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Old 29-07-2016, 11:43 AM
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Originally Posted by hoian View Post
My guess is, that's the lawyer that got him out on parole from the US penitentiary. And while on parole, he scooted off to VN where is hiding now from the law. Because of his criminal record, he can't get a regular job and that's how he ended up pimping.

Perhaps someone should just blow the whistle, report him to the FBI, I am pretty sure he is on their "wanted" list.
I sent an email telling the lawyer. Watch Tom sht himself
Old 29-07-2016, 01:38 PM
TomMaffo1ter TomMaffo1ter is offline
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TomMaffo1ter is a name known to allTomMaffo1ter is a name known to allTomMaffo1ter is a name known to allTomMaffo1ter is a name known to allTomMaffo1ter is a name known to allTomMaffo1ter is a name known to all
Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by sidtip View Post
TomMAffolter I read the posts of someone who paid u to show him. What he DEFINITELY DINDN"T say was that u introduced him to extraordinary girls. u promise 10/10 girls for 200,000 but u then take clients to 4-6 out of 10 dangerously dirty girls. even u admitted that u have to have antibiotics every 6 months because u cant even tell what diseases u have picked up.

Punters visiting Vn for a holiday cannot take the risk going with u. we do not want to go home with diseases because we have been taken by u to the dirtiest, most dangerous girls in Saigon. We do not want to have to go to a doctor and explain why we have fungus growing on our co.cks like u. we do not want to have to worry and take antibiotics. we would rather pay a bit more money and go to a safer, cleaner place. Yes - even the girls in the clean places can have diseases but all of us would prefer not to take the dirty risks that u do.

u r a disease spreader TomMAffolter and can I please ask that u do not put the lives of travellers at risk by PMing them and trying to charge them to take them to the most diseased old ugly girls in Vn.

The more I hear u talk TomMAffolter the more I come to realise that the 10/10 girl that u think u once saw was actually a la.dy.b.oy. if ldy boys are ur thing then that's ok but r now exposing the girls u r with to the added (higher) risk of HIV. so TomMAffolter/ please stay away from novice punters. they are stupid enough to fall for ur shit but the rest of us think u r a very dangerous person TomMAffolter/
Let me answer here.

"Ps I notice you are not that well educated regarding sexually transmitted illness (STI), so i just wanted to let you know if you do get a bbbj you can then contract most likely chlamydia or gonorrhea, the others are possible but low incidence. This can be asymptomatic, and given your predilection to want to french kiss gals who bbbj AND CIM, as a good friend of yours, i suggest what i do ie take a course of antibiotics whenever you have any penile discharge or orchitis and/or as a general precation take the course of antibiotics regardless of symptoms every 6 mths, as even asymtomatic STI can lead to subclinical PID and infertility in your wife which you can
subsequantly infect, so that would def be a problem if she wanted childen in the future. "

I already admitted I brought punters to dirty joints whereby the girls are full of diseases.

Lausung went home and need to be on a course of antibiotics after visiting doctor. He vowed never to return to Vietnam again.

I also have a habit of exposing my punters if they disagree with me.
Old 29-07-2016, 01:40 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
as im reading yout rubbish im taking a dump on the toilet here in the usa do you know im not the real tom
I admit I am real tom aka mc aka pimp.
Old 29-07-2016, 02:37 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
as im reading yout rubbish im taking a dump on the toilet here in the usa do you know im not the real tom
If u r in the USA then they can easily work out your IP address and location and knock on your door with a lawsuit u diseased freak. good luck either way
Old 29-07-2016, 02:42 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by TomMaffo1ter View Post

I already admitted I brought punters to dirty joints whereby the girls are full of diseases..

U cut and pasted that disease stuff from a previous post when u were talking to someone else. Unlike u I would never lick or kiss a hooker.

TomMaffo1ter several says ago u were asked by several people in this threat to show us one of the ldyb.ys or whatever u say u pick up and to show ur hand with three fingers raised in the photo to prove it was a new photo and u obviouslt have not done this.

It is now proven that u r a fraud and it is further known that u are extremely diseased and a disease spreader
Old 29-07-2016, 02:44 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

I just realised that u now have another fake profile because ur points went up
Old 29-07-2016, 03:11 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
canty afford to spend 3k in a ktv in melbourne, but instead has to to yangon to pay 40 usd to fuck 5's
I even used to use HMA to hide my whereabouts but no one ever does it for long because its slow and annoying so u will be caught if he decides to pursue u.

Kissing ass??? Show me one person who I have been nice to. I have shown respect when someone deserved it and I have apologised when I made a mistake.

As for money... I won't explain too much. But if u actually had money u might know why $450,000 is not really much. Making $450,000 does not mean that the person would be likely to spend $3000 on 2 hours of sex. $450,000 inverted @ 5% = $450 a week before tax assuming u do not want to spend the capital. Please don't try to make it look like u r well educated or that u understand financial markets TomMAffolter.

And TomMAffolter please don't try to imitate my comments. U do not understand psychology. I find it intriguing that as soon as I start trying to diagnose ur condition that u start trying to act like an expert on the subject. TomMAffolter you have an inferiority complex along with the other condition/s that u suffer from.

TomMAffolter - u have still not explained why u r using the real name and real photo of an American lawyer who has a family. u stole his photo and used his name and this is such a low act. u could seriously hurt him or his family if he has one. u have no morals and are clearly suffering from something.

TomMAffolter - I will happily walk into the $25 place in Yangon and see what the girls are like and then make a decision based on that... but I spent today trying to find out if I can fly directly to Bagan so that I can skip Yangon but I cant. I was actually thinking about that place today based on what u said and thought that if I did stay I would either do it standing up or make sure they provided a clean towel or whatever to lie on because I would definitely not lie in that place again

TomMAffolter - u seem too be a fan of ldyboys because it is now apparent that u have been visiting them in the belief that they are girls and that u have been taking clients to ladbys. Ladby lovers are not meant to be part of this forum
Old 29-07-2016, 03:47 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
you are a bigger dumb ass than even i originally suspected, if what you claimed was true turning 40k to a buiness being able to priduce a income of 450k in 18mths, then you would be capable of having a net worth GREATER than 450k, but as you said 450k placed in a conservative investment vechile would only earn you 450 dolalrs a week, that ASIDE who SERIOUSLY would believe that someone who has 450k in assests would be scared to spend 3k in a ktv if that was truly his fantasy

TomMAffolter u actually don't seem to understand money. Let's assume someone won the lottery and had $450,000. Most investiments these days pay about 2.5% or less, but let's assume the $450,000 generates 5% which equals $450 a week.

Or perhaps the person bought a home - $450,000 buys a small one-bedroom flat in our city - so then the person's income would be zero but they have a home. Or perhaps they borrowed $500,000 more so that they could have a $1 million home. SO they now have a debt on which they have to pay more than $450 a week in interest on. Plus they have to repay the capital. So this person has a $1 million asset and $500,000 of liabilities plus expenses of $450++ a week in interest and also housing costs (electricity, rate etc).

Now lets assume the person actually has $5 in assets - $2 million house and a share and property postfolio worth $3 million. This would provide income of $3000 a week, but the outgoings in ordinary living expenses would be about $2500 leaving $500 a week spare.

This is just a little summary to show u TomMAffolter that what u say is always shit. The other thing is that everyone puts a price on things.

For example I might want to spend a week cruising around some islands with a girl on a big private boat ( I don't) but the value I put on it is $20,000 but in reality it costs $150,000 so I would not do it. But if I saw that I could do this boat cruise in another country for $5000 then I would do it.

Do u understand this TomMAffolter. I have tried to make it simple for u so that u can understand that someone might have lots of money but still not be willing to sepnd it on certain things. and there are also what we call asset rich, cash poor people.

TomMAffolter I always try to be patient with u to explain things to u because its clear that u have an inferiority complex and that u always try to put people down or catch them out.

In fact TomMAffolter I think u must have said about 4 times now that u have caught me out. TomMAffolter keep dreaming about the ol wrinkly hags u pay 200,000 so that u can put your tongue up inside their old mouldy diseased vs.
Old 29-07-2016, 03:56 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
450k placed in a conservative investment vechile would only earn you 450 dolalrs a week,
This comment that u made TomMAffolter shows that u really are pretending to know what u r talking about. It is all the proof that anyone needs. Every single intelligent person will read this and know that u r a fraud and a fool.

This simple comment from Tom is the clearest indication yet that has tries to talk the talk but that he really is full of shit.

TomMAffolter tell me the "conservative" investment that pays $450 (5%) on $450,000. U r a complete joke TomMAffolter. U have got no idea about financial markets. u have got no idea about money. u have got no idea about girls.

u r a scammer
Old 29-07-2016, 07:40 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
Im sure everyone who has read your posts educated and low income earner. These facts can all be found on your posts in ISG ormake in both you net worth and your monthly repayments. This is especially idiotic claim when you take in consideration melbourne house prices have gone up in excess of 5%, so yext year your house could be worth 1050
Your rubbish and assumptions are so confusing that I cant even read them. There was no seed capital. Not sure what u r talking about. I can't remember saying I was ever broke. I said I spent $100 a week because someone in that post thought I was bragging about spending $2500 in a week so I wanted to make myself sound a bit more normal. I do spend anywhere from $30 -$300 a week and I think that is crazy so sometime when I know I'm going to spend big ill stop the weekly expense for a few weeks so that I don't spend too much on sex. even though its fun I don't think I should be spending endless amounts on sex. $100,000 is nothing. If someone only has $100,000 they are as close to broke as u can be. what can u buy in Australia for $100,000 hahaha - maybe a caravan.

Oh Tom, you are so far off with all your suppositions that you actually sound quite mad. u r trying to work out something that u have got no idea about.

Think about it dude. if I could afford to go to Tiffanys and throw $2000 on the floor and fly someone across the country to see me and then start create a business opportunity for a massage girl that makes $500,000 in a year or two, do u really really think u have got a chance to shoot me down.

Dude, u can write as many words as u want but all of them will be wrong because u r desperately trying to find a way to bully another person and u don't have a hope because ive got more experience with money, psychology, girls and diseases in my little finger than u have in your whole body including your limp diseased penis which spend so much time up a ladd.yboys arse
Old 29-07-2016, 07:54 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

I'm not sure where u get the flat broke thing but there was a time when I was too scared to look in my bank account once because I had lost a fortune on the s market and I just couldn't bring myself to check my bank balance because the broker automatically took the money he needed from my account. and that very day that I can still picture in my head I wanted to buy something from a vending machine for $2 and someone offered to lend it to me and I said NO and I put my hand in my pocket and found $2. I was so happy. That moment was the bottom. I spent the $2, worked out my losses a few days later and started the road to recovery.

Once in London dear Tom I was there in the winter and it was snowing and they have these walkups.. its like a 3-4 level narrow building in soho. The girl does sex on one position or oral and It was 20 pounds. the girls were all polish or Russian or Czech or similar and there was one girl who I was on top of and doing it and then my nose dripped because it was cold. and the snot fell on her face and she was revolted and wiped it off. I said it was water from the snow that I had on my hair from outside. but it was definitely my runny nose. that night I was walking back to the hotel - the ritz which u may have heard of - and I bought some strawberries from a shop called Goldiva or something similar. they were dipped in chocialte and cost about $2 each but they were the juiciest I have ever had. In the ritz they have Do Not Disturb notices that u hang outside the door. but they are hung with string and are all fancy. google all these things including the snow that shut London airport. and u will find it was the same time the girl made her money. keep in mind I posted that review thing a while after she made the $..

and google the colour of the carpet in the Hotel De Paris in Monaco . its blue.

and google the hotel danielli?? in Venice - where brad pitts new wife Angelina did the movie. and google the wooden speed boats that drop u right at the door and google how the rooftop breakfast is over priced and average

and google the waldorf in N York and how the old part has more character but the new part is cleaner. and that the foyer is always filled with rich Russians.

oh.. tom, yes I could have googled all this so fast to make up a lie for u ... but guess what.. it all just flowed out within a few mins.

u r a joker Tom the scammer. and u cant win
Old 29-07-2016, 08:02 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

oh the hyatt Bentley hotel in London has little bronze statues on the tables of Winston or a horse outside the lifts.

Raffles in Singapore offers one free specially cooked item with breakfast each morning. u pick it from the menu.

the toilet in the Hilton hotel in seoul korea is a toto toilet that tickles ur bum when u use it. nice.

Beijing Raffles hotel has an English speaking historian that greets all guests and offers to show them around.

Le meridian in Bangkok serves EYE OPENERs for breakfast...

oh tom.. I would go on and on and on.

the hyatt in Honolulu advertises that if u stay there u get discounted surf board rental. in fact u just get extra time. not a cheaper price.

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh tommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..

but I am poor.. and all this is in my imagination. I think I have shit down ur argument again.


We are allo still waiting on u to show us ur pic of the 10/10 girl... I think I gave u 3 days to provide proof. two days have passed disease man
Old 29-07-2016, 08:21 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

The idiot is you, yourself. If you had the benefit of an education, you would have learned to put your points across in less than 30 words or so. No need to write a thesis with no paragraph spacing. No one reads your crap anyway because it's not legible.
Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
Im sure everyone who has read your posts have come to the conclusion that your are a liar and a idiot....

He tried to do the same thing with me. But when I challenged him to state the colour of the bathroom tiles at the Nam Hai Danang etc he went blank.
Originally Posted by sidtip View Post
oh the hyatt Bentley hotel in London has little bronze statues on the tables of Winston or a horse outside the lifts....
Old 29-07-2016, 08:53 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by hoian View Post
The id If you had the benefit of an education, you would have learned to put your points across in less than 30 words or so. No need to write a thesis with no paragraph spacing. No one reads your crap anyway because it's not legible.

He tried to do the same thing with me. But when I challenged him to state the colour of the bathroom tiles at the Nam Hai Danang etc he went blank.
U r so exactly right. His sentences often don't make sense and his writing is so difficult to read. Usually I read everything but his last attempt to be a bully was just such badly written nonsense that I didn't bother.

Its really easy to know if someone is lying or not. We have all been waiting days for him to produce just one photo of a 10/10 girl or ladiboi that he says he gets for 200,000 with him holiding up 3 fingers in the photo so we know its real. but he already tried to post one fake photo of a girl and we caught him immediately.

SORRY everyone else. I'm obviously not trying to brag. I just had to list a few things as proof to Tom that he is wrong. I made a post last week trying to downplay my finances because I didn't want to seem extravagant BUT Tom is now using this post against me and I needed to show him and only him that I actually can back up my words..

Tom admitted in a post yesterday that because he does not know what diseases he catches from girls that he take antibiotics every 6 months in an attempt to clean himself up. This is because me likes only the cheapest oldest ugliest girls. He always says he only pays 200,000 for FS and that the girls always let him lick them for this price. The rest of us pay a lot more than 200,000 because we prefer girls that are younger and better looking. Tom is a pimp who PMs people and charges them $100 for a tour of old people brothels and also takes photos of his clients and uses them to threaten his clients. If anyone complains about his old people sex tour he will post the persons photos on this site or elsewhere and try to hurt u. Tom is a dangerous and delusional psychopath with an inferiority complex.
Old 29-07-2016, 09:26 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
is luke i can tell yku i fucked angela jolie

tell it flows out from u where is the time proof it flowed out

i can get 20 s for 200k

I have no idea what any of these sentences mean. U r clearly having a psychotic episode. I can imagine that u r frothing at the mouth now because everyone is laughing at u
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