the transportation of military equipment between Singapore and foreign ports.

Sembawang Group Representation Constituency MP Vikram Nair, for example, asked Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen for an update on the situation and whether Singapore is likely to get the vehicles back, and if not, what are the remedies available. Aljunied GRC MP Pritam Singh questioned “whether any confidential or secret equipment and information (were) compromised or potentially disclosed to foreign powers”.

Directing his question to Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan, Chua Chu Kang GRC MP Zaqy Mohamad wanted to know what is the current state of relations between Singapore and China in view of the seizure, how the Republic can “continue to balance its existing trade and foreign relations interests with strong expectations from China to align with its One China policy and claims over the South China Sea”, and what are the plans to “normalise relations”.

Last Friday, Dr Ng said on Facebook that Singapore has been working at all levels of government “quietly and out of the limelight” to get the Terrexes back from Hong Kong. Describing the seizure of the Terrexes on Nov 23 as a “low point in 2016 from the defence perspective”, Dr Ng added that “the SAF will learn from this episode and has already changed its practices to better protect our assets”. He added that he will elaborate on the issue at Monday’s Parliament session.

continue reading here :

What a disgrace ? Ask questions for what ? Can't even protect your own military hardware . Like that how to defend Singapore ?
You're wrong la .

Hen is a fucking disgrace.
That's wat happens in dictatorship.
They can say anything cos there's no supervision .

Hen actually said they're working very hard.
WOW!!!! What a fucking revelation!!

Ccb!!!! It's a given they have to work hard OK. Then how? They normally bochap Meh?

Whats will hen say next? To win a war they have to put bullets in guns?

And the questions lousy la
They should ask exactly what is wrong with spores One China policy that so offends China , they actually feel they need to commit illegal things to spore. And which country whose One China policy offends China, got targetted by China like spore
Exchange points a given ma

Last edited by sadfa; 06-01-2017 at 10:27 PM.
Old 07-01-2017, 03:31 AM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

犯我中華者 雖遠必誅!
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Last edited by Mr_don_juan; 07-01-2017 at 04:01 AM.
Old 07-01-2017, 07:05 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by sadfa View Post
Without a shadow of doubt .
Cos if they dont give bonus It means he's in the wrong.

So garbagement must show the opposite.
By giving hen a big fat bonus to prove all doubters wrong
Exchange points got doubt ma
There is no sense of accountability & responsibility from those who are in charge . They will always use the worker/soldier as a scapegoat.
Old 07-01-2017, 07:07 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by sadfa View Post
You're wrong la .

Hen is a fucking disgrace.
That's wat happens in dictatorship.
They can say anything cos there's no supervision .

Hen actually said they're working very hard.
WOW!!!! What a fucking revelation!!

Ccb!!!! It's a given they have to work hard OK. Then how? They normally bochap Meh?

Whats will hen say next? To win a war they have to put bullets in guns?

And the questions lousy la
They should ask exactly what is wrong with spores One China policy that so offends China , they actually feel they need to commit illegal things to spore. And which country whose One China policy offends China, got targetted by China like spore
Exchange points a given ma
It is obvious they are hiding things from us . Talk about transparency . Pui . Till now the Terrex is still in the Chinese hands .
Old 07-01-2017, 07:26 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by arsenal168 View Post
Hen will still get his big fat bonus for outstanding performance as DM.
The sole purpose of the Hen is to satisfy the cocks in Parliament .... those cocks who wives look more like men than women
Old 08-01-2017, 12:01 AM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

The reason is because we were caught lying ... our ambassador says Singapore is neutral in the South China Sea issue .... but our Ministry of Foreign Affairs Asean meeting agenda and issues to push (China Bully others .....) papers came to the hands of Chinese via Laos (our smart MOFA people loan our papers to Laos when they say they forget to bring during the Asean meeting)...... Top it off our little LEE at Apec meeting in South America says China not longer Center of the World........

Now little LEE sister says Xi uses corruption drive to gain power etc.....

Of course Chinese pissed .....
Min power 5 to trade!
Old 08-01-2017, 12:10 AM
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Originally Posted by hot1168 View Post
The reason is because we were caught lying ... our ambassador says Singapore is neutral in the South China Sea issue .... but our Ministry of Foreign Affairs Asean meeting agenda and issues to push (China Bully others .....) papers came to the hands of Chinese via Laos (our smart MOFA people loan our papers to Laos when they say they forget to bring during the Asean meeting)...... Top it off our little LEE at Apec meeting in South America says China not longer Center of the World........

Now little LEE sister says Xi uses corruption drive to gain power etc.....

Of course Chinese pissed .....
These arseholes been dictators for so long they say n do anything they please n no one stop them.

Now they offend someone bigger than them, they don't know wat to do n boji to face the consequences n rely on small frys to face the music

Sporeans should grab garbagement n give to China as POW to appease them. let them suffer in north Korea gulag. Bye bye. We don't even need the nine vehicles back
Exchange points like POW ma
Old 08-01-2017, 12:43 AM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Now with trump in charge of the us best to align with china liao
Old 08-01-2017, 01:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Cronin View Post
Now with trump in charge of the us best to align with china liao

Trump is enemy with China so if spore enemy with China , spore will benefit from USA .

But once trump sort out his differences with xi, he will let spore face the music.
When that happen pray to god China will depose of garbagement since sporeans are fucking useless
Exchange points cannot be enemies ma
Old 08-01-2017, 04:01 AM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by SullenCrush View Post
The sole purpose of the Hen is to satisfy the cocks in Parliament .... those cocks who wives look more like men than women
Who ah? Whose wife look like a man?
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