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Old 25-06-2009, 10:48 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by Xgenre View Post
Bro, since your name list spans over a few decades, let me put in a name. Makelele. I think he was better than Mascherano plus he seemed pretty mild mannered. The holding position is also called the Makelele role sometimes.
i didnt put makalele's name in cos his style is different. makalele relies more on intercepting passes and blocking the passing lanes rather than to make the crunching tackle. similar to that of didier deschamps. that said, it is more difficult to master the art of using one's brains on the field rather than mastering the art of tackling (and tackling hard) without fouling. thus, i agree with u, makalele is the better defensive midfielder than mascherano, albeit a different type.

I wonder if Rafa will trust Damien Phlesis. He seemed interesting 2 seasons back when he played for us. I also wonder if Alonso is sold, will Rafa replace him with Lucas? Cos Lucas seemed like a creative defensive midfielder to Rafa. Got some similiarities. But if we sell Mascherano, Rafa may not replace him with Lucas as they are 2 different players.
i have indicated before that lucas is still not ready to jump into the big stage and shine. i feel that he should be able to improve further if mascherano and alonso are still around at anfield, but he is still not ready. and i fear that lucas is stuck between alonso and mascherano. he doesnt have the vision of alonso (nowhere near) nor the dogged determination of mascherano. to me, he is just like anderson, an expensive weak link.

lucas need to be given time to grow before he is thrown into the fray again. i m sure bro rahl will disagree with me. it would be good for him to play more games but in games already sewn up or against lesser opponents. that said, he played damned well when liverpool trounced manure 4-1 away from home. aurelio contained the diver and lucas went in to take the ball away from "her", constantly.

damien phlesis has disappeared from our TV screens in SG, so it is not our place to rate him. i only saw him in the pre-season and he looked good. steady, not a risk taker and tackled well. but alas, he was only playing against rangers.

Originally Posted by SH149 View Post
mascherano is good but Rafa should think of some replacement cos we can't depends on him so often - wat happen if he drop of form or injuries ? We lose to Man Utd due to we too reply on Torres/Stevie G when they not playing we dun perform well and also not able to pentratate wealer team cos they tends to play very defensive
I say tat i am a fan of the red army because i really hate to see our premier league record is been level wz the red devils and for the CL we already won 5 but they also have 3 in their record
mascherano didnt really play well earlier in the season and liverpool struggled. liverpool's resurgence coincided with mascherano back to his biting best. enough said.

and the biggest mistake is to keep looking at what other teams do. so what if they overtake liverpool in terms of trophies??? honour and a sense of belonging is more important. are u saying that if liverpool wins a few premier league titles, u will go around gloating at manure fans??? doesnt that make u (and us) like those gloating manure fans now???

When Man U lose to Bacra at CL me n my colleague are so happy tat we jump around other ppls might tot i am a Bacra fan cos i remember SAF did curse Liverpool met AC Milan on the CL and now it is their turn to taste it
Also i think Rafa should start to groom successor for Stevie G right now as when he grow older he tends to be more injury prone
yes, but no reason to rub it in. that will bring us down to the sewage levels of those manure fans and its manager. and these idiots will beat us with experience. quite a number of my friends r manure fans since the 70s and 80s. they have endured the barren years and they r usually the supporters who celebrate mutedly. even they r ashamed of all those new fans. they deserve the respect, just like the liverpool fans who have never experienced premier league success. these are real fans of football. my salutations to u all.

that said, i wore the adidas t-shirt which bored the words "hail the champions" the day after barcelona trounced manure in the champs league.

and u r very cute leh... how do u replace a steven gerrard??? jay spearing??? very, very far from it yet and unlikely. the closest i have seen so far... jack rodwell of... everton. and he is from it as well.

Originally Posted by asspanker View Post
If its true his wages is 30K per week, then i feel its not unreasonable for JM to ask for increment in line with his contribution to the team's performance. I dont tink he will 'purposely' play badly if he stays at pool as its also a WC year and he is the appointed captain. if his performances suck really bad, even maradona may drop him la..
agreed. 30k per week is really an insult.

however, regardless whether it is WC year or not, dont think mascherano would purposely play badly, any day of his life. i see him running his heart out every single time he steps on the field, even at 30k per week.

There are usually alot of nonsense rumours created by all the agents in order to make a mountain out of a molehill. So lets hope rafa values JM and gives him improved terms and keeps the axis of the midfield together-- JM + XA (world class)
agreed. that said, if i were allowed to choose, i would let alonso go rather than mascherano. but i will raid everton for mikel arteta as the replacement.

all comments made here are all personal opinion or heard with my own ears. if liverpool bros are offended, my apologies.
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Old 25-06-2009, 02:33 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Woo.. The sudden arguement about both JM and XA..

Well, should 1 or both of them ever leave, I dare to say its their lost more than ours..

1st, no player is bigger than the club, not even Stevie or Torres..
Rafa can bring both JM and XA to Anfield, I believe he know who can replace them..

2nd, every Liverpool fan knows this coming season is make or break..
Should we win our 1st ever BPL, I know it will the only the 1st of many to come.. To stay and be heros or leave and be forgetten, their call...

Yes, if they ever leave, it will disrupt the spine of the team and we have to rebuild again but like I mentioned, Rafa will still be the main man to lead us to the title and its how he use who he have now, or who he will bring in to achive that..

Honestly speaking, all we heard is how proud and honour JM and XA is to be linked with RM and I believe any players will say the same thing should RM want to buy them...

Its just like you and me, sitting in the office when one of the biggest and successful company in your line say they will like you to join their company because you are elite!

And to be true, with so many players linked away to clubs like RM and Barca only shows how good we really are..
I be more worried if our players dont interest any teams...
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Old 25-06-2009, 05:24 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Actually, I was thinking about this discussion as I was driving. With all these star players going to Real Madrid, it can only mean 1 very certain thing for us.


I remember a time when Real Madrid wants Rafa. Rafa always places the team performance above the individual. I can't imagine him ever going to a Real Madrid team where he can't drop a player, regardless of the player's form. That was what happened during the last Galatico era right? Figo, Zidane, Ronaldo, Roberto Carlos can't be dropped, the rest of the team fight for the remaining places.
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Old 25-06-2009, 06:44 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by beck7777 View Post
Woo.. The sudden arguement about both JM and XA..

Well, should 1 or both of them ever leave, I dare to say its their lost more than ours..
i wish i have your optimism on this matter.

1st, no player is bigger than the club, not even Stevie or Torres..
Rafa can bring both JM and XA to Anfield, I believe he know who can replace them..

2nd, every Liverpool fan knows this coming season is make or break..
Should we win our 1st ever BPL, I know it will the only the 1st of many to come.. To stay and be heros or leave and be forgetten, their call...
it would be difficult to replace both of them. at least for me, the argument is about the devil and the deep blue sea, who i would prefer to go if i have to choose between the 2...

but u r right. great players dont really look that much of money, more of glories. no bigger glory now than to be a core member of the liverpool team to break the premier league drought.

Yes, if they ever leave, it will disrupt the spine of the team and we have to rebuild again but like I mentioned, Rafa will still be the main man to lead us to the title and its how he use who he have now, or who he will bring in to achive that..
in rafa we trust, ya??? would that be printed on your jersey when u r watching them play in sg??? north stand hah???

Honestly speaking, all we heard is how proud and honour JM and XA is to be linked with RM and I believe any players will say the same thing should RM want to buy them...

Its just like you and me, sitting in the office when one of the biggest and successful company in your line say they will like you to join their company because you are elite!
oh, this i can speak from experience... the elite company i joined has now gone bust!!! maybe i should try to relate this to both of them when they r in sg, ya? kekeke...

I be more worried if our players dont interest any teams...
good point.

Originally Posted by Xgenre View Post
I remember a time when Real Madrid wants Rafa. Rafa always places the team performance above the individual. I can't imagine him ever going to a Real Madrid team where he can't drop a player, regardless of the player's form. That was what happened during the last Galatico era right? Figo, Zidane, Ronaldo, Roberto Carlos can't be dropped, the rest of the team fight for the remaining places.
to manage the galacticos, u have to have a weak manager. steve mclaren type of manager would be ideal, cos he would be busy making friends with everyone. hmmm, dont think i would be surprised mclaren is caught calling chickens with christina ronaldo...
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Old 25-06-2009, 10:00 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by Xgenre View Post
I would say JM. To me, he's a Momo with better ball distribution. Momo tends to be careless with his passes. To find another combative holding midfielder shouldn't be that difficult. If the rumours that JM is only earning $30K pounds weekly, I think the rumours of him joining Real may also be a play to get Liverpool to increase his wages on a new contract. I think JM is worth more than $30K pounds weekly.

To find someone with Alonso's passing range and calmness will be much harder. When he's on-form, the wingers get well-fed. Plus Alonso's better at tackling now than in his first season with us. Oh 1 more thing, Alonso has a special skill I've never seen before in other players. He seems so slow (which he isn't) that other players think they can tackle him. It ended with 6 opponents sent off last season. Not to mention the goals he scores from our own half.. into the opponent's goal of course.

Reina saves goals, Torres scores goals, Alonso reduces the number of opponents on the pitch. What a spine!
thats one hell of a spine
Old 25-06-2009, 10:06 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

all this talk of jm n xa r all jus speculation lets wait for the season to start n we ll find out.
Old 25-06-2009, 11:39 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Its seems tat bro AKL always dun agree wz other comments ?
Its alright tat we have our own thinking n comments but its come to 1 conclusion - we want to see the club success !!!
Tell me who dun want to be the champion - even Stevie G the local lads breed by the club ever think of lifting the BPL trophy as a captain
Anyway tired of guessing who will leave the club and just wait for the new season to begin

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Old 26-06-2009, 12:38 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by SH149 View Post
Its seems tat bro AKL always dun agree wz other comments ?
Its alright tat we have our own thinking n comments but its come to 1 conclusion - we want to see the club success !!!
Tell me who dun want to be the champion - even Stevie G the local lads breed by the club ever think of lifting the BPL trophy as a captain
Anyway tired of guessing who will leave the club and just wait for the new season to begin

You Never Walk Alone
i have my own weird train of thought, it is how u take it. cant u see that people dont really respond to me anymore??? u can be offended by it, dismiss my views or take it as an alternative angle to review your own thoughts. the choice is always yours.

been too frank and too blunt in this thread for too long. already stopped giving my views on this thread until i saw yr posts. just like i cant believe that u have been watching footy for a long time, since the 80s but it seems u spend most of your time here trying to convince people that u r a liverpool fan. smells like a manure mole to me, right from the beginning. which was the reason why i engaged u in the first place.

liverpool supporting is more than being premier league champs. no other team has such supporters. look at chelsea and look at manure when chelsea were dominating. look at the jerseys on the streets. u will know what i mean. we all know that steven gerrard and this team deserves the premier league title more than any other team. a real liverpool fan will wait, and not show our frustrations to fans of other teams. loyalty... to what, u say, the "really, i m a liverpool fan"?
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Old 26-06-2009, 12:49 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
i have my own weird train of thought, it is how u take it. cant u see that people dont really respond to me anymore??? u can be offended by it, dismiss my views or take it as an alternative angle to review your own thoughts. the choice is always yours.

smells like a manure mole to me, right from the beginning.
No lar bro, relax. If everyone thinks like they themselves do, then you will be reading a very boring, almost communist, thread in a forum. Got to have diverse views. I may not agree with you but you can help me see things from a different view. Your views are fine with me.

Don't call him a manure mole lar. That's a very big insult. Worse than scolding people's mother to me.

Anyone going to get the car decals that welcomes Liverpool to Singapore? Free hor at 20 carparks i think from noon tomorrow. Don't miss. Forum must share information.
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Old 26-06-2009, 12:58 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by Xgenre View Post
No lar bro, relax. If everyone thinks like they themselves do, then you will be reading a very boring, almost communist, thread in a forum. Got to have diverse views. I may not agree with you but you can help me see things from a different view.

Don't call him a manure mole lar. That's a very big insult. Worse than scolding people's mother to me.
sorry, not in a good mood today. michael jackson is no more.

i may not agree with u some times, but i respect your views and i respect the efforts in giving us info on the "own liverpool" campaign.

nowadays, i would only read the thread. and respond only when those "kajiao"ing manure muthafuckers come in to disturb. if he is not a manure mole, then he shouldnt be insulted. if he is, then every insult was intended.

u have a good day. cheers.

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Old 26-06-2009, 01:59 PM
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Talking Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

seems we are very focused on discussing our midfield players recently as they have
been in the tabloids lately.

how about if we bring this to a step forward- IF *touchwood SG & FT are again sidelined,
i sometimes have to wonder who is gng to step up into their shoes? feels rafa needs to
have some new buys for the backup striker for torres & stevie or least a winger if he
decides to slot in benay & dirk into their roles.

besides babel, auerelio , riera for our left mid, & spearing , there is not much choice for
rafa to really pick. i thhink most bros here will have their own set of fantasy players
if they were in rafa's shoes. so who will it be? if there is around 15m for 1 or max 2 players,
plus any funds frm selling. How would you do it??

Lets discuss this for fun.

cheers. cant wait to get my hands on the new away kit as welll.

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Old 26-06-2009, 09:52 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Hi all,

I selling a pair of Liverpool vs Singapore Tix (East aka KOPs stand). Interested pls PM me.

Old 26-06-2009, 11:25 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

we are our parents child
Zap me if u like it - so u think u are better of anyone - MY FOOT
Old 26-06-2009, 11:33 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Tis thread is about Liverpool NOT Michael Jackson
So what is death got to do with us !!!!
Miliions of ppl are dying did u ever bother just because he is MJ
Grow up pls !!! Rinise yr mouth before u post
Whether who am i or am i a true liverpool it doesn't concern u as i know who i am
Old 27-06-2009, 01:16 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by SH149 View Post
we are our parents child
Zap me if u like it - so u think u are better of anyone - MY FOOT
did i insult your mother??? why r u insulting my mother??? me need to rinse my mouth??? think u need to rinse it more... and if u dont take the trouble to read people's posts before u respond, dont.

come to think of it, there is no need to get so worked up unless you r really a manure fan out to kajiao this thread lor. if u r, then the offence is well and truly meant. and whether u r a liverpool fan or not really doesnt concern me, cos u have shown u know nothing about liverpool.

better than anyone, no... better than you, yes. at least i have a mother to teach me manners, unlike u.
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