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Petain Romps Cheapo Fucks but it feels the same when you cum

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Old 13-09-2010, 01:54 PM
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Re: Bus stop

Originally Posted by jacky43 View Post
The map is informatives but, guided that buses to not stop direct, opposite the brothels. There are many bus stops but question is, why 1 the nearest?

Ok! Last month i come across few students looking boys, probably they were searching for it. Usual, i KP overheard 1was saying to the rest, is opposite the Hindu temple somehow they walked towards the direction of City Sq Mall.

Members will know the small road, leading to the CSM loading bay. On our left we can in fact see across rolls of doors. Of course there is the openning at the long kang or drains.

Example say we take bus 147 from Chinatown, noted is direction towards Farrer Park MRT, asked the bus driver if u not sure. Look out on your left handside, about 15 min journey we will reach Little India.

Mustafa Shopping center on right handside, towards a junction we will see an entry for Farrer Park MRT station (on left handside), after this we will see the Indian Temple. We alight!

Cross the street looks out for traffic, please! U turn to your left straight ahead there r shop houses, walk into a coffeeshop. There is a turn in wards, opposite that road u see a KTV.

Walk towards the right handside, u will come across a going to complete Condo with an open air carpark. Hold on, some of u will jump for jobs and lost your way. Straight ahead, w/o crossing the road u will see 1 roll of 2story pte house. There u have it!

Proceed straight look out on your right handside, the open of the lanes, u will know when u reach it.

Write down mine directions by points, arrows of left right handsides u will reach PT brothels.
Nice job with your direction by points mine Bro. Now there is no reason for newbies to get lost!

Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT
Old 13-09-2010, 02:16 PM
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Re: Bus stop

Originally Posted by fornicator View Post
Nice job with your direction by points mine Bro. Now there is no reason for newbies to get lost!

U wait till i show u what i have in mind tmr......
Old 13-09-2010, 02:35 PM
song song is offline
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Re: Bus stop

just wonder if the PSL list can add estimate age of the WL (i.e. 30's, 40's, 50's, ...) lagi best. just suggesting, thks.
Old 13-09-2010, 02:39 PM
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Re: Bus stop

Originally Posted by Ah_Hia View Post
U wait till i show u what i have in mind tmr......
Now isn't this exciting or what? I just can't wait!

Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT
Old 13-09-2010, 02:40 PM
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Re: Bus stop

Originally Posted by song View Post
just wonder if the PSL list can add estimate age of the WL (i.e. 30's, 40's, 50's, ...) lagi best. just suggesting, thks.
Thanks for the suggestion, but this is a bit tideous. We see how ok.

Thank you.

Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT
Old 13-09-2010, 02:56 PM
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Wink MILFs

Dear members, is difficult to estimate the ages, WLs with heavy makeup how to guess. I shall put it this way, almost all are MILFs, serious SYTs, i can name Jolene, JJ and MJ.

Still nobody is sure on their ages.
Old 13-09-2010, 03:10 PM
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Re: Bus stop

Originally Posted by song View Post
just wonder if the PSL list can add estimate age of the WL (i.e. 30's, 40's, 50's, ...) lagi best. just suggesting, thks.
Yar yar yar.

Then later ppl want estimate height, weight, eye color, hair color, hair length.
Old 14-09-2010, 02:02 AM
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

Updates with permission from Bro boysg kor kor, originator of this valuable list.


H22 R19 - ???????? (CAT50) new - 09 Sept
H22 R20 - Michelle (CAT50) new - 09 Sept

This week:

H22 R09 - Sally (CAT30) RTW 14 September
H10 R12 - Kiko (CAT50) > GL CAT150 "Cute" *Good* RTW 15 September
H02 R05 - Mun Mun (CAT50) > KS "Solid" *Good* OL, RTW 17 September
H24 R12 - Diamond (CAT50) > GL CAT150 (Sammi) *HOT* "skinny" OL, RTW 17 September

Next week onwards:

H07(2) R28 - Miki (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Twin) *Attitude* OL, RTW 20 September
H02 R15 - Ting Ting (CAT50) > KS "Meaty" *Good* OL, RTW 24 September
H07(2) R02 - Chris (CAT50) "Meaty" *Good* OL, RTW 28 September
H10 R02 - An An (CAT50) OL, RTW 01 October
H24 R14 - Cloud (CAT30) "Solid GILF" *Good* OL, RTW 02 October
H07(2) R01 - Ann (CAT50) > GL CAT150 "Big boobs" *Good* OL, RTW 15 October
H07 R02 - Jacq (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Attractive" OL, RTW not indicated

Going for 1 month leave:

H11 R09 - Ah May (CAT30) > PT Veteran *Good* LDW 20 September
H02 R16 - Michelle (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Leng Leng) "Cute" *Good* LDW 23 September
H10 R11 - Judy (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Cute" *Good* LDW 24 September

Operating Hours:

Opening time is approx 11:00am - 9:00pm, but most of the WLs start work between 1:00 - 8:00pm.

Best time to go is weekdays between 3:00 - 5:00pm before the evening crowd comes in.

Weekends and Public Holidays are terrible and this is self explanatory. So try to avoid.

How to get there:

By MRT: Farrer Park Station
By Bus: SBS - 21, 23, 64, 65, 66, 125, 130, 139, 147


OL = On Leave (mandatory, 1 month)
LDW = Last Day Working (before 1 month leave)
RTW = Return To Work (after 1 month leave)

GL = Geylang
KS = Keong Saik Road
PT = Petain Road

H# = House number (Houses IN full operation: 02, 04, 07, 09, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 20, 22, and 24)
R# = Room number - not necessarily in sequence or numerical order, so be careful with this.
(2) = 2nd Floor/Level (Houses with 2nd Floor/Level: 07, 09, 11, and 17)

CAT = Category (Price)
GILF = Grandma I Like To Fuck
GND = Girl-Next-Door
MILF = Mothers I Like To Fuck
SBF = SammyBoy Forum
WL = Working Lady

Last updated: 14/09/2010 - with permission from Bro boysg kor kor by: fornicator

Thank you to Bro Ah_Hia for suggesting the inclusion of Acronyms and location map.
Thank you to Bro peanut123 for the information on Operating Hours.

Petain S-List (PSL)

H02 R02 - Maggie (CAT50) > KS "Solid" *Good*
H02 R03 - Sally (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Demure MILF"
H02 R04 - OG (CAT20)
H02 R05 - Mun Mun (CAT50) > KS "Solid" *Good*
H02 R09 - Hong Hong (CAT40) > GL
H02 R12 - Bobo (CAT50)
H02 R15 - Ting Ting (CAT50) > KS "Meaty" *Good*
H02 R16 - Michelle (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Leng Leng) "Cute" *Good*

H04 R11 - Mei Qi (CAT20) "Good Value"

H07 R01 - Joanne (CAT30)
H07 R02 - Jacq (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Attractive"
H07 R03 - Super (CAT50) *HOT*
H07 R06 - Joyce (CAT50) > GL CAT150 (Seiko) *Good*
H07 R08 - Pauline (CAT30)
H07 R11 - Carol (CAT50) "Attractive" *Good*
H07 R12 - Alice (CAT20) > PT H18 Ang Pai
H07 R18 - ?
H07(2) R01 - Ann (CAT50) > GL CAT150 "Big boobs" *Good*
H07(2) R02 - Chris (CAT50) "Meaty" *Good*
H07(2) R03 - Sugar (CAT50) > GL CAT150 (Imelda) "Dislike SBF" *Good*
H07(2) R05 - Queenie (CAT50) > GL
H07(2) R06 - Kathy (CAT50) > PT Veteran
H07(2) R28 - Miki (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Twin) *Attitude*

H09 R05 - Sau Wei (CAT40) > KS
H09 R11 - Nana (CAT30) > KS Xiao Mun

H10 R01A - Rina (CAT40) "Malay"
H10 R02 - An An (CAT50)
H10 R04 - Da S (CAT50) > GL CAT150
H10 R05 - ? (CAT?)
H10 R06 - Irene (CAT50) > GL CAT80
H10 R08 - Leeza (CAT30) "Malay"
H10 R10 - Katty (CAT50) > PT Veteran "Chatty, Friendly"
H10 R11 - Judy (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Cute" *Good*
H10 R12 - Kiko (CAT50) > GL CAT150 "Cute" *Good*
H10 R13 - Anna (CAT30)

H11 R01 - Jenny (CAT40)
H11 R03 - JJ (CAT40) > GL
H11 R04 - Julia (CAT30) "Malay GND"
H11 R05 - Rose (CAT50) > GL CAT80 *Good*
H11 R06 - Yen Yen (CAT50) > GL CAT80
H11 R09 - Ah May (CAT30) > PT Veteran *Good*
H11 R10 - Ah Leng (CAT40) "Sexy HDB Housewife"
H11 R11 - Jolene (CAT50) > GL CAT150 "Attractive" *Good*
H11 R12 - Carol (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Carol 1) "Attractive"

H12 R01A - May (CAT50) > GL
H12 R02 - Christine (CAT30)
H12 R05 - Kelly (CAT30) > PT Veteran formerly from H05
H12 R06 - MJ (CAT50) > GL CAT150 *HOT*
H12 R08 - Janet (CAT50) > GL CAT80 *HOT*
H12 R11 - Helen (CAT30)
H12 R13 - ?
H12 R14 - Ana (CAT30) "Malay" PT Veteran formerly from H16
H12 R15 - Joey (CAT50) > GL CAT80 *Good*

H14 R01 - Carol (CAT30) (Carol 4)
H14 R02 - Yuki (CAT30)
H14 R03 - Mei Ling/Ah Ling (CAT30)
H14 R04 - Kidd (CAT40) "Ah Lian GND"
H14 R05 - Poh Yi (CAT30)
H14 R06 - Violet (CAT50) > GL CAT150 "Attractive" *Good*
H14 R07 - Zhen Zhen (CAT30) > KS
H14 R09 - Li Wen (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Big boobs" *Good*
H14 R10 - Sophia (CAT30)
H14 R11 - ? (CAT30)
H14 R12 - ? (CAT30)
H14 R13 - Catherine (CAT30)
H14 R14 - Nancy/Laura (CAT40)

H16 R03 - Michelle (CAT40)
H16 R04 - Yo Yo (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Hai Ou)
H16 R07 - Yvonne (CAT40) "Attitude"
H16 R09 - Lynn (CAT30) "Malay"
H16 R10 - Ada (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Mong Ting) "Attractive" *Good*
H16 R11 - Pat (CAT40) > PT Veteran "Sexy HDB Housewife" *Good*
H16 R12 - Jennifer (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Ya Wen)
H16 R13 - Vivi (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Kar Leng) *Good*
H16 R14 - Ivy (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Attractive" *Good*
H16 R15 - Amy (CAT50) > GL CAT80 *Good*
H16 R16 - Carol (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Korean Beauty Looks" *HOT*
H16 R17 - Moon (CAT50) "Beautiful Body" *HOT*

H17 R02 - Rose (CAT20) - formerly from H18 "Malay"
H17 R11 - Mei Yee (CAT40) > KS "Shiok"
H17(2) R05 - Wendy (CAT40)
H17(2) R08 - Sally (CAT40)

H20 R06 - Peng Peng (CAT20)
H20 R20 - Sai Li (CAT30)
H20 R168 - Mei Bo (CAT20) > KS

H22 R08 - Aida (CAT30) > PT Veteran
H22 R09 - Sally (CAT30)
H22 R19 - ???????? (CAT??)
H22 R20 - Michelle (CAT50)

H24 R01 - Amy (CAT20)
H24 R05 - Annie/Xiao Li (CAT20)
H24 R07 - Mona (CAT30) "Malay"
H24 R09 - Lilian (CAT20)
H24 R10 - Jessy (CAT30)
H24 R11 - Lily (CAT20)
H24 R12 - Diamond (CAT50) > GL CAT150 (Sammi) *HOT* "skinny"
H24 R14 - Cloud (CAT30) "Solid GILF" *Good*
H24 R15 - Lily (CAT30)
H24 R19 - Mong Peng/Peggy (CAT20)
H24 R28 - Xiao Tian (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Sweet"
H24 R33 - Lai Lai (CAT50) > GL CAT80

Houses OUT of operation: 01,03,05,15,18,30 (Total: 6)
Houses IN full operation: 02,04,07,09,10,11,12,14,16,17,20,22,24 (Total: 13)
Total WLs listed: 101

Hope this helps.

Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT
Old 14-09-2010, 07:01 PM
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

Updates with permission from Bro boysg kor kor, originator of this valuable list.


H22 R19 - Nikki (CAT50) > GL "Cute" new - 09 Sept
H22 R20 - Michelle (CAT50) > GL "Cute" *Good* new - 09 Sept

This week:

H22 R09 - Sally (CAT30) RTW 14 September
H10 R12 - Kiko (CAT50) > GL CAT150 "Cute" *Good* RTW 15 September
H02 R05 - Mun Mun (CAT50) > KS "Solid" *Good* OL, RTW 17 September
H24 R12 - Diamond (CAT50) > GL CAT150 (Sammi) *HOT* "skinny" OL, RTW 17 September

Next week onwards:

H07(2) R28 - Miki (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Twin) *Attitude* OL, RTW 20 September
H02 R15 - Ting Ting (CAT50) > KS "Meaty" *Good* OL, RTW 24 September
H07(2) R02 - Chris (CAT50) "Meaty" *Good* OL, RTW 28 September
H10 R02 - An An (CAT50) OL, RTW 01 October
H24 R14 - Cloud (CAT30) "Solid GILF" *Good* OL, RTW 02 October
H07(2) R01 - Ann (CAT50) > GL CAT150 "Big boobs" *Good* OL, RTW 15 October
H07 R02 - Jacq (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Attractive" OL, RTW not indicated

Going for 1 month leave:

H11 R09 - Ah May (CAT30) > PT Veteran *Good* LDW 20 September
H02 R16 - Michelle (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Leng Leng) "Cute" *Good* LDW 23 September
H10 R11 - Judy (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Cute" *Good* LDW 24 September
H22 R20 - Michelle (CAT50) > GL "Cute" *Good* LDW 26 September

Operating Hours:

Opening time is approx 11:00am - 9:00pm, but most of the WLs start work between 1:00 - 8:00pm.

Best time to go is weekdays between 3:00 - 5:00pm before the evening crowd comes in.

Weekends and Public Holidays are terrible and this is self explanatory. So try to avoid.

How to get there:

By MRT: Farrer Park Station
By Bus: SBS - 21, 23, 64, 65, 66, 125, 130, 139, 147


OL = On Leave (mandatory, 1 month)
LDW = Last Day Working (before 1 month leave)
RTW = Return To Work (after 1 month leave)

GL = Geylang
KS = Keong Saik Road
PT = Petain Road

H# = House number (Houses IN full operation: 02, 04, 07, 09, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 20, 22, and 24)
R# = Room number - not necessarily in sequence or numerical order, so be careful with this.
(2) = 2nd Floor/Level (Houses with 2nd Floor/Level: 07, 09, 11, and 17)

CAT = Category (Price)
GILF = Grandma I Like To Fuck
GND = Girl-Next-Door
MILF = Mothers I Like To Fuck
SBF = SammyBoy Forum
WL = Working Lady

Last updated: 14/09/2010 - with permission from Bro boysg kor kor by: fornicator

Thank you to Bro Ah_Hia for suggesting the inclusion of Acronyms and location map.
Thank you to Bro peanut123 for the information on Operating Hours.

Petain S-List (PSL)

H02 R02 - Maggie (CAT50) > KS "Solid" *Good*
H02 R03 - Sally (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Demure MILF"
H02 R04 - OG (CAT20)
H02 R05 - Mun Mun (CAT50) > KS "Solid" *Good*
H02 R09 - Hong Hong (CAT40) > GL
H02 R12 - Bobo (CAT50)
H02 R15 - Ting Ting (CAT50) > KS "Meaty" *Good*
H02 R16 - Michelle (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Leng Leng) "Cute" *Good*

H04 R11 - Mei Qi (CAT20) "Good Value"

H07 R01 - Joanne (CAT30)
H07 R02 - Jacq (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Attractive"
H07 R03 - Super (CAT50) *HOT*
H07 R06 - Joyce (CAT50) > GL CAT150 (Seiko) *Good*
H07 R08 - Pauline (CAT30)
H07 R11 - Carol (CAT50) "Attractive" *Good*
H07 R12 - Alice (CAT20) > PT H18 Ang Pai
H07 R18 - ?
H07(2) R01 - Ann (CAT50) > GL CAT150 "Big boobs" *Good*
H07(2) R02 - Chris (CAT50) "Meaty" *Good*
H07(2) R03 - Sugar (CAT50) > GL CAT150 (Imelda) "Dislike SBF" *Good*
H07(2) R05 - Queenie (CAT50) > GL
H07(2) R06 - Kathy (CAT50) > PT Veteran
H07(2) R28 - Miki (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Twin) *Attitude*

H09 R05 - Sau Wei (CAT40) > KS
H09 R11 - Nana (CAT30) > KS Xiao Mun

H10 R01A - Rina (CAT40) "Malay"
H10 R02 - An An (CAT50)
H10 R04 - Da S (CAT50) > GL CAT150
H10 R05 - ? (CAT?)
H10 R06 - Irene (CAT50) > GL CAT80
H10 R08 - Leeza (CAT30) "Malay"
H10 R10 - Katty (CAT50) > PT Veteran "Chatty, Friendly"
H10 R11 - Judy (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Cute" *Good*
H10 R12 - Kiko (CAT50) > GL CAT150 "Cute" *Good*
H10 R13 - Anna (CAT30)

H11 R01 - Jenny (CAT40)
H11 R03 - JJ (CAT40) > GL
H11 R04 - Julia (CAT30) "Malay GND"
H11 R05 - Rose (CAT50) > GL CAT80 *Good*
H11 R06 - Yen Yen (CAT50) > GL CAT80
H11 R09 - Ah May (CAT30) > PT Veteran *Good*
H11 R10 - Ah Leng (CAT40) "Sexy HDB Housewife"
H11 R11 - Jolene (CAT50) > GL CAT150 "Attractive" *Good*
H11 R12 - Carol (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Carol 1) "Attractive"

H12 R01A - May (CAT50) > GL
H12 R02 - Christine (CAT30)
H12 R05 - Kelly (CAT30) > PT Veteran formerly from H05
H12 R06 - MJ (CAT50) > GL CAT150 *HOT*
H12 R08 - Janet (CAT50) > GL CAT80 *HOT*
H12 R11 - Helen (CAT30)
H12 R13 - ?
H12 R14 - Ana (CAT30) "Malay" PT Veteran formerly from H16
H12 R15 - Joey (CAT50) > GL CAT80 *Good*

H14 R01 - Carol (CAT30) (Carol 4)
H14 R02 - Yuki (CAT30)
H14 R03 - Mei Ling/Ah Ling (CAT30)
H14 R04 - Kidd (CAT40) "Ah Lian GND"
H14 R05 - Poh Yi (CAT30)
H14 R06 - Violet (CAT50) > GL CAT150 "Attractive" *Good*
H14 R07 - Zhen Zhen (CAT30) > KS
H14 R09 - Li Wen (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Big boobs" *Good*
H14 R10 - Sophia (CAT30)
H14 R11 - ? (CAT30)
H14 R12 - ? (CAT30)
H14 R13 - Catherine (CAT30)
H14 R14 - Nancy/Laura (CAT40)

H16 R03 - Michelle (CAT40)
H16 R04 - Yo Yo (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Hai Ou)
H16 R07 - Yvonne (CAT40) "Attitude"
H16 R09 - Lynn (CAT30) "Malay"
H16 R10 - Ada (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Mong Ting) "Attractive" *Good*
H16 R11 - Pat (CAT40) > PT Veteran "Sexy HDB Housewife" *Good*
H16 R12 - Jennifer (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Ya Wen)
H16 R13 - Vivi (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Kar Leng) *Good*
H16 R14 - Ivy (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Attractive" *Good*
H16 R15 - Amy (CAT50) > GL CAT80 *Good*
H16 R16 - Carol (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Korean Beauty Looks" *HOT*
H16 R17 - Moon (CAT50) "Beautiful Body" *HOT*

H17 R02 - Rose (CAT20) - formerly from H18 "Malay"
H17 R11 - Mei Yee (CAT40) > KS "Shiok"
H17(2) R05 - Wendy (CAT40)
H17(2) R08 - Sally (CAT40)

H20 R06 - Peng Peng (CAT20)
H20 R20 - Sai Li (CAT30)
H20 R168 - Mei Bo (CAT20) > KS

H22 R08 - Aida (CAT30) > PT Veteran
H22 R09 - Sally (CAT30)
H22 R19 - Nikki (CAT50) > GL "Cute"
H22 R20 - Michelle (CAT50) > GL "Cute" *Good*

H24 R01 - Amy (CAT20)
H24 R05 - Annie/Xiao Li (CAT20)
H24 R07 - Mona (CAT30) "Malay"
H24 R09 - Lilian (CAT20)
H24 R10 - Jessy (CAT30)
H24 R11 - Lily (CAT20)
H24 R12 - Diamond (CAT50) > GL CAT150 (Sammi) *HOT* "skinny"
H24 R14 - Cloud (CAT30) "Solid GILF" *Good*
H24 R15 - Lily (CAT30)
H24 R19 - Mong Peng/Peggy (CAT20)
H24 R28 - Xiao Tian (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Sweet"
H24 R33 - Lai Lai (CAT50) > GL CAT80

Houses OUT of operation: 01,03,05,15,18,30 (Total: 6)
Houses IN full operation: 02,04,07,09,10,11,12,14,16,17,20,22,24 (Total: 13)
Total WLs listed: 101

Hope this helps.

Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT
Old 15-09-2010, 08:42 PM
kopi c kopi c is offline
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

THks for sharing the info, appreciated.
Old 16-09-2010, 02:23 AM
spidersim_78 spidersim_78 is offline
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

who is the lady in hs 12 rm7 from outside the room i judge
look :7
figure :b
30 per shot

and hs 12 rm 9
look :6 look better lai lai
figure : bah bah
boob : b
bj : 6
fj : 7 quite accommodating
quite friendly
cost 30
Old 17-09-2010, 01:37 PM
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

Updates with permission from Bro boysg kor kor, originator of this valuable list.


This week:

H07(2) R28 - Miki (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Twin) *Attitude* OL, RTW 20 September
H02 R15 - Ting Ting (CAT50) > KS "Meaty" *Good* OL, RTW 24 September

Next week onwards:

H07(2) R02 - Chris (CAT50) "Meaty" *Good* OL, RTW 28 September
H10 R02 - An An (CAT50) OL, RTW 01 October
H24 R14 - Cloud (CAT30) "Solid GILF" *Good* OL, RTW 02 October
H07(2) R01 - Ann (CAT50) > GL CAT150 "Big boobs" *Good* OL, RTW 15 October
H07 R02 - Jacq (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Attractive" OL, RTW not indicated

Going for 1 month leave:

H11 R09 - Ah May (CAT30) > PT Veteran *Good* LDW 20 September
H02 R16 - Michelle (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Leng Leng) "Cute" *Good* LDW 23 September
H10 R11 - Judy (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Cute" *Good* LDW 24 September
H22 R20 - Michelle (CAT50) > GL "Cute" *Good* LDW 26 September

Operating Hours:

Opening time is approx 11:00am - 9:00pm, but most of the WLs start work between 1:00 - 8:00pm.

Best time to go is weekdays between 3:00 - 5:00pm before the evening crowd comes in.

Weekends and Public Holidays are terrible and this is self explanatory. So try to avoid.

How to get there:

By MRT: Farrer Park Station
By Bus: SBS - 21, 23, 64, 65, 66, 125, 130, 139, 147


OL = On Leave (mandatory, 1 month)
LDW = Last Day Working (before 1 month leave)
RTW = Return To Work (after 1 month leave)

GL = Geylang
KS = Keong Saik Road
PT = Petain Road

H# = House number (Houses IN full operation: 02, 04, 07, 09, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 20, 22, and 24)
R# = Room number - not necessarily in sequence or numerical order, so be careful with this.
(2) = 2nd Floor/Level (Houses with 2nd Floor/Level: 07, 09, 11, and 17)

CAT = Category (Price)
GILF = Grandma I Like To Fuck
GND = Girl-Next-Door
MILF = Mothers I Like To Fuck
SBF = SammyBoy Forum
WL = Working Lady

Last updated: 17/09/2010 - with permission from Bro boysg kor kor by: fornicator

Thank you to Bro Ah_Hia for suggesting the inclusion of Acronyms and location map.
Thank you to Bro peanut123 for the information on Operating Hours.

Petain S-List (PSL)

H02 R02 - Maggie (CAT50) > KS "Solid" *Good*
H02 R03 - Sally (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Demure MILF"
H02 R04 - OG (CAT20)
H02 R05 - Mun Mun (CAT50) > KS "Solid" *Good*
H02 R09 - Hong Hong (CAT40) > GL
H02 R12 - Bobo (CAT50)
H02 R15 - Ting Ting (CAT50) > KS "Meaty" *Good*
H02 R16 - Michelle (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Leng Leng) "Cute" *Good*

H04 R11 - Mei Qi (CAT20) "Good Value"

H07 R01 - Joanne (CAT30)
H07 R02 - Jacq (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Attractive"
H07 R03 - Super (CAT50) *HOT*
H07 R06 - Joyce (CAT50) > GL CAT150 (Seiko) *Good*
H07 R08 - Pauline (CAT30)
H07 R11 - Carol (CAT50) "Attractive" *Good*
H07 R12 - Alice (CAT20) > PT H18 Ang Pai
H07 R18 - ?
H07(2) R01 - Ann (CAT50) > GL CAT150 "Big boobs" *Good*
H07(2) R02 - Chris (CAT50) "Meaty" *Good*
H07(2) R03 - Sugar (CAT50) > GL CAT150 (Imelda) "Dislike SBF" *Good*
H07(2) R05 - Queenie (CAT50) > GL
H07(2) R06 - Kathy (CAT50) > PT Veteran
H07(2) R28 - Miki (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Twin) *Attitude*

H09 R05 - Sau Wei (CAT40) > KS
H09 R11 - Nana (CAT30) > KS Xiao Mun

H10 R01A - Rina (CAT40) "Malay"
H10 R02 - An An (CAT50)
H10 R04 - Da S (CAT50) > GL CAT150
H10 R05 - ? (CAT?)
H10 R06 - Irene (CAT50) > GL CAT80
H10 R08 - Leeza (CAT30) "Malay"
H10 R10 - Katty (CAT50) > PT Veteran "Chatty, Friendly"
H10 R11 - Judy (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Cute" *Good*
H10 R12 - Kiko (CAT50) > GL CAT150 "Cute" *Good*
H10 R13 - Anna (CAT30)

H11 R01 - Jenny (CAT40)
H11 R03 - JJ (CAT40) > GL
H11 R04 - Julia (CAT30) "Malay GND"
H11 R05 - Rose (CAT50) > GL CAT80 *Good*
H11 R06 - Yen Yen (CAT50) > GL CAT80
H11 R09 - Ah May (CAT30) > PT Veteran *Good*
H11 R10 - Ah Leng (CAT40) "Sexy HDB Housewife"
H11 R11 - Jolene (CAT50) > GL CAT150 "Attractive" *Good*
H11 R12 - Carol (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Carol 1) "Attractive"

H12 R01A - May (CAT50) > GL
H12 R02 - Christine (CAT30)
H12 R05 - Kelly (CAT30) > PT Veteran formerly from H05
H12 R06 - MJ (CAT50) > GL CAT150 *HOT*
H12 R08 - Janet (CAT50) > GL CAT80 *HOT*
H12 R11 - Helen (CAT30)
H12 R13 - ?
H12 R14 - Ana (CAT30) "Malay" PT Veteran formerly from H16
H12 R15 - Joey (CAT50) > GL CAT80 *Good*

H14 R01 - Carol (CAT30) (Carol 4)
H14 R02 - Yuki (CAT30)
H14 R03 - Mei Ling/Ah Ling (CAT30)
H14 R04 - Kidd (CAT40) "Ah Lian GND"
H14 R05 - Poh Yi (CAT30)
H14 R06 - Violet (CAT50) > GL CAT150 "Attractive" *Good*
H14 R07 - Zhen Zhen (CAT30) > KS
H14 R09 - Li Wen (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Big boobs" *Good*
H14 R10 - Sophia (CAT30)
H14 R11 - ? (CAT30)
H14 R12 - ? (CAT30)
H14 R13 - Catherine (CAT30)
H14 R14 - Nancy/Laura (CAT40)

H16 R03 - Michelle (CAT40)
H16 R04 - Yo Yo (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Hai Ou)
H16 R07 - Yvonne (CAT40) "Attitude"
H16 R09 - Lynn (CAT30) "Malay"
H16 R10 - Ada (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Mong Ting) "Attractive" *Good*
H16 R11 - Pat (CAT40) > PT Veteran "Sexy HDB Housewife" *Good*
H16 R12 - Jennifer (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Ya Wen)
H16 R13 - Vivi (CAT50) > GL CAT80 (Kar Leng) *Good*
H16 R14 - Ivy (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Attractive" *Good*
H16 R15 - Amy (CAT50) > GL CAT80 *Good*
H16 R16 - Carol (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Korean Beauty Looks" *HOT*
H16 R17 - Moon (CAT50) "Beautiful Body" *HOT*

H17 R02 - Rose (CAT20) - formerly from H18 "Malay"
H17 R11 - Mei Yee (CAT40) > KS "Shiok"
H17(2) R05 - Wendy (CAT40)
H17(2) R08 - Sally (CAT40)

H20 R06 - Peng Peng (CAT20)
H20 R20 - Sai Li (CAT30)
H20 R168 - Mei Bo (CAT20) > KS

H22 R08 - Aida (CAT30) > PT Veteran
H22 R09 - Sally (CAT30)
H22 R19 - Nikki (CAT50) > GL "Cute"
H22 R20 - Michelle (CAT50) > GL "Cute" *Good*

H24 R01 - Amy (CAT20)
H24 R05 - Annie/Xiao Li (CAT20)
H24 R07 - Mona (CAT30) "Malay"
H24 R09 - Lilian (CAT20)
H24 R10 - Jessy (CAT30)
H24 R11 - Lily (CAT20)
H24 R12 - Diamond (CAT50) > GL CAT150 (Sammi) *HOT* "skinny"
H24 R14 - Cloud (CAT30) "Solid GILF" *Good*
H24 R15 - Lily (CAT30)
H24 R19 - Mong Peng/Peggy (CAT20)
H24 R28 - Xiao Tian (CAT50) > GL CAT80 "Sweet"
H24 R33 - Lai Lai (CAT50) > GL CAT80

Houses OUT of operation: 01,03,05,15,18,30 (Total: 6)
Houses IN full operation: 02,04,07,09,10,11,12,14,16,17,20,22,24 (Total: 13)
Total WLs listed: 101

Hope this helps.

Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT
Old 17-09-2010, 08:57 PM
sambal sambal is offline
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

I tried H2R2 Maggie....and like the PSL says, she is good.

Just wanna confirm with other bros here that her boobs are implants?
Old 18-09-2010, 10:21 AM
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

Originally Posted by sambal View Post
I tried H2R2 Maggie....and like the PSL says, she is good.

Just wanna confirm with other bros here that her boobs are implants?
As far as I know Maggie, RTF her for almost 3 years (this coming Nov. hehe), her boobs are real.

Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT
Old 18-09-2010, 06:13 PM
sambal sambal is offline
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

Originally Posted by fornicator View Post
As far as I know Maggie, RTF her for almost 3 years (this coming Nov. hehe), her boobs are real.

Must be getting old and losing touch with my hands...

Anyway this afternoon went there around 4pm...most rooms occupied and my fav all OL. So went to nearby Shing Hotel for a relaxing rub down, sauna and soup...though not the same.
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