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Old 21-02-2013, 12:45 AM
justforthis justforthis is offline
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Re: Happening in Surabaya

Any recommendations on finding chinese ladies in Surabaya? Any tips much appreciated. Thanks!
Old 23-02-2013, 03:15 PM
armor85 armor85 is offline
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Re: Happening in Surabaya

czar have prc..if u looking for local chinese those spa will not likely to have it..many mama san outside those spa have local chinese price around 1.5 -2jt for 1x
Old 03-03-2013, 11:49 PM
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Re: Happening in Surabaya

I dun see mang posts about have gals staying overnight. Can some seniors share where to find gals for overnight and whats the damage like? Plus it limited shots or unlimited?? Cheerz and thanks in advance
Old 05-03-2013, 06:51 PM
headcheck headcheck is offline
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Re: Happening in Surabaya

i know a papasan that have a rotating stable of girls, he charge 1.5 for Short Time which lasts about 60-90 minutes.

for overnighters... you need to check probably 3-4x more than ST rate.
Old 05-03-2013, 08:59 PM
fellow111 fellow111 is offline
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Re: Happening in Surabaya

Going for an overnight trip to Surabaya this weekend. Is it safe to walk around at night? Aiming to stay around Tunjungan Plaza.

Any bros can offer advice? Thanks in advance.
If I didn't thank you for upping my points, forgive me. Pls leave your name if you up my points. thanks and be safe.
Old 19-03-2013, 11:28 AM
antoniusbudi99 antoniusbudi99 is offline
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Re: Happening in Surabaya

Originally Posted by fellow111 View Post
Going for an overnight trip to Surabaya this weekend. Is it safe to walk around at night? Aiming to stay around Tunjungan Plaza.

Any bros can offer advice? Thanks in advance.

Tunjungan Plaza is one of the best place to spend time while in Surabaya. It contains most of the food varieties and no hanky-panky entertainment that the city offers. The place generally is safe. Just remember, Surabaya, like other cities in Indonesia, is no exception to danger for blur-Chinese-looking people.

Surabaya is unlike BKK where it is quite safe when walking around at night.
And night entertainment places in Surabaya are separated by quite some distance, unlike BKK. There is no such concentrated places like Sukhumvit, Rachada, etc.

Thai people is oso much friendlier to foreigner. Lowly Indonesian people, most of the times (not all definitely), think foreigner is like walking-free-to-grab-ATM machine.

If u want to walk around at night, u better know in advance the direction u want to go and just keep walking (like Johnny Walker's motto). Heads down/straight, avoid eye-contact, avoid group of people (around 3 persons and more) doing nothing but loitering around. Don't looking here and there like you lost, and don't ask common/newbies questions that will make people think you are an easy target.

Of course, my advice is to call for a cab and just go where you want.

There is a reason why there is no 7-11 stores opened all over in the city.
Old 20-03-2013, 11:20 PM
Pink_Flyod Pink_Flyod is offline
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Re: Happening in Surabaya

Agree with AntoniusBudi.. better get a cab if you want to cruise around the city... also the gal on the street is not hygenic.
Old 25-03-2013, 06:51 PM
levelcool levelcool is offline
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Re: Happening in Surabaya

any bros in Surabaya on 12-14 April??
Old 27-03-2013, 11:55 PM
yamahaLC yamahaLC is offline
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Re: Happening in Surabaya

hi all,

im a new bie...goin soon by mid of April 2013...any good recommendation for dangdut club ? i have booked fave hotel n need ur advise where can get entertaiment around my hotel area? thyank your for ur contriburtion...
Old 29-03-2013, 01:55 AM
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Re: Happening in Surabaya

Just came back from indo not long ago.

Day 1- my friend brought me to dunno what place with gals and was quoted 300k for 1 hr. Quality of gals, cmi. Then he brought me to sipfoni, sounds like it. 600k for 1 hr. Din really see anyone that I like but cause I dun wanna trouble my friend, just chose 1 gal and went with it. Went to the room and I was not very pleased cause I rather pay more and have a better room. Anyway back to the story. Stripped and went for the shower. Overall not too bad, the gal was pretty responsive. So after 1st shot, I slept for the rest of the time. Could be due to the early flight. Lol. That night went to some pub and drank and thats it for day 1.

Day 2- went to malang and otw there, stopped by at tretes. Looked for gals there but cmi. Cheap at 300k but low quality. Left with ammo still full. Night went to my place ktv and it was closed for renovation, damm! LL went to some other ktvs. Reached another place, I dunno where. Its sumthing like a thai disco but its indo songs. Turn out to be there are ktv rooms there but all fully booked. So again LL went to outside and drink. Ktv gals cost 75k per hr and minimum 3 hrs. Club gals go for LD which is about 150k and no butterfly. Thats the thing I like. So some gals came by but I cant speak their language so abit tough to communicate. My friens brought a gal insist that I take her. Quite a looker and most importantly shes fair, could easily pass of as a chinese. Had a few drinks and she was wild. Startes to french her and autoroam. Nice figure and damm it was fun. Managed to negotiate for overnight and wss quoted 1.5mil. Ok with it. My other 2 friends also negotiated and 1 ofthem managed to get overnight at 500k. Fuck! Dunno how he did it. So damage for the night... 6mil for 4 martells and a jug of beer. In the end, all got too drunk so nv tabao. (Even the gals got drunk)

Day 3(last day)- finally went to cosmo and told them I want a slim gal. Went in and waited. In she came and was pleasant looking. Quite a looker as well. Lied down and startes the massage. She started massaging my balls! I was like wtf?! After a while, she massage my calfs and thighs. But before changing places to massage, she sure stop by at my balls and dick for a quick massage. So during the massage, I was also doing my autoroaming. Lol. Managed to strip her top and feel her boobs. Nice b cups. Lol. Also got to finger her during the massage. Damm wet. So in the end, she was the one who cannot take it and flipped me over then french me like long lost lovers. Lol. Blowed me, and quickly fucked me. Pretty happy with the service provided. Overall damage, 800k.

Day 1 gal
Looks: 7/10
Boobs: 6/10
Body: 8/10
Frenching: yes
Bbbj: 8/10 (hardworking)
Painting: I din try
Fj: 8/10

Day 2 gal
Looks: 8/10
Boobs: 8/10
Body: 9/10
Frenching: yes
Painting: din try
Bbbj: din try
Fj: din try

Day 3 gal
Looks: 8/10
Boobs: 8/10
Body: 8/10
Frenching: yes
Painting: din try
Bbbj: 7/10
Fj: 9/10 (her cunt was squeezing my dick all the way. How to tahan?)

Overall rtf indo: yessss
Old 02-04-2013, 03:08 PM
8387 8387 is offline
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Re: Happening in Surabaya

Are there reliable services that do Hotel outcalls in Surabaya? For massage ++
Old 17-04-2013, 01:16 PM
Divinrod Divinrod is offline
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Talking Re: Happening in Surabaya

Hi I am new here, just get Surabaya today... anyone can PM me hotel call in?
or can any one intro if is there any other shorts places other than Cosmo?
Old 17-04-2013, 06:28 PM
levelcool levelcool is offline
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Re: Happening in Surabaya

bro Divinrod...

u can try Simpony at somewhere around Hotel Majapahit there
Old 17-04-2013, 08:09 PM
Divinrod Divinrod is offline
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Re: Happening in Surabaya

Woot... i did expect anyone will reply but thanks bro levelcool...
But what is Simpony? I super noob lol...
Old 21-04-2013, 09:36 PM
Pink_Flyod Pink_Flyod is offline
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Re: Happening in Surabaya

Originally Posted by Divinrod View Post
Woot... i did expect anyone will reply but thanks bro levelcool...
But what is Simpony? I super noob lol...
Read the thread dude... it is a whore house.
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