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Old 16-10-2008, 03:29 PM
HC_nooB HC_nooB is offline
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Re: Melbourne Australia

Originally Posted by klinten View Post
I noticed this thread is happening again, so decided to contribute hehe.

Just returned to Melbourne a week ago, been overseas for 2months. Needless to say, first thing to do is to visit middle Tope hehe.

Not sure if Tope brothels are affected by the financial crisis but I went there in the afternoon, thinking that maybe I should avoid the potential long queue in middle Tope at night. Anyway I chose Tess who I had wanted to book before but didn't have the patience to wait for her usually long queue. IMHO, Tess is really hot and pretty but alas, wrong timing. As I said, it was in the afternoon (about 2-3 pm) and weather is steaming hot. To make matter worse, the room air-con was not working! The session was not satisfying as we were both feeling tired from the heat. I will give Tess another shot next time, hopefully it will be much better. Did I mention she's really hot? Big breast though I think is faked, not really paying attention, can anyone confirm?

Btw also saw new girls in the line up; Leah and Aki. I am not sure but I think the OKT mentioned that Leah speaks Mandarin, so maybe Chinese? And Aki, he said is Japanese, quite tall with very toned body, tummy is really flat. How's the service of these two? Anyone tried before?

Does anyone know if Yumi, Cindy and Lucy are still working? They were my regulars before, really hope they are gone yet. Please tell me if you know thanks.

Oh yes for those who wants to pick Korean girls on street, I would suggest you go to Bubble near Southern Cross station, I'm sure you guys have heard about it. Plenty of Korean and Japanese chicks there, not to mention that lots of the Korean Wls from Tope also come here. Any Bubble regulars here? Give me a PM if anyone wants to join me this Saturday.

Oh one more thing, I think someone mentioned Tifanny earlier. So is her service good now? I remember that Tifanny was one of the hottest girls in middle Tope but OKT said service was not good, hence, not very popular. It was confirmed by my friend who said it was a total dead fish experience. Plus this OKT also told me that she's actually 30 plus in age (not that it matters as long as service is good to me). That put me off from booking her before (about 3-4 months ago). I'll probably give her a try if her service is better now as she's really hot with slutty face hehe.

Happy punting Melbournians!
Well yumi is still working there and as popular as ever. Love her service and man she is like a sex addict crazy in bed. If you want to spend time with her at night during weekends, you better book cause she never comes out for intros after 9 as she is always in a room.

This is awesome to see so many FRs in this forum and I have been with a few girls that bro Sefure said were crap and i beg to differ with his opinion. I have had wonderful times with some of those girls. Well thats my 2 cents worth. Every man has different expectations and no girl can be everything to every man she goes to bed with.

Well if you had a choice between yumi and tiffany, i would choose yumi without thinking hahahaha.

Love this long forgotten phrase.
"One man's meat is another man's poison"
Old 16-10-2008, 04:43 PM
sian cay sian cay is offline
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Re: Melbourne Australia

Wow lots of reports since I made my last reports hehehe

It seems some of fellow country men (indonesia) has been using this website for mongering info as well

i must say this website is the best for us asian men because we all share common taste for mongering

Since my last report I've been to :

44 Winterton St Clayton: this place is relatively new but the quality of the girls are tend to be for Ang Mo. Lots of thais and chinese but worth to have a look if you're into those kind of girls. $ 110/30 min seems like a good value esp at these difficult times

Oriental Angels, Georges Ct Blackburn: Mostly populated by Mainland girls and thais, but I met one Korean girl named Mimi. She has the FLATTEST stomach I've ever seen, no cellulite (damn). looks 7/10 and quite tall (172 cm) and good attitude. I certainly recommend you guys to give her a try. $ 110/30 mins.

The Duchess, Abbotsford: I didnt see anything that I like, mostly Viets girls and they're not really my cup of tea so I've got no report here

Mitcham 25 Thorton Ct: Again, most girls are chinese/HK/thais (I'm not too sure) and I didnt really like what I saw so again nothing to report.

Bayside babes (or something like that) at 6 Hamlet St Cheltenham: this is the worst brothel I've ever been. the joint is pretty dodgy and run down. I was greeted by a chinese OKT who led me to a rather new room and he left me there to get the girls. Suddenly after he clesed the door, I heard the "click" sound and I was thinking "WTF"?

It turned out he locked me in the room and I got panicked!!! I was thinking "is he going to rob me? kill me? OMG I'm screwed, I'm gonna be on the 1st page of the Age and my wife is gonna find out that I visited a brothel! fook fook fook!!!"

Anyway, after 3 mins, someone opened the frigging door and a monster from horror movies popped up and introduced herself as Selena. The 2nd monster was no better and looked like a cross between an Obese Frankenstein and face like Swamp Thing.

I didnt even wait another minute for another monster to pop out so after telling the OKT that I didnt like what I saw, I just ran away and swore never to come back to this joint.

Best to avoid this place at all cost because you might get murdered here!!!

Club Keys, Keys Rd Cheltenham: This place used to host a good selection of Ang Mo girls but apparently it has changed now. I went there yesterday and there were like 2 oversize indian girls and 1 Abo (not sure maybe Maori) girl. if you're into dark skinned girls, this place might worth to check out

If any bros would like to hunt together this saturday 18 oct, maybe we can go together so PM me m'kay?


Sian cay
Old 16-10-2008, 04:53 PM
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Re: Melbourne Australia

Originally Posted by indoboii View Post
to bro pocket,
sharing is caring. haha. lets make this thread happening again.
Originally Posted by klinten View Post
I noticed this thread is happening again, so decided to contribute hehe.

Good men

Btw, anyone tried Pinkl Palace in South Melbourne?! Drove passed it to and saw heaps of cars parked outside, must be a happening place I guess
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Old 16-10-2008, 05:29 PM
sian cay sian cay is offline
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Re: Melbourne Australia

I just got a called from Sugar my regular, she used to work at York St and now she's back. Worth a try if you're into K-girls and she gives a good service (at least to me).

Anything I want she can accommodate from DFK, figering, 69, and I like doing Greek with her (at no extra cost). Never give them extras for these services because you'll spoil the market!

There are several K-girls who are really into anal sex and you can do it with them if you know how to do your smooth talking

PS: For bros who want to go hunting together, I'm free on Fri 17-Oct-08 after 12 midnite. My wife decided to have a family time on Saturday ahhahaha.
I'm sorry bro, I have to be a good husband as well lah....
Old 16-10-2008, 07:24 PM
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Re: Melbourne Australia

So Bro Sian Cay...Sugar back at York? What is she like? Some stats would be great.

Anyway, been to Romantic lately?
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Old 16-10-2008, 10:17 PM
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Re: Melbourne Australia

Originally Posted by sundel View Post
I dont have experience picking up kor girls off the street but right now I am trying to pick up kor hairdresser in the saloon(kairos). There are a lot of gd looking and tight body chicks out there in the saloon, especially seri and kairos.
Yeah i've seen some hotties in seri. There's one real sweet looking one in their china town store (can't remember her name tho...). We got chatting and she is th real cute type. Not really my cup of tea but I think it would be a solid strategy to try out. Any bros get their hair cut from 'talented' hairdressers around the city?
Old 16-10-2008, 10:24 PM
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Re: Melbourne Australia

Originally Posted by sian cay View Post
I like doing Greek with her
Eh Bro Sian Cay, curious to know what 'doing Greek' is?

Is that like eating Stalatites at 4am before hang-over sets in? i.e. bliss
Old 17-10-2008, 06:18 AM
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Re: Melbourne Australia

I was at Oriental Angels, Georges Ct Blackburn. 1st time there in the morning. the place is like a car workshop. at 1st dunno if I went to the right place.

Then walked into the "workshop" and saw the signboard "Oriental Angels".

Met the OKT who sounded like a Hong Konger. He introduced me to a Korean syt, Ella.

Age: IMO, early 20s
Hair: long
Face: 7.5/10 (syt look)
Body: 8/10 (just nice, no extra fat)
Skin: fair and smooth
Boobs: B
Overall look: looks sophiscated and a bit cool/ indifferent. makes you want to bonk/slam her even more

Get into room. told to take a shower and she went out. think she waiting for me to finish shower before coming in again. [diff. from singapore style where they shower with u]

after shower, waited for a short while, then she came in. was a bit worried whethher enuff time to bonk. haha...

she started with usual cat bath, then capped me and do a bj. was quite high seeing a pretty and sophiscated looking face sucking my dick. love her breast and felt like doing a breast fuck. but she declined the suggestion saying "I dun like". so have to respect her.

Then cock high till buay tahan, switched to missionary and ramped her all the way till the volcano errupted.

BJ: 7/10 (standard, but sweet sexy face to look at)
FJ: 7/10 (standard, could be better if breast fuck allowed)
Overall experience: 7.8/10
RTF: Maybe. still not quite sextified not getting to rock on her sexy pair of boobs. LOL.
Old 17-10-2008, 07:44 AM
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Re: Melbourne Australia

Bro Freddiejoo...From your FR...Everything seems "usual" and you gave 7.8/10 for the overall experience. Thats kinda high. What are ya hiding from us and not telling us huh?!

I want the truth and nothing but the truth!!!
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Old 17-10-2008, 09:42 AM
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Re: Melbourne Australia

Originally Posted by pocketrocket View Post
Bro Freddiejoo...From your FR...Everything seems "usual" and you gave 7.8/10 for the overall experience. Thats kinda high. What are ya hiding from us and not telling us huh?!

I want the truth and nothing but the truth!!!
haha, bro, thanks for asking, so that I get to clarify. hmm, mainly becoz I'm a person who goes mainly on the LOOK dept. so although the girl is kinda cool & indifferent in attitude, but her pretty, sophiscated + elegant look does have an effect on me.

so although service was standard, but being service by a good looking syt is a fantasy come true.

I guess that's why the rating.

Anyway, that was the only place I got to try during a short trip. If have chance to pay a longer visit next time, will try more and maybe my expectation will be much higher and more stringent with the ratings.

Old 17-10-2008, 12:12 PM
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Re: Melbourne Australia

LOL...Good man Bro Freddiejoo
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Old 17-10-2008, 04:41 PM
sian cay sian cay is offline
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Re: Melbourne Australia

Originally Posted by MelbSJ View Post
no mate, it has nothing to do with the goold old Stalactites.

greek = anal
That is correct bro, greek = anal sex (don't ask me why they called it Greek).

Not all girls are into that sorta stuff. If you really want to know whether they're going to let you do that, you'd better first check it first (don't just put your xiao titi in their asses or you'll get into trouble).

Try to give signs to the girl such as when you're pumping her, try to touch her anus lightly and slowly. If she let you do that, go to the next stage and try to finger her anus (slowly, and I reckon you have to use some lubes). If you're successfull with this, go to the final stage stage and try to go for it. Best to do it when you're doing doggy

If she try to stop you, try again later when she's really horny. Whatever you do, never force/push her to do it because she'll freak out and you might end up getting a bad session.

The key is to know how to read the girl's mood. I don't always succeed getting this service (from 10 girls, I'd say maybe 1 or 2, max 3 are willing to do it). From my perspective, my effort worth a try since I don't want to pay for this "standard service".

It helps if you're a regular customer, you might be able to ask her whether she can provide this service or not (99 % asian girl will say NO). I used to loathe the idea of having anal sex, but believe me bros, YOU HAVE TO TRY IT!

At least once in you're life time The sensation is really different.
Old 17-10-2008, 07:49 PM
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Re: Melbourne Australia

Been reading this forum for quite some time, thought id contribute:

In need of a little action after being on the outs with my gf, decided to pay tope st a vist for some nice asian pussy.

It was quite early when I got there, 12:30ish in the afternoon so I waited around a bit before going in. Saw a few girls go into left tope, the red building, then a few more dropped off by taxi to middle tope. After a bit of waiting I decided to choose middle tope seeings that they always use to have the best girls.

Was greeted by the pimp or Papa-san who was playing on a tiny laptop. Told him I was after a japanese girl and asked who the blonde asian girl was who I saw enter the building earlier. I told him to see all the girls first, however only two were available. 1 korean & 1 japanese (aki) Both were stunners, easily 8+/10. Very thin, tall and petite.

I went with Aki, she had the typical japanese look, brown dyed hair, thin petite body, nice skin, perfect face and make up, Yum Yum. I handed the money to Aki, $125/30mins day time rate which isn't bad. She told me to shower which I did very quickly then waited on the bed until she came back which wasnt too long.

Started with the usual cathbath, licking around the back which didn't go for too long and wasnt too interesting to begin with. The turn over the licking my nipples and chest. Finally she went to my dick, funny enough I wasnt hard but she began to lick and suck on it but that only lasted for 2 mins tops, It actually stung with the literine, then she told me to put a condom on me. I told her to wait while I sucked on her tits to help get me a bit harder.

Hard enough, I started off with missionary position because I wanted to see her hot face. Her pussy was tite which was surprising, I think I was her first for the day which was great. Aki didn't apply to much lube which also helped. Throughout the time left I banged her in missionary as I was enjoying myself too much to change as her face was really pretty, typical Japanese racequeen style. Her moans seemed real, seemed to enjoy it although I was no where near my usual self, I think it was the long tram ride from home which caused me to loose some of my hornyness. Anyway I finished inside her then after it was time for me to shower and leave.

$125/30mins daytime
Blowjob: 3/10 ( didnt go for long enough )
Cath Bath: 5/10 ( doesnt really do much for me, but she tried )
Sex: 7/10, i enjoyed it because she was really hot, although next time i will try more positions.
Attitude: she was nice & tried hard.
Negatives: didnt allow french kissing, or fingering

Overall: 7/10 Because she was HOT, tried to be accomodating and the sex was good on her part i give her a 7/10. I think if i was myself it would have been a 9/10.

Next time i mite try a girl with a bit more meat and bigger tits, but Aki would def be good enough to bang again in the future!
Old 18-10-2008, 07:58 AM
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Re: Melbourne Australia

I go to Middle Top on Thursday and sex with Leah because there only two girls available. Just Leah and Rose. I take Leah is a bit tan skin that I like. Nice girl and kissing is good like real girlfriend. Very good time, maybe 9/10. Face is maybe 8/10 and ok body too. Good serivce and I like holding each other tight and kissing while sex. I will see Leah again maybe next week.

Also two weeks ago I take Miko. She say is Japanese but I think she is lier. I am Japanese and I know when someone can speak correct or not. Service very bad. Don't want to on top and only want to sleep on her back! Make my mood not feel good. When sex is just lie on back like fish and looking away and no aloow kissing. Face is 8/10 and body maybe 6/10. Service is 3/10. Feeling is not good so not book her again.
Old 18-10-2008, 05:26 PM
jscanman jscanman is offline
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Re: Melbourne Australia

Has anyone here been to Left tope or Colosseum recently? Saw a few girls walk into Left tope recently, looked quite good, just wondering it anyone’s tried any of them or know if the price/service is generally a lot different from middle tope.

Ive never tried Left tope or Colosseum, use to hear mixed opinions like the girls weren’t as good, rooms better then middle tope etc, anything changed there?
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