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Old 25-10-2013, 01:59 AM
Pink_Flyod Pink_Flyod is offline
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by Oysterpay View Post
Waitress like all dancer at all bars are depends on if they are willing.but I should say many of the waitress at alantis & dollhse looks hot in thier uniform and stocking.

I had many good experience with them as most are older than regular dancer & please to be chosen Instead of the dancer who show more flesh.even the bartender is & mamasan is available if they are willing.

One Major attraction about ac is almost any girl of any catergory u saw in fields are avaiable!
Good to know... Atlantis is my favorite haunt.
Old 25-10-2013, 11:53 AM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by datou View Post
Once I hv a girl said ok for LT (no amount discussed) but only gave me a BBBJCIM n wanted to leave, i told her she should have told me she could only do ST. She cited family problems , apologised n left before i could pay her. Freebie??
2 days later she texted me said her bro caught by police for drugs n asked me to help her.
Told her i m in Manila n leaving the country next day.
After sometime, saw n smile at her a few times after that when i played pool in the bar.
There r all sorts girl behaviours in this place,there is no Normal or Abnormal. I will just take it as it comes.
taikor, is she Exxxxx? the girl that i know from my favorite bar?
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ----

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Old 26-10-2013, 01:04 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by 3dee View Post
taikor, is she Exxxxx? the girl that i know from my favorite bar?
She seems a nice girl just some bola bola.
I still remembered how she kenna your "gongtao" in the bar machiam u Andy Lau.
I m in Cebu for 2 days now no tremors felt , pity just missed u n Ziebart.
Will fly to AC on Nov 4.

A gentle reminder pls try don't quote my "sensitive words" when chatting to girls k?
I kenna scolded leh.
But u not the only one doing that.....hahaha......
Old 28-10-2013, 10:12 AM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by datou View Post

A gentle reminder pls try don't quote my "sensitive words" when chatting to girls k?
wah...sifu never teach me leh.... when wanna teach me kao lui?
Old 28-10-2013, 11:49 AM
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Talking Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by soundguy View Post
wah...sifu never teach me leh.... when wanna teach me kao lui?

Outstanding gentleman like u no need kao lui, the luis will come kao u.

Sorry think i didn't elaborate abt the sensitive words means.
Like a bro tell a girl "he(me) say u good in this* n that*"
or "u do this* n that* to him?"

The girl which is non bargirl come n scold me ask why i tell people, somemore give her contact out never tell her.

I thought she need money just wanna help her.
It never pay to be kind...
Anyway i be seeing her next week in AC
Old 28-10-2013, 05:36 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by datou View Post
She seems a nice girl just some bola bola.
I still remembered how she kenna your "gongtao" in the bar machiam u Andy Lau.
I m in Cebu for 2 days now no tremors felt , pity just missed u n Ziebart.
Will fly to AC on Nov 4.
A gentle reminder pls try don't quote my "sensitive words" when chatting to girls k?
I kenna scolded leh.
But u not the only one doing that.....hahaha......
taikor you power mah, so by using your name perhaps can get some privileges, hehehe.

so envy you that you can be in PH 27 days out of 30... me poor worker can only be there max 2 weeks in a month, the rest of the days need to work though.

wait for me in AC, i will be going on nov 8 then the following week to cebu.
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ----

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.
Old 28-10-2013, 05:49 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by datou View Post
Outstanding gentleman like u no need kao lui, the luis will come kao u.

Sorry think i didn't elaborate abt the sensitive words means.
Like a bro tell a girl "he(me) say u good in this* n that*"
or "u do this* n that* to him?"

The girl which is non bargirl come n scold me ask why i tell people, somemore give her contact out never tell her.

I thought she need money just wanna help her.
It never pay to be kind...
Anyway i be seeing her next week in AC
oic...if that is the meaning of sensitive words, i agree..shouldnt be repeated. if there is chemistry, i m sure all also need ask...

3dee: u are CP sifu, u shld be equally good in kamcheng... hehe...
Old 28-10-2013, 06:03 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by soundguy View Post
oic...if that is the meaning of sensitive words, i agree..shouldnt be repeated. if there is chemistry, i m sure all also need ask...
3dee: u are CP sifu, u shld be equally good in kamcheng... hehe...
taikor, me not sifu, me only pure and innocent young guy, still learning from all the taikors here.

PH is interesting, besides the "andy lau" incident that taikor datou has mentioned, here come another incident of this month.

was having supper with taikor ziebart, he brought a girl along and on the next day, he told me that the girl mentioned to him that i got a "killing smile"!! never knew that i am so welcomed by the pinoys!
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ----

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.
Old 28-10-2013, 07:40 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by 3dee View Post

so envy you that you can be in PH 27 days out of 30... me poor worker can only be there max 2 weeks in a month, the rest of the days need to work though.

wait for me in AC, i will be going on nov 8 then the following week to cebu.
U like that compare buay gam leh. Must apple to apple mah.
Your hotel rates doubled mine. Your food spending tripled mine.
U go bar buy Lds n barfine pretty girls, i go street pick up cheap fugly ones.

Your 1 night spending in CP i can spend 1 week in Phils.

Remember the pretty Camelot tequila girl who ask u to purchase Samsung S4 from China for her for 5000p? When she ask for your name i told her u r "S4"

See u on Nov 8 , I leave AC on 13 Nov.
Old 28-10-2013, 09:52 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Wah...sifu datou 27 days a month in PH, while sifu 3dee 2weeks per month. Me? 3 days every 6 hafta work
Old 28-10-2013, 11:59 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by datou View Post
Remember the pretty Camelot tequila girl who ask u to purchase Samsung S4 from China for her for 5000p? When she ask for your name i told her u r "S4"
Brother datou, althought I don't have the actual statistics, but based on the phones that he flashed out to the CP girls, he must be the authorized dealer of Iphone. Good to know that he now extended his dealership with Samsung.
Old 29-10-2013, 06:39 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by 3dee View Post
was having supper with taikor ziebart, he brought a girl along and on the next day, he told me that the girl mentioned to him that i got a "killing smile"!! never knew that i am so welcomed by the pinoys!
Good to see the regulars still up and kicking. Survived the earthquake in Cebu and returned to Sg last week. Now in Hatyai to RnR and check out the "changes". Back to Sg this Saturday n will meet Datou in AC and settle my credit to him.

Her last txt to me after she left the optician was " Now going home with a BIG SMILE". Datou, you made her day and gave her better sight! Thanks.

Heard La Pasha is closed and going into Korean management when it reopens.
Thanks to those who up me points. If you did not put your name i will have headache to guess who to return favor to. Cheers!
Old 30-10-2013, 01:44 AM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

I am in AC 4 times now and mostly play in the bars in the field ave... beside bar and High Society... what else we can cheong there... I have not found my KTV... Will be going there again either 3rd or 4th week.
Old 30-10-2013, 03:01 AM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Was in AC a couple of weeks ago on a weekend trip. Landed late on Friday night and was picked up by the condotel driver. Showered and went out prowling. First thing I noticed was that the crowds were pretty thin everywhere. I first peeped into Viking and there were a few cuties and they seemed to be having fun. I stayed for a couple of drinks but decided to see what else was out there. Checked into OEW and as always a very friendly set of waitresses and had a lot of fun with them but none caught my eye. So as it was getting late I thought I would try Insomnia. In my last couple of trips I found quite a few spirited top heavy ladies there but this time I didn't see many. However I got talking to the waitress and decided to barfine her. Went with her to Skytrax and had a good time drinking and dancing and making out before taking the show to the hotel room. She was great and true GFE - even offered BBFS but I decided not to risk it. She stayed in the morning until 10 for round 3 and left.
During the day I tried to check out the Santos bars but no one caught my eye. In the evening I peeped into ponytails but maybe I was too early or something there were hardly any men and the energy was very low. Then I went to crystal palace and I must say I was quite impressed. Even though I hate their jacked up barfine system, I think next time I will definitely pull someone from there. Large number of young cuties that were actually very friendly and flirty with customers not like stuck up ones that I found in the past. I really liked one but he was already making out with another guy and I waited for a while but it looked like it was going to o on for a while! Anyway as I was walking, I saw a door girl at Viking that was really cute. So I followed her in and in an hour she was changed and we were going to high society! Had a grat time drinking, dancing and making out. Onto the room and again another great GFE performance, stayed until I had to leave for the airport in the morning. All in all a great trip.
One thing - I think High Society is so much better than Skytrax in terms of the place, energy and also the people.
By the way, I didn't have any hassles at any of the bars about the barging stuff. It seemed like old times. So not sure if things have come back to normal or I just visited the bars that have been spared.
Old 30-10-2013, 06:13 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

good to say CP has a bunch of nice gems... sad to say we met 6 runners out of 7 girls there... even the waitress!!
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