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Old 25-01-2017, 04:54 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Hong Kong says Singapore not part of probe into troop carriers

Posted 25 Jan 2017 15:57
Updated 25 Jan 2017 16:00

HONG KONG: Hong Kong said on Wednesday (Jan 25) the Singapore government was not being investigated over the shipment of nine military vehicles detained in the Chinese-ruled city since November.

Commissioner of Customs Roy Tang, speaking to reporters at an annual conference, said the department had ruled out any involvement by the Singapore government in shipping breaches through the former British colony. (Reporting by James Pomfret; Editing by Clarence Fernandez)

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Old 25-01-2017, 06:05 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Wah ! Bro Skyleon fast siah !

I late again ! Give old news !

Singapore government not part of probe into Terrexes: Hong Kong

The Singapore government is not being investigated over the shipment of nine Terrex infantry carrier vehicles, said a top Hong Kong official Wednesday (26 January).

According to a Reuters report, Commissioner of Hong Kong Customs and Excise Roy Tang said the department had ruled out any involvement by the Singapore government in shipping breaches through the Chinese territory. He was speaking to reporters at an annual conference.

On Tuesday, Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that the military vehicles would be returned to the Republic, two months after they were seized at the Kwai Chung Container Terminal in Hong Kong on 23 November.

Despite multiple meetings between container shipping firm APL, which was shipping the vehicles from Taiwan to Singapore, and Hong Kong’s custom authorities, the issue was unresolved.

Meanwhile, Singapore’s Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen said Wednesday that, once released, the nine Terrexes will take a week to be shipped back to the Republic. According to media reports, APL has also assured the Ministry of Defence that the shipment will take a direct route to Singapore from the territory.

“Hopefully the Terrexes can leave Hong Kong soon and arrive back in Singapore to celebrate reunion for Chap Goh Meh (15th day of Chinese New Year),” said Ng, who was speaking to reporters at the sidelines of an event.


Sigh.. I think we almost shipped the Rooster Mr Hen to HK to go to court, but went Ah Hen was tied up and sent to Changi Airport, the Cheena/HK found out ! And they don't want him too faster faster put this clarification !

Sigh... another jiak liao bee still in Spore !
Old 25-01-2017, 09:53 PM
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Originally Posted by ibanezjem555 View Post
Wah ! Bro Skyleon fast siah !

I late again ! Give old news !

Singapore government not part of probe into Terrexes: Hong Kong

The Singapore government is not being investigated over the shipment of nine Terrex infantry carrier vehicles, said a top Hong Kong official Wednesday (26 January).

According to a Reuters report, Commissioner of Hong Kong Customs and Excise Roy Tang said the department had ruled out any involvement by the Singapore government in shipping breaches through the Chinese territory. He was speaking to reporters at an annual conference.

On Tuesday, Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that the military vehicles would be returned to the Republic, two months after they were seized at the Kwai Chung Container Terminal in Hong Kong on 23 November.

Despite multiple meetings between container shipping firm APL, which was shipping the vehicles from Taiwan to Singapore, and Hong Kong’s custom authorities, the issue was unresolved.

Meanwhile, Singapore’s Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen said Wednesday that, once released, the nine Terrexes will take a week to be shipped back to the Republic. According to media reports, APL has also assured the Ministry of Defence that the shipment will take a direct route to Singapore from the territory.

“Hopefully the Terrexes can leave Hong Kong soon and arrive back in Singapore to celebrate reunion for Chap Goh Meh (15th day of Chinese New Year),” said Ng, who was speaking to reporters at the sidelines of an event.


Sigh.. I think we almost shipped the Rooster Mr Hen to HK to go to court, but went Ah Hen was tied up and sent to Changi Airport, the Cheena/HK found out ! And they don't want him too faster faster put this clarification !

Sigh... another jiak liao bee still in Spore !
No fucking way hen or any garbagement shit will face the music. They'll rather send thousands of dumb ns boys to their deaths than harm one hair on their heads

Now the shippers will get fucked.
I wonder when hong Kong whack them, will shanmugam also sue them for millions too.

Damn suay. If it was still nol, will the shippers get whacked? Probably not if the CEO is high flier. Will be protected
Exchange points sacrificial lamb ma
Old 25-01-2017, 10:32 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by sadfa View Post
No fucking way hen or any garbagement shit will face the music. They'll rather send thousands of dumb ns boys to their deaths than harm one hair on their heads

Now the shippers will get fucked.
I wonder when hong Kong whack them, will shanmugam also sue them for millions too.

Damn suay. If it was still nol, will the shippers get whacked? Probably not if the CEO is high flier. Will be protected
Exchange points sacrificial lamb ma
Protected by a white shield? or a biased judge?
Old 25-01-2017, 10:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Patrizian View Post
Protected by a white shield? or a biased judge?
Amulet la.
Ask uncle Aaron. So powerful u put on yr forehead no one will touch u. Including dengue mozzies
Exchange points u know ma
Old 26-01-2017, 03:09 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by sadfa View Post
no fucking way hen or any garbagement shit will face the music. They'll rather send thousands of dumb ns boys to their deaths than harm one hair on their heads

now the shippers will get fucked.
I wonder when hong kong whack them, will shanmugam also sue them for millions too.

Damn suay. If it was still nol, will the shippers get whacked? Probably not if the ceo is high flier. Will be protected
exchange points sacrificial lamb ma
真是个贱种养的贱胎。新加坡没事,贱种不爽。新加坡好,贱种也不开心。新加坡有事,贱种就拍手 叫好。
Old 26-01-2017, 04:55 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by ibanezjem555 View Post
Yes Bro, White Monkeys failed to protect but there is a bigger issue. MIW should not completely trust the China government after Suzhou and Eco-City. MIW still die die want to trust Cheena !

Basically the reasons for taking Terrex is that China is beh song that Spore don't recognise the 9 dash line which looks like their stumpy prick up into ASEAN's arse. ASEAN is already bought over by China with vaseline (ie money aid) so ASEAN don't mind kenna greased there. China don't want to write but let Global Times their Cheena media newspaper mouth piece say not happy with Spore lor. Of course yahoo report never say, but I know-you know-we know why they angry kind of diplomatic thingy !

Then, Taiwan pro-independence President come along. China double beh song lor ! Take Terrex can double-takan Taiwan and Spore at same time. China want to teach Spore a lesson:- see if Spore will submit, bend over and allow it to use vaseline to upp Spore's arse la.

Now, Trump lai liao want to bash China. Even seem to support Taiwan and cho cho South China Sea despite saying USA first and all other nations can F off. China losing interest in Spore's backdoor. Maybe China release Terrex hoping for Spore in future will support Free Trade with them (vs Trump smart trade). Who knows ?

One thing for sure. China is a coward and bully small nations instead of building bridges. China let HK do the dirty work. Don't trust China. China is a big bully !

The big issue here is this if the MIW cannot even protect Singapore military hardware do you think they can defend Singapore and the Singaporeans. Today they can detain the Terrex tomorrow who knows what they will detain. Really such a disgrace.

You also need to understand China's history . Remember the opium war where the west invaded China ? How many Chinese people suffered during this time . Macau & Hong Kong will always be part of China there is no question about it . I also no need to mention about Taiwan .

Of course you can't trust anyone to defend your interests and your country . The fact that Singapore's foreign policy is WRONG already shows it . It is really such a disgrace and shameful Singapore military hardware can just simply fall into others peoples hands.
Old 26-01-2017, 04:57 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by Craz78 View Post
Did the govt say that? It is APL that needs to be in compliance of the law...
U write so much rubbish here...
when ppl commit crimes do u put their parents to jail?
Use ur brain before u write, dun need to show everyone how dumb u r...
Hello clone of rocket_boy . Why now you don't write big fonts ? APL take orders and instructions from who huh ?
Old 26-01-2017, 05:00 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by sadfa View Post
It's OK la.

Saf is shit for a shitty garbagement.

The real vehicles will b used to roll over sporeans.
When there's real war, garbagement will be useless again n might as well use those crappy vehicles. What for waste the expensive real vehicles
Exchange points fake ma
Seriously who would dare use the Terrex now since the security of this equipment had been breached ?
Old 26-01-2017, 06:04 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by SiaSuay View Post
Hello clone of rocket_boy . Why now you don't write big fonts ? APL take orders and instructions from who huh ?
原来猪狗不如的贱种这么多。disgraceful inhuman losers... When u send a parcel, do u dictate how it will be sent? Even the president of USA will not give a damn about how his meals were sourced from. If anyone micro manage like that, u think Singapore will survive?
Ignorant idiot .... Did ur parents taught u that? No wonder .... Idiots begets idiots, 贱种生什么?
Old 26-01-2017, 06:06 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by siasuay View Post
the big issue here is this if the miw cannot even protect singapore military hardware do you think they can defend singapore and the singaporeans. Today they can detain the terrex tomorrow who knows what they will detain. Really such a disgrace.

You also need to understand china's history . Remember the opium war where the west invaded china ? How many chinese people suffered during this time . Macau & hong kong will always be part of china there is no question about it . I also no need to mention about taiwan .

Of course you can't trust anyone to defend your interests and your country . The fact that singapore's foreign policy is wrong already shows it . It is really such a disgrace and shameful singapore military hardware can just simply fall into others peoples hands.
Old 26-01-2017, 06:09 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by Patrizian View Post
Protected by a white shield? or a biased judge?
Wow, Singapore so small, u really think HK needs to suck our MIW's balls?
Did u grow a brain when ur mum give birth to u? Or did u left your brain in the toilet bowl?
Old 26-01-2017, 08:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Craz78 View Post
Wow, Singapore so small, u really think HK needs to suck our MIW's balls?
Did u grow a brain when ur mum give birth to u? Or did u left your brain in the toilet bowl?
If he got no brains, yours must be borne in yr ass. No one said HK protect anybody la
Exchange points need brains ma
Old 26-01-2017, 08:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Craz78 View Post
原来猪狗不如的贱种这么多。disgraceful inhuman losers... When u send a parcel, do u dictate how it will be sent? Even the president of USA will not give a damn about how his meals were sourced from. If anyone micro manage like that, u think Singapore will survive?
Ignorant idiot .... Did ur parents taught u that? No wonder .... Idiots begets idiots, 贱种生什么?

You fucking ignorant ignorant ass.

1. U send vehicles back , of cos u can dictate how it's to be sent back.

U think UK ship weapons via rail to Seoul, stop over at Pyongyang ma!!

Saf so cock they stop over in China n hong Kong OK! These r the self proclaimed experts who ship many times OK. No tactical awareness

2. The fucking president of the US is not colonel Sanders OK. He receive many
death threats every year n serious ones, secret service have to investigate.

And all retired presidenta got secret service detail till death OK.

So of cos his meals are heavily scrutinized. If Barry Obama die of polonium poisoning, His entire secret service detail will get sacked n can't work in the industry no more
Exchange points ignorant ma

Last edited by sadfa; 26-01-2017 at 09:14 PM.
Old 26-01-2017, 10:16 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by sadfa View Post

You fucking ignorant ignorant ass.

1. U send vehicles back , of cos u can dictate how it's to be sent back.

U think UK ship weapons via rail to Seoul, stop over at Pyongyang ma!!

Saf so cock they stop over in China n hong Kong OK! These r the self proclaimed experts who ship many times OK. No tactical awareness

2. The fucking president of the US is not colonel Sanders OK. He receive many
death threats every year n serious ones, secret service have to investigate.

And all retired presidenta got secret service detail till death OK.

So of cos his meals are heavily scrutinized. If Barry Obama die of polonium poisoning, His entire secret service detail will get sacked n can't work in the industry no more
Exchange points ignorant ma
Omg, when u hire a commercial ship to transport your equipment, the transport company will sail as best as they can to meet ur schedule... remember that ur equipment is just one of many onboard the ship... unless u book the entire ship, u will not have a direct say... all these r explained properly, but I can't expect 贱种 (sadfa) to comprehend this simple logic...
president of USA will never go ask where and test his food... just like the ministers will never ask if APL has all the papers... just like ur boss will never check if u had done everything correctly or not. Else hire u for fuck? Simple logic. U think everything is one man or one team show? U write everything is govt fault? Only losers r like that... becos losers like u never use brains to think, only complain and complain... lucky most ppl ain't like 贱种 here, else Singapore will not be where we r today.
你不只是只贱种,还是只超笨的贱种!such a disgrace to even your 贱种家人。不要丢家人的脸了。
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