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Old 15-01-2024, 10:20 AM
Razzor Razzor is offline
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Re: When the make up comes off.....

Between really flat and really cmi, I will go for really flat.
Pretty face just wins.
Old 15-01-2024, 04:07 PM
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Re: When the make up comes off.....

look is the main points especially during the first glance
Old 15-01-2024, 09:23 PM
ilovepantyhose ilovepantyhose is offline
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Re: When the make up comes off.....

if look like a different person after makeup, can label as scammer?


FOC is the most expensive

if it's too good to be true, it usually is

round2: jay chou, arse-nal, greenfrog, oxeso, simplyunperfect, w00f, sex crusader, silentreader88, hanster, sanuuk, rickey
Old 15-01-2024, 11:16 PM
MachX MachX is offline
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Re: When the make up comes off.....

Originally Posted by oxeso View Post
If it's any consolation, u fucked 2 for the price of 1.
Next time got this type of kangtou, I recommend to you.

Over the years, that ktv girl action kept popping in my mind.
She actually bring makeup remover with her.
But why would she remove her makeup when the looks....
Old 16-01-2024, 12:25 AM
Peacekeeping Peacekeeping is offline
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Re: When the make up comes off.....

Originally Posted by MachX View Post
Next time got this type of kangtou, I recommend to you.

Over the years, that ktv girl action kept popping in my mind.
She actually bring makeup remover with her.
But why would she remove her makeup when the looks....
I know how you feel. Just one experience make you remember jialat jialat. If her looks buay gum, don’t force yourself to accept.
Save your bullets for a better catch
Old 16-01-2024, 02:32 PM
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Re: When the make up comes off.....

Originally Posted by MachX View Post
Next time got this type of kangtou, I recommend to you.

Over the years, that ktv girl action kept popping in my mind.
She actually bring makeup remover with her.
But why would she remove her makeup when the looks....
I sic u back in advance.


Old 16-01-2024, 06:05 PM
Griff Griff is offline
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Re: When the make up comes off.....

Makeup industry projected revenue of around USD $400 Billion in 2024.
2022 revenue - $300 Billion, 2023 revenue - $314 Billion.

Women and makeup, can't do without each other. Makeup is heroin for women, some won't leave the house without makeup.

I saw one very funny clip, dog never saw owner's sister without makeup. But one day sister turn up plain, dog did not recognise, just stand away tilt head keep looking at sister.
Old 16-01-2024, 10:45 PM
ilovepantyhose ilovepantyhose is offline
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Re: When the make up comes off.....

Originally Posted by MachX View Post
Next time got this type of kangtou, I recommend to you.

Over the years, that ktv girl action kept popping in my mind.
She actually bring makeup remover with her.
But why would she remove her makeup when the looks....

reminds me of this classic scene


FOC is the most expensive

if it's too good to be true, it usually is

round2: jay chou, arse-nal, greenfrog, oxeso, simplyunperfect, w00f, sex crusader, silentreader88, hanster, sanuuk, rickey
Old 19-01-2024, 06:47 PM
Flight Flight is offline
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Re: When the make up comes off.....

Originally Posted by ilovepantyhose View Post

Once I did meet a girl who after makeup look like the pic above, only not that fair.
I thought I maintained my composure well, but she said I was visibly surprised at the difference.
Suffice to say, no more further contact after that day.
Old 19-01-2024, 07:56 PM
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Re: When the make up comes off.....

Originally Posted by ilovepantyhose View Post

reminds me of this classic scene

I actually had a ONS with a waitress from Duxton Blue, in Duxton Road. I swear when I saw her in the pub, she looked hot.

In bed, it was really a let down. Flat Chest(small is fine for me) but super dead fish and face really like this.

Didn't enjoy it at all.
The Best Way to overcome heart break is in the arms of another. You focus on making money, you get girls, you focus on your body, you get sex, you focus on the girl, you get NOTHING but heartache and disappointment
Old 19-01-2024, 10:07 PM
SouthSky SouthSky is offline
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Re: When the make up comes off.....

Sadly, this type of 'phenomenon' too common.
Had my sure too.
Makeup has come a long long way.
Old 19-01-2024, 10:20 PM
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Re: When the make up comes off.....

I picked up a walker outside hotel when in China.
Did her twice and like her services and tightness.

Proceed to book her for overnight.
She bathed, and went to bed with me.
Light was turned off and I can’t see a thing.

Next morning, on the bathroom mirror, all her eye lashes were stuck on it.
Clothes, stockings and underwear all over the room.

I washed up and went back to look at her.
The look was only 25% that I saw during sex last night.
Old 19-01-2024, 11:50 PM
ilovepantyhose ilovepantyhose is offline
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Re: When the make up comes off.....

Originally Posted by Flight View Post
Once I did meet a girl who after makeup look like the pic above, only not that fair.
I thought I maintained my composure well, but she said I was visibly surprised at the difference.
Suffice to say, no more further contact after that day.
u literally ghosted her...

Originally Posted by Shadow_warrior View Post
I actually had a ONS with a waitress from Duxton Blue, in Duxton Road. I swear when I saw her in the pub, she looked hot.

In bed, it was really a let down. Flat Chest(small is fine for me) but super dead fish and face really like this.

Didn't enjoy it at all.
dim lighting x alcohol many many = regret piak?

FOC is the most expensive

if it's too good to be true, it usually is

round2: jay chou, arse-nal, greenfrog, oxeso, simplyunperfect, w00f, sex crusader, silentreader88, hanster, sanuuk, rickey
Old 20-01-2024, 04:23 AM
gamerguy gamerguy is offline
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Re: When the make up comes off.....

Nowadays filters, meitu, and AI are the equivalent of digital makeup. The best AI techniques can make a lady's face look youthful, slim, and even appear as if she didn't put on heavy make-up ("visible pores", naturally textured surface up-close, not artificially smoothed, and not overly brightened to wash out dark spots).
Play safe, play another day
Old 20-01-2024, 08:09 AM
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Re: When the make up comes off.....

Originally Posted by Theus View Post
Can see a lot on youtube, girls before and after makeup, total transformation, with tapes and everything to pull back areas and create a slim faces.
Even photoshop or 美图 can't beat it.
Agreed, ever saw a clip on the "girl" how they make up, it was actuallly a guy who use make up technique to transforms his look to a head turner type chio bu.
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