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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 16-07-2021, 09:22 AM
r.fowler r.fowler is offline
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Re: KTV Kakis

the sponsored bf must be sweating in his pants now.

SINGAPORE - The woman who is the first case linked to the growing KTV cluster of Covid-19 infections is a short-term visit pass holder from Vietnam who entered Singapore in February via the familial ties lane, sponsored by her Singaporean boyfriend.

In their release, the two agencies noted that 54 cases of Covid-19 were linked to the KTV cluster as at Wednesday (July 14). Of the 54 cases, 30 are non-Singaporeans.

Among them were

two permanent residents,
14 work pass holders,
one student’s pass holder,
five long-term visit pass holders and
eight short-term visit pass holders.
Old 16-07-2021, 10:52 AM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by r.fowler View Post
the sponsored bf must be sweating in his pants now.

SINGAPORE - The woman who is the first case linked to the growing KTV cluster of Covid-19 infections is a short-term visit pass holder from Vietnam who entered Singapore in February via the familial ties lane, sponsored by her Singaporean boyfriend.

In their release, the two agencies noted that 54 cases of Covid-19 were linked to the KTV cluster as at Wednesday (July 14). Of the 54 cases, 30 are non-Singaporeans.

Among them were

two permanent residents,
14 work pass holders,
one student’s pass holder,
five long-term visit pass holders and
eight short-term visit pass holders.
More to come wait for announcement
Old 16-07-2021, 11:57 AM
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Re: KTV Kakis

good post buddy!

LoL when OYK and LW acted disappointed, frustrated and angry wrt this ktv bistro cluster situation...worse yet so quick to blame others, when it is so obvious that this sort of situation was likely to happen due to basic human nature...

Govt made a huge mistake of allowing these ktv bistros to open when it is obvious that it is just not feasible and practical to effectively ensure enforcement of health protocols and restrictions...

Can't grapple with this huge govt mistake since it always so quick to impose other restrictions not only on Covid matters but also sale of alcohol in certain areas in the early evening for eg.

Really smell a rat why the ktv bistros biz was given the green light?!...

I really pity other bizs that may now suffer the economic consequences due to this terrible mistake by the Govt...LW alreading hinting ominously of thinking of imposing restrictions once again...

Originally Posted by TheIdesOfMarch View Post
No use. The problem isn't in the KTVs operating past permitted hours.

The problem is the entire business model, which is basically vice and prostitution with extra expensive steps for Roberts to show off their wealth. Thanks to the idiots in government closing down GL for what looks like to be a permanent thing, demand for sexual vice trade has only shifted to areas far more difficult and sensitive to police, if not totally underground instead.

No nice and tidy ending for this. I have a feeling this will be yet another watershed moment where we see the government abandoning pragmatism and going straight for ideological and religious dogma to clamp down on vice without thinking of unintended consequences.

And it's also fucked up la, legit KTVs like Teoheng and Maneki Kinoko have to close shop but these KTVs can still operate... just because their business model is based off selling alcohol and the money drawn in by hostesses (commissions, fees, patronage etc).
Old 16-07-2021, 12:29 PM
fordnite69 fordnite69 is offline
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Re: KTV Kakis

"Give an inch and they'll take a mile" this has largely been the government's playbook for most part of the covid situation, although got some lapses here and there by the government.

but i think after this incident the government not gonna take chances already. confirm go hard on these places. they always have the means and resources to crack down on them but pang chance only.
Old 16-07-2021, 12:36 PM
Smallheadrules Smallheadrules is offline
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Re: KTV Kakis

In the first place , how come stb/gov never deploy SDA to this so call KTV turn F&b.

We have seen SDA all over the place in hawker center, shopping malls, stand alone restaurant but how come ktv f&b license don't have ? If they have been deploy today we will not see all this cluster
Old 16-07-2021, 12:54 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by Smallheadrules View Post
In the first place , how come stb/gov never deploy SDA to this so call KTV turn F&b.

We have seen SDA all over the place in hawker center, shopping malls, stand alone restaurant but how come ktv f&b license don't have ? If they have been deploy today we will not see all this cluster
Yes.. why? SDA also on cruise ship. Its a big mistake by MOH/SFA
Old 16-07-2021, 01:05 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

bigger mistake was to allow these so called ktv bistros to open in the first place...particularly with the super infectious delta variant out there and the vaccination process/herd immunity not complete...

Originally Posted by nycheong View Post
Yes.. why? SDA also on cruise ship. Its a big mistake by MOH/SFA
Old 16-07-2021, 01:26 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
bigger mistake was to allow these so called ktv bistros to open in the first place...particularly with the super infectious delta variant out there and the vaccination process/herd immunity not complete...
If dont allow this business sector operators to do business they will kaobei kaobu. Like the cruise industry all they need is SDA to do the job of inspection and get police involved to enforce the rules if need be.
Old 16-07-2021, 01:39 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
bigger mistake was to allow these so called ktv bistros to open in the first place...particularly with the super infectious delta variant out there and the vaccination process/herd immunity not complete...
I think should blame the owner of KTV. they know they should convert to bistro and should not have hostress but end up it was not converted, said converted but not converted at all.

As for opening up, i think have to leave with it. If keep closing. How to survive?

I know there a lot of anti government here but look at it in a bigger picture. Look at what happen in thailand and malaysia. Governement cannot control and not doing anything or even pocket the money to buy vaccine as well as this period still care about own power and status. We are fortunate we does not have this happening.

Since thing happen now, no point talking as a lot is talking like they very clever should do that should do this but i think what should be done is how to mitgrate it instead of talking.


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Old 16-07-2021, 01:41 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
bigger mistake was to allow these so called ktv bistros to open in the first place...particularly with the super infectious delta variant out there and the vaccination process/herd immunity not complete...
The government trying to let people and their business survive and these morons ABUSE it and you blame the govt?? Seriously??
Old 16-07-2021, 01:42 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
I think should blame the owner of KTV. they know they should convert to bistro and should not have hostress but end up it was not converted, said converted but not converted at all.

As for opening up, i think have to leave with it. If keep closing. How to survive?

I know there a lot of anti government here but look at it in a bigger picture. Look at what happen in thailand and malaysia. Governement cannot control and not doing anything or even pocket the money to buy vaccine as well as this period still care about own power and status. We are fortunate we does not have this happening.

Since thing happen now, no point talking as a lot is talking like they very clever should do that should do this but i think what should be done is how to mitgrate it instead of talking.
People just want to blame govt for everything. It's so convenient and easy. Don't take any accountability or responsibility. As a COMMUNITY we must ALL do our part. Otherwise whatever it is, policies will not work.
Old 16-07-2021, 01:45 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by too_hot View Post
People just want to blame govt for everything. It's so convenient and easy. Don't take any accountability or responsibility. As a COMMUNITY we must ALL do our part. Otherwise whatever it is, policies will not work.
These how we think, there are many who like likewise.


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Old 16-07-2021, 01:59 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
I think should blame the owner of KTV. they know they should convert to bistro and should not have hostress but end up it was not converted, said converted but not converted at all.

As for opening up, i think have to leave with it. If keep closing. How to survive?

I know there a lot of anti government here but look at it in a bigger picture. Look at what happen in thailand and malaysia. Governement cannot control and not doing anything or even pocket the money to buy vaccine as well as this period still care about own power and status. We are fortunate we does not have this happening.

Since thing happen now, no point talking as a lot is talking like they very clever should do that should do this but i think what should be done is how to mitgrate it instead of talking.
Totally agreed. When they announced to allow Bistro there was no Delta Variant yet
Old 16-07-2021, 02:02 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by nycheong View Post
Totally agreed. When they announced to allow Bistro there was no Delta Variant yet
The question is that, convert to bistro is under license of F & B. maybe got alchool license too but i dont tink will have entertainment license. IF need viet gal, viet gal must have work permit as waitress or server or crew not hostress.
if have bisto license, i think these may not happen


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Old 16-07-2021, 03:18 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Since when has this Govt been known to give in just becuz biz makes noise so long as the Govt believes it is doing the right thing and in the best interests of the country?

As for the enforcement issue, agree with you here...but practically is it effectively feasible in a ktv bistro setting?...perhaps only way would be to have a Govt enforcement officer stationed permanently at each and every ktv bistro on a full time basis?...

Originally Posted by nycheong View Post
If dont allow this business sector operators to do business they will kaobei kaobu. Like the cruise industry all they need is SDA to do the job of inspection and get police involved to enforce the rules if need be.
Don't get me wrong...i am not exculpating the ktv bistros' owners responsibilities and obligations...they are liable no doubt...

That said I hold the Govt to blame as well...because it should have known or ought to have known that these ktv owners turned so called ktv bistro owners would not follow the restrictions...becuz these are nightlife/vice type of biz owners...not pure f&b type biz owners...

If the Govt wanted to give these ktv owners the green light than the Govt should have at least ensured a practically feasible effective enforcement of restrictions method be put in place first and properly executed....

On the issue of opening up...i am all for it as we move into learning how to live with covid...actually when phase 3(heightened alert) was coming into play i felt the Govt was wrong to start off with 2pax in the f&b me the Govt should have been brave enough to just revert to the original 5pax...i think the economic benefits would outweigh the social risks under the circumstances...

Also I am not anti Govt for the sake of being anti Govt...if the Govt has done good I shall say so...for instance I think it has done a great job with the vaccination process...also I think it has generally handled this terrible pandemic quite well, save for initially not stopping prc who had some contact with Wuhan from coming into Singapore when Covid first broke out in Wuhan, especially when the prc Govt itself had ring fenced Wuhan...that and the foreign workers dorm issue...

Oh and just becuz one gives criticism against the Govt does not mean that one should consider migration...a bit extreme bah?

Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
I think should blame the owner of KTV. they know they should convert to bistro and should not have hostress but end up it was not converted, said converted but not converted at all.

As for opening up, i think have to leave with it. If keep closing. How to survive?

I know there a lot of anti government here but look at it in a bigger picture. Look at what happen in thailand and malaysia. Governement cannot control and not doing anything or even pocket the money to buy vaccine as well as this period still care about own power and status. We are fortunate we does not have this happening.

Since thing happen now, no point talking as a lot is talking like they very clever should do that should do this but i think what should be done is how to mitgrate it instead of talking.

Handling Covid has been a fluid dynamic process from the very beginning to date becuz it is a new virus and we still learning how to deal and handle it as best as can be...

So just becuz there was no delta variant when the Govt gave the green light for the ktv bistros does not mean that the Govt should not have at least considered revising its ktv bistro policy once more was known about the delta variant, particularly when it was discovered in Singapore...

Originally Posted by nycheong View Post
Totally agreed. When they announced to allow Bistro there was no Delta Variant yet
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