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Old 07-09-2011, 10:02 AM
Taisho75 Taisho75 is offline
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

Interesting, but sad ending. Expected this to happen when you told me it already ended and I knew you will not be the one who initiate it.

At least your SIL has decided, in the long period you never meet up, to have a clean break. She has thought very long before writing you the email as she really knows that she can't bring it up to you when both of you meet.

Gudos to your SIL and she will come out a stronger and better woman after this incident. As for you, I believe you still can't accept it is happening and there will not be another similar encounter like this. You will get over it.

Think with your big "head" and not with the small "head" and you will appreciate what is good for everyone.
Old 07-09-2011, 11:41 AM
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Unhappy Re: my affair with my sis in law

Bro ts, i felt for you.. as well as for j too..
i guess we may had the similar sadness..
but not quite the same type of incidents..
i guess it's impossible to totally forget the whole thing..
nevertheless, hope you & j had walked out of it.. & have move on..
BTW, your story didn't fail to make me hard..
hope to hear more from you..
Old 07-09-2011, 04:57 PM
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

a beautiful but sad story. thank you for sharing. it is indeed very difficult to let go. the temptation to go back is always there and strong. have to control and distract.
Old 07-09-2011, 05:20 PM
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

Originally Posted by 6Wayward9 View Post
Just wondering why is all th bros here sympathizing TS? It was indeed a sad and emo ending but TS had it coming isn't he? Not that I have anything against TS, but what do you expect out of a relationship like this? Lucky that SIL initiated the breakup, otherwise there could been more people get hurt. In fact I admire SIL's courage to have a clean break. Occasionally one might seekk adventure outside marriage, but remember this: you either pay now or "pay" later, if you get what I mean. Having said that, I hope TS will tame care and get over the saga soon.
Dude it not sympathizing ts but rather the flow of the sadness when u read so I suggest you reread the thread with a little feeling... No offense peace n Prost

Ps. We human are made of flesh n blood , feeling and emotion are wat control us.... 人非圣贤 ,谁能无错
马尔斯( Mars),黑暗中的战神
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Old 07-09-2011, 07:09 PM
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

I totally enjoyed the sexual part of the story! Great Thanks for sharing. But as for the emotional part....err...i still enjoy the sex part! Kudos!
Old 07-09-2011, 08:35 PM
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

A beautiful penned story which tug my hearts so much that my tears eye decide to drips without i realising it.

A forbidden love which yearn for something that is impoossible.

I feel for you bro...
Old 07-09-2011, 10:10 PM
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

Originally Posted by MarsIswar View Post
Dude it not sympathizing ts but rather the flow of the sadness when u read so I suggest you reread the thread with a little feeling... No offense peace n Prost

Ps. We human are made of flesh n blood , feeling and emotion are wat control us.... 人非圣贤 ,谁能无错
Very well said.....Upz you for that
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Old 07-09-2011, 10:42 PM
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

Originally Posted by thomas88 View Post
Very well said.....Upz you for that
I can only say great mind think alike , afterall we are only human
Thank for the up bro... With your up I now have 1 power 3q
马尔斯( Mars),黑暗中的战神
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Old 07-09-2011, 10:47 PM
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

Dear TS seowlang,

Thank you for sharing your story. It was really moving.

Powerful in the sense that the reality of such a relationship is frighteningly destructive to both parties even though it is not discovered by the family. Yet fragile becoz love holds all things together. At the end, true love won becoz it refuses to walk the path of destruction. Although there are hurts & hard knocks, time will heal the pain.

Life is not about just being happy. Becoz happiness is a result of a wise decision made. And your SIL has done tremendously well in making a wise decision. This will definitely result in happiness, less stress & worries that this relationship will be discovered. Even though you cannot be together. Love in another way. Cherish her and be a great BIL to her. After all, real love is about being constructive & edifying.

I validate this story!!! Two thumbs up!!
Old 07-09-2011, 11:44 PM
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

Ts a few quote to share with you and those bro who are having a hard time to let go including myself:

我的做法是,离开。我爱你,为了你的幸福,我愿意放弃一切——包括你 ,两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮
马尔斯( Mars),黑暗中的战神
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Old 08-09-2011, 12:21 AM
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

Originally Posted by MarsIswar View Post
Dude it not sympathizing ts but rather the flow of the sadness when u read so I suggest you reread the thread with a little feeling... No offense peace n Prost

Ps. We human are made of flesh n blood , feeling and emotion are wat control us.... 人非圣贤 ,谁能无错
Bro, dun get me wrong. My heart goes with TS on what he has got thru and also admire his courage to share. However, my heart also goes with the women he hurt. In his write up I sense that both j and his wife are fantastic women whom he cherish. In a story like this, often, all parties involve will get hurt no matter what's the outcome. Hope TS and j will be able to move on and 真惜眼前人。
Old 08-09-2011, 12:54 AM
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

Originally Posted by sensit32 View Post
Wah kao straight to the heart as for mi u til now 5yrs I stil can't forgot my mistress im very emo once put in feelin I can't forget until the day I die rem the memories wit her. As for TS I dun know how fast u can't forget or Mayb tis life nv ever jus like mi. I cried aft she brokeoff wit mi aft tt I punch sandbags which is at my other room remove my groves punch raw until my both hands bleed skin tear the pain tt I wan to cover my pain in my heart until today I stil do tt my CO ask y u not pain meh train until like tt I jus replied stress at work so I hit hard to de stress but in my heart I miss her badly. Not every guy is tt strong can put down as for mi I cant .HELL is waitin for mi I'm sinful
Bro... I understand how you and TS feel... Me too been there done that. I felt that guys are harder to put down their emo baggage as compared to girls. Till now, no one can replace her in my heart...
Old 08-09-2011, 02:17 AM
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

I had read your story from start to end without even commenting because it's too interesting for me to do so. Well, I had an ex whom I've never get to conquer as she doesn't allow. That ex had been in my fond memories for a few years already. Although now she is living well with her current boyfriend, I would still miss her staring at me when I look at other girls, miss her bullying me, miss her warm embrace and many other things that I would miss about. When we just broke up and feeling down, she hinted me that she would like to go out alone, so I went to those places she frequent. Starting from bugis, I combed the whole area at least thrice, then walked to the riverbank between the floating platform and esplanade. Yes, I've walked just in case I would bump into her but no, no sign of her. Then I travelled to changi beach to look for her. I walked to and fro that 3.3km stretch 4 times, scrutinizing every inch of the shore and every BBQ pits for her. Then I'm tired and sat down at a bench and called her many times, but there is no reception. When I head back to the bus interchange and called her again. She said hello and guess what? I broke down and cried because I really missed everything about her.

All in all, don't forget. Everything will come to an end. There is no everlasting banquet on earth. What we can do is only to bury every ounce of pain and carry on walking the path of life, pausing for a while to smile back at every memory. I feel you, bro ts.
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Old 08-09-2011, 08:57 AM
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

my affair with my sis... 07-09-2011 11:45 PM ghfhf
What does this mean??? Any kind soul care to tell me???

And thank bro cyberRod for the up
马尔斯( Mars),黑暗中的战神
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Old 08-09-2011, 12:23 PM
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Re: my affair with my sis in law

Like reading your story....thanks
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