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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 19-03-2022, 06:46 AM
Jabba Jabba is offline
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Re: Ever fall in love with a massage girl

Originally Posted by sladang View Post
Sekali she comes back to u wif your kid ..
Her husband quite jialat, retired major in the army with a bad temper.If got kid, she will be killed by him.
Old 21-03-2022, 10:58 AM
daring70 daring70 is offline
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Re: Ever fall in love with a massage girl

in the early days, a good number of the massage girls were super chio
Old 21-03-2022, 05:12 PM
bignehneh bignehneh is offline
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Re: Ever fall in love with a massage girl

Originally Posted by Jabba View Post
Her husband quite jialat, retired major in the army with a bad temper.If got kid, she will be killed by him.
Their major sibei power one. Not like our paper officer
Inflation inflation inflation
Old 21-03-2022, 08:11 PM
ilovegirlgirl ilovegirlgirl is offline
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Originally Posted by daring70 View Post
in the early days, a good number of the massage girls were super chio
Not like now right .. any girls or aunty can be ml and charge high fee
Old 04-07-2022, 08:42 PM
justin69 justin69 is offline
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Just get to know my regular ML got a bf.

I asked her if he is okay with her continue been a ML. She replied of course he don't wish her to remain in this line but she got her ambition and wants to work hard to earn money.

What Bro thinks of this ML and her BF?

Have to say, she is fxxxing good at KCing and I am a near fall for her 😂 I also found out her treatment (KCing) to me is the same as other customers
Old 04-07-2022, 09:09 PM
evoralliart evoralliart is offline
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Re: Ever fall in love with a massage girl

Originally Posted by justin69 View Post
Just get to know my regular ML got a bf.

I asked her if he is okay with her continue been a ML. She replied of course he don't wish her to remain in this line but she got her ambition and wants to work hard to earn money.

What Bro thinks of this ML and her BF?

Have to say, she is fxxxing good at KCing and I am a near fall for her 😂 I also found out her treatment (KCing) to me is the same as other customers
The Bf married anot that’s the thing. Chances are maybe that guy might have wife and kids. So he cannot ask her to totally stop doing this line. These days in society relationships can be quite complicated. Might not be true love also. The guy might use money for her body and she just accepted that amount. My guess might be partially “包” her in this case.
Well I might be wrong but that’s just my 2 cents worth. Happened to me way back. My past experience
Spending time with ex MLs no longer in this trade is another type of feeling. But then they might still be selectively seeing some ex customers. So where is the feeling?
Old 04-07-2022, 09:15 PM
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Re: Ever fall in love with a massage girl

Originally Posted by justin69 View Post
Just get to know my regular ML got a bf.

I asked her if he is okay with her continue been a ML. She replied of course he don't wish her to remain in this line but she got her ambition and wants to work hard to earn money.

What Bro thinks of this ML and her BF?

Have to say, she is fxxxing good at KCing and I am a near fall for her 😂 I also found out her treatment (KCing) to me is the same as other customers
Nice sharing ..Rtn upzz liao tks

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Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.
Old 04-07-2022, 09:46 PM
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Re: Ever fall in love with a massage girl

Originally Posted by justin69 View Post
I asked her if he is okay with her continue been a ML. She replied of course he don't wish her to remain in this line but she got her ambition and wants to work hard to earn money.

What Bro thinks of this ML and her BF?
Know can already. Don't think. Thinking about it causes a lot of issues. You can then get drawn in and be involved in her life. You pay to get her to relieve your sexual stress. Anything else especially KC can be painful to your life.

The ML may be practising her sob stories by repeating it to every client. After saying 10-20 times, even she will believe her own lies.
I don't exchange points. So no point adding me hoping I will up you back. No need to pm me about points too.
Old 04-07-2022, 11:04 PM
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Originally Posted by evoralliart View Post
The Bf married anot that’s the thing. Chances are maybe that guy might have wife and kids. So he cannot ask her to totally stop doing this line. These days in society relationships can be quite complicated. Might not be true love also. The guy might use money for her body and she just accepted that amount. My guess might be partially “包” her in this case.
Well I might be wrong but that’s just my 2 cents worth. Happened to me way back. My past experience
You are right. I also have similar experience with a ML who is my "gf". End of the day it's all about making use of each other lah. She wants you to spend money on her, run errands for her, buy food for her. You just wanna fuck her. So it's fair deal. Though sometimes it can get expensive when she start to ask for more money cuz house in China flooded, grandma fall down go hospital, dad sick need to buy medicine etc. Just know what is the limit and when to bail out. Like I always said, free fuck is actually the most expensive fuck.
Old 05-07-2022, 12:53 AM
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Originally Posted by justin69 View Post
Just get to know my regular ML got a bf.

I asked her if he is okay with her continue been a ML. She replied of course he don't wish her to remain in this line but she got her ambition and wants to work hard to earn money.

What Bro thinks of this ML and her BF?

Have to say, she is fxxxing good at KCing and I am a near fall for her 😂 I also found out her treatment (KCing) to me is the same as other customers
Hi Bro can intro me to this KCed Gao Gao ML? I super like high KC ML.

To me she got BF or not doesn't matter. Just need to make sure I am not her bf can liao. Lol. It just business and I am not willing to bao yang her.
Old 05-07-2022, 03:56 AM
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Originally Posted by justin69 View Post
Just get to know my regular ML got a bf.

I asked her if he is okay with her continue been a ML. She replied of course he don't wish her to remain in this line but she got her ambition and wants to work hard to earn money.

What Bro thinks of this ML and her BF?

Have to say, she is fxxxing good at KCing and I am a near fall for her 😂 I also found out her treatment (KCing) to me is the same as other customers
It’s their job, this ML is a professional, her treatment to all her favorite customers will be the same!
Same goes to her current bf, he will be the one who is willingly to spend and support her on a monthly basis like, allowance, house rental, daily fetch/pick up from work and air tickets to go back to china
And also medical bills, shopping spree etc
I also know of a ML who also like this, currently back in China for home holidays..
As for us customers, if we do not wish to spend such $$$ on her request then we won’t be able to become her boyfriend status
But such cases who will be so stupid to be her boyfriend anyway? 😆
Old 05-07-2022, 05:45 AM
Jabba Jabba is offline
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Re: Ever fall in love with a massage girl

I am surprised that this topic is still alive.Never trust these girls as they are here to make money.If the price is right, they will do anything behind their bf back.It took me a while to realise that this is not real love but a transaction. They wont let u fuck for a few hundreds.If u are willing to part with a few thousands, then u will get her to bed.
Old 05-07-2022, 05:58 AM
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Re: Ever fall in love with a massage girl

You will never know how many partners they have.My ex-girl tells me her boyfriend who works as a grab driver doesnt give her a lot of money.No idea if she is telling the truth or not.To be their bf is really tiring.
Old 05-07-2022, 06:23 AM
Elvintay Elvintay is offline
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Re: Ever fall in love with a massage girl

To me, I won’t waste time being their gf…maybe playing with them more than really becoming their bf. Doesn’t really make sense. How do you bring her to meet your friends? Introduce as xxx and her specialty is nuru, breast fuck and fj? Or she is a master of juagen or thai massage?

Singapore so small, go out such bump into ppl…if married, can they take care of your family and what can your children learn? Maybe your children will be happy drinking milk if they have a pair of F cup tits. I feel a lot of considerations we need to think with our big head.
Old 05-07-2022, 08:35 AM
dromad68 dromad68 is offline
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Re: Ever fall in love with a massage girl

Boy meets and falls in love with girl. Go steady for 3 years. Spent thousands on gifts, holidays, clothes etc. Then break up for whatever reason. Maybe haven’t even have sec yet. And if it’s infidelity, in China, boy will try to get back all his money spent. In Sg, boy usually just get sad for a while and then move on. I don’t know of any boy who wants his money back or feel he has been cheated. If nothing happens, they get married and after 3 years they get divorced for whatever reason, again, a lot of money spent in house, car etc. By law, everything split in half. Boy moves on with life.

If the girl in the above story is a ML, everything changes. The girl is actually a liar who has been tricking the boy all the while and just wants his money. Because the ML continues to jerk off 4-5 men a day. If the ML is serious, she would have stopped working as a ML.

Anyone in the flesh trade cannot feel love and cannot be trusted and are not worth loving. Sex therapists are not in the flesh trade of course. They are healthcare professionals but they do actually have sex with their patients at times as part of their treatment. Helen Hunt played such a role as a sex surrogate therapist in The Sessions (a true story by the way). Waxing ladies, also not in the flesh trade, give boyzillion waxing to 4-5 men a day, handling their rod without blushing.

Do men shun them as well? Do men think that these ladies are cheats as well?
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