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Old 05-04-2016, 03:19 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

You are wrong again about Angeles City. Old white men, mostly retired US Military in Clark......they are the most quiet nowadays.....the Pinoys prefer Koreans/Japs (not so many) because these crowd are young and better looking, and willing to spend more money. Which ladies will want to stick to old white men with limited cash is all about money and age. If you are talking about force, do whatever they out the kimchi, not the whites.
Desire keeps you forward........
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Old 05-04-2016, 03:29 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

This thread is getting boring. Less bros are sharing their Vietnam sexcapades......
Reading all posts from Manchester Unipiak vs Totemput wastes so much time.

Better post sexy nice FL pics, sexcapades experiences,....better lar......this is sex forum what.....

Also pls dont post TIN KOSONG FL story.....boring lar......

Look at Jakarta and Philippines Thread....the bros there si beh steady wan.....sexcapades stories also very steamy......

Here only Father + Son + Son's enemy - you piak me i piak you....., i lose later i come back as your father screw you upside down.....
Desire keeps you forward........
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Old 05-04-2016, 03:38 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)


You call Singaporean gang rapist attitude ? better retract your statement.

Rapist attitude exists in every nation regardless of skin , language, nationalities........ you

POTATO. Its a matter of education and respect.
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Old 05-04-2016, 07:44 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

You have exposed Tom-wadever for a fraud that he is.

There is absolutely NOTHING in his so-called FRs. Zero per cent information but 100% click-bait to further his pimp business.

And occasionally he makes his customers eg pting post yet more nonsense FRs to highlight what blind bats they are.... and Tom-wadever would make a comeback saying...ohh... u should have tried my $1-a-pop whore... as if he has a monopoly on cheap whores. Fact is, he takes customers' money and take them on a merry-go-round. As he is not sure himself how the system works because of his lack of financial resources and his spastic looks that only his mum could tolerate. Those of you who have seen his photo floating around know what I mean.

Fact is, I don't have anything against pimps, especially small-timers like him. But when I spot a fake FR, click-bait & nonsense being written, I can't help but poke holes in those fake reports.

Originally Posted by Cool_Taurian View Post
This thread is getting boring. Less bros are sharing their Vietnam sexcapades........
Old 05-04-2016, 07:55 AM
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Re: Team Hoian vs Team TomMAffolter

Everyone including the moderator already know you were mutantchicken before and your Tom-wadever is a clone acct, besides Lord knows how many other fake accts. What more proof is needed?

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
i have no clones , you cannot accept that there is more than just myself who recognises what a idiot you are and regarding the clones, as you put it yourself
"Secondly, if you cannot say who I approached to "beg" for contacts, that means u are making up stories. End of argument. No need to beat around the bush." to paraphase you where is your proof, if you have no proof, that means you are making up stories, end of argument, no need to beat around the bush.
Old 05-04-2016, 09:45 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Trying to remember some of the points in your post.

I've never been to Angeles City.

THe "gang rapist" thing is a certain kind of attitude I see some guys take here, when they are out with a group of their buddies, they look at the girls as pieces of meat and obviously enjoy doing things against the girls' wishes, where here protests are something they laugh at as they continue to do what they want. You haven't seen that? The nightclub I saw it at was VERY local, those guys were not VK. They looked low class, rough, uneducated. My friend was in the bathroom area and saw a girl putting a knife inside her dress. They grabbed a girl from our table and took her to theirs, within about 15 minutes a guy had his arms wrapped round her holding her and was fingering her against her wishes. Definitely guys like this out there. Plenty. And yes they tend to go for the lower rungs, the cheapest. I saw a similar thing one night at the old 4 in 1 club way out in D6. One young girl who did not seem to be staff or working girl, being passed around among guys to fondle, they were holding her, forcing her to drink more and more whiskey, which she obviously was trying not to. She tried to leave to go to the toilet and they wouldn't even let her do that. Held her and pulled her back. It was sick. I got up and found the manager and pointed out what was going on, finally he went over and got the girl to be able to go to the toilet at least, but jeez, that was a bad situation.

Of course guys like that are out there, and of course they will go get motorbike girls sometimes when they're drunk and do that kind of thing. They enjoy abusing girls. It's not most customers, no. But there are definitely some like that. More than there should be.

This kiind of got off our main point, about condom use. Yeah so just saying, we can't presume that condom use is near 100%, surely not.
Old 05-04-2016, 10:55 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Wendella View Post
Trying to remember some of the points in your post.

I've never been to Angeles City.

THe "gang rapist" thing is a certain kind of attitude I see some guys take here, when they are out with a group of their buddies, they look at the girls as pieces of meat and obviously enjoy doing things against the girls' wishes, where here protests are something they laugh at as they continue to do what they want. You haven't seen that? The nightclub I saw it at was VERY local, those guys were not VK. They looked low class, rough, uneducated. My friend was in the bathroom area and saw a girl putting a knife inside her dress. They grabbed a girl from our table and took her to theirs, within about 15 minutes a guy had his arms wrapped round her holding her and was fingering her against her wishes. Definitely guys like this out there. Plenty. And yes they tend to go for the lower rungs, the cheapest. I saw a similar thing one night at the old 4 in 1 club way out in D6. One young girl who did not seem to be staff or working girl, being passed around among guys to fondle, they were holding her, forcing her to drink more and more whiskey, which she obviously was trying not to. She tried to leave to go to the toilet and they wouldn't even let her do that. Held her and pulled her back. It was sick. I got up and found the manager and pointed out what was going on, finally he went over and got the girl to be able to go to the toilet at least, but jeez, that was a bad situation.

Of course guys like that are out there, and of course they will go get motorbike girls sometimes when they're drunk and do that kind of thing. They enjoy abusing girls. It's not most customers, no. But there are definitely some like that. More than there should be.

This kiind of got off our main point, about condom use. Yeah so just saying, we can't presume that condom use is near 100%, surely not.
Totally disgusted. Will be going to saigon next month. We had been talking about places to visit. Sisters or bro can advise where not to patronize?
Old 05-04-2016, 01:57 PM
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Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
sure that can happen, but my WHOLE point was that to use a few bad apples as a generalisation against the whole male population is bordering on racist and is wrong and factually incorrect...i remember reading a story about a similar situation in what now i can use that as a example saying that ALL singporean men are gang rapists as well.??..or maybe i i can use the example of the crusty old male english teachers hanging around AC. pattaya and even bui vien and i can make some disparaging remark abt all white men....u cant use what 2 examples of bad behaviour then make a sweeping comment like you did.
At the first club I mentioned, I got to know one of the girls well. She told me that what I saw that night was common at that club. I was also there on nights when everyone seemed to be behaving respectably, so I'd never generalize and say that's how VN guys are as a whole, but does that mentality exist here? Definitely. It tends to be a bunch of friends out together, when I've seen it, and most that I saw were lower class uneducated types. It's not borderline racist, you just don't see the same dynamic here with other nationalities just because it's not their country, so they don't feel comfortable enough to do that here, not that I've seen at least. So I'm not saying that allVN guys are like that, no. But some surely are. (and I can imagine similar attitudes exist in other countries too) And I think there's enough of that here that girls in lower rung scenes (motorbikes, SW, some locals clubs, etc) encounter this regularly. You're telling me that I'm generalizing based on a few experiences, but are you not doing that? I'm just saying guys like that are a segment that's out there, for sure. Not sure exactly how common, but common enough that I've had a few girls complain to me about those guys, and that I've witnessed those things I described.
Old 05-04-2016, 03:48 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Click-bait. All these info is available for free on the Vietnamese sex forums so there's really no reason to pay him.

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post those guys who have written Fr regarding online girls can pm me asking for contacts, lurkers or zero posters and just stay away...
Old 05-04-2016, 05:21 PM
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double post -- got hung up from my phone so I retyped (see below) on laptop

Last edited by Wendella; 05-04-2016 at 06:00 PM.
Old 05-04-2016, 05:34 PM
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Re: Team Hoian vs Team TomMAffolter

This is not part of the Hoian Tom debate so it doesn't seem to merit being moved to a fight thread. We were discussing valid issues in Vietnam in a way that I don't think is personal or troll-like.


Those were just 3 examples that I mentioned. I also alluded to one girl who filled me in and said the way it was that night is common at that place, at least. I also have plenty of observations of my own of being out and seeing Vn guys and it not being like that. But it doens't make the ones who were like that go away.

Look, how about we try this. If you are in touch with any motorbike girls or street walkers who are in a low priced VN scene, just ask these kinds of questions. Don't set it up to lead her to refute it. Ask open questions. Actually this would need to be one who trusts you and will open up a bit. Ask if she has to deal with customers who are too aggressive, or try to do things in a more forceful style. Or if she deals with sadistic customers sometimes. How common. Ask about how drunk customers are. Or the big group of drinking buddies who egg each other on. And even about bareback, how often she's asked to do that, or if she is sometimes forced to. I'm comfortable hearing whatever you come back with.

I sense that you want it to be as good as you seem to think it is, but I think it might be rose colored glasses situation. From what I've seen and heard, there is some nastiness out there. It's not most of them, no. But enough that one can be sure girls working in the lower rungs do get abused.

Last edited by Wendella; 05-04-2016 at 06:34 PM.
Old 05-04-2016, 09:50 PM
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Re: Team Hoian vs Team TomMAffolter

I did share some Wechat gals that were the real deal..whom I met in person by chance. Pretty SYT.... no fake photos. But some guys screw it up... wasted the gals time making her go to cheap motels and stood up the gal. Gave me a lot of trouble also because the gals thought there were my friends. In the end, i thought forget it. I am not a pimp like u and i dun make money out of it. So why bring trouble for myself?

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
...I am still waiting for you to share SOMETHING...
Old 05-04-2016, 10:09 PM
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Re: Team Hoian vs Team TomMAffolter

I have the WhatsApp messages. U want me to print screen and put it here? After that what? U chop off your dick?

Unlike u, I dun like to make up stories. A few guys like Lausung also benefitted from my sharing when they PMed me. Think I recommended him a nice gal-friendly hotel. U can always PM him to confirm this.

How about u? Who are those ppl u said I PMed to "beg for contacts?" It's not like I can do any physical harm to them.

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
you say you share, wheres your proof anyone come on the thread and support what you claim proof so just another one of your lies...thats what you said proof = lie
Old 05-04-2016, 10:46 PM
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Re: Team Hoian vs Team TomMAffolter

Haiz..i did not expect things turn up so bad, let me speak a fair statement here.
First of all i like to thanks Mr hoian for recommending that girl friendly hotel. It is good effort on his side but however i did not stay in that hotel because a counter check with tripadvisor review shows complain of cockroaches. But I do not like to make people upset so i tell Mr hoian i stay in that hotel. But still i express my gratitude for your recommendation.

Originally Posted by hoian View Post
A few guys like Lausung also benefitted from my sharing when they PMed me. Think I recommended him a nice gal-friendly hotel. U can always PM him to confirm this.
If you dont venture into the unknown, you wont gain much.
Old 05-04-2016, 10:55 PM
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Re: Team Hoian vs Team TomMAffolter

I not sure if He is refering to me. But i only tell 1 person in this forum that u ask for contact from me. I dun noe if that person spread around. To clear all these doubts, below is a print screen for your pm to me.

Originally Posted by hoian View Post
How about u? Who are those ppl u said I PMed to "beg for contacts?" It's not like I can do any physical harm to them.
If you dont venture into the unknown, you wont gain much.
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