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Old 19-09-2024, 06:44 PM
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Re: The Janitor's Sex Slave

thank you all for supporting my story. please enjoy sending me your direct messages too.
Old 24-09-2024, 04:58 PM
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Originally Posted by mannya View Post
Look forward to more updates!
please stay tuned. thank you!
Old 24-09-2024, 04:59 PM
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Originally Posted by somit50 View Post
What the people she worked with did not know was what she had been like during her time as a student.
that makes me very curious indeed
Old 24-09-2024, 05:31 PM
WonderQ WonderQ is offline
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Good story
Sibei wet

Originally Posted by JoeWhite1 View Post
Lying face down on the desk and spread wide open, Marivie was amazed at her feeling of fulfilment at having been fucked so roughly by the old cleaner. It did not make sense that she should feel satisfied with the way she had been treated so roughly, but she had almost no time to analyze her feelings before she was assaulted by the other cleaners. From how she had reacted to their colleague fucking her, it was obvious to the other two that Marivie would not struggle or complain about whatever they compelled her to do. They were not educated, so they were unaware of the existence of submissive females, but they could see that she had welcomed and enjoyed everything that the first man had done to her.

The younger of the two remaining cleaners soon took up his position behind Marivie and unbuckled his shorts, which he let fall to the floor. Without bothering to free his feet from the shorts, he fumbled with his underwear to allow his erection to escape the confines of the thin material. As soon as he had pulled his cock out of his underwear, he wasted no time in ramming it into Marivie’s exposed cunt, which was still dripping sperm that had been deposited there by her first assailant. Using this cum as a lubricant, he began to fuck Marivie so rapidly that her stomach was banged again and again against the desk. As her body was forced back and forth on the surface of the desk by the rapidity of his fucking, Marivie’s tits were scraped painfully on the desk through the thin fabric of her bra.

He also pulled her head to the side so that her face was mashed against the desk and facing the last cleaner. This was an older man of about 50 years old. He had also dropped his shorts and his underwear, so that his veiny cock head was pointing directly at Marivie’s mouth. He wasted no time in moving closer to the desk and lifted his wrinkled ball sack, ordering Marivie to kiss and lick it. She struggled to do so because of the intense fucking that she was receiving from the rear, but somehow she managed to extend her tongue and start to lick his sweaty balls. The unwashed smell assailed her nostrils, but she inhaled it as if it were an expensive perfume. Then, the man pushed his body closer to her mouth so that it was suddenly filled with his greying pubic hair at the base of his cock. The hair filled her mouth and almost choked her. In fact, some strands of hair came free from his body and she could feel them move backwards on her tongue to irritate her throat.

However, she did not have time to think about what he was doing because of the sudden flood of cum that filled her cunt for the second time in a few minutes. At the same time, the older man pulled back slightly from her mouth, and pulling back his foreskin, he urged her to suck his pulsing purple cock head. While the smell of sweat from his balls had been unpleasant but bearable, the smell that escaped from his exposed cock almost caused Marivie to gag. She could see that there was a whitish secretion around the base of his cock head that was the cause of the foul smell that she had to breathe in through her open mouth.

The smell was not the worst that she had to endure, as he grabbed her hair and pushed his dirty cock into her mouth. The taste on her tongue was like rancid cheese, and along with the pubic hairs that were irritating her throat, Marivie thought that she might vomit, especially as the man thrust his cock deeper into her mouth.

The cleaner sensed that she might vomit, so he warned her not to. “If you dare to throw up on my cock, I swear that I’ll hurt you so bad that it will take weeks for you to recover. I’ll cut off your nipples with a rusty razor blade, so just hold on until I’m done with you.”

The thought of having her nipples cut off almost made Marivie faint, so she focused her mind on the feeling of the cum that was flowing freely from her cunt and running down her legs. Somehow, she managed to resist the urge to vomit, and fortunately, it did not take long before the older man finished fucking her mouth and deposited his sperm deep into her throat.

“Now, swallow,” he ordered, and Marivie obeyed without hesitation so that her stomach received the mixture of cum, the smelly secretion from his cock and pubic hair all mixed together.

Exhausted, Marivie lay face down, ass and cunt raised and exposed, dress pulled up around her waist, tits aching from being pulled back and forth on the desk, nose still filled with the disgusting smells she had been exposed to, and tried to make sense of what had just happened to her.

However, the main thought that she had was that she deserved to be treated like this – and she desired more.
Old 29-09-2024, 09:44 AM
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Re: The Janitor's Sex Slave

more to come
Old 19-02-2025, 06:03 PM
JoeWhite1 JoeWhite1 is offline
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Re: The Janitor's Sex Slave

When the cleaners had finished using Marivie for their sexual pleasure, they compounded her embarrassment by laughing and making rude comments about her appearance. Marivie knew that she was a mess, with her dress pushed up around her waist, her normally immaculate hair streaked with spit from the mouth of the cleaner who had fucked her mouth, cum was dripping down her legs from her ravaged cunt, but to hear the foul language used by the cleaner as they described how degraded she looked made her blush and cringe. She just wanted the earth to open up and swallow her. She just wanted to be left alone. She just wanted the dirty and foul-mouthed cleaners to go.

But she also wanted them to continue abusing her body and her feelings.

Although this was what Marivie secretly longed for, she was afraid to let the cleaners know how their treatment of her had satisfied long-repressed desires. However, she need not have worried because what she did not know was that while she was sucking the cock of the last cleaner, the first man who had fucked her had turned on the camera on his mobile phone and he had videoed her face including close-ups of how she had licked his sweaty balls and then her expression of disgust as she smelled the foul secretions that became visible as he pulled back his foreskin.

The cleaners left the office, and left Marivie to adjust her clothes and try to make herself look normal as she prepared to leave the office and go home. Home was the house where she had been born and raised by her parents. Her 2 brothers had left when they married and started their own families, and later both her mother and then her father had died. So, Marivie was alone in a 3-bedroom house that was really too big for her needs. However, she could not bear the thought of selling the house because of the memories that it held for her.

Her mind was still reeling from the physical, sexual and verbal abuse she had just received from the trio of cleaners, so she was unaware of the fact that it was obvious that she had just been fucked because she reeked of sex from the cum that continued to ooze from her well-fucked cunt, her dress was stained with cum and spit, and her hair was still messy. Marivie was unaware, but the toda driver she approached to drive her home in his tuktuk tricycle was only too aware of how she looked and smelled. His eyes lit up when he realized that she was half-dazed and not fully conscious. This driver was typical of so many tuktuk tricycle drivers in Manila. He had long greasy hair, he was unshaven, he smelled of cigarette smoke and sweat, and he was dressed in a stained T-shirt and shorts and flipflop plastic sandals. In short, he was someone who Marivie would not have taken any notice of until that evening.

When she mumbled the address of her house, he nodded casually and was about to start the tricycle engine when he noticed that Marivie was finding it difficult to climb into the passenger seat. So, he walked behind her and helped her to enter. However, instead of taking her arm to help her enter, he placed one hand on her ass and the other around her middle just underneath her boobs. Then he pushed and lifted at the same time. Marivie felt herself being raised off the ground and propelled into the passenger seat, but she also felt the toda driver’s hands moving around and squeezing her ass and the bottom of her boobs.

When she didn’t protest at him groping her, the driver became even bolder in his actions. Marivie sat down and, in doing so, trapped his hand under her ass. The driver could not remove his hand, but he was able to shift the hand that was groping her boobs to her legs where her dress had ridden up. Unconsciously, Marivie opened her legs which allowed the driver to slide his grimy hand up between her legs and begin to probe her sopping wet cunt.

Marivie had not yet recovered from being assaulted by the three cleaners, and she was still mentally in a state of submission to whatever a man or men wanted to do to use her body. The toda driver was delighted at having found a female passenger who made no protest as he roughly probed her cunt with his finger, and then wriggled his other hand so that he could force a finger into her ass. She was now impaled on his fingers which were dirty and with ragged fingernails.

The toda driver looked around furtively and reluctantly withdrew his fingers from Marivie’s ass and cunt because they were in a public place and he could see that there were other customers looking for a toda to ride home. He was horny, but not so horny that he dared to risk being accosted by a passerby or even worse by a policeman. So, he roughly pulled Marivie’s dress down and slid into the driver’s seat. Then he started the engine and drove off into the evening traffic.

The jolting of the toda as the driver stopped and started abruptly in the heavy traffic of Makati roused Marivie from her stupor. She only vaguely recollected that the driver had done something that he shouldn’t have, but she was too tired to try to remember what exactly had happened. Instead, she let her mind return to the events of the evening in her office. She knew that she should have been repulsed by what had taken place, but deep down she rejoiced at having been used in such a casual manner by those vile men.

The memory of being forced to suck a cock smelling like rancid cheese and of being fucked twice while being held face down on her desk made her feel disgusted yet enthralled. And these mixed feelings continued to play through Marivie’s mind until the toda turned into the side street where she lived. The house that Marivie’s parents had bought was at the end of the street and set back from the road with a 10-meter long garden in front. This garden was more like a smallholding than a city garden as her father had planted fruit trees and banana plants, and after his death Marivie had let it grow wild. The garden was now overgrown and almost hid the house from view of the neighbors.

That is why there were no witnesses to how the toda driver helped Marivie to alight from the tricycle and half carry her to her house. Marivie was thankful for the arm that supported her and helped her to walk to the front door. The fact that a hand also cupped her breast seemed almost natural after what had occurred at her office. At the door, Marivie fumbled in her handbag for money to pay the driver and also for the key to the door. She was trying to hold the bag, take some notes out and also look for the key, but in her exhausted and confused state she was unable to juggle these items successfully.

So, when the toda driver took the key to the door from her, she did not protest, but instead allowed him to insert the key in the lock and open the door for her. Then, he helped her to enter the house and he steered her into the living room where she collapsed on the couch. She did not notice that the driver had left the house even though she was still clutching the money for his fare in her hand.

However, the driver was not leaving without payment. His aim was to return to his tricycle and move it off the road into the garden where it would be concealed from view of any curious neighbor. Having done this to his satisfaction, he returned to the house and, after closing the front door behind him, he locked it with the key which he put into a pocket of his stained shorts.
Old 20-02-2025, 03:50 PM
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Re: The Janitor's Sex Slave

Nice bro, keep it coming
Old 03-03-2025, 05:48 PM
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please keep supporting. thank you!
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