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Old 26-05-2022, 10:21 PM
shinjuko shinjuko is offline
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Re: Fucking (the?) Uptight and Annoying Sister in Law

Oh fuck, can't wait for next update!
Old 27-05-2022, 02:18 AM
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Re: Fucking (the?) Uptight and Annoying Sister in Law

Great story
Old 27-05-2022, 03:41 AM
Gabi Gabi is offline
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Re: Fucking (the?) Uptight and Annoying Sister in Law

Very well written, hoping to read more updates
Old 27-05-2022, 06:30 AM
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Re: Fucking (the?) Uptight and Annoying Sister in Law

Originally Posted by shinjuko View Post
Oh fuck, can't wait for next update!
Same here as well too
Old 27-05-2022, 06:35 AM
AmpedUp AmpedUp is offline
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Re: Fucking (the?) Uptight and Annoying Sister in Law

Originally Posted by johnl View Post
Great story
Very true bro
Old 27-05-2022, 07:02 AM
justin69 justin69 is offline
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Re: Fucking (the?) Uptight and Annoying Sister in Law

Getting excited!!
Old 27-05-2022, 10:09 AM
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Originally Posted by justin69 View Post
Getting excited!!
Yes me too, cheers!
Old 27-05-2022, 01:29 PM
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Re: Fucking (the?) Uptight and Annoying Sister in Law

Originally Posted by Stevevaldez View Post
I gave my SIL’s breast a firm squeeze, but I continued to pretend to be asleep. My palm started to rubbed her nipples as my fingers continued to squeeze uncontrollably. Why was her bra PADLESS??? She didn’t want her breasts to look bigger than they already ah??? My palm shifted until her nipple was between my 3rd and 4th finger, using the gap to ‘giap’ and arouse her. My SIL was obviously aroused…… Her body was moving so much, twisting in pleasure.

I was about to bring my other hand to play with BOTH her breasts…

She got up!
Upz you for an awesome story.

Why did she get up? Will she continue or stop suddenly?

Camping here for more juicy updates please.
Old 27-05-2022, 09:31 PM
basewang basewang is offline
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Re: Fucking (the?) Uptight and Annoying Sister in Law

Originally Posted by justin69 View Post
Getting excited!!
Yes, me too!
Old 28-05-2022, 09:34 AM
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Re: Fucking (the?) Uptight and Annoying Sister in Law

Waiting patiently for your update! Very very detailed sharing bro! Thumbs up!
Old 28-05-2022, 12:59 PM
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Re: Fucking (the?) Uptight and Annoying Sister in Law

~ My relationship with my SIL months before my wedding was way worse than what I described here, the amount of disgust and disgruntlement she had towards me was EVERY SINGLE time we came across each other (outside of work)

Just as I was about to reach for her other breast, SIL got up. She was so high! She turned around and hugged my head, planted her lips on mine. It took me by SO MUCH SURPRISE that I couldn’t even react, to some extent, my erection went away again. What the fuck is happening??? As she kissed my lips madly like some slut, I could only freeze and think. I’ve been wanting to fuck her ever since the wedding morning. I’ve been wanting to see how her breasts look NUDE. 

SIL pulled both my hands to cup her breasts. She obviously wanted me to arouse her nipples.

Was she really that drunk???

Was she even still drunk???

She was so fucking animated and wilded up…….. It made me scared, for some stupid reason…. Now looking back, for some STUPID REASON...... it was a STUPID REASON! I didn’t want to do anything to her. It was a weird struggle. Each time my previously hated SIL wanted me, I didn’t want her. The more she didn’t want me, I YEARNED MORE AND MORE for her! But right now, she was just throwing herself at me! My hands kept dropping from her breasts as she kept rotating between bringing my hands to her breasts while she hugged my head to kiss………

A few more tries later…… I felt SIL’s kissing slow down……… It came to a stop...................


SIL sat beside me, NOT leaning on me either. I peeked, she was resting, relaxed.. Wait, is she sniffing??? FUCK! IS SHE CRYING??? I heard soft sniffs….. FUCK! Is she going to BLAME ME NOW??? I decided to stir a little, see if she tried to help me. Shit. She didn’t, instead, she rushed into my bedroom.......... I heard faint sounds of soft sniffs…….. What have I done????

I got worried, headed into my room and saw her lying on my bed, hugging a pillow. She didn’t see me yet.

What was this?


or does she regret how pathetic she had behaved???

how pathetic her quest for love has been? That she has to lust after her very own brother in law???

Self pity???

I felt her pain, the way she cried, and in that moment, I forgot that she was my SIL….

me : sorry. I fell asleep. you ok?

SIL : huh.

She started to sit up as, quickly putting the pillow aside and hid her face.

me : what’s wrong?

SIL : nothing.

me : come here.

I sat beside her and pulled her in for a hug. She was totally WEAK, she didn’t even push me aside at all! What was this? She wanted to be hugged??? She wanted my attention? I wrapped my arms around her front, even daringly pressing my arm on her chests.

me : cry it out. you feel better.

SIL : no……. I want to drink more…..

me : hey?

She got up and broke free from my hug before I could finish my sentence, headed to the living area.. By the time I caught up with her, she was already drinking for the bottle. I rushed over and stopped her, put the bottle down, she choked a bit from drinking too fast.

me : hey stop this. What’s wrong? Tell me.. please.

I hugged her tight, looked down at her, pressing her lower waist to my body, our eyes connected again but she looked down quickly…..

There was an awkward silence…… I pressed her head on my chest, (she was shorter than me), pat her back. Felt her rest her breasts completely on me.

SIL : am I……………… really that ….. unlovable?

hearing those words from her mouth and feeling her body shiver on mine, it broke my heart. I felt this rush of immediate pity for her.

me : no no no. Why would you even think that?

I lifted her face by the chin and to look at her face, to just check on her.

me : you are a very beautiful woman ok? please know that. You just need someone to stop and realise what a wonderful woman you mmmmm!

My SIL threw her lips at me again, wrapping her arms around my neck, tiptoeing her self so we could lock lips. I stood there, my lips didn’t dare to move. It was like our roles have been reversed, back at the mega suite when I kissed her and she didn’t dare to kiss me back…… She pulled my hands to her breasts, I couldn’t move either, both hands just cupping her breasts, not daring enough to squeeze them, not daring enough to let go as well. They felt so big, but also, IT FELT SO DAMN FUCKING WRONG AND WRONG AND WRONG! How can I do this to my SIL! She’s in such a vulnerable state… and she’s DRUNK! She’s DRUNK! She’s so…… ahhhh… FUCKKKKKK



This felt so damn fucking wrong!!! but also fucking GOOOOOOD!!!!!!!

It wasn’t a skilled move. She clearly didn’t know how to pleasure a guy. She was just holding on to my erection and just squeezing it. SIL probably remembered how I got her to pleasure me at the mega suite but probably couldn’t remember how. She was just squeezing my penis like a squish toy…….


the fact that she’s SO INNOCENT, SO PURE, SO INEXPERIENCED……. (I even forgot to compare her to my wife in that moment, who was a “fast learner”)

I stood there, just letting my lips move, fingers only daring to squeeze gently and minimally……

me : AHHHHHH……

I kissed her back!


My SIl accidentally masturbated my penis up and down a few times, but she stopped, let go of my penis and hugged me tight, the moment I stared to squeeze both her breasts hard and fast. We locked lips like long lost lovers, passionate, both of our eyes shut, both of our hearts THUMPING loud and fast. Even though she was throwing herself at me, I found a new fetish for my SIL.

Previously, it was the TABOO feeling of GETTING HER after bending her UPTIGHT AND FUCKED UP DISGUST TOWARDS ME!

NOW, it was the feeling of taking her innocence……….

I let go of her breasts and lifted my shirt to take it off, guided her head to my hairy chest, she continued to kiss, until she found my nipple. She wasn’t sure…. she didn’t know what to do… she just kept kissing my chest. I lifted her t-shirt and stuck both index fingers into her thin bra…. She really has a lot of the same type, it was the same one I had cummed on that evening during the banquet when I snuck back to the room.


it was poor licking, but it FELT SO DAMN GOOD!

My SIL started to lick my nipple! Probably learning from the way I flick her nipples. GOOD! I sat her down and pulled my penis out of my shorts and briefs, she was confused, look up at me, then at my penis. SIL looked lost and also scared…

SIL : huh?

I pulled my foreskin back and revealed the sticky penis bright red head, pulled her head from behind gently nudging her head to my penis, while I aimed my penis head at her mouth. It touched her lips and she cringed and turned away.

me : try… (I turned her head back and put my penis head on her lips again) kiss……. OARRRHHHH!!
Old 28-05-2022, 02:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Stevevaldez View Post
~ My relationship with my SIL months before my wedding was way worse than what I described here, the amount of disgust and disgruntlement she had towards me was EVERY SINGLE time we came across each other (outside of work)
Bro your cliffhangers are annoying as fuck, but in a good way lol. Can't wait for your next update.
Old 28-05-2022, 04:07 PM
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Re: Fucking (the?) Uptight and Annoying Sister in Law

Ya lor keep playing cliffhanger tmd but v shiok!
Moar plssss!
Old 28-05-2022, 05:33 PM
Givaudan Givaudan is offline
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Re: Fucking (the?) Uptight and Annoying Sister in Law

Nice series of updates TS
Old 28-05-2022, 11:51 PM
rabusto rabusto is offline
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Re: Fucking (the?) Uptight and Annoying Sister in Law

Do continue TS
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