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Old 16-08-2008, 04:11 PM
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Re: Escapade in Koh Samui

Originally Posted by dmtpl View Post
Just read yr thread. I must say that you are one lucky guy.
And i wud like to share this to all the bros reading this.

That your experience is not uncommon in the Travel and Airline Industry.

I myself have had similar experiences and know of others who have just
spontainiously joined a customer like you for a quick (and more importantly)
free holiday.

So I think that this should encourage all you single Samster's out ther to try your luck like this.
Like someone wrote timing is important ! to share your experiences with us? there was another bro who has shared his experience with an air stewardess he meet in NZ in another thread.

my guess is that if u ask 10 air stewardess, chances are 1 or 2 have ever joined and travelled for a short holiday with a passanger she met on the flight.
Old 16-08-2008, 05:36 PM
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Re: Escapade in Koh Samui

Originally Posted by goofybaby69 View Post

She began to undress me slowly and gave me a catbath at the same.
She took my manhood in her hand and gave me a slow and nice deep bj . She told me that she had fantasized all evening about having my manhood and all she wanted was to make love to me at my place.
We had great sex and cuddled the whole night in bed and we laid there watching the sun come up. This was a very good end to a Friday night.

No sure if she could be my potential future FB, I have not suggested that to her yet just in case I will offend her.
It has been a year since I’ve last updated my escapade with the chio travel agent.


We continued to meet up once a week for a drink after work over the next few months, (even though I wish I could see her every). She prefers that we take thing slowly while she tries to sort things out with boyfriend. The problem is that, she still finds it difficult let go-off him despite what he has done (he has continue to 2-timing her).

Every time we met for drink, she told me the same old story that her bf wants to continue the relationship with her as well as with the other girl because he loves them both such as much (what bullshit is this la?) Even though I was patient since day one but I think patient has a limit too. I had increasingly became impatient with her as I could not figure out what went through her mind and what is she thinking. What is it that her bf has that she can’t bear to break off the relationship? It seems like her bf has a stronghold on her somehow, did this guy placed charms over her or what? She can’t be so blind right? Putting up with such nonsense. I told her we are not living in our grandfather era where the towkay can keep 2 or 3 wives living under the same roof and that she must break up if he insists to keep the relationship with the other girl. Beside I am a much better person than him (any Tom, Dick and Harry would be a better person than this selfish bastard).

To be continued….

Last edited by goofybaby69; 16-08-2008 at 06:00 PM.
Old 16-08-2008, 05:55 PM
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Re: Escapade in Koh Samui

interesting story you got there, kind of like it
it sounds like you are slowly falling for this girl

pardon my 5 cents worth of comment for thoughts

she came to you because her BF is two timing, so your first fling highly possible that she do it out of revenge
she may slowly feel comfortable with you after few dates, so if you still want to treat her like a FB, you have to be honest
i'm sure she is mature enough to decide

if you feel that you want to take over the role of BF, then better stay loyal and no fucking around (at least for awhile )
else, if she take revenge again and you find out while you still have feeling for her
you can fell quite shitty
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Old 17-08-2008, 01:31 AM
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Re: Escapade in Koh Samui

Originally Posted by skirtchaser639 View Post
interesting story you got there, kind of like it

so if you still want to treat her like a FB, you have to be honest
i'm sure she is mature enough to decide

if you feel that you want to take over the role of BF, then better stay loyal and no fucking around (at least for awhile )
else, if she take revenge again and you find out while you still have feeling for her
you can fell quite shitty
After talking and seeking advices from some experienced senior bro here. It’s best to keep her as a FB, be there for her whenever she needs a good fuck instead of getting emotionally involved in trying to take over the role of being her bf.

She has been my FB since then.
Old 17-08-2008, 02:12 PM
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Re: Escapade in Koh Samui

Originally Posted by goofybaby69 View Post
After...She has been my FB since then.
Great! Good for you to have a great find.
Still trying my luck to net a
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Old 17-08-2008, 04:44 PM
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good story bro...hope you have more to share....below is just a short incident, just like to share and not to steal ur thread...

last year august, was trying to have a short getaway, and went to book a resort in bintan, cos' i dint wan to fly anywhere else... i checkin to the resort in the late morning...and decided to go swimming and tryin to get a tan in the pool... while tanning, a Singaporean gal came over and ask me whether the bench beside me was taken, a very nice chio gal... anyway, it wasnt taken, so, told her she can hve it and continue tanning... then suddenly, she started to talk to me, saying, she was alone here and tryin to find someone to talk to. so, started to chat with her...and to cut it short, we did have "fun" together for the next few days...i even requested to move next to her room where it has a connecting room... big roaming place for us...keke....and definitely lot of actions... unexpected sensual event....

guess, ladies' luck was with me then...

sorry bro goofybaby69, didnt mean to snatch your thread. just tryin to share...
Old 17-08-2008, 04:54 PM
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Re: Escapade in Koh Samui

No problem, the more people share, the merrier.
That's the purpose of this thread.
It goes to prove that having an escapade with someone u just met on a holiday, at the travel agency or on a flight is possible.
Old 17-08-2008, 07:13 PM
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Re: Escapade in Koh Samui

show some of ur koi samui photo lehz..mosic ur face lar!!!!
Old 18-08-2008, 02:06 AM
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Re: Escapade in Koh Samui

Originally Posted by MrBBBJ View Post
show some of ur koi samui photo lehz..mosic ur face lar!!!!
since she is not a FL, it's not right for me to post photos. sorry lah.
Old 18-08-2008, 02:15 AM
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Re: Escapade in Koh Samui

Please carry on your story! Dun worry about people zapping. If you are good, then people will give your points.

Will up you once my humble points recharges!
Old 18-08-2008, 09:49 AM
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Re: Escapade in Koh Samui

Thanks for sharing, so now you keep her as your FB liao
Old 21-08-2008, 12:53 AM
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Re: Escapade in Koh Samui

Originally Posted by TommyPingPong View Post
Please carry on your story! Dun worry about people zapping. If you are good, then people will give your points.

Will up you once my humble points recharges!
Thanks Ping Pong..
Nothing interesting really happen apart from having great sex now tt we have become FB..
Old 29-12-2008, 09:13 AM
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Re: Escapade in Koh Samui

goofybaby69, i was wondering the whole story did u make up when i read up initially. But if it's really true, u're a lucky chap. Be patience & sincere towards her. If u respect her, dont post all those happenings with her in here.

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