Re: Premature ejaculation problem from bad to worse
My premature ejaculation problem has improved.
For my case, it's a combination of things I tried, so I'm not too sure which one specifically did the trick, or if all was needed to make it work.
Firstly I continued taking Xanax, as well as popping one extra pill before intercourse. That helped me relax.
Secondly, my FWB started to treat me a little nicer and she was more patient. Although she still has the habit of flying aeroplane now and then, but I would say things have definitely improved between us. Having more frequent sex and being more relaxed with her helps.
If you read my chronicles in the Adult Discussions, she's a busy workaholic person who holds two jobs and can have a very haughty and impatient attitude. Fortunately in recent weeks it got better.
Thirdly I sought variety and started cheonging the legal GL thai scene as an alternative to SBs & my FB. It was still quite bad at first, the premature ejection meant that i completed the deed in a few minutes. Girl and OKT were very happy but I was not. Still, I would say introducing variety and increasing frequency helps.