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Old 09-11-2013, 03:43 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by BigAllan View Post
Both Atlantis and Tropix were raided simultaneously. They took away about 200 employees from both bars. Looks like they are looking for an extremely big fat X'mas funds donation this year.

There was a slight difference in their raid this time as they kept all the customers inside and conducted a search on every one of them. Those that were carrying illegal items like weapons, sex drugs and contraband were given a choice to pay a "donation" on the spot or make a trip back to the station. All of those accused chose to donate to the cops X'mas fund.

Likewise, those without any identity papers were also made to donate before they were allowed to leave. It took about 1 hour for all the affected customers to pay and leave the bars.

Not so lucky for the staff as all of them were brought to DW in 16 jeepneys. I was fortunate in that I was out having my supper with Chris when they did the raid.
Any updates from those on the ground? Where are our resident seniors ? Are they alrite? Have not heard from them in quite awhile....... hope they are not caught in the dragnet.
Old 09-11-2013, 04:08 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by Citizens View Post
All CP flights yesterday and today were cancelled.
Yes, all flights from all airlines passing the path of Typhoon “YOLANDA” were cancelled yesterday. Back to normal soon except for places with no operational airport eg. Tacloban.

Quote: "Cebu Pacific Air
As of November 9, 2013, 2:00pm

Due to Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan), Cebu Pacific has cancelled approximately 134 roundtrip domestic flights and 4 roundtrip international flights from November 7 to 10, 2013.

As of now, passengers are advised of the following cancelled flights due to Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan):"

Quote: " Philippine Airlines
PAL /PALEX Flight Advisory:
November 8, 2013, Friday
(As of 10:30 PM)

The following PAL and PALex flights have been cancelled due to the effects of super typhoon Yolanda:

For more information on flights, passengers may call PAL hotline 855-8888 or PALex reservations at 855-9000.

They may also log on to or"

Originally Posted by soundguy View Post
Sure hope so..this trip flying solo...too bad miss taikors like u, Z and 3dee..
We will miss you too. Great time we had together.

Originally Posted by Ninja_Assassin View Post
Wow..... 200 employees! That is a really fat Christmas bonus for them.
At 10K per head..... that's an easy 2million for their Christmas party funds.
Last rumor has the amount at 10 000 000 pesos. Anyway, heard that all girls released already and Atlantis was open last night. Sorry we did not walked to chat, the rain was bad.

Originally Posted by Deepheat View Post
Any updates from those on the ground? Where are our resident seniors ? Are they alrite? Have not heard from them in quite awhile....... hope they are not caught in the dragnet.
Thanks Bro, we are ok.
Thanks to those who up me points. If you did not put your name i will have headache to guess who to return favor to. Cheers!

Last edited by ZIEBART; 09-11-2013 at 04:26 PM.
Old 09-11-2013, 05:11 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by Ninja_Assassin View Post
FYI, Atlantis was raided just 3 weeks ago. It is rare for that place to be raided twice within 3 weeks so I think the donations from the earlier raid was not satisfactory to the cops. Both Atlantis and Tropix belongs to the Dollhouse Group.
Really? My bad then. Hopefully not third time lucky.. will be heard there mid dec.
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To all the bros who have upped me, thanks a lot! Will find opportunity to up (not literally) you back.
Old 10-11-2013, 06:48 AM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by soundguy View Post
be safe guys...heard typhoon heading to Phils, dunno if AC will be affected.
AC not affected except with some rain and some wind. But downside is I have 2 girls that I know from the past that became good friends of mine visiting family in Samur when Typhoon hit, (one of the girls was a old GF's sister when I was living in AC years ago). both girls are in the same province that took the direct hit from the typhoon when it made landfall in the PI. Still unable to contact any of them. Hoping they are safe but truthfully it does not look good as areas that took a direct hit were totally wipe off the map. Reports are over 1000 dead and still counting as many cant be found and also unable to reach many areas yet .
Old 10-11-2013, 11:17 AM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by phantomtiger2 View Post
AC not affected except with some rain and some wind. But downside is I have 2 girls that I know from the past that became good friends of mine visiting family in Samur when Typhoon hit, (one of the girls was a old GF's sister when I was living in AC years ago). both girls are in the same province that took the direct hit from the typhoon when it made landfall in the PI. Still unable to contact any of them. Hoping they are safe but truthfully it does not look good as areas that took a direct hit were totally wipe off the map. Reports are over 1000 dead and still counting as many cant be found and also unable to reach many areas yet .
1000 is a conservative number..... the Mayor of Tacloban admitted in a news briefing this morning that the dead could be 10,000 or more as entire squatter communities that were not on "official records" had been wiped out.
Old 10-11-2013, 11:22 AM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
Last rumor has the amount at 10 000 000 pesos. Anyway, heard that all girls released already and Atlantis was open last night.
Not possible to be 10m as that would amount to 50K per head which is the foreigners' price for a "Get out of jail" pass...... the locals price is much lower..... used to be 6K only so an increase to 10K per head is more plausible than 50K..... unless all the 200 employees are foreigners.
Old 10-11-2013, 12:37 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by Ninja_Assassin View Post
FYI, Atlantis was raided just 3 weeks ago. It is rare for that place to be raided twice within 3 weeks so I think the donations from the earlier raid was not satisfactory to the cops. Both Atlantis and Tropix belongs to the Dollhouse Group.
I would like to clarify that the visit by the authorities 3 weeks ago was NOT a raid..... it was an inspection of the premises and Atlantis was closed for just an half hour for those inspectors to do their job...... business was back as usual within the hour.
Old 10-11-2013, 12:46 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
Last rumor has the amount at 10 000 000 pesos. Anyway, heard that all girls released already and Atlantis was open last night.
Those were rumors..... and just rumors.
No money was paid to secure the release of our employees.
This raid was allegedly for violations of licensing matters and after a meeting with our legal team who had all the proper documentation by City Hall.... all charges were dropped and every one of our employees have been released.
We are back in business as per normal.

However some of our employees (mostly the green tag dancers) have alleged that they were forced to provide sexual services while in custody.... our legal team is looking into those allegations and ways to seek redress for these victims.
Old 10-11-2013, 02:00 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

I read and heard a lot about Angeles City but never been there. I only watched videos and am amaze how they can approach women there and fuck for free on the very SAME day?.(some of them they actually paid) How did they do it and get to fuck for free as most women in Angeles have to pay right? And most of the women in the website looks quite hot and even a few stunners! Always dream of getting such babes. I only can get maids here in Singapore .
Old 10-11-2013, 05:56 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by kengarou View Post
I read and heard a lot about Angeles City but never been there. I only watched videos and am amaze how they can approach women there and fuck for free on the very SAME day?.(some of them they actually paid) How did they do it and get to fuck for free as most women in Angeles have to pay right? And most of the women in the website looks quite hot and even a few stunners! Always dream of getting such babes. I only can get maids here in Singapore .

Some deceive the girls into believing that marriage or a long term relationship is on the cards n get the pussies for free. Afterawhile dumping the girls when they become too sticky/pregnant n proceed to the next.
Do it to a wrong revengeful girl may put oneself into danger.

No point taking such risks as it's not expensive to pay for services in AC.

Lastnight got a friendly petite girl who i rate 7 from a bar who seems hv chemistry w me when i saw her on stage for past 2 nights.
Think last time i got a girl from the bar was abt 1.5 years ago but i my instincts said i should go for it n had a good time w her, our group went videoke till 12am n back hotel to hv 3 GFE sexxions till morning 10am.
Damned tired slept till 3pm woke up by message tone from Ziebart for night's program.

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Old 10-11-2013, 09:07 PM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Glad my favourite place (Atlantis) is back to Business... will be visiting on the 20th...
Old 11-11-2013, 12:36 AM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by BigAllan View Post
However some of our employees (mostly the green tag dancers) have alleged that they were forced to provide sexual services while in custody.... our legal team is looking into those allegations and ways to seek redress for these victims.
KNNCCB.... isn't that rape oredi?
Wonder if the IJM has anything to say about this

# green tag dancers - those are the 4K barfines, rite?
Old 11-11-2013, 04:04 AM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Credit cards

The hotels I stayed at didn’t add a surcharge for CCs, but Central Park would give a discount of 10% for paying bills in cash and Orchid Inn 5%. Orchid Inn also gives an additional discount of 10% for staying one week.
Old 11-11-2013, 04:52 AM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by BigAllan View Post
However some of our employees (mostly the green tag dancers) have alleged that they were forced to provide sexual services while in custody.... our legal team is looking into those allegations and ways to seek redress for these victims.

Unfortunately, those may be true and not rumours as I have known girls in the past that were "detained" by local police and had been abused while in custody. They could not file formal complaints as they were warned not to and more trouble for them in the future not only for them but to their families and friends. Remember the police corruption here is an establish tradition and not an exception.
Old 11-11-2013, 05:00 AM
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Re: NEW ANGELES CITY (Pampanga, Balibago, Subic and anywhere else in PI)

Originally Posted by phantomtiger2 View Post
AC not affected except with some rain and some wind. But downside is I have 2 girls that I know from the past that became good friends of mine visiting family in Samur when Typhoon hit, (one of the girls was a old GF's sister when I was living in AC years ago). both girls are in the same province that took the direct hit from the typhoon when it made landfall in the PI. Still unable to contact any of them. Hoping they are safe but truthfully it does not look good as areas that took a direct hit were totally wipe off the map. Reports are over 1000 dead and still counting as many cant be found and also unable to reach many areas yet .
Sorry to hear that buddy,
Hope its not one of the girls I know also, but I'm guessing its Jhen as she was the youngest sister of your old GF. PM me with details and I'll see if I could help in any way.

1000+ confirm dead and still counting. don't look good at this moment. Latest reports many will also die if clean water and food and medicine can't be brought into region quickly as disease will be the greatest risk now.
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