The Legal Geylang (prostitute) Scene Had a great time with a government approved broad in Geylang? Tell us all about it! No FREELANCE crap here please. Legal commercial sex only. Threads about illegal Geylang whores carry a reputation point penalty.
We Never urge the Guest and we Never use Fake Photos
14-10-2017, 09:46 AM
Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs
Open for exchange!
14-10-2017, 09:51 AM
Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs
Originally Posted by
Suede1979 upping Koiz by 12 ...
Good morning. Many thanks to all bro/sis for generous upz/re-upz/returns. Very grateful.
Wishing all a great weekend.
PS - All
re -ups will be returned - Got 1,000 ups spread.
"Money attracts the females you want Struggle attracts the woman you need."
Meaning : WLs only love your $$$$. A wife should be one who can struggle with you through life.
Minimum 3 pts for exchange
14-10-2017, 10:01 AM
Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs
+13 available for +7 and above
pls PM after upping for faster return or if i have yet to return ur up
14-10-2017, 10:04 AM
Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs
Originally Posted by
4 condoms for you.
You need 3 condoms.
Ready immediately.
7up for u
**PM me for 2nd/3rd round exchange
20 285 28/2 Returning favour bro thanks=messi+19, 25/2 LoveCoolSex+16, 21/2 Rav1sk+5,
IOU list: 20/1 4dguru+18, 18/12 marklui520+9, 8/12 Shiofukis+17, 4/12 Joined2005+10, 16/11 WOOHOO+20, 15/11 the old nite+20
14-10-2017, 10:23 AM
Sawadee Krup :D
Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs
42 Rep Points To Exchange Daily
Priority Given to 10 Rep Power & above
Users that have been Upped
( Click to show/hide ) Naka_Timo, 8waldz, francesco, Deskboard, overboard, luvit, cyberkoh88, owl888, Supervert, lonebonker, siam66, Koiz, El bistro, HuatAh16, szczesny, Sailsingapore, tropiccana, Exbro, Botakhead2, baigonggong, SureScore, madpig88, 4Dguru, powerkid, Hurricane88, HayDay, Bugging, Lamborghini, Belt, ItsEsther, Swagelock, marlboroken, bbbjkim, gilaxes, ktmakmak, Andrew101, Wu Song Jr, DevilChan78, Tingtonglove, justl00king, owen10, Passerbyer, Slyer, badboys, arse-nal, Sexy_lion, Linkus, Kalv, basfreak, i^Xi0n, randily, Yvonne123, izaaat, Lovelyboy, bababoo, PeroPero, apollo, crackpod, Cafu, Rangerous, yashlro, esssinine, Lemon2, Smoky7, Prince7, Sponge05, georgemagnum, Tai_zi21, ken6890, lone_dog69, forsaken101, Rasta Marley, ly1968, SAFFRONnation, aakumu, topcook1, ngengheng, sunhuan-con, surbana, needsing38, SteelX, hamsapkwai, ho-lee, wkc77, liewkc2503, max_priest, cavemanng, ah rat, loneyheart, seabass, hungten, simple2kee, NorthEast, gozoo, meatvegelove, F-boy, unicornboy, nokia3510, sianren, GOODFELLO, skyleon, CoCk shoCk, Informer, Shiofukis, Masakarius, aDeCaLs, S.B.Y.1, CaptAm, bk81665, schmeichel, brunt, Clownteaser, Furby85, kopigaogao, Pink2577, 3MOQ, smartke, Exbros, braxlex, ProjectAlice, kengng, PeaceKris, menshealth, Fansees, bk4ever, jjmagic, Mplover, justanewbie, vrossi1980, EnjoyLife99, Sleepyguy2, Slide2despair, dyelook, plsfloodme, riderboy, wally888, Ktvbuddy, 69sex, tookara, SiaSuay, simimabochap, OysterLover, TonyCheong2, Effendy, Tho66, lobowolf, imfirecracker, Penguin23, diputs1269, Josh_Ray, bigbirdbird, nastythaiboy, Cash8877, otamay, CuriousSG, vanram, faithevans, lobangkingz, rawboy83, KaraII, Cloudy80, hoian, Toobee, reading, nantboy7, KenTeo, chukeliang, smay, cheeseL, asgapi, sky88, Msuzu, Goalie, Tension68, Saltyraw, jay.lay, KREMIL, Botakhead, Pompous, Jay chou, vampangel, rocketscientist, Charlie130, fei_fei45, draven78eric, ejectjoy, MattJB, newyorker88, FEDERER801, jessieisabitch, pocketrocket, ParaParaSakura, kick_ass, wohaha96, Malaysian Datuk, albertchen123, SMGG, Me Siam Bu, ipay4six, MarkNgSiongBoon, Oh yes, Zeith, ronin_dark, nixjrr, t4tortoise, Rally, water_boi, newton, korean, leumas, sky_liner2, unfit, khoon1, silver5surfer, w00f, dysfunk, january29, Love 6969, vampiredevil, HornyYoungBoy07, Rickey, BADDDman, Ninja Master, naturegreen, retepoet, HC NEWBIRD, stiwrx, Samdude, Cando, FatMan, stevebigkok, fatguy, PaleFace, sc slayer, UnknownZzZ, oxeso, Havanna Slicks, SEX-NEWBIE, nitecrawllerr, candle2000, clubsapphire69, ImbaME, SimplyUnperfect, mike3329, Sheepheadram, submarinez, shawn_mib, hiaokong, HornyKingKong, SG10, solopop, fire_element, meijipcc, Madpig, seekrelax, conquer, tayahboy, doubledutch, KDLiverpool, qazxcvbnm, nierenwang, waikeekee, princeofpersia, hakone, GladBoy, itguy07, silverug, Dygrady, dbrudder, snrlee, love2paint, HonestCrook, qizai, ShaolinHamster, willy12pee, Catch22, QT169, shuaiige521, ejazz, XXLCat, sg50, KnowItAll, Exceed, bigtube99, frozenicex, Wdydx, junyi91, Keith2001, Black Page, jsparrow, laoba, 胡's your daddy!, Gingerman, danny888, stpboc, masterwanker, zl1983, ttok6672, hakone12, doedoe31, rocket1128, TheMentalist, WhiteRunner, gasscut, realTrump, Lawrence1713, Jubilation, waynelimyenyew1, mevius, Truthful, oreoman, roja, Devil Reds, jake1, Acegik, JRthe6, RTTO, XingLing, 1deg, guest68
Will up users next in following order :
Priority List (Those with 10 Rep Power and above)
Queue List (Those with 9 Rep Power and below)
The following Post have Expire, please PM me when you have a new post
14-10-2017, 12:23 PM
Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs
+8 for trade. all are welcomed.
queue list empty for tomorrow.
14-10-2017, 12:26 PM
Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs
Originally Posted by
42 Rep Points To Exchange Daily
Priority Given to 10 Rep Power & above
Queue List (Those with 9 Rep Power and below)
joining your queue bro
Originally Posted by
4 condoms for you.
You need 3 condoms.
Ready immediately.
+4 for u.
14-10-2017, 12:48 PM
Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs
( Click to show/hide ) FunnyHippo, Hurricane88, acemanfred55, shctaw, Jackbl-, Prince7, TingTongLove, lonebonker, Harvest, DevilChan78, hamsapkwai, PeroPero, Rickey, Kalv, sleeping, ctchua, Arse-nal, dyelook, Yakuza, basfreak, i^Xi0n, sponge05, bunty, tarma69, ml1138, waikeekee, ShaolinHamster, georgemagnum, chochochang2, owen10, Goalie, esssinine, SureScore, Sexy_lion, compgen, bbbjkim, Cafu, Andrew101, Tho66, apollo, qwertycarbo, clinton, reading, Belt, Sailsingapore, loneyheart, Cumexplorer, cash8877, jc_wtc, marlboroken, Rasta Marley, wittyman, owl888, tuyet, sunhuan-con, shoot to target, gasscut, norigo77, xiaolaopo, 胡's your daddy!, HonestCrook, jay.lay, smartke, manu_no7, abbie mayo, powerkid, justl00king, menshealth, Swagelock, Supervert, Koiz, Slyer, deathryuk, Greenfrog, big sister80, brunt, PeaceKris, Rugalsc, szczesny, Lamborghini, devil reds, watsunder, plsfloodme, ngengheng, Josh_Ray, dysfunk, Kingsle, kopigaogao, grey82, Black Page, ramirez, curiousSG, mplover, NorthEast, gilaxes, hairy_abalone, bigbirdbird, JJmagic, vrossi1980, naka_timo, wally888, 55055, more, BBHumper, chatlovers, 69sex, tinalam, SimplyUnperfect, badboys, sky_liner2, bk81665, etsys, aimbird, ken79, spas, 1447, Slutwen, divedeeper, Exbro, Exbros, lglg666, PocketRocket, marc5, BikinisLover, the old nite, Ktmakmak, me siam bu, aloius, surbana, 1deg, Mito, ho-lee, Froster, conquer, kuan aik hong, HayDay, seabass, topcook1, masterwanker, Clownteaser, Smoky7, cyberkoh88, slut, El bistro, bulleye, bababoo, Oh yes, sbftiankon, Unfit, bukit mewah, Binbin81, Linlaobei, qizai, hungten, anotherlife, meatvegelove, 222nge, Just_Did_It, sex crusader, lazuka, sc slayer, randily, Furby85, ejectjoy, Sanuuk, siam66, FUNNYANDHORNY, HornyKingKong, grandfather, Linkus, Poker, Draculax, HC NEWBIRD, zl1983, dogstar69, lookingaround, Javabeans, naemlo, frostfuryz, needsing38, liewkc2503, Jay Chou, Espress0, GOODFELLO, Passerbyer, simple2kee, izaaat, Wu Song Jr, lost99, Love 6969, Steventan, silver5surfer, nottiboy, lone_dog69, Lawrence1713, max_priest, Botakhead, Ibanezjem555, swordfish2006, The Milk Man, w00f, Botakhead2, chukeliang, nixjrr, WOOHOO, Bigbooblove, TheMentalist, avboys, skyscrape, alex18122003, vaxvms, Tai_zi21, silverug, EnjoyLife99, Pink2577, wohaha96, sgGem, jonkoller, ProjectAlice, fabteo, ken6890, lls8, oreoman, owenfang, joelee2016, 4Dguru, Everlasty, Attilio2003, Deesiaokia, Banana Man, Shiofukis, IAMGOD, Lauteko, Hanster, AndyCock, braxlex, strikeback4, 35cents, hitman1891, ipay4six, BLACKITES, zron.45, thedevil666, newyorker88, Lemon2, gozoo, ah rat, sometimes_only, vampiredevil, Achor, lobowolf, tofustick, solopop, bernie, KDLiverpool, jask357, SG10, TwinTowers, SMGG, fion.18, aakumu, Taiko2006, CaptAm, ly1968, dvilla, Charlenexo, Toobee, Silentreader88, siithh, Msdy777, Suwy, MensPlus, alantan27, khoon1, 3Dragon, launua2, kick_ass, Pompous, Alpha001, Cando, GladBoy, beersingha, stiwrx, Tension68, ImNiDiOt, rocketscientist, alanthedevil, MerlinW, albertchen123, naturegreen, Sleepyguy2, Asia1, Acegik, Sex1314, alanthegreat, MarkNgSiongBoon, doubledutch, the_e_ones, KarmaCafe, riderboy, Havanna Slicks, I Love Boobs, KaraII, F-boy, CampHQ, Fansees, Truthful, january29, stevebigkok, (@^@), Baigonggong, AhQing, HornyYoungBoy07, koc88, mattjb, Nitecrawllerr, audiophile239, Gilengkiat, tropiccana, NewJiewAP, Charlie130, hakone, Yoyogi, revenge26, princeofpersia, FitPartner, Secres77, ttenneb, nokia3510, hoian, guest68, NastyThaiboy, love2paint, Happyman007, iphonex, ImbaME, PaladinofSola, Exceed, Nickochee, danny888, newton, wet10wet, SBishere
Pls only exchange points with me when you are power 7 and above.
Sincere apologies to those bros who want my 13 points but do not qualify. You will still be placed in the waiting queue to be upped...
I owe these bros my 13 points....
In Queue:
@ 07-10-2017 07:21 AM Madpig
Waiting for bro to return points:
@ 26-02-2017 12:32 AM Bigbooblove
@ 01-04-2017 01:04 PM lls8
@ 13-04-2017 07:17 PM Attilio2003
@ 19-04-2017 11:28 PM Banana Man
@ 23-04-2017 04:33 PM IAMGOD
@ 06-05-2017 10:58 PM hitman1891
@ 10-05-2017 01:19 PM BLACKITES
@ 18-05-2017 10:11 PM gozoo
@ 29-05-2017 11:32 PM Achor
@ 04-06-2017 11:25 PM bernie
@ 06-07-2017 11:47 PM Msdy777
@ 11-07-2017 08:59 PM alantan27
@ 07-09-2017 01:02 AM audiophile239
@ 08-09-2017 06:33 PM Gilengkiat
@ 14-09-2017 08:13 PM revenge26
@ 20-09-2017 11:20 PM nokia3510
@ 04-10-2017 05:38 PM Exceed
@ 14-10-2017 12:37 PM wet10wet
@ 14-10-2017 12:40 PM SBishere
I will do day by day only if possible...
Seriously I dunno why we are exchanging all this points for, but since I cannot disappoint them, i have to give right...
14-10-2017, 01:31 PM
Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 5 point ? ( Note : u need to have at least a power 2 to trade )
To be up list :
Already Upped: otamay ; Koizumi ; diputs1269
Upped b4 :
2nd round to up : SureScore ; Prince7 ; TwinTowers ; lonebonker ; Cafu ; sailsingapore Greenfrog ; SimplyUnperfect ; Lemon2 ; lipe ; xpeipanx
Age is just a number.
14-10-2017, 04:14 PM
Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs
8 Points available for exchange. Minimum 4 points please.
14-10-2017, 04:20 PM
Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs
Min 5 points and above for exchange.
NON Premium & NON Donor, Click the link BELOW and upz me at that thread will get priority return & BONUS 10 more point EXTRA. !!
Q lists only 4 more to upz !!
Q list
(To up 49 pts) NIL
(To up 39 pts) sexmen, lovecat, ch18, blue_black
M.I.A lists can't return favour PM send : Reading, pirate1,dragoco, junyi91,willy12pee, forzenicex,brunt,bbbjkim
Buay Steady lists : Lls8, Ipay4six, screwu, blackites, Bikerlover, oxygen99, Bdevil666, Bluewind, Garagez, Berocca, Mst1, Onwrath, Piranas, desdes, Plmnc,Jason910, Burzum, Justice, ReDDhead, Ray2003, Edvil, jian593, dotz, otamay, flareon1982, jimgoh, ace_rc, whiplash, bono, tscjim, sipaychun, whatafuck,drpussy, qazz, beckham07, kabuki mask, K3lvin123, xiaobudian, amylove, rally, sunzhi, Mr romeo, birdlovely, wkc77, baronsengir, Chandler, Mr oreh, bblick, zeith
14-10-2017, 04:45 PM
Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs
17 green apples returned to Tempura today
Another 17 green apples available for exchange today.
Green apples will be return daily.
The queue is empty so do join in the queue if you are interested.
Thank you
Note: Priority will be given to bros with the HIGHEST POWER.
Next To Up List: -
New Post Required KIV List: simb1 (+15), edvil (+13), goo_ey (+12), Thi-sen (+8), pixated (+7), SuperbLoverBoy (+5), plantronic (+4)
Already Up List: ( Click to show/hide ) Lamborghini, Hurricane88, SureScore, Redapple26, simple2kee, sgiceboy, Naka_Timo, Cumexplorer, justl00king, Kalv, Nato17, xxxdreamer, waikeekee, submarinez, sex crusader, xlao, loneyheart, kyc2110, Apollo, mobliepod, Goalie, PPGirl, Rickey, sam30sg, nitecrawllerr, marlboroken, justfuckit, qizai, songest, lookingaround, NorthEast, compgen, ah rat, smartke, formula1, ShaolinHamster, clinton, wittyman, venussg, DrPussy, HonestCrook, lglg666, President, MMKing, fdomme, siam66, SEAJ, hardone, 胡's your daddy!, nocturnal1984, GeGe, sponge05, basfreak, i^Xi0n, Cash8877, aalibaba, joHnnyBoy90, laoba, SimplyUnperfect, cupid, MimeBoxer, Cafu, hayhay, beautyhunter, BMW69, bestlicker, saas, Josh_Ray, starbuck, acemanfred55, cumminology, Swagelock, watssupp, SMGG, Tnuc111, Joe Fox, Pervy Sage, JustANewbie, hornyhubby, Ramirez, macktamer, Koiz, andrew101, Hilary, ClownTeaser, Nitro Trans, justdoit, Devil-Man, PeaceKris, ProjectAlice, 002nabe, lovecim, conly, reading, oxeso, Acegik, sexy_lion, FeiGohGoh, jc_wtc, Yakuza, mazda1947, jimfairy, Javabeans, mePoke, memorablez, TingTongLove, jorje, 222nge, devilchan78, S.B.Y.1, hamsapkwai, esssinine, Woei, bunty, ken6890, Mito, guess67, shctaw, GoldRabbit, bbbjkim, Hanster, surbana, wpns, best123, snowcap, FishingPartner, Babarella, Spector69, HunnyCame888, BlueFinTuna, bk81665, masters, chaku, PeroPero, 99099, Supervert, iSaigon, Doubledare, Rasta Marley, Baigonggong, SirRumble, slyer, iphone1s, bizbiz, le113ru, Gem08, ComplainKing, BrillantKnight, masterwanker, Kuan Aik Hong, buzett, koebshaq0_0, ShiningGlory, More, AceAmando, Devil Reds, BlickBassy, Fishypartner, Abastor, takashi31400, KohOnly21, Evetan86, sleeping, Big Sister80, XiaoLaoPO, norigo77, 1deg, kthan10, sc slayer, urgg, JollyOne, GoldPool, CherryQQ, Jubilation, FookKew, b00bs, hairy_abalone, Ho-Lee, JokerDeBest, charcoalfilter, RedFrog, Lemon2, Treemon99, NRider, PowerSeh, raw1, bigbirdbird, Zacelfron, igor123, SingaHarimau, LeeHsienLoong, w00f, Greenfrog, Happyman007, VRossi1980, Raddy69, madpig88, curiousSG, Xxon, hakone, NastyThaiboy, Skypiea, BK4ever, MPLover, Truthful, JohnnyStorm, BBHumper, tarma69, mantaray73, MagicEight, Guardsmen, lion81, gilaxes, Coronet Peak, wester22, pompy, KnightScorpio, randily, crackpod, damong777, OserbergGold, manu_no7, tinalam, VoltaRedonda, fun12345, Sailsingapore, Shoot To Target, wally888, chatlovers, ctchua, Black Page, Abbie Mayo, ChinaAngel, CherryPickle, wohaha96, retepoet, zl1983, simifly, bababoo, gasscut, smoky7, anotherlife, Harvest, Arse-nal, Tho66, Young Hero, ReelSchnick, lobowolf, meatvegelove, SunRayys, skyscrape, sbftiankon, The Old Nite, clapton, ReddySpeed, ExBro, divedeeper, Ladypink, Nzkiwi, skyleon, Ashbirdy, Milobing, Spicy98, tittytitty, MattJB, ExBros, sg50, owl888, deathryuk, SkyBandit, plsfloodme, kopigaogao, VIETLONER, ml1138, Don28, ivan_tan00, aloius, pocketrocket, sinjktcnx, Love 6969, fullofrubbish, Froster, Regaine, Islands, JulianLuther, dyelook, howgoodisthat, Analingusman, BroRelax, Madpig, SnowLeopards, i44444, DarthRevan, lawbah, chochochang2, BlueCondor, SeanSky, oldslywolf, FireShark, DJMixologist, max_priest, BikinisLover, James Teo, sggirls, InnocentStar, 0808, mevius, lalala89, Brunt, RapidoBoy, Eternal Luck, kristoa7, SilentMan, RisingShadow, SkyCarpenter, Joyluck, QT169, Born1988, HornyKingKong, ArowanaBullet, dysfunk, bigtube99, BenjiGlory, marc5, BulleYe, bluezben, Blackcloud, sanuuk, Wu Song Jr, lonebonker, 126gal, oFudge, conquer, cyberkoh88, CoCK ShoCk, Steventan, LuckyKnight, Evileyes, xxFTOxx, szczesny, evo5555, Belwins555, Taramis, Eumiru, lost99, El Bistro, Tundrawolf, Prince7, Nickochee, grey82, Tinybee, ZacMissile, logmeinla, BowieKnife, sadlonelyguyer, SEX-NEWBIE, ilovesmurfs, Kingsle, Hazelnutty93, RisingDick, naturegreen, silverstrike, Bionic73, RenaCross, lone_dog69, kirk, orangeproud, wangboy, 1gsb9, 8115818990, KimEmma, sgGem, 972200, ktmakmak, bb88asdflkj, shitty_pants, SiaSuay, CHEEHONGKIA, WonderBee, Sasuke, hunter12, FavorOne, NewM00n, shawn teo, Mandin, blehz, FUNNYANDHORNY, cimhol, Botakhead2, lovestobonk, aries, Inceptor, slut, HayDay, hot1168, Spikerman, Me Siam Bu, Pink2577, badboys, Sen5eS, ejectjoy, Suwy, avboys, dcrusader, Oh yes, Saltyraw, HC NEWBIRD, ja02amz, tuyet, TurkeyBacon, jaydenboy, lazuka, Nanom, powerkid, Moderator88, tigo, Boss30, KTVbuddy, georgemagnum, stiffness, DoubleSSS, beefnoodle, silverug, unfit, paradise80, menshealth, atoz67, seekrelax, bitch, hitman1891, jackbl, lopakolkata, BonBonWin, impossible, blackberryboy, Bluerabbit, ZacCommand, hoian, Triple-X, wildnhard2005, joker88, redboi, Flyer1, blackface, simimabochap, binbin81, shuaige84, tapzs, 3MOQ, dandan69, Spud_Boy, launua2, Slide2Despair, rawboy83, Unitek, Alpha001, nottiboy, ibanezjem555, Sleepyguy2, maituleow, sunhuan-con, SehOng, Just_Did_It, MerlinW, Pompous, dogstar69, hongkongdoggy, overseasgboy, merelyevil, Lion_Barbell, Linkus, coolmanspooky, Link, crazysexycool, 1KnightinBKK, guest68. sirocca, cai shen, Yoyogi, NoFearSg, Catch22, lovelyboy, The Milk Man, Fat Fatt, xDylan, vampangel, Storm Arc, TheMentalist, Shiofukis, WOOHOO, fatty_leo, jonkoller, HuatAh16, dumdboy, Bugging, tropiccana, Passerbyer, izaaat, auxillaire, CaptAm, GreyMatter, Littlelostmouse, Jay Chou, Oshimayuko, Jebuschris91, Littlefeet, ahpek64, ossa, Thongchai, Tai_zi21, fastfoot, Power666, sibehchiam, ipay4six, Colot, mst1, silver5surfer, belvedere, KnowItAll, Aerodime, undergroundtree, Crucio, Sky88, Imfirecracker, Dinoroar, Amplus, GaDTaRk, ly1968, Fansees, kick_ass, Villian, owen10, xqueen, Fatty1234, Slapp, EnjoyLife99, Alfang, ADLO, fion.18, OldWulf, Miruo, SteelX, Toobee, ApplePie130, Weiwe, Usign, Asgapi, Cloudy80, Icekeeper, Metascooter, JJMagic, Msuzum, CheeseL, Alphaoasis, meijipcc, Ilovelemontea, Iluvfish, MyMyMine, BigBird123, jcang, Botakhead, NaughtynSensual, Super00, liewkc2503, everlasty, Taiko2006, kark69, Nantboy7, Dobo, Informer, lobangkingz, Xiaoboy18, riderboy, seabass, Nexium, Furby85, Radical, NewJiewAP, Charlie130, stardawn, beersingha, Destruction, Monaco, love2paint, I Love Boobs, UltramanTiga87, MrPlayer, RedDog, KDLiverpool, braxlex, hoosdathu, solopop, SG10, vampiredevil, XXLCat, HornyMushroom, dreamer326, danny888, KOC88, UnknownZzZ, Havanna Slicks, boisong1, STCC123, TiestoIsAss, topcook1, alansan, fuckwaynelim, PaladinofSola, stiwrx, iSlut69, willy12pee, junyi91, winner38, rocket1128, roja, strikeback4, whitejade, 69sex, doubledutch, stpboc, realTrump, Stpboc1, milffelladad, GladBoy, travelmate, BroRock_, Tempura
Question: If you could live forever, would you and why? Answer: "I would not live forever, because we should not live forever, because if we were supposed to live forever, then we would live forever, but we cannot live forever, which is why I would not live forever,"
14-10-2017, 05:37 PM
Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs
+17 for exchange
**pm me for 2nd/3rd round
33 066 25/2 Returning favour bro thanks=messi, 22/2 Rav1sk+5, 20/2 Exchange+12, 15/2 naysmith=swee+18,
2nd xchange list:
27/1 Samkieu+12, 15/1 marklui520+9, 16/11 4Dguru+18, 23/10 rawmaster101+13, 22/9 Havanna Slicks+23, 29/9 124asf124+7
14-10-2017, 06:03 PM
Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs
Latest update - Thanks to masterwanker for posting and informting me. Paiseh.. too much things to actually pm or tell all bros one by one.. pls forgive me
charcoalfilter +5 joining your queue!
Vampiredevil up
Up You to trade - Laoba
Solopop up
madpig88 - my humble 6 points added to trade
shawn teo
Hi bro , up you +5 ! -ImbaME
11 points for exchange..crackpod
Storm Arc
the old nite upped u...
I love boobs
Havanna Slicks
up u 14 points for exchange by ipay4six
Humble 10 points for exchanges, thanks, victorlee123
Added +7points for exchange - lobowolf
Upz you +16 for exchange, thanks.....Linkus
Thread for Exchange... 20-08-2017 09:53 PM Up you bro, hope you can exchange points too - (Err who is this ah?? No Nick)
me siam bu
Compliments +13 - Swagelock
Devil Reds.....
Young Hero
SG10 Upz
ChinaAngel ChinaAngel
esssinine up u 10
hamsapkwai up u 11
Tele ups you +8pts bro
apollo +17pts cheers bro
SMGG +8 ups, thanks bro
naka_timo - just upped
qizai - no new post
NorthEast - no new post
HonestCrook - no new post
gilaxes - no new post
bbbjkim - no new post
?'s your daddy! - can't find such a nick
waikeekee - no new posts
smartke - no new posts
ShaolinHamster - no new posts
masterwanker - just upped
Everlasty - You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to everlasty again.
urbana - no new posts
liewkc2503 - can't up, no scale icon leh??
Slyer - oledi up b4, cant up
Love6969 - can't find this user
Lamborghini - up before, can't up
marlboroken - oledi upped
DevilChan78 - oledi upped
Clownteaser - already upped
strikeback4 - "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to strikeback4 again" up b4, can't up liao
bk81665 - just upped - wah bro.. waited so long for you.
Smoky7 - up b4, can't up
14-10-2017, 06:15 PM
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Re: Thread for Exchange Points / Flame trolling / Copy Frs
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