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Old 08-05-2021, 09:27 PM
entering entering is offline
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Originally Posted by Neoguri View Post
To be honest, I regret deleting the videos especially during the pandemic when I have no ons in my pipeline and got to PCC.
Haha don't know where you are right now, but it helps if you have a helper at home that you can have sex anytime. Or even 2 helpers to rotate like my friend.

That said, I've a story about the Malaysian cleaner at my office. But maybe another day.
Old 08-05-2021, 09:52 PM
35cents 35cents is offline
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

would be awesome if you could share your story about the Malaysia cleaner bro....

Originally Posted by entering View Post
Haha don't know where you are right now, but it helps if you have a helper at home that you can have sex anytime. Or even 2 helpers to rotate like my friend.

That said, I've a story about the Malaysian cleaner at my office. But maybe another day.
Old 08-05-2021, 11:05 PM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by entering View Post
Bro Neoguri,

So, yeah, the video saved me.
Initially i thought it was a scam that she wants you to marry her...
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Old 08-05-2021, 11:58 PM
entering entering is offline
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Originally Posted by 35cents View Post
would be awesome if you could share your story about the Malaysia cleaner bro....
Dear bros,
This isn't a story about unexpected sex. So I'll try to not hijack this thread.

For years I've used apps cuz easier to prospect for girls at large numbers and convert as many as possible to meet up sex. Some of you will understand what I mean.

So, I've this friend who does more a face to face thing and always commented that my method is too cold. Which I'll always reply "pussy in any girl is the same colour" (a line I learnt from another SBF bro long time ago).

So one day I saw my cleaner at my office. She's from Malaysia and as my work is essential services, during lock down I was still back at work regularly but office is quite empty.

She's a bit plump and also doesn't speak English well. Just basics and I only know basic bahasa.

What happened was I decided to just one day ask her for her name when she was cleaning the male toilet and I walked in. So, she told me her name is L.

So, after a while I always said hi to L, good morning etc.

One day, my company told me I'll be starting a new branch so I'll be out of the present office. That's when I told her and asked her if she wants to have dinner with me. That time is phase 2 already.

So we had dinner and cuz I was unexperienced with F2F prospecting I didn't really know what to do, except where we had dinner it was a round high chair type of booth. So we sat side by side.

I sat as close as I can with her and as she was telling me about her family in Malaysia and how she can't go home, I just like kept touching her elbow and comforting her.

Then as we walk out to get the Grab, i just wanted to like hug her but ended up we kissed.

So, it was late and my office was empty. I brought her back and the guard saw us, so I told the guard I lost something and needed her to help me find it. So, anyways the guard if no one disturb him, will actually be sleeping.

We went up and into the office and straight into the room so the outside CCTV can't see what's happening in the room.

We kissed, hugged, I also did the protocol or kissing and fingering. Then cap and fucked her.

We tried to keep as quiet as possible but she has a very nice round ass and there was table that was just nice, the height of my groin.

So I lay her on the table and crossed her legs, she felt very full and tight.

Since then we have been meeting to fuck but not often. Most times at the new branch office in case I get QO, I can explain i was at the office.

Last edited by entering; 09-05-2021 at 12:33 AM.
Old 09-05-2021, 12:10 AM
Halfaheart Halfaheart is offline
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by entering View Post
Dear bros,
This isn't a story about unexpected sex. So I'll try to not hijack this thread.

For years I've used apps cuz easier to prospect for girls at large numbers and convert as many as possible to meet up sex. Some of you will understand what I mean.

So, I've this friend who does more a face to face thing and always commented that my method is too cold. Which I'll always reply "pussy in any girl is the same colour" (a line I learnt from another SBF bro long time ago).

So one day I saw my cleaner at my office. She's from Malaysia and as my work is essential services, during lock down I was still back at work regularly but office is quite empty.

She's a bit plump and also doesn't speak English well. Just basics and I only know basic bahasa.

What happened was I decided to just one day ask her for her name when she was cleaning the male toilet and I walked in. So, she told me her name is L.

So, after a while I always said hi to L, good morning etc.

One day, my company told me I'll be starting a new branch so I'll be out of the present office. That's when I told her and asked her if she wants to have dinner with me. That time is phase 2 already.

So we had dinner and cuz I was unexperienced with F2F prospecting I didn't really know what to do, except where we had dinner it was a round high chair type of booth. So we sat side by side.

I sat as close as I can with her and as she was telling me about her family in Malaysia and how she can't go home, I just like kept touching her elbow and comforting her.

Then as we walk out to get the Grab, i just wanted to like hug her but ended up we kissed.

So, it was late and my office was empty. I brought her back and the guard saw us, so I told the guard I lost something and needed her to help me find it. So, anyways the guard if no one disturb him, will actually be sleeping.

We went up and into the office and straight into the room so the outside CCTV can't see what's happening in the room.

We kissed, hugged, I also did the protocol or kissing and fingering. Then cap and fucked her.

We tried to keep as quiet as possible but she has a very nice round ass and there was table that was just nice, the height of my groin.

So I lay her on the table and crossed her legs, she felt very full and tight.

Since then we have been meeting to fuck but not often. Most times as the new branch office in case I get QO, I can explain i was at the office.
Envious bro. Thanks for sharing. My office only auntie auntie kuan cleaner
Old 09-05-2021, 12:26 AM
entering entering is offline
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Originally Posted by Halfaheart View Post
Envious bro. Thanks for sharing. My office only auntie auntie kuan cleaner
Bro Halfaheart,
Actually I liked this 60 year old auntie at my current work place too. But that said, I've always liked older women.

Bros have texted me to ask how I get so many. Actually the truth is out of 10 girls, maybe only 1 is a 8/10. About 4 to 5 are 5/10 and about 4 to 5 are 2/10s.

I had this 55 year in Indonesia before and she was in my view a very pretty lady in her age. So I asked her once, why did she choose me when she can have any guy she wants. Her reply "at my age and my look, no one wants me actually". After a while I also found out the 2/10s feel like rejects. Which is quite sad for me.

So, I make it a point to tell them all, that I miss them and when they ask i always tell them, "you're the only one for me..."

If I'm dry, I will ask the old aunty what's her name too 😂😂👌

The talking and touching elbow is a technique from Ross Jefferies by the way. If I'm not wrong Ross is the father of PUAs and I started from him, Neil Strauss and Dave Deangelo.

Something to start you young, inexperienced guys off to go read some good books.
Old 09-05-2021, 02:40 AM
Neoguri Neoguri is offline
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by entering View Post

The talking and touching elbow is a technique from Ross Jefferies by the way. If I'm not wrong Ross is the father of PUAs and I started from him, Neil Strauss and Dave Deangelo.

Something to start you young, inexperienced guys off to go read some good books.
Bro entering, sorry I am getting a bit technical with my question.

Do you mean example, putting your left hand across her back to touch her left elbow (or right hand to right elbow)?
I think this works if she is sitting close by.

If she is sitting slightly apart, then if doesn't matter and I guess you can reach any of her elbows with any hand?

BTW, I am in the USA. - Epicenter of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Been self quarantining myself at home for the past 1+ year.
Fortunately, I had my vaccine 2nd dose and next Wednesday would be 2 weeks after, so I should be protected adequately.
Don't Save-up Sex for Old Age!!! (Warren Buffet)
Old 09-05-2021, 11:45 AM
donut88 donut88 is offline
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

How old the cleaner ?

Originally Posted by entering View Post
Dear bros,
This isn't a story about unexpected sex. So I'll try to not hijack this thread.

For years I've used apps cuz easier to prospect for girls at large numbers and convert as many as possible to meet up sex. Some of you will understand what I mean.

So, I've this friend who does more a face to face thing and always commented that my method is too cold. Which I'll always reply "pussy in any girl is the same colour" (a line I learnt from another SBF bro long time ago).

So one day I saw my cleaner at my office. She's from Malaysia and as my work is essential services, during lock down I was still back at work regularly but office is quite empty.

She's a bit plump and also doesn't speak English well. Just basics and I only know basic bahasa.

What happened was I decided to just one day ask her for her name when she was cleaning the male toilet and I walked in. So, she told me her name is L.

So, after a while I always said hi to L, good morning etc.

One day, my company told me I'll be starting a new branch so I'll be out of the present office. That's when I told her and asked her if she wants to have dinner with me. That time is phase 2 already.

So we had dinner and cuz I was unexperienced with F2F prospecting I didn't really know what to do, except where we had dinner it was a round high chair type of booth. So we sat side by side.

I sat as close as I can with her and as she was telling me about her family in Malaysia and how she can't go home, I just like kept touching her elbow and comforting her.

Then as we walk out to get the Grab, i just wanted to like hug her but ended up we kissed.

So, it was late and my office was empty. I brought her back and the guard saw us, so I told the guard I lost something and needed her to help me find it. So, anyways the guard if no one disturb him, will actually be sleeping.

We went up and into the office and straight into the room so the outside CCTV can't see what's happening in the room.

We kissed, hugged, I also did the protocol or kissing and fingering. Then cap and fucked her.

We tried to keep as quiet as possible but she has a very nice round ass and there was table that was just nice, the height of my groin.

So I lay her on the table and crossed her legs, she felt very full and tight.

Since then we have been meeting to fuck but not often. Most times at the new branch office in case I get QO, I can explain i was at the office.
Old 09-05-2021, 03:21 PM
Haodimilo Haodimilo is offline
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Tomorrow meeting my ML after work. Have been teasing her over the weekends, hope to up her tmr!
Old 09-05-2021, 11:06 PM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by Neoguri View Post
Haha, she has a 7 year old daughter and must be 35?
I was 46 then.
I can type Chinese today and she said "坏大叔!还这么强,把我弄到腿都发软了!”
Thanks for getting back on my query Bro Neoguri! Did you ever get to find out why she initially never lets her partners to touch her boobs? Just wondering if she had some trauma from the past and you helped her overcome it?
Old 10-05-2021, 04:59 AM
Neoguri Neoguri is offline
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by ansonchan View Post
Thanks for getting back on my query Bro Neoguri! Did you ever get to find out why she initially never lets her partners to touch her boobs? Just wondering if she had some trauma from the past and you helped her overcome it?
I didn't try to probe too much.
Because the risk of asking anything about her partner is, she will ask me the same question which I prefer not to say.

I guess she had never had satisfying sex.
I didn't pumped her super long to expect she said something like 腿软.
And the fact that she said she doesn't know what is orgasm, means the sex with her husband must had been disappointing.

With each and every session, she seems to be getting more open, relaxing and enjoying more.
Too bad I am not in Shanghai to constantly train her.
The next time, I am going to try eating her out and massaging her G-spot. I guess she had never experienced that.
Don't Save-up Sex for Old Age!!! (Warren Buffet)
Old 10-05-2021, 08:20 AM
Weimun88 Weimun88 is offline
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Anyone here manage to Up their bankers ? Property agents ? Insurance agents ?

Share pls
Old 10-05-2021, 08:23 AM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by Neoguri View Post
I didn't try to probe too much.
Because the risk of asking anything about her partner is, she will ask me the same question which I prefer not to say.

I guess she had never had satisfying sex.
I didn't pumped her super long to expect she said something like 腿软.
And the fact that she said she doesn't know what is orgasm, means the sex with her husband must had been disappointing.

With each and every session, she seems to be getting more open, relaxing and enjoying more.
Too bad I am not in Shanghai to constantly train her.
The next time, I am going to try eating her out and massaging her G-spot. I guess she had never experienced that.
Many PRC men still use their partners as a tool, not much or enough foreplay, penetrate, shoot and done. Way before the partners even felt stimulated, needless to say, no orgasm. Hence, when you show them a little more TLC, foreplay and better sex, they will be stuck to you, for a long time as gf or FWB.
If you like what I comment or post, feel free to comment or give me your oranges.
If it's merely for the exchange of oranges, I don't. Sorry about that.
Old 10-05-2021, 09:33 AM
CheongingEdge CheongingEdge is offline
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by TuttiFruitti View Post
Don't mean to pour cold water over the Bro but its possible that she found out that you CMI after 2 rounds only... so she gave the excuse that cannot overnight, etc. Just my 2 cents. Hope bro no offence!
Lol maybe old liao cannot perform until like last time, that's why need fresh meat to excite the brain enough to perform at 120%
Old 10-05-2021, 09:46 AM
Neoguri Neoguri is offline
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
Many PRC men still use their partners as a tool, not much or enough foreplay, penetrate, shoot and done. Way before the partners even felt stimulated, needless to say, no orgasm. Hence, when you show them a little more TLC, foreplay and better sex, they will be stuck to you, for a long time as gf or FWB.
You are absolutely correct!
Don't Save-up Sex for Old Age!!! (Warren Buffet)
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