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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 29-09-2012, 01:23 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by dell_lee_2003 View Post
Bro.. Do you mean mistress poppy = mistress bella?

Can you tell me how you deduced that equation?
Old 29-09-2012, 02:04 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Mistress bella and poppy are both very good blood sister .
They will not unhappy or jealous who ever you serve .
Old 29-09-2012, 02:51 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by winner1 View Post
You are wrong. You are fooled!

Mistress Poppy is she allow her clients to lick her pussy during the SM session if the clients wanted to. She told me that.
I don't know you. I don't remember telling anyone that either. If you are my client, what's your slave number?
Old 29-09-2012, 04:51 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Lundgren View Post
Hello Bro Totolim:

Interesting links. Thanks.

I agree that it is very convenient for everyone that we have different tastes.

I like the mistress to be youngish (preferably in their early 20s and not too much over 30), athletic and normal build (not plumb, not very thin).

I found Akiho, Narumi and Hikaru of La Siora very, very beautiful in this way, and Nina is - in my eyes - supermodel beautiful and quite young.

But chemistry can negate the preconceptions: Ruiko of La Siora totally took my breath away with her personality and presence (she is of course also very beautiful in her own way, much more than many of us deserve).

I found that double sessions at La Siora was a great hit: Good price for what you get, and a totally mindblowing experience. I think the girls feel more at easy and comfortable when they have a companion with them, and that is a great framework to a session.

Next time I get to Japan I will venture to Nagoya. I want to meet Ami and Yui (even if Yui seems a bit to thin for my taste I like to follow Bro Calbsts very good intuition and recommendations).
And there are some La Siora-mistresses I still want to meet. Ayatsuki gets mixed reviews, but I will take the chance and see if I can get the best out of her as she seems to be sadistic and to have the looks I am going for. I wish Coco would come back soon, as she is exactly my type. Any other La Siora mistresses that I have left out?
Also I thought about Luna from Lamoon in the suburbs of Tokyo.

If a Bro has a FR on any of these it will be very wellcome, but in any case I will post a FR when I get back.



Yes, in terms of SM, The Japanese Mistresses are definately the BEST in the whole of Asia.

Japanese Mistresses are the BEST in BOTH their looks and their services.
Old 29-09-2012, 09:02 PM
calbts calbts is offline
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Yes, in terms of SM, The Japanese Mistresses are definately the BEST in the whole of Asia.

Japanese Mistresses are the BEST in BOTH their looks and their services.[/QUOTE]

Well not just Asia ... but in the entire world.
Old 29-09-2012, 10:51 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Oh... I now remember. There is sometime Mistress Bella call her sister to talk to me. Her sister guide her how I want her to do tortured.
Old 30-09-2012, 12:37 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Some of you might already be aware, Mistress Sayoko will be in Singapore again, this time from 3 October 2012 to 14 October 2012. She has instructed that I should post a message here to inform (and remind) all her slaves about her visit. Contact her directly to arrange a session and find out about her interests. Her Singapore number is +65 8501 3675 and it will be activated from 3 October 2012 when Mistress arrives in Singapore. Her website is
Old 30-09-2012, 01:19 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by osubken View Post
Some of you might already be aware, Mistress Sayoko will be in Singapore again, this time from 3 October 2012 to 14 October 2012. She has instructed that I should post a message here to inform (and remind) all her slaves about her visit. Contact her directly to arrange a session and find out about her interests. Her Singapore number is +65 8501 3675 and it will be activated from 3 October 2012 when Mistress arrives in Singapore. Her website is
I support MORE Japanese FLs and SM Mistresses to come s'pore.
Old 30-09-2012, 02:00 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

I am with you on that!

Originally Posted by femdom1 View Post
I support MORE Japanese FLs and SM Mistresses to come s'pore.
Old 30-09-2012, 10:58 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by osubken View Post
Some of you might already be aware, Mistress Sayoko will be in Singapore again, this time from 3 October 2012 to 14 October 2012. She has instructed that I should post a message here to inform (and remind) all her slaves about her visit. Contact her directly to arrange a session and find out about her interests. Her Singapore number is +65 8501 3675 and it will be activated from 3 October 2012 when Mistress arrives in Singapore. Her website is
Thanks for the info. According to previous posts, her tribute is 400/hr?
Old 30-09-2012, 11:06 AM
eplf eplf is offline
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by osubken View Post
I am with you on that!
Wouldn't there be a language problem? Also,visiting Japan would be more worth it because of the environment/feel, equipment, and all that. And I think they'd charge a premium when travelling abroad.

Undeniably the Japanese mistresses have such a talent in creating the erotic feel even with the language barrier. The costumes, the way they interact with their slaves, etc. Most importantly they truly (or at least could act as if) enjoy what they do.
Old 30-09-2012, 01:17 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by eplf View Post
Wouldn't there be a language problem? Also,visiting Japan would be more worth it because of the environment/feel, equipment, and all that. And I think they'd charge a premium when travelling abroad.

Undeniably the Japanese mistresses have such a talent in creating the erotic feel even with the language barrier. The costumes, the way they interact with their slaves, etc. Most importantly they truly (or at least could act as if) enjoy what they do.
You are wrong!

Japanese FLs/SM mistresses could speak english and understand english.(their spoken english altho have japanese accent but confirm no problem to understand what they are saying).

It's a ridiculous remark to say visiting Japan would be more worth it. Becos all those Pinoy, Local and PRCs SM mistresses in s'pore now also TOTALLY don't have those large-scale equipment or special-constructed SM rooms either. Frankly those Local/Pinoys/PRCs SM Mistresses their SM services are also not as professional as Japs SM Mistresses.

In fact, I had already detected a very UNPROFESSIONAL feature when I read some forumners posted their so-called FR on the PRCs SM Mistresses in the past few pages.(It's either the FR is fake, meaning the forumner could be actually the PRC SM Mistress's friend posting a Fake FR to garner more business for her. But if the FR is genuine, then it's the PRC SM Mistress's fault becos SM programs/items during that 2-hour session should NOT include FREE LABOUR OR SUGAR DADDY from the clients who already paid relatively high prices for the 1-2 hour.

I don't want to go into detail or wait later those forumners that are friends/or OKTs with the particular PRCs SM mistresses come quarral with me unneccesarily.

Last edited by femdom1; 30-09-2012 at 01:38 PM.
Old 30-09-2012, 02:23 PM
eplf eplf is offline
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by femdom1 View Post
You are wrong!

Japanese FLs/SM mistresses could speak english and understand english.(their spoken english altho have japanese accent but confirm no problem to understand what they are saying).

It's a ridiculous remark to say visiting Japan would be more worth it. Becos all those Pinoy, Local and PRCs SM mistresses in s'pore now also TOTALLY don't have those large-scale equipment or special-constructed SM rooms either. Frankly those Local/Pinoys/PRCs SM Mistresses their SM services are also not as professional as Japs SM Mistresses.

In fact, I had already detected a very UNPROFESSIONAL feature when I read some forumners posted their so-called FR on the PRCs SM Mistresses in the past few pages.(It's either the FR is fake, meaning the forumner could be actually the PRC SM Mistress's friend posting a Fake FR to garner more business for her. But if the FR is genuine, then it's the PRC SM Mistress's fault becos SM programs/items during that 2-hour session should NOT include FREE LABOUR OR SUGAR DADDY from the clients who already paid relatively high prices for the 1-2 hour.

I don't want to go into detail or wait later those forumners that are friends/or OKTs with the particular PRCs SM mistresses come quarral with me unneccesarily.

Being angry doesn't help. I couldn't imagine a visiting domme residing in a hotel room as having (to quote) " those large-scale equipment or special-constructed SM rooms". (No offense) That's exactly why I would suggest going out of Singapore alright. Furthermore I couldn't imagine a Jap domme speaking perfect English. Mistress Sayoko is from the US according to her BIO. Will that satisfy your wet dreams, I have no idea. I myself have been traveled and IT WAS QUALITATIVELY DIFFERENT.

If you have problems with PRC dommes then so be it. But please be reasonable. I already commented the people here "talking about fine dining in a Hawker stall" -- Jap/European Mistresses are more professional. At the same time, they belong to a higher stream. The analogy is the same with HiFi equipment. It makes little sense to boast that Krell/Luxman is day-and-night different than a Chinese amp.

For a budget price would you dream of a premier service? BDSM toys are expensive as hell. If you are so professional as you might admit for yourself, and you have learnt some simple economics, you will have a reasonable expectation of what you can get. If you already consider that the PRC dommes are "relatively expensive" then how would a Jap/Euro/US domme gonna help you. The charges would range from $400-600/hr. Suit yourself. The charges in Japan WILL BE SUBSTANTIALLY LOWER.

As far as the FRs go, I've written a few, and I never hide the fact that I was a happy customer. Probably people should wonder why. I have a simple trick for all: mutual respect. Also consult "testimonials" for Mistress Sayako: How are those not ads? And who wrote those stuffs, I presume they indeed are written by her slaves -- did she pay them? (I'm really sorry if that offended Mistress Sayako's fans -- I was saying that it was OK to do so. Is not pro-domme a business? Would it be unacceptable that people post promotional testimonials in a forum if they are happy? And how is posting FR being "free labor" or "sugardaddy?" Then how about the commercial sections of this sammyboy forum?)

To sum up, many are really only offended by the fact that those mistresses are from PRC.

Stop being ridicules and discuss in peace. I do not object your ideas or arguments, if you really have any. The fact is that we do not have ample supply of dommes here in Singapore, lest a pro. Visiting Jap dommes won't help growing the culture locally. It only satisfy your fantasies that the women in AVs are coming true.

One more thing: I have been scolded as "totally wrong" or similar for countless times and was totally confused. I thought there are "preferences" rather than "correct answers". Could you quantify "more professional"? Boy for all its glory it's a 1/2hr sexual service with some sprinkles after all.

Last edited by eplf; 30-09-2012 at 02:53 PM.
Old 30-09-2012, 02:38 PM
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Session report with Mistress Poppy

It was my second session with Mistress Poppy. I reached her place and a beautiful woman with long hair dressed in a nightie opened the door for me. I was thinking "wow so pretty!" Until she led me to the room then I realized she was the Mistress herself! The first session her hair was tied up with a black frame specs without lens; second session was like by a totally different Mistress!

"Show me your toy" Mistress demanded for the ass plug that she gave permission for me to buy. I started stripping with trembling, got onto my fours and lifted my butt with the 7" ass plug in it. Mistress tugged slightly on the plug, felt its girth and said gently "A big plug indeed, huh? Does it feel good?" "Yes Mistress, I wore it from office..." She suddenly became stern and slapped on my ass hard "I gave you permission to buy, did I give you permission to USE?" I moaned as pleasure shot up from my stuffed ass through her slaps. "Feels good huh? How about this?" She tapped the ass plug hard instead... The feeling was heavenly and I thanked her with each tap. I was dripping pre-cum and Mistress was not very pleased. "Seems we have a leakage problem here" She got me to stand up, and tied my balls and cock with an eleastic band.

"I have got BIG present for you." emphasizing on the word big. She bought a bottle gourd! Not the very very big kind, about the width of the egg that was stuffed into my ass in the first meeting, and a smaller end after the constriction. "I have been thinking hard on what to put into your ass my slave, and this cost $4! Which end do you want to eat?" "The small end, Mistress" "The big end my slave! You shall eat whatever I serve into you!" She took out my ass plug, exclaimed again how huge it was, and tried to push the big end in without lubrication. "No Mistress, please use my Astroglide" I kinda knew I need better lubrication than KY that day and so brought my own. The large end went in with some pushing, but it pops out after a while becasue the constriction was simply not designed for anal play. After a few failed shots, she got fed up and changed to next game.

She took out a cat ear hairband, a collar and a tiger tail. She stuffed the tail into my tail, and had me sing san zhi lao hu (3 tigers) while walking around on my fours. She snapped a few pictures and got me to lick her leg. Her legs looked very good in heels and I obliged willingly like any good slave did. "Love my heels huh? Wants it inside your ass?" I nodded with eagerness; but Mistress had other things in mind "save the best for last. Let me feed you with this first."

She got a 冰条 which she kindly left in the room to defrost and push it in. Not nearly thick enough for me, but the icyness is another new level of sensation. Mistress asked me to hold while she got a lighter. I thought she was going for a smoke but she came back with a candle! "Low temperature one, won't scald" she reassured me as wax dripped. Really a 冰火 experience!

She slowly scrapped the wax off my ass and asked "ice tube too small ah? Do you wanna try my hand?" I was half expecting this due to our earlier sms exchange on how I came hard watching an online anal fisting clip by a Mistress. "I dun think it fits" I was a little reluctant, but gave way to Mistress wish when she said "Luckily my hand is not very big. Can try!"

She took a nail clipper and muttered "i'm sacrificing my nails for you my slave" *clip* "Thank you Mistress, can I have it so that it does not go to waste?" She threw a beautifully maintained nail on the floor and said "Chew my slave, then swallow" Chewing did nothing to the nail at all so I just swallowed. Clip! Another piece dropped, I popped it into my mouth too, like a monkey picking up peanuts on the floor. "No more?" "Enough! Cannot give all my nails to just one slave, right?"

Up the surgical glove, and a lot of Astroglide. "Relax your ass slave!" As I felt her duck-billed hand forcing its way in. "Relax!" She stopped and turned her hand clockwise anti-clockwise, the feeling was very very good and I thought it was all in when she suddenly gave a harder push. Instinctively I pushed back. "Stupid slave, open up and not push back!" I tried to relax while she pushed and rotated slowly. She retrieved her hand and showed me "it's almost there! Up to the knuckles just a bit more and relax" But neither relaxing nor more lub helped. Mistress just inserted as much as she could and rotated her hand again. Soon she gave up and replaced her hand with the anal plug.

"A good slave you are, though we did not succeed in anal fisting, here is a gift for you. Go lie down in front of the toilet." I was very very excited, as I have been longing for golden shower since our 1st session. I was without my specs and could not see clearly Mistress' pussy, but I still managed to adjust my mouth to the water fall. As expected it was warm, but also very clear and surprisingly tasteless! Mistress has been very good to me, I think she has avoided food that make urine smell bad at least for that day and also had ample hydration to make sure the urine will be clear and not too salty. I swallowed with my mouth open (hey not easy ok) but there was a lot of spillage due to the sheer volume. It went on for a good minute I think (thanks Mistress again for holding so much urine for me) before the force weakened and the projectile stream went into my eyes and nose. I was almost choking when mistress directed the remaining liquid into the
toilet bowl, though I really wanted to catch all her piss and then lick her pussy clean... Just too bad.

"Can't bang you hard with a full bladder, but now I can!" Mistress was already in her strap on when I emerged from the wash-up. Hard did she bang! And I was in heaven once again. Then we changed position and she hand-jobbed me while I fucked myself on her fake cock. She wanted to control my ejaculation, but I was too aroused and came very quickly. When I dismount, we saw blood on the condom! That freaked both of us out... She quickly checked if I was ok, in pain etc. After assuring her that I was ok, she slapped on my ass and asked me to shower again.

I was going to wear my underwear when she shouted at me "aiyo so eager to go home ah? No need to keep your toy after playing?" When I tried to reach for the ass plug she screamed "did I say can use hand? How you brought it here, how you will bring it back!" I squatted and took it into my sore ass. I got dressed and she saw me to the door. "Cannot take it out until you got permission ok?" She slapped my ass, and I felt my cock growing hard again...
Old 30-09-2012, 03:31 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by eplf View Post

Being angry doesn't help. I couldn't imagine a visiting domme residing in a hotel room as having (to quote) " those large-scale equipment or special-constructed SM rooms". (No offense) That's exactly why I would suggest going out of Singapore alright. Furthermore I couldn't imagine a Jap domme speaking perfect English. Mistress Sayoko is from the US according to her BIO. Will that satisfy your wet dreams, I have no idea. I myself have been traveled and IT WAS QUALITATIVELY DIFFERENT.

If you have problems with PRC dommes then so be it. But please be reasonable. I already commented the people here "talking about fine dining in a Hawker stall" -- Jap/European Mistresses are more professional. At the same time, they belong to a higher stream. The analogy is the same with HiFi equipment. It makes little sense to boast that Krell/Luxman is day-and-night different than a Chinese amp.

For a budget price would you dream of a premier service? BDSM toys are expensive as hell. If you are so professional as you might admit for yourself, and you have learnt some simple economics, you will have a reasonable expectation of what you can get. If you already consider that the PRC dommes are "relatively expensive" then how would a Jap/Euro/US domme gonna help you. The charges would range from $400-600/hr. Suit yourself. The charges in Japan WILL BE SUBSTANTIALLY LOWER.

As far as the FRs go, I've written a few, and I never hide the fact that I was a happy customer. Probably people should wonder why. I have a simple trick for all: mutual respect. Also consult "testimonials" for Mistress Sayako: How are those not ads? And who wrote those stuffs, I presume they indeed are written by her slaves -- did she pay them? (I'm really sorry if that offended Mistress Sayako's fans -- I was saying that it was OK to do so. Is not pro-domme a business? Would it be unacceptable that people post promotional testimonials in a forum if they are happy? And how is posting FR being "free labor" or "sugardaddy?" Then how about the commercial sections of this sammyboy forum?)

To sum up, many are really only offended by the fact that those mistresses are from PRC.

Stop being ridicules and discuss in peace. I do not object your ideas or arguments, if you really have any. The fact is that we do not have ample supply of dommes here in Singapore, lest a pro. Visiting Jap dommes won't help growing the culture locally. It only satisfy your fantasies that the women in AVs are coming true.

One more thing: I have been scolded as "totally wrong" or similar for countless times and was totally confused. I thought there are "preferences" rather than "correct answers". Could you quantify "more professional"? Boy for all its glory it's a 1/2hr sexual service with some sprinkles after all.
You are a dishonest retard.

It's obvious you have own selfish vested interests with the PRC SM mistress. Likely you are that person that post the english introduction in collarme and u collect some commission from the PRC's SM mistresses.

And you this retard twisted and digressed in yr above postings.

Sporeans have 3 types, The PRO-PRCs, the neutral and the Anti-PRCs.

I'm the PRO-PRCs type of sporean.

But I'm an impartial person. If I come across dishonest PRCs in spore trying to con sporean's money, I speak out. Although I'm very PRO-PRC but I do not blindly support all PRCs(inclduing the bad dishonest PRCs)

Firstly, the PRC SM mistresses so-called FR that you posted about cleaning her toilet and bathroom during the paid 1-2 hour session. This part is severely wrong.
In that short paid 1 hour session, time is already very precious, the SM Mistress should only indulge in activities that are related to fetishes and BDSM, But the PRC SM Mistress tell the client to waste 20-30 minuties of his paid 1 hour session to go clean/wash her toilet, this is VERY UNPROFESSIONAL. And any landlord that ever rented to PRCs female tenants b4, will know PRCs female tenants their hygience standard in the bathroom is the worst of all the foreign tenants and usually they spend extra money for cleaner to come wash their toilet. So how can the PRC SM mistress tell the client to waste 20-30 minutes of his paid session to wash her toilet for her?! Washing toilet has got nothing to do with SM or fetishes. Somemore some one posted simi buy things for the PRC SM mistress?? All these had nothing to do with SM. These are unprofessional antics from a previously PRC FL/Masseuse converted to a half-baked opportunistic SM Mistress.

It's you this dishonest retard that is getting very angry over my above kind-hearted honest reminder post.

You this dishonest retard are shameless in yr lies. Most of those Lucas/Bella PRC SM mistresses , they were formerly provide masseuse/FLs type but business/income is not that good, hence they switch to do femdom SM which is $300 per 2 hour versus the normal /sex/blowjob which normally the rate for PRCs is around 120/150 per 2 hour max or only $80 per 1 hour,
Those Japanese are experienced well-trained Pure SM Mistresses, and yet you this dishonest retard shamelessly compare to say the PRCs charge a cheaper rate??(The PRCs SM mistresses are no where close to the professional standard of the Japs)

Last edited by femdom1; 30-09-2012 at 03:59 PM.
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