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Old 26-09-2012, 09:02 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by sex crusader View Post

Well said! Who can fault u bt having 8 gals by your side each time you party! I only fault xx for buying soft toys nia! Just like my fellow bro here who like to open 'bao shop'! It's their money, nobody got rights to fault them on their spending style.
Bro SC, you liddat suan me, goot meh?

reason for me to sit a few more very simple....unlike you and most of the brudders here, UFO like me got reject by mms left n hopefully one of the bunch will pity me and go back with me mah......
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯.
Old 26-09-2012, 10:58 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by TigerGuy View Post
It was really an enrichment knowledgable night to meet u
& learn from you ! thanks for sharing with your tips

Did i share anything ? I newbie and some say carrots head and some say i waterfish leh ......

Originally Posted by kegster View Post
Im going on 2nd nov... any gd place to go?
Good place ? Go try 'hui long qu ' ..... nice CHICK !

Originally Posted by lustymania View Post
Go to cp before the canton fair . It's seriously buyers market.crowd not as much as the past. So it's good
Go during Canton fair's break better ....... than you will know what is MAO's POWER ! I will be in CP after phase 1 end ......

Originally Posted by LamGoh View Post
Bro SEAJ, are u saying that these girls have contempt for any guys who go mongering around? Seems like that in what u wrote.

Sigh... We just wanna have some fun, is it wrong to do so? I'm so freaking sure in my home Sillypore, i cant get such fun, Super Boring Sillypore! Especially SG girls really take us guys for granted, they think they are a cut above the rest of other girls.
Just go ahead and have fun lah , dont worry too much .

Some might say you stingy , no standard and some might say you carrot , waterfish ..... but will all these saying stop you from party ?

We sillyporean go CP to destress , not asking for stress .... You are spending your own maos , why worry .... have fun and enjoy your every trip to the max in the way you like and feel good ..... singing 'I feel good '.......
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Old 26-09-2012, 11:05 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Health888 View Post
I've got a friend whom I used to travel with to CP the last three times. Everytime he is there, he splurge on his regular gal paying them 9000 RMB for 4 nites company (claimed 3000RMB is not for the gal but for her parents. What the fuck, isn't that the same?). When he dines, he order Salmon Sashimi, Geoduck, Abalone. But his gal doesn't enjoy these luxury in life and ended vomitting these items. Until now, I refused to travel with him.

The gal is only 2,6,9 category.
Wow , big spender ..... 4 night pay 9000rmb .... clap clap clap .....

Gals there wont eat abalone .... only interested in suasage and mayonise ....
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Old 26-09-2012, 11:08 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post
Bro SC, you liddat suan me, goot meh?

reason for me to sit a few more very simple....unlike you and most of the brudders here, UFO like me got reject by mms left n hopefully one of the bunch will pity me and go back with me mah......
Gals reject you not so bad as me la .... gals see me only either look on the floor or act talking to her frenz on left or right ...... dont even give me chance to choose them
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Old 26-09-2012, 11:15 AM
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Re: A friend's eloquent explanation

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post

Now, to be honest, I don't care what guys do. If a guy wants to pay a girl an extra 5000, I don't care. I had a friend buy some girl a 6000RMB necklace once, and I called him a moron, but I don't care. I won't tip the girls or buy them crap though, because I don't want some 18 year old hooker feeling she's better than me because not only am I paying for sex, I'm over paying for it. Once they feel they're better than you, it's game over, they'll walk all over you. Even if I never see the girl again, I don't want that kind of negative vibe hanging in the universe where some hooker is thinking,"yah, that guy was an idiot."

Think i am a big moron and stupid idiot in production ..... had received order of iphone5 which cost >8000rmb each

Many man are funny ppl .... already know that CP gals and market are spoilted and still wanted to go CP , there is plenty of much ulu places with good catch nearby CP mah .....
当年的老爷 现在 快乐的自己
Old 26-09-2012, 11:42 AM
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Re: A friend's eloquent explanation

Originally Posted by Vertu View Post
Gals reject you not so bad as me la .... gals see me only either look on the floor or act talking to her frenz on left or right ...... dont even give me chance to choose them
Hahaha...remember one time in OY gal saw me approaching her n she walks away to the other end....being playful I walk towards her again and she was so freighten, her face turn pale......
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯.
Old 26-09-2012, 11:52 AM
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Whoa dere - first of all I apologize if I caused anybody here offense as its certainly not my intent putting up those 2 posts. Please also note that the second one is just a C+P of what my friend Moody put up on another forum.

I believe we all know that CP gals all love money and we in turn love them for their...welll... you know!! That is a fair trade and one which just about all of us not only partake in, but one which we all enjoy. I continue to partake and Moody does too with no qualms at all. All I'm trying to point out is that it is NOT wise to overpay these gals - they/the system has set up the price level and they are willing to be paid such amount and we all would be wise to just fulfill our set monetary obligation; no more, no less.

OK - small tips, little tokens, no big deal - but when these Big Swinging Dicks come to town on their all-too-infrequent-visits here, spending like drunken sailors that is when they upset the apple cart for all the rest of us. Oh sure, its their own money and yeah its got nothing to do with me - but is that really the case? When prices start to balloon up? When gals starts "acting up" to get their way with the rest of us?

Heck, you're not even doing the gals themselves any favors! When they had once been satisfied with getting just their correct fee, a gal who had been "spoiled" will now feel dissatisfied unless she gets showered the same way; she will now have too unreasonably high expectations.

And as Moody points out - you're only making a fool of yourself when you overpay CP girls.

Old 26-09-2012, 12:29 PM
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Re: Whoa!!

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
Whoa dere - first of all I apologize if I caused anybody here offense as its certainly not my intent putting up those 2 posts. Please also note that the second one is just a C+P of what my friend Moody put up on another forum.

I believe we all know that CP gals all love money and we in turn love them for their...welll... you know!! That is a fair trade and one which just about all of us not only partake in, but one which we all enjoy. I continue to partake and Moody does too with no qualms at all. All I'm trying to point out is that it is NOT wise to overpay these gals - they/the system has set up the price level and they are willing to be paid such amount and we all would be wise to just fulfill our set monetary obligation; no more, no less.

OK - small tips, little tokens, no big deal - but when these Big Swinging Dicks come to town on their all-too-infrequent-visits here, spending like drunken sailors that is when they upset the apple cart for all the rest of us. Oh sure, its their own money and yeah its got nothing to do with me - but is that really the case? When prices start to balloon up? When gals starts "acting up" to get their way with the rest of us? Heck, you're not even doing the gals themselves any favors! When they had once been satisfied with getting just their correct fee, a gal who had been "spoiled" will now feel dissatisfied unless she gets showered the same way; she will now have too unreasonably high expectations.

And as Moody points out - you're only making a fool of yourself when you overpay CP girls.

So thats what bugging I said earlier, the market too big for a few to spoil.....and also like you said earlier, the mms only will despise the carrot heads and respect the standard you should have nothing to worry about....
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯.
Old 26-09-2012, 12:39 PM
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Re: Whoa!!

Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post
So thats what bugging I said earlier, the market too big for a few to spoil.....and also like you said earlier, the mms only will despise the carrot heads and respect the standard you should have nothing to worry about....
Yes, that is something which bugs me - but only in a minor way, for as you say, the market is too big and the gals come and go.

The main reason I put my post up was to make bros be more aware of what actually happens when they overpay gals. Let's face it, most of the "payment" comes AFTER the deed, and thus would in most cases NOT have any effect as to the actual "performance" - so what's the point of then over-paying? To have the gal want to be with you again in the future? At what price then? And if her "performance" had been good even before you paid her, why wouldn't she perform just as good if you just pay her the correct price? And would you REALLY want to again be with a girl who would like to be with you ONLY for the extra payment she would get/will not otherwise go with you again if you paid the correct price which others pay?

As far as I can see, there really is NO BENEFIT at all for the punter who over-pays - only lots of disadvantages PLUS a lighter wallet! Thus my post for others here to ponder over!!

Yup - I'm just the li'l boy scout!!


Last edited by SEAJ; 26-09-2012 at 01:05 PM.
Old 26-09-2012, 12:40 PM
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Re: A friend's eloquent explanation

Originally Posted by Vertu View Post
Many man are funny ppl .... already know that CP gals and market are spoilted and still wanted to go CP , there is plenty of much ulu places with good catch nearby CP mah .....
Tai kor can intro the ulu places?
Cp is getting too commerciallise, wanted to head to CA but go without guide sure kans carrot...
Old 26-09-2012, 12:53 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Vertu View Post
Did i share anything ? I newbie and some say carrots head and some say i waterfish leh ......
at least they never called u "salty fish" ...
Originally Posted by Vertu View Post
Good place ? Go try 'hui long qu ' ..... nice CHICK !
totally agreed .... what better place to be when in cp ...
Originally Posted by Vertu View Post
Gals reject you not so bad as me la .... gals see me only either look on the floor or act talking to her frenz on left or right ...... dont even give me chance to choose them ..
taikor .. at least u r better than me ...
when i walked the flower street and approach the gal ... before i can say anything ... they said "不方便“ ...
Old 26-09-2012, 01:19 PM
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Re: A friend's eloquent explanation

Originally Posted by Vertu View Post
Think i am a big moron and stupid idiot in production ..... had received order of iphone5 which cost >8000rmb each

Many man are funny ppl .... already know that CP gals and market are spoilted and still wanted to go CP , there is plenty of much ulu places with good catch nearby CP mah .....
lol no worry sir. you can take any of my gals anytime. i generally like to sleep alone after ktv. too drunk to do anything.
Guys if you have anything to add please PM me.

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Old 26-09-2012, 01:45 PM
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Re: A friend's eloquent explanation

Originally Posted by goldpoker View Post
Tai kor can intro the ulu places?
Cp is getting too commerciallise, wanted to head to CA but go without guide sure kans carrot...
sup bro, when you heading to CA?
Why so green and lonely?

(Thank you very much)
Old 26-09-2012, 01:52 PM
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Re: Events In CP

In regards to over paying issue.
It's really up to individual.

Like CASH KING he always give double tips.
Does that mean he's a Robert?
Of course not because he song and can afford to.

That's why poor man like me cannot cheong with him anymore.
Feel very pressurised.

Last edited by TonyCheong; 26-09-2012 at 02:04 PM.
Old 26-09-2012, 02:12 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by sex crusader View Post
Well said! Who can fault u bt having 8 gals by your side each time you party! I only fault xx for buying soft toys nia!Just like my fellow bro here who like to open 'bao shop'! It's their money, nobody got rights to fault them on their spending style.
taikor, you outdated liao, the most-in-thing now is "care shop".

Originally Posted by Vertu View Post
Think i am a big moron and stupid idiot in production ..... had received order of iphone5 which cost >8000rmb each
that is over quoted, can get it with >7000rmb in cp lah.

just checked out on monday...

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
OK - small tips, little tokens, no big deal - but when these Big Swinging Dicks come to town on their all-too-infrequent-visits here, spending like drunken sailors that is when they upset the apple cart for all the rest of us. Oh sure, its their own money and yeah its got nothing to do with me - but is that really the case? When prices start to balloon up? When gals starts "acting up" to get their way with the rest of us?
who defines what is ok what is not ok?
there is no definition nor rule except you make it yourself, since it is your money.

for me, i am in cp for fun, as far as i feel “worth paying” and i can afford, why not?
why do i have to consider others while spending? i am not doing charity in cp as such i don’t think i need to be so considerate.

my simple comment to your question, if you think cp is spoiled and not affordable anymore, don’t go!
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ----

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