The Legal Geylang (prostitute) SceneHad a great time with a government approved broad in Geylang? Tell us all about it! No FREELANCE crap here please. Legal commercial sex only. Threads about illegal Geylang whores carry a reputation point penalty.
Oh.. i have not tried G8 yet.. saw a few times but didnt try..
Better don’t spend your spend money on her instead same money eat good durian or full course meal with little bit of top go to rise@mbs lol , I tried twice one short time same attitude, next thought may be it’s because of short time next I tried 2times same fucking attitude .
Sorry for her regulars if you got hurt by my comment but atleast I’m reducing queue for her regulars . For me it’s only g20 and 32 who are consistent with their service and exg7
Bit im thinking to reduce my visit for some other reasons not for service
G32 I don’t like her teeth she needs to clear up of her teeth inner lower part of teeth is not good , sometime I up because small head dominant but after deed big head wakes up and scolds small head it’s a constant fight between big and small head
Sometime I wise I never found/discover this forum … there’s always internal fight going on between darkness and bright sun
Originally Posted by Flyingdisc
Better don’t spend your spend money on her instead same money eat good durian or full course meal , I tried twice one short time same attitude, next thought may be it’s because of short time next I tried 2times same fucking attitude .
Sorry for her regulars if you got hurt by my comment but atleast I’m reducing your queue . For me it’s only g20 and 32 who are consistent with their service and exg7 but hygiene is still questionable
Guys I’m talking on all behalf of all samster here I have no bad intention of bring down any girl they are here for some reason and hardship I understand but it also about our own health and our loved ones back to home
Example see 32 inner portion of her lower teeth
Last edited by Flyingdisc; 18-08-2024 at 06:01 AM.
U two are clone going to stir shit again ? U know wats the consequences..
Those hit g20 again an no point pointing here again and again until guys have some other intention…
Most of them know wat g20 is capable of and its up to samster and else wat happens behind the door .
If they give you bad service can sure bring it here so samster can save their money, else she fucks raw or with plastic on’s up to her .. if she offers raw u r free to politely decline and use rubber and next time decide whether to go for her or not .
It’s really up to samster whether to accept the offer or not and ready for appropriate cause and affect.
If you really concerned about Samster they got their own big head and small head and they will take appropriate decisions based on their capability,,,it’s noneof our business Eod .
If she caps/raw it’s up to u to decide .. inte guiding/sugesting in the forum won’t change anything here .. as all samsters including me are controlled by two brain small one under pant and big one :. Which one control which it’s the endless fight we all samsterstes struggling here and that’s the reason we are here ..
I try to quit sbf many times but I’m always here after few months sigh and lol …
Last edited by Flyingdisc; 18-08-2024 at 05:54 AM.
I am not her rwgular but i have tried her a few times as during peak hours she is the only one available... anyway that was quite some time back. Alyhough he felt very commercial but service wise was quite reasonable back then.... maybe she changed..... im not sure as i have not tried her recently as she is getting busy these days....
Those hit g20 again an no point pointing here again and again until guys have some other intention…
Most of them know wat g20 is capable of and its up to samster and else wat happens behind the door .
If they give you bad service can sure bring it here so samster can save their money, else she fucks raw or with plastic on’s up to her .. if she offers raw u r free to politely decline and use rubber and next time decide whether to go for her or not .
The dumb F needs to be considerate. Some extend session by session. Hearsay she’s not allowed for extension session and cap at 2 per customer.
Wow u really took the effort to find the right picture.... great effort......👍👍👍
But in reality to be fair, she looks better than that.....😄😄😄
Apart from her ass nothing good about her, if she got so much attitude why to join as pro…imagine you join as developer or some mech engineer and you say I only do xyz development and no abc development for sure his firing letter will be on his table next morning
Better don’t spend your spend money on her instead same money eat good durian or full course meal with little bit of top go to rise@mbs lol , I tried twice one short time same attitude, next thought may be it’s because of short time next I tried 2times same fucking attitude .
Sorry for her regulars if you got hurt by my comment but atleast I’m reducing queue for her regulars . For me it’s only g20 and 32 who are consistent with their service and exg7...
Agree, let this G8 always sit on the bench. And I know the ladies have access to this web as well...
"Cô số 8, nếu cô đang đọc những ḍng này, chúng tôi mong cô sẽ nhanh chóng trở về Việt Nam. Mỗi lần nh́n thấy bạn ngồi trên ghế sofa, chúng tôi đều cười v́ t́nh trạng tồi tệ của bạn. Bạn xứng đáng bị thiếu khách hàng. hihihi"
Agree, let this G8 always sit on the bench. And I know the ladies have access to this web as well...
"Cô số 8, nếu cô đang đọc những ḍng này, chúng tôi mong cô sẽ nhanh chóng trở về Việt Nam. Mỗi lần nh́n thấy bạn ngồi trên ghế sofa, chúng tôi đều cười v́ t́nh trạng tồi tệ của bạn. Bạn xứng đáng bị thiếu khách hàng. hihihi"
Not sure why is this necessary. No good just don’t visit lo
Agree, let this G8 always sit on the bench. And I know the ladies have access to this web as well...
"Cô số 8, nếu cô đang đọc những ḍng này, chúng tôi mong cô sẽ nhanh chóng trở về Việt Nam. Mỗi lần nh́n thấy bạn ngồi trên ghế sofa, chúng tôi đều cười v́ t́nh trạng tồi tệ của bạn. Bạn xứng đáng bị thiếu khách hàng. hihihi"
I think I can use the analogy of jack grealish playing for man city.
He can only sit on the bench while playing for Guardiola
While he would still be a star if he stayed at Aston Villa 😂
I do agree with bros here that this is uncalled for.... not that i am her supporter or want to defend her.... just that i feel if you think she is not suitable for you, den more on to the next one... not everybody can click with each other, we just need to trial and error....
Not sure why is this necessary. No good just don’t visit lo
Originally Posted by galaxyass
I do agree with bros here that this is uncalled for.... not that i am her supporter or want to defend her.... just that i feel if you think she is not suitable for you, den more on to the next one... not everybody can click with each other, we just need to trial and error.... ��
I share the FR with the initial thoughts warning the bros here so that we can help each other to save money and we don't even need to trial and error if needed. If people like you just diam diam keep quiet and move on and act nothing happen, then stay at your own means but don't bring the moral topic here and advise people on this.
Not trying to rant and spam this forum but surprisingly once this G8 is being exposed, so many bros came out to share it. It just need a spark to light a fire.
I share the FR with the initial thoughts warning the bros here so that we can help each other to save money and we don't even need to trial and error if needed. If people like you just diam diam keep quiet and move on and act nothing happen, then stay at your own means but don't bring the moral topic here and advise people on this.
Not trying to rant and spam this forum but surprisingly once this G8 is being exposed, so many bros came out to share it. It just need a spark to light a fire.
I agree with you that we have to expose those prima Donna WLs who shortchange us and give fxxkup services. Many of us don't have the time and money for trial and errors. We will normally zoom in base on good reviews by fellow chiongsters and that is really helpful. Thanks to all those bros who exposed those landmines so the rest of us will not be wounded.
I agree with you that we have to expose those prima Donna WLs who shortchange us and give fxxkup services. Many of us don't have the time and money for trial and errors. We will normally zoom in base on good reviews by fellow chiongsters and that is really helpful. Thanks to all those bros who exposed those landmines so the rest of us will not be wounded.
Fully agree on this . Thou as the saying says one man: meat might be another man's poison, different people different taste and they treat everyone differently based on what they see.and like. I tried her once when she just came and never rtf. Lol
Those hit g20 again an no point pointing here again and again until guys have some other intention…
Most of them know wat g20 is capable of and its up to samster and else wat happens behind the door .
If they give you bad service can sure bring it here so samster can save their money, else she fucks raw or with plastic on’s up to her .. if she offers raw u r free to politely decline and use rubber and next time decide whether to go for her or not .
It’s really up to samster whether to accept the offer or not and ready for appropriate cause and affect.
If you really concerned about Samster they got their own big head and small head and they will take appropriate decisions based on their capability,,,it’s noneof our business Eod .
If she caps/raw it’s up to u to decide .. inte guiding/sugesting in the forum won’t change anything here .. as all samsters including me are controlled by two brain small one under pant and big one :. Which one control which it’s the endless fight we all samsterstes struggling here and that’s the reason we are here ..
I try to quit sbf many times but I’m always here after few months sigh and lol …
My fellow Singaporean chiongster (some from Malaysia) thank you for your feedback, maybe you focus the wrong point , it is not about big head small head deciding wat ? It is about the post posted potentially defamatory and which constitutes harassment. All these clone account has alleged excused many wl here posting untrue comments bout wl has sexually transmitted diseases. Talking bout raw la The fact that this shop can continue to operate is proof that the working ladies here have passed their mandatory and regular health screenings. The previous clone whackitout, duakeeliao, Ishaky account has been repeatedly making untrue allegations few wl here .. This has caused great distress to few wl and her colleagues as well as regular customers. That’s y we request moderators to clean up the pest by banning these clones . We don’t want garment to issue another “renovation “ order to this garden . I urge that all of us stay united & chiong happily since garment allow legal house ..I oso believe that new clone will be here to disrupt this thread long as we stay united to fight all these clone we will be succeed to make sillypore a better place & better garden to play safely . We can achieve together through “Forward Chiongster” …