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Old 08-11-2006, 12:25 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by qbdp
Pablo Aimar...this guy is a fantastic player and would be a good addition to Liverpool's squad.
No way we would have got him then (Rafa's first season), given Rafa's relations with the Valencia board, he would have cost a bomb. Now he is at Zaragoza, maybe got chance?
Old 08-11-2006, 03:00 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by beck7777
I always thought Rafa will bring Aimar to Anfield in his 1st season...
Isn't Aimar his fave when he still coaching Valencia?

Precisely, bonus is that he's fast with loads of fighting spirit. At Valencia he's either never in the 1st squad or he's not fielded. Wasted!
The poor boy was dying to cross over. Given his relationship with Rafa i thot this season he's ours.
Indulgence - A Whole Weekend of Carlsberg and Liverpool
Old 08-11-2006, 03:05 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by DeKuip
Ah Frank hor... Arsenal win no good meh?

so u r the one going around calling our beloved liverpool cheebye pool in the arsenal thread huh,it might be humouros to u but its not funny to us.

U cross yr bridge, we walk our path. Pls don't use our club name as yr entertainment
Indulgence - A Whole Weekend of Carlsberg and Liverpool
Old 08-11-2006, 10:45 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Let me be the proud SBF supporter of the Liverpool fan club:

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Liverpool wansui!!!!!!!!!!!!
Old 08-11-2006, 11:15 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by ConAir
Liverpool wansui!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like your wansui.

Wansui..wansui..wanwan sui Liverpool.

Tonight Carling cup: Birmingham v Liverpool

Hopefully Boss send out a reserve team with a few experienced players only. We need all our senior players this coming huge match this Saturday!

Liverpool should nick 1 goal.
Old 08-11-2006, 12:13 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by ah_gogo
Precisely, bonus is that he's fast with loads of fighting spirit. At Valencia he's either never in the 1st squad or he's not fielded. Wasted!
The poor boy was dying to cross over. Given his relationship with Rafa i thot this season he's ours.
but he is really small... i'm afraid he might not make the grade just like luis garcia... it seems really tough for people to come and play in the epl from the spanish league... unless you're psycho like sissoko(punt intended)...
Anyone with info on FL, WL or HC with mature ladies having huge huge huge ass and big breast do pm me... thanks!!!
Old 08-11-2006, 03:51 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by adamking80
but he is really small... i'm afraid he might not make the grade just like luis garcia... it seems really tough for people to come and play in the epl from the spanish league... unless you're psycho like sissoko(punt intended)...

Sigh... different playing style in the La Liga. Morientes played a slower game when he was a Pool, now at Valencia he's back to his scoring days
Some adapt differently ba.. matter of how much passion u have to play =)

Yup, we need all the energy we have for this sat. Hopefully tonight all the younger players in the reserve can clear the scene.
Indulgence - A Whole Weekend of Carlsberg and Liverpool
Old 08-11-2006, 04:37 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by adamking80
but he is really small... i'm afraid he might not make the grade just like luis garcia... it seems really tough for people to come and play in the epl from the spanish league... unless you're psycho like sissoko(punt intended)...
Well EPL is really a physical league and it does help if you are strong..

But it really depends on how you adapt to it...

It might be a poor example but look at SWP... he is small but he is good enough to play in almost any team in the EPL... of cos la he is born English...

But how about Zola? He is small and skillful and Aimar is similar to him..
Zola did well and was voted one of the best few foreign players to grace the EPL and the best ever foreign player to play for Chelski...

just MHO...
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Old 08-11-2006, 07:52 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Why Paisley is still the greatest manager of all time by Lawrenson

Former Liverpool defender Mark Lawrenson insists Bob Paisley remains untouchable as the number one British manger of all-time.

Lawrenson's claim comes in the week that Alex Ferguson, the most successful of manager of the Premiership era, celebrates his 20th year in charge of Manchester United.

But while the plaudits continue to rain down on Ferguson, Lawrenson believes Paisley's record haul of three European Cups, compared to Ferguson's one, means there can be no comparison when it comes to the question of 'who is the greatest?'

"If Sir Alex Ferguson did take time to reflect on his 20th anniversary as manager of Manchester United yesterday I bet one regret was at the forefront of his mind. Because personally, I don't think he has won enough European Cups - and I think he knows that too," he says.

"Of course, you can't argue with his record or deny his greatness, but what's the greatest honour in club football? It's being champions of Europe and I think Fergie will be disappointed that he hasn't taken those chances to add to the one success in 1999.

"This is why, in terms of who the greatest manager in English football history is, I go for Bob Paisley. I know everyone has their favourites in this debate - Clough, Busby, Stein, etc - and I know I'm biased because Bob signed me for Liverpool.

"But the fact is he won the European Cup three times and is the only manager in history to have done it. It's the most difficult test and it's a great achievement to do it once, which Ferguson deserves credit for.

"But then Rafael Benitez has done it once. And Jose Mourinho. And Jock Stein and Matt Busby. And Brian Clough broke up Paisley's monopoly of the trophy by taking it twice.

"But out of all these great managers, the man who won three in just five years is my personal number one and I have a feeling that even if Ferguson goes on for another 20 years , he'll never match what Paisley did on the continent."
Old 08-11-2006, 08:07 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

yup i m with lawrenson,bob paisely should have been knighted.the greateast ever manager.not many managers win the european cup 3 times.
Old 08-11-2006, 08:13 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

the striker who broke all records.
Old 08-11-2006, 08:21 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

the pictures tell the story stevie g.
Old 08-11-2006, 08:40 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

they call him the king of the kop.
Old 08-11-2006, 10:44 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by breastlover
I like your wansui.

Wansui..wansui..wanwan sui Liverpool.

Tonight Carling cup: Birmingham v Liverpool

Hopefully Boss send out a reserve team with a few experienced players only. We need all our senior players this coming huge match this Saturday!

Liverpool should nick 1 goal.
GOD will score one... the other one will be Pennant...
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Old 08-11-2006, 10:48 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by ah_gogo
Sigh... different playing style in the La Liga. Morientes played a slower game when he was a Pool, now at Valencia he's back to his scoring days
Some adapt differently ba.. matter of how much passion u have to play =)

Yup, we need all the energy we have for this sat. Hopefully tonight all the younger players in the reserve can clear the scene.

Guess for Nando, it was all abt the enironment he was in, just couldn't settle in well... but look at Kuyt, he looks like he's been plying his trade in EPL for ages!

Yep, hope we'll continue to do well and start winning away from home on time for the visit to arsenal...
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