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Old 25-04-2015, 12:42 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by vbkk View Post
Sorry to burst your bubbles. I have only one nick. And I ain't afraid of meeting anyone with this nick. I have never been to china. The closest I went is Hong Kong and Macau for holiday. I seriously think u have too many enemies until u do not know who is who. Please do not associate me with those stealth agents in china or those u know.

I posted because I felt that like what others felt u are doing a very bad job as a moderator and with double standards. This is a fact and not only myself feel this way. And like I mentioned before quite some time ago, if u ever make a trip to Bangkok I would not mind meeting u.

And things like u say,will get my friends to zap u etc ,deleting posts when others brand u a stealth agent and letting other flaming posts alone ,engaging yourself in the fights seriously shows how inadequate u are being a moderator.
you supply coyote gals to the entertainment places in bkk...that makes yo a can claimed whatever..but you never met up anyone before...see only clones that dun exist in world will not be present in any meet up...those guys were in pattaya for songkran...where were you...haha...only can posts as if big scammers to lure your victim...working in cahoot with sapsinmike to con newbies to go - Club to inflate the bills for your big margins...haha...

as a mod I dun report to you...whether I doing a good job or bad job is not up to you to pure jealousy...only stealth agents who hate me for deleting their lure posts hated me...definitely you have an agenda...

I will look at your trail...will not let your posts surfaced in my section if I can prevent it...SBF will be alot safer without you...
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Old 25-04-2015, 12:49 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mwee9999 View Post
U keep saying i am ungrateful to you....have vendetta against you.
what you conveniently forgot to mention is how i was polite to you...but asking u to behave as a moderator should.
Then you started threatening me...mass zap..

H88..i know u left your name when u zapped me...but did u teach your "friends" too??
zap with dignity..leave behind the nick??
i guess not..
Taking a leaf from you...zap away boys!
u guys can only zap secretly..not daring to leave nicks..
Indeed you admitted you are really ungrateful...came here with personal vendetta...not me say hoian said too...

you can disguised in any nick but your personal anger and vendetta remain because you thought I got your old nick ban...I never really felt sorry for you...because you deserved it...

as my friends who had zapped you without leaving nick...nothing in SBF that is against the must be wondering why my friends willing to zap you...they came here read and felt you had been coming to disturb and not to share my friends zap you for that...only cry babies will say zap away boys...because you cannot prevent this zapping...
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Old 25-04-2015, 12:55 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by hoian View Post
Now this type of character would sell his mother for a song. At first )
Ahhh… Sure! Expect no less from the sad little man that you are; referring to mothers etc.

Before you go around worrying and commenting about others, how about just addressing your characterization as follows:

Established from your own words that you're a lo-class, mean spirited, little shit bigot who even KPKB about PAP.

Hoian: Yes, it’s because I’m a total zero at home and so when I am in Vietnam I pretend to be a hero! And on here….I read all the travelogues, other sex forums, google extensively and….. am right here to “show” that I am an old experienced hand.
LOL, pathetic li’l twerp; I do feel for you!
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Old 25-04-2015, 12:59 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
most of my friends here will no longer be keen to post here because MC fought with almost everyone of them...the person who he fought with

volcano (number target since MC came on board because he view Volcano as biggest threat)
and many more

he needs this HCM thread so that he can get to those unknowing newbies to ask him to bring him around...these newbies had to pay for his free fuck, bbbj, food and day he will bring the newbies to those joints that he had the gals as he acted like Big shot and making use of newbies for his lust...he has no work and he lives like at free-loader...he try to get free from whoever he knew and he envisage...
I had my run in with MC and he is a free-loader cum OKT.

He waits for others to pay for his share. He brings clients to prostitutes making him living as OKT.

I dun enjoy the places he bring because those are prostitutes and so are many of H88 friends who dun like whores. We can afford better places and spend more money is alright to us.

H88 - I will support you and we had been friend for a few years. You make me love HCM and saw a different set of city. You helped organised charities and donated your own money which no selfish man could do.

Thank you sifu H88.
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Old 25-04-2015, 01:07 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
volcano (number target since MC came on board because he view Volcano as biggest threat)
and many more

he needs this HCM thread so that he can get to those unknowing newbies to ask him to bring him around...these newbies had to pay for his free fuck, bbbj, food and day he will bring the newbies to those joints that he had the gals as he acted like Big shot and making use of newbies for his lust...he has no work and he lives like at free-loader...he try to get free from whoever he knew and he envisage...

his modus operandi is always the same...
MC acted big shot and I challenged him to meet. It was H88 that told me do not bother with such an idiot who had no work.

When I was cheated by another moron by borrowing S$1k, MC made a mockery of my little misfortune.

I support H88 and been asking him how long he can tolerate a free-loader and useless bum like MC who fought with so many friends.

Seriously I stayed away from posting because of him.
Old 25-04-2015, 01:30 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by MIFAcafe View Post

H88 - I will support you and we had been friend for a few years. You make me love HCM and saw a different set of city.
Thank you sifu H88.
Here to SUPPORT old fren Bro H-88


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YOU WILL BE AMAZED with 2,155+ pages !!

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Last edited by sailsingapore; 25-04-2015 at 02:21 PM.
Old 25-04-2015, 02:13 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mwee9999 View Post
so past few posts about MC...
so in effect..the accusations against him is that he is like a stealth agent??
taking advantage of newbies?? that right??
The facts are there for you to read. H88 had been restraining himself to expose him. We all did not post here because we always fight with him. You dun know this rascal Vietkieu lah. Wait till you go out with him then you understand how he behave. If you do not agree with him then he will post to flame you each time you post. He dig your history and ridicule you.

You are too naive to make use by MC. MC is not what you think a nice guy. So many of us want to whack him given a chance. I challenged him myself. But maybe other enemies of his will find him soon.
Old 25-04-2015, 02:41 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mwee9999 View Post
posts which shows h88 as he is...but u are still defending him??
lets be fair and i are both at a disadvantage as he will just delete posts against him....
but lets assume...i say is all that..shouldnt h88 have deleted all his posts? or take action long time ago?
Sorry but maybe i am the only one but a moderator who clearly has his own agenda on deciding who can post or not based on his own supports
This brings me to another qurstion....if he can allow this...whats to say there isnt another agent amongst us operating an thriving because he supports h88??
H88 is a nice guy. In the past i was given a rude shock in my first few visits to HCM and I spent literally alot and I thought first few times was fine. It was H88 who taught us where to visit and cheap. He dun take advantage of friends. He pay his share with us. We have know each other a few years and consulted him even in Singapore.

You do not know him. He is unassuming guy and always fight for fairness. He started HCM threads to share with all newbies including me those early days.

I will say HCM market had lost all those glorious years after the raid and only left MC lurking around with newbies. The other big shark agents had gone and stopped posting here. They had been exposed.

If I am you I will apologise to H88 and just walk away before is too late to salvage. You have just pride now.

He knew virtually everyone here.
Old 25-04-2015, 02:55 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mwee9999 View Post
see bro..
again..all i hear u say he is nice guy. .i dunno..maybe to u he is but his way of replying to me has indicated otherwise.
apologise? lol...dont think so....
The way H88 replied you was you are questioning his moderator integrity. Who are you to ask? Why does he need to answer you? Why did you need to doubt him? The next you acted like spoiled brat accusing him.

If I am in his shoes, I will use all my powers to stop you. Why not and what is wrong with that? Why dun you pm BOSS and ask why appoint H88 as moderator? Sure many who had personal vendetta hated him had pm BOSS.

Imagine here we post our interesting findings in HCM experience and these rascal made a mockery of my post. You think I will post more. i will just walk away and do something useful. Will not waste my time to share.

So what is your agenda now? How come you are so free yesterday can reply non stop. Don't you have work to do?
Old 25-04-2015, 03:08 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by mwee9999 View Post
chill bro...
see this is what i am getting at..
u people just lose your cool when it gets the asking gets too much...
But u have a point....i should leavr and not posts anymore.
Do not do things that you will regret.

Not happy walk away. Why bother? You dunno H88 and he dunno you. You think H88 felt anything. He had done these so many times and seen so many battles. When I was fighting MC, he was the one who helped tone me down. H88 always told us not to be personal in forum.

Why don't you pm BOSS to question his integrity? You see BOSS will reply you. BOSS hardly care. BOSS will choose what to reply and what not to reply.

Take your time to earn more money better than wasting time in cyber forum.
Old 25-04-2015, 03:41 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Initially I thought I come in here to offer tips here and there because I see so many 1st timers get ripped off the minute they step out the airport in VN.

But now I have come to realise that the tips are not needed. So many leeches come here either to get customers (mc), suck balls (seaj) or just create trouble (mwee999).

VN is actually a beautiful country with nice ppl but I think I will just keep that part to myself and not share it.


The best advice ever.
Originally Posted by iSaigon View Post
Take your time to earn more money better than wasting time in cyber forum.
Old 25-04-2015, 04:22 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by iSaigon View Post
Do not do things that you will regret.
Take your time to earn more money better than wasting time in cyber forum.
This sentence I like Hihi... earn hard, save hard in Sg n throw all hard earn n saved money oversea!!!! Hahaha.. come here kpkb dunno for wat.. see also sian... anyone wanna join me for a stay in MBS today haha.. looking at Garden by the Bay now thru my room balcony Hihi...
Work Smart, Play Hard..
Old 25-04-2015, 05:52 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

I know i have offend everyone, i know i am such a bastard, i am a stupid asshole pimp, always feel insecure and try to fight and flame everyone. It is just my way of survival in vietnam. Life is very tough here....sometime i dont even earn enough to eat....i end up eating all the unhealthy cheap food thereby cause myself to lost all my hair...

I am sorry bros here whom i flamed and scold...
Please accept my apologise, i am truly sorry and i want to repent

For those i scold:


And many more....Pls give me a chance...
I am actually very miserable and singapore people born to be lucky and live a life much better than me

Old 25-04-2015, 06:22 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by MutantChick View Post

U forget the avatar.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 25-04-2015, 06:40 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Why i become the person i am today...

Back in Australia, life very tough, my aussie discriminate us...
My father lazy to mother end up working in a local massage spa..
I cook and send food to my mother everyday, and 1 day after school when i go send lunch, at the spa...saw that few aussie press my mother down to the table and take turn to rape her....

After this incident..i feel pleasurable whenever i threaten and terrorise girls...
I always consider myself a vietnamese so i go back vietnam work as sex pimp, same time i can act out this fantasy of making girls shit scared before they blowjob me and let me fuck them

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