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Old 07-09-2019, 06:47 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Rain from T003 book time 5pm location central hotel
Service wise very hardworking and she bbbj very long time.
I ask for 69. Sh agree a d turn over to taste her sweet pussy for about 20 minutes
I thnk she cum a few times and I pump her for a while.
Too tired and hj .. french and hj . Cum in a while.
I ask massage also not bad. But can be better if she can speak English well
Consider a cheaobonk 120 . Can go for it if you don't mind the looks
Old 07-09-2019, 06:55 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

This one looks fucking hot:

only got 1 angle her nose look abit pig-ish, but maybe angle, her photo and videos look hot

May visit her after return to SG next week

Anyone got an FR on her?
Old 07-09-2019, 06:58 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Originally Posted by Draco8421 View Post
damn, was gonna go for a girl from this stable only to read this, avoid stables that use heavily doctored photos, waste time and effort only to reject at the door
Old 07-09-2019, 07:07 PM
Nohorserun88 Nohorserun88 is offline
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Originally Posted by 1KnightinBKK View Post
This one looks fucking hot:

only got 1 angle her nose look abit pig-ish, but maybe angle, her photo and videos look hot

May visit her after return to SG next week

Anyone got an FR on her?
Bro, based on the video, her tummy also look pig-ish too.
Old 07-09-2019, 07:34 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Originally Posted by Nohorserun88 View Post
Bro, based on the video, her tummy also look pig-ish too.
haha your comment actually made me laugh out loud in the middle of a mall.

but girls with natural big tits normally carry abit of spare around the waist leh.

see av star mei matsumoto, her face and tits more than enough to compensate for her stomach, thick girl
Old 07-09-2019, 07:36 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

MMF sgdolly MAKIYO
Anybody wanna join me ?
Old 07-09-2019, 08:24 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Originally Posted by Tc123 View Post
Yes i agree to the above chiongster. I also took her recently, maybe i have higher expectation for looks, 7 / 10.

Body: 8/10, slight tummy��, too long never exercise, but slim.
Absolutely agree. Chani is a great gal.

Last edited by nehcaw; 07-09-2019 at 08:39 PM.
Old 07-09-2019, 08:28 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Another RTF FR for Barbie from SS.

RTF her again this afternoon. Same high level of GFE from the door.

Had an hour of intensive bonk session with her. We changed 4 condoms. Did a couple of positions and finally I finished my load while doggy.

Barbie removed the CD and commented on the large amount of cum that was shot out Took a short break to catch my breath, we proceed to shower

I dress up and ended our sexxion. Overall today sexxion was more of quality than quantity and service level is of an ang pai level jam pack with GFE.
No pattern, no BS. High Svc standards continued to be maintained despite this being my 3rd session with her.

Things worth noting:
1. Her room now got shower :P
2. Watching her kneeling down BBBJ while ya standing up and looking at the mirror. Priceless.
3. Her sexy moans.
4. She love doggy. Her ass is simply perfect for the JOB!
Old 07-09-2019, 08:37 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Originally Posted by GN007SG View Post

it is about consideration, simply put they dont care about you and just do what they want

and it is the mentality of the different nationalities?

when i find PRC FL, they are well aware of such privacy issues and will always avoid the scene where u meet another gal in the same unit or other customer
PRC have a very high awareness on this area
Based on my own experience, most Dome-1 gals that I've been with do pay attention to privacy. In apartments with shared bathroom, most gals would check to see if the coast is clear before taking me to the bathroom.

Also, each chiongster is different as well. I personally won't be bothered as much if I run into another customer. He knows why I am there. I know why he is there.
Old 07-09-2019, 08:48 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

FR for Chani galaxy Booked today afternoon

Okt: fast and responsive, was accommodating even when i was late
Location: G area
Looks: Shes 22 this year around 160ish. 80-90% like the photos, abit thai tan, face minimal makeup abit of blemish but still chio
Boobs: natural A but super sensitive keep attacking both side
Fj: 9/10 able to do any position i want, very tight and warm made her orgasm twice in two different position
BBBJ: 8/10 my greatest weakness, she does it slow and gradually increase tongue swirling around like lollipop.
Frenching: 10/10, started with light kiss, ended with sword fight with tongue will kiss you on your neck, forehead and body legit like gf
GF: 10/10, very accommodating always asking if im okay with her or is there anything she should improve on. Macam like staycation with gf liddat. She also offer to give me massage at the start,able to hit the acupuncture points accurately but she doesnt have much strength abit more like love cuddle liddat

Because the aircon was abit faulty she felt very cold so while resting we would cuddle together(like the photo above) and she told me she got food coma so we took a short nap and woke up to her hj on my private asking wake up already anot haha end up overshot abit luckily no customer directly after me.

Last edited by greatbonksonly; 07-09-2019 at 09:01 PM. Reason: add photo
Old 07-09-2019, 09:11 PM
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Just had Vasa from PrivateClub69, Although it was second choice since Skype no time slot!

Looks quite close to her photos listed. Her make up was complementary and not over the top.

She was very giggly, tried to make conversation with limited English.

Held hands to the shower, a nice sexy tug with soap. Warm GFE treatment.

When in the room, some light kisses, lips nibbling and sucking.,a little tongue and start cat bathing and a nice suction BBBJ.
Proceed to 69 and she just moan for pleasure, after a round of painting, she capped me and we did a few positions which she accommodate, lastly end up CMI.

In summary, Vasa is the girl to look for if you like petite, accommodating GFE experience.

Plus points, Vasa is hard working trying her best to please!
She is no time watcher, make sure the atmosphere is relax!

She may not be the best but for me her effort to serve earn her my FR

Hope bro visiting her, treat her well as she is those happy go lucky type, just feel comfortable with her

Old 07-09-2019, 09:22 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Dear all,

I booked a FL from Rush 888 Stable as the price seems to be cheaper than others plus the girls look very pretty (with videos).

It was in a hotel which I have to pay for myself. The FL was an hour+ late through delay tactics by the OKT.

In the end, someone (quite fat and ugly and obviously not the FL I thought I booked) showed up. She said that the person in the advertisement does not exist.

Rejected and left. I hope you guys won't fall for it like I did
Old 07-09-2019, 09:51 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Jarlin JKE,1525.0.html

Looks: wysiwyg. she's got a catty cfm face... and the attitude to match.
Body: slim type. bubble butt good for doggy. damn shiok!
Tits: enhanced C. nice to grab and suck on.
Pussy: shaved. nice and tight. gets wet easily. she can take the pounding
BJ: she went all out here. every way you can imagine a girl blowing you she pretty much did. attention to balls as well....
FJ: i think she enjoyed it more than me. any position just let her know. if you don't say anything she'll take charge. rcg she rode me like no tomorrow. i had difficulty controlling myself not to release.
Attitude: she takes the cake here cause she just came in hence tired however she was really good. a**. very friendly. speaks very decent English. can talk cock. when fucking can talk dirty. looks at you with the cfm looks...
location: new apartment area. very clean. top notch.

rtf.... confirm.
Old 07-09-2019, 09:58 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

long time never write FR
today met a gem, Mint frm SOI69
skin tone is tanned
sharp feature
like hot minah

pretty, like hot minah
no braces perfect teeth
she’s for boobs lover, at least C, shud b natural
bouncy ass, good for doggy
slightly meaty, a bit tummy, not fat by any standard
sensitive pussy, if u like painting... haha
Old 07-09-2019, 10:05 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Poppy and Wawa from Emmanuel.

Yesterday I booked Poppy and Today Wawa.
Forgot to give FR for Poppy yesterday, so decided to combine together since the memory still fresh..

Poppy (06 September 2019).
Look: 80% same like photo. Discounted a bit. But definitely still pretty.

Service: This is where this lady is amazing at. She is working as a masseuse at Thailand. Since bath, time, she started to massage my little bro. Initially I thought is nothing. But when we arrived at Bed, thats where her massage become more intense to my little bro and then only I realized she was doing postage massage to me. Then she continue with postage mixed with blow job which according to her is next level. Holy shit. Her skill is soooo good that I enjoyed so much and forgot that my first should I should start the FJ. Didn't released after 30 mins accidentally come when she blowjob and together with Postage with hand and wasted my first FJ.

She know I am a bit disappointing, She asked me to turn around and give me hardcore Thai Massage for 20 mins. Wuizzz Super Shiok man which according to her is level 3. She then rest a while and we chit chat. Her english not that good but we still able to communicate with simple english. Out of curiocity, I asked her, any level 4. She said yes. She told me she can let me come second shot using her pussy alone and I just need to lie down. She asked me whether I want to try. I say of course. At first I thought its the normal, Cow girl thing where she just ride on top of me and faster let me come. But after 2 mins, I realized she used her pussy to massage my little bro. Super Super Holy Shit. First time trying pussy massage. She is so good at controlling her pussy muscle that the whole feeling is beyond imagination.
I tried to fight back by not willing to come, But her super duper pussy massage is really one of the kind that I have to admit, my little bro finally give in after 20 mins of struggle to endure.

After 2 shots, she lie down and asked me did I enjoy level 4. I say yeah. She said normally she don't do these 4 level within 90 mins as its very tiring for her. But because of chemistry of us, she willingly do it for me to enjoy. She said she still has the final final level 5 but she will reserve for me when I visit her at thailand haha.

Wawa. (07 September 2019)
Look: 75% same like photo. Can notice her photo was at least more than 4 years ago. But to me she still pretty. Initially wanted to book her OVN. But too bad another bro faster than me and did it and this is my RTF.

Service: Communication wise, she is more like GF type compare to Poppy. So she like to hug u and chat with you. So we have quite a lot to talk about. What is so special about her is her sweet smile and like to initiate kiss to u. Feeling like SYT that constantly want ur little attention. Her body is super sexy and slim type and by looking at her body while bonking her, I come my first shot near her body. She jokingly tell me don't anyhow come later accidentally come inside and I will become Papa. LOL

Second shot opted for BBBJ. Her BBBJ still ok, but because my side I am a bit too tired so her BBBJ didnt manage to make me come. So I opted for HJ instead to finish off. I would say, what is special about Wawa is she is not commercial and I feel the entire experience is like make love with GF.

Both Poppy and Wawa are real stuff from Bro Emmanuel that I not regret visiting. Thanks Bro for these good ladies.
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