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Old 02-05-2014, 04:13 PM
tomyumgong tomyumgong is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Anyone has experience to share regarding LP Choo Khun phen?

The popular and well known love khun phen made with elephant musk and penis? I just want to hear others experience on this most powerful maha saney khun phen ever made.

I myself got this and have been wearing for a while. take turns with my other amulets. Feeling different...

Some photo to share.

Old 02-05-2014, 04:20 PM
tomyumgong tomyumgong is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Anyone did a quick search online on lp choo and can find more info. but I have extracted key info here for your reference..

How can a sex forum cheongster does not have a LP choo with him when go cheonging. haha

Luang Phor Choo

Without doubt one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful love amulet ever created. Own one of these amulets and you will be amongst a privileged few and that is not an exaggeration.

Luang Phor Choo of Wat Hin-lekfai, Surin Province, was very famous throughout the region for his powerful amulets that could increase worshippers’ charm and sex appeal. Before he was ordained, LP Choo practiced as a Master of Sacred-Sciences having studied extensively ancient Khmer black magic

His specialist discipline and knowledge of love amulets and charms brought him considerable notoriety. It was said that he had helped countless people achieve love through his magic. It was even rumoured that he had many wives and lovers himself.

At some point in his life he made the decision to become a monk and learn Dharma, a decision that changed his life forever, as he remained in the priesthood for the remainder of his life

Despite his change in circumstances his special powers were never forgotten and was approached frequently to help those in need.

So, he made this batch if khun phen called Khun Phen Gua Poh BE.2528 - The elephant power amulets

The ancient sacred Khmer science to create these amulets was known by just a few monks but the ajarn knowledge is unfortunately thought to have died along with LP Choo Guntaviro.

The special formulation used in his amulets requires the use of a waxy secretion from an elephant penis. Many have tried to obtain this and been seriously injured in the process. LP Choo actually had said that unless you possessed the sacred knowledge then obtaining this charming wax was just about impossible. One of the reasons you cannot acquire amulets based on this science any more and what makes these amulets so unique.

This sacred charming wax is known as Gau Poh, and is believed to be full of the sexual power of an elephant, and when used in love amulets can increase the power substantially. It is this sacred wax that forms the basis of LP Choo's amulets, but its not the only component that makes these amulets so special.

In B. E.2528 LP Choo created a series of sacred amulets called “Khun Paen Gua Poh BE.2528, respected for the extreme sacred power to increase ’ charm, sex appeal and good fortune in general.

He only accepted to create this single series at the suggestion of Mr Chinporn because he required urgent funds for a charitable project.


Other than the oily secretion, Goh Poh, collected from mature male bull elephants over 1,000 different sacred powders were acquired to create the ultimate love amulet, in fact more than any other amulet that I am aware of.

It should be of no surprise this includes Plaai Guman powder donated by LP Tim, Wat Lahanrai, collected several years prior. This is genuine pure powder, not a dubious trace quantity as used in many modern day amulets.

-Gua Poh, oil obtained from fierce bull elephants
-Elephant’s penis
-Sacred powder ground from female elephant’s ivory
-Pong Plaai Guman powder of Luang Poo Tim of Wat Laharnrai
-Jindamani powder of Luang Poo Gaew of Wat Laharnrai
-Saboolerd powder (made of a species of Thai plant
-sacred powder from Wat Benjamabopit (Jaokun Norn)
-Gold leaf from Luang Phor Sotorn, the sacred Buddha Image of Chacherngsao province
-Over 1,000 other different sacred powders
-Sacred sand of 32 monks
-Mai Kalong powder, made of a species of Thai plant

Although these amulets are seriously powerful they are not as well known as other sacred love amulets, basically because they were never promoted in media, but over the years they have come to the attention of many and the number of pims to be found in in the market is negligible, in fact extremely rare would more adequately describe the availability. But surprisingly these pims are still affordable, when available.

Sacred Ceremony
The amulets were created on October 28th, B. E.2528, at 10.56 p.m. by many senior monks.

October 28th was a lunar-eclipse believed to be very sacred and the correct time to create love amulets.
Old 02-05-2014, 08:37 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by tomyumgong View Post
Anyone did a quick search online on lp choo and can find more info. but I have extracted key info here for your reference..

How can a sex forum cheongster does not have a LP choo with him when go cheonging. haha

Luang Phor Choo

Bro, sorry. I'm not trying to offend u nor against u. I dun think so monks will made those amulets for cheongsters to cheong for ladies for bedding them or whatever. Anyway, the image of the amulet is Buddha so do u think Buddha will wanna go to cheong together with us & conduct sexual misconduct? Yes, maybe some amulets do help and make wearers in Maha Niyom, Maha Saneh, etc is to help them more charming so that if they work especially in sales line it might help them on their work so they can make & earn money to take care of their families & if u hv good metta u can widen yr social circle. If we really misuse it, I'm very sure very fast we will get backfire very soon. That's why there are so many people have the wrong thinking abt Thai amulets that's why they mistaken all are black magic which is very wrong. Why Buddha taught us to try to keep the "5 precepts" & i'm sure u know very well. No offence Bro. Just my 1 cent opinion.
Old 02-05-2014, 09:51 PM
hunter12 hunter12 is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Red_Wine View Post
Bro, sorry. I'm not trying to offend u nor against u. I dun think so monks will made those amulets for cheongsters to cheong for ladies for bedding them or whatever. Anyway, the image of the amulet is Buddha so do u think Buddha will wanna go to cheong together with us & conduct sexual misconduct? Yes, maybe some amulets do help and make wearers in Maha Niyom, Maha Saneh, etc is to help them more charming so that if they work especially in sales line it might help them on their work so they can make & earn money to take care of their families & if u hv good metta u can widen yr social circle. If we really misuse it, I'm very sure very fast we will get backfire very soon. That's why there are so many people have the wrong thinking abt Thai amulets that's why they mistaken all are black magic which is very wrong. Why Buddha taught us to try to keep the "5 precepts" & i'm sure u know very well. No offence Bro. Just my 1 cent opinion.
Bro red_wine nice say... all traders, seller just because wanna get a high return can ready come out with all sort of stories.. n I really hate it when movie time all bad guys, rapist etc all wear amulets...
Old 02-05-2014, 10:33 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by hunter12 View Post
Bro red_wine nice say... all traders, seller just because wanna get a high return can ready come out with all sort of stories.. n I really hate it when movie time all bad guys, rapist etc all wear amulets...
That's why many people hv the impression of gangsters, bad people, illegal businessmen, etc like to wear amulets or amulets are meant for these. Unless those really black magic(barang) made by those black robe master who are not monk. They used corpse oil & other barang materials which maybe can help us to fulfill our evil thoughts or fast money but I'm sure within 3 years later we will get our backfire. Not all but some dealers really very evil. All they want are just money. They never bother other people's money are hard earn money. Some if them can really sell us a fake amulet but with genuine prices. These type of people actually they do not believeor respect in amulets at all.
Old 04-05-2014, 05:11 PM
tomyumgong tomyumgong is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Red_Wine View Post
Bro, sorry. I'm not trying to offend u nor against u. I dun think so monks will made those amulets for cheongsters to cheong for ladies for bedding them or whatever. Anyway, the image of the amulet is Buddha so do u think Buddha will wanna go to cheong together with us & conduct sexual misconduct? Yes, maybe some amulets do help and make wearers in Maha Niyom, Maha Saneh, etc is to help them more charming so that if they work especially in sales line it might help them on their work so they can make & earn money to take care of their families & if u hv good metta u can widen yr social circle. If we really misuse it, I'm very sure very fast we will get backfire very soon. That's why there are so many people have the wrong thinking abt Thai amulets that's why they mistaken all are black magic which is very wrong. Why Buddha taught us to try to keep the "5 precepts" & i'm sure u know very well. No offence Bro. Just my 1 cent opinion.
Well said. And i fully support you. We can't use any amulets for bad deeds. Whether barang or any thing cause this creates bad karma on us and eventually backfire.

So, the kp i posted of course i got the info online and i myself use it not to do bad things. but my experience is that it improves my maha saney and my miojo and it seems my FB etc are having much better time too. So, i am thinking to collect feedback from fellow cheongsters if they have similar experience. Of course, what i experience may not be due to this KP as well. But it is just to see if a of of cheongters also got similar experience, then may be this amulet does help from that aspect.

BTW, i am not an amulet dealer. But i am a veteran collector for >20 years Just to share.
Old 04-05-2014, 05:14 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

BTW, Information is available online. just google and you can find loads of info about lp choo.
Old 13-05-2014, 06:46 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Hi bro,

Haven't been good and broke off from my relationship and came across this that will help with love life and get back ex

takrut chang pasom khong

Make by Luang pu kian

Any bro can advise?
Old 13-05-2014, 06:29 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by hello1891 View Post
Hi bro,

Haven't been good and broke off from my relationship and came across this that will help with love life and get back ex

takrut chang pasom khong

Make by Luang pu kian

Any bro can advise?

According to lp kian, this takrut chang pason khong is so strong that it can invites in rosy new romance and bring many suitors for your hands. It also gives a boost of romance for lifetime partners who are facing stagnation in feelings. It install romance and feelign of love and respect to you inside the opposite sex.

Suitable to initiate a new love, spice up your existing love life and harvest marriage luck. This is said to be the world's most powerful love amulet ever.

It can make the person who is not interested in to become in love with you
It can also mend a broken relationship or marriage
It can also charm an ex lover back
I can make you popular among your friends, peers and lover
It can Find you money for through good rapport and selling in sales and business
It can give you the power of the leader elephant, always respected and surrounded by members of same or oppoiste sex!!!
Old 13-05-2014, 07:17 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by ctchua View Post
According to lp kian, this takrut chang pason khong is so strong that it can invites in rosy new romance and bring many suitors for your hands. It also gives a boost of romance for lifetime partners who are facing stagnation in feelings. It install romance and feelign of love and respect to you inside the opposite sex.

Suitable to initiate a new love, spice up your existing love life and harvest marriage luck. This is said to be the world's most powerful love amulet ever.

It can make the person who is not interested in to become in love with you
It can also mend a broken relationship or marriage
It can also charm an ex lover back
I can make you popular among your friends, peers and lover
It can Find you money for through good rapport and selling in sales and business
It can give you the power of the leader elephant, always respected and surrounded by members of same or oppoiste sex!!!

Mind to share a pic of this takrut?
Old 14-05-2014, 07:04 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...
Old 14-05-2014, 08:09 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...
Old 15-05-2014, 12:27 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by ctchua View Post
Thanks for sharing the pics, Bro.
Old 15-05-2014, 06:36 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by ctchua View Post

Thank for sharing the post..
Old 25-05-2014, 03:09 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Hi bro,

Any bro know this amulet call 'Soon Teck'? What this amulet is more suitable for?
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