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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 18-07-2021, 06:02 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Bet my bottom dollar even NK has these vices...

These vices reflect basic human nature...any society regardless of the type of government would have it in some form or other....some more underground than others but it is still out there somewhere...the common key to unlock the door is vitamin M...

Originally Posted by Shiofukis View Post
So funny...... last time no karaoke .. also got dirty bars like 大路, 竹屋,新寶寶 and etc......who are you kidding... that we can do away with all these vices...unless....u want to be a hermit country like North Korea 🇰🇵.
Covid mrna vaccine never claimed to be 100% effective in wiping out the spread of Covid...still quite effective and most effective amongst all the Covid vaccines currently available at the moment though...

That said the Covid mrna vaccine seems to be very effective(not 100% but still very effective nonetheless) in preventing serious illness and death from Covid...

Give you the latest eg. the US is currently incurring another large rise in Covid cases...this latest wave is due to the super highly infectious delta variant...the US Centre for Disease Control recently came out with a statement saying that this latest Covid wave is akin to an Unvaccinated Pandemic..meaning Americans currently unvaccinated are most at very serious dangerous critical health risk compared to the fully vaccinated Americans both for infection but more importantly serious illness and death...

the US already had sufficient supply of Covid vaccines to inoculate all its eligible citizens/long term residents awhile back but there is still seems to be quite a large substantial group who have yet to take up this option... Biden administration is so concerned about this group of unvaccinated Americans that it is urging the big social media platforms like Facebook to curb the spread of misinformation/disinformation viz the FDA approved Covid vaccines...

The benefits of getting the Covid mrna vaccine far outweighs the risks...this applies not only to the individual but to society as a whole as well...

Originally Posted by helmsley View Post
Vaccination equivalent fucking with condom? Note that the guy who spread from this cluster to the cruise has been fully vaccinated. So much for protection for the others. Fucker is still as infectious as fuck.
Sorry but it is not just those who "play and get caught" who "pay" the price and "thats all" in this regard...

Covid is an unprecedented global health pandemic crisis and the most serious national crisis to hit Singapore since we got booted out of Malaysia in 65'...

Unfortunately everyone "pays" the price for this selfish behaviour, one way or another...just look at the current ramifications from the ktv cluster eg. Ship cruise halted, kindergarten temp closed, food centre temp closed, all f&b joints facing fresh set of restrictions, general public fear heightened once again etc...

Originally Posted by fallen11 View Post
So its pretty unfair to call for a blanket ban / closure of places we like to cheong when its just a few bad sheep doing such things now.
Everywhere there will also be bad sheep.
Some people endure, some people cant. Cant endure? go pay the full price and play. Its a risk. They get caught, they pay for it thats all.

Some people 1 day go 3 different MPs and fark 3 different girls. If any of them got covid, it'll just end up similar to this ktv scandal too. So should ask for all MPs to get banned permanently too? I dont think so.
I believe in "ownself play, ownself pay" and sometimes the price wont be limited to financial cost only.
Why is the Covid vaccine a personal choice whereas the vaccination against Diphtheria and Measles is mandatory in Singapore?

Isn't Covid just as serious and causing a devastating effect on the whole of our society both economically and socially?

Yes, the Covid mrna vaccine is a very new vaccine/technology....but like I said above, the benefits far outweigh the risks both to the individual and society...

We can't carry on living like we have since Mar 20' for much longer without suffering extreme negative consequences both economically and socially...Covid is going to be endemic and we just have to learn how to live with it while returning to a normal life as best as can be...and the best way forward seems to be for everyone who is eligible to just get vaccinated asap...faster that is done the faster we can open up Singapore to a normal life living with Covid...

Originally Posted by funboi View Post

Actually vaccination is a choice. If anyone against it also no problem. Because raw FL also a choice. I also raw FL especially kan chio one.

When Singapore majority vaccinated, lets say 5 million vaccinated. That mean (100-69)% of 5m = 1.55m or 1550000 people got chance to get infected by covid. The good news is high chance no one will die or hospitalized badly. The bad news is this 1.55m people will spread the virus to those unvaccinated Singaporean or even whoever come Singapore.

Its true the fucker still infectious as fuck. Ask anyone who kana STD before and recovered especially those who kana STD causing the penis head lao nong you know? thick yellowish discharge. Some mild case very fast take antibiotics recover some lao the nong sibei thick longer time to recover. So how? Raw or condom fuck?

So how? Vaccinate or not? Actually a lot is also about heng suay if die mean die also if kana infected till jialat case the lung gone fuck and long covid also sibei suay.

Its a personal choice.
Old 18-07-2021, 06:48 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by candeo_88 View Post
My thoughts on this current issue...
1) Going to KTV, be it the real KTV or F&B converted is a high risk activity. Reason being enclosed small premises and close proximity in every direction you look at. And we know by now that the damn little virus loves to float around in enclosed and the close proximity makes them even happier.
2) The govt/press was too quick to jump the gun to say that particular lady from Indochina was patient zero in the current cluster. She's already in Sillypore in the beginning of the year and MOH also reported that only 5 of the non-Sillypore's arrived in 2021. That means the most likelihood cause of spread was community infection from somewhere. Let's wait for MOH to complete the genealogy or whatever testing to see where the cause is. To safe face, the most likely "answer" will be "unlinked" to any current cases
3) Knowing that such KTV businesses are high risk activities during pandemic, question is why there are no reported news of frequent checks by the relevant authorities??? If have caught one or two in the early days, the situation might still be under some control. So someone is sleeping on the job??? You just can't send some SDA to do the job

Food for thought...
Maybe Govt blame these hostesses and ktv owner so now got excuse to close down ktv and Luo sup bars for good. Like the demise of health spa. Ktv will be the next to be extinct
To the Cheongsters who up me thank you so much!

Never argue with idiots...they just bring u down to their level and beat u with experience
Old 18-07-2021, 07:15 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

2) tbf to MOH dont think they declared the Vietbu ktv gal as "patient zero"..recall MOH Mak saying that she is not the "index" case and MOH still looking into it...

3) vgd point buddy...this one authorities cocked up big time...LW did say that resources very stretched and also playng cat and mouse games...wtd?!...

Originally Posted by candeo_88 View Post

2) The govt/press was too quick to jump the gun to say that particular lady from Indochina was patient zero in the current cluster. She's already in Sillypore in the beginning of the year and MOH also reported that only 5 of the non-Sillypore's arrived in 2021. That means the most likelihood cause of spread was community infection from somewhere. Let's wait for MOH to complete the genealogy or whatever testing to see where the cause is. To safe face, the most likely "answer" will be "unlinked" to any current cases

3) Knowing that such KTV businesses are high risk activities during pandemic, question is why there are no reported news of frequent checks by the relevant authorities??? If have caught one or two in the early days, the situation might still be under some control. So someone is sleeping on the job??? You just can't send some SDA to do the job
Yes, probably right on the shortness of time viz the covid vaccine like i said abv...

But this is an unprecedented situation...

As for what that minister said...unfortunately the consequences of not taking the vaccine do not just apply to the individual...there are serious consequences for the entire society at large as well...see my reference abv to the current covid unvaccinated pandemic being playing out in the US...this is why serious consideration should given to making the covid mrna vaccine mandatory...

Originally Posted by funboi View Post
555 Very good point. How come not mandatory?

My guess is in the past all the vaccines gone through long trials and years to complete and get approval by WHO and HSA with FULL AUTHORIZATION.

Just my guess.

If not wrong, already one 4G minster say already. If anyone don't take the vaccine they have to live with the consequence in future.
Old 18-07-2021, 07:19 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by quackpackyyy View Post
Looks like this is Lily 1.5m tall
Trang Nyugen

Usually their name is like that
I saw her tiktok and bigo before but i think maybe taken down
Old 18-07-2021, 09:52 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by MrDariusxify View Post
haha this girl worked at charm, myth. still in sg. followed her on wechat. she had a customer gift her a rolex which she went on to sell. Should be fetch quite a hefty sum. But ya each guy has his own pref of girls haha.
She was here since early 2018. Her robert chye tow bought her a second hand Rolex YM II from famous Chinatown Shop, Peng Kwee and Bao her up at one of the condominium.

Now she is selling vape ... anyone interested..? Don’t pm me.
Old 19-07-2021, 06:21 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Don't think it's a good excuse to say resources are stretched...Already spent billions in various funds, whats another $50k-$100k to ensure compliance?? SDA's are paid $10-$12 per hour... Definitely money well spent if you ask me

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
2) tbf to MOH dont think they declared the Vietbu ktv gal as "patient zero"..recall MOH Mak saying that she is not the "index" case and MOH still looking into it...

3) vgd point buddy...this one authorities cocked up big time...LW did say that resources very stretched and also playng cat and mouse games...wtd?!...

To Live is the Rarest Thing in the World...Most People Just Exist...

Thank you to all bro's who have upped me. Will return upping as fast as the forum allows... Can only return 2 per day

Appreciate if bro's can PM me after upping so that I can find your latest posts quickly. Cheers.
Old 19-07-2021, 07:38 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by candeo_88 View Post
My thoughts on this current issue...
1) Going to KTV, be it the real KTV or F&B converted is a high risk activity. Reason being enclosed small premises and close proximity in every direction you look at. And we know by now that the damn little virus loves to float around in enclosed and the close proximity makes them even happier.
2) The govt/press was too quick to jump the gun to say that particular lady from Indochina was patient zero in the current cluster. She's already in Sillypore in the beginning of the year and MOH also reported that only 5 of the non-Sillypore's arrived in 2021. That means the most likelihood cause of spread was community infection from somewhere. Let's wait for MOH to complete the genealogy or whatever testing to see where the cause is. To safe face, the most likely "answer" will be "unlinked" to any current cases
3) Knowing that such KTV businesses are high risk activities during pandemic, question is why there are no reported news of frequent checks by the relevant authorities??? If have caught one or two in the early days, the situation might still be under some control. So someone is sleeping on the job??? You just can't send some SDA to do the job

Food for thought...
Close one eye you all kpkb, catch till very jialat you al kpkb and impose heavy fine you all kpkb.

Next time catch already heavy punishment. Jail term or put to gallow still do dare to open again.

You take over than i see what you will do?
Old 19-07-2021, 07:40 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by teokc278 View Post
Close one eye you all kpkb, catch till very jialat you al kpkb and impose heavy fine you all kpkb.

Next time catch already heavy punishment. Jail term or put to gallow still do dare to open again.

You take over than i see what you will do?
classic example of "you cant please everyone"
Old 21-07-2021, 04:26 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by funboi View Post
do you agree?
Those who have read my posts will know that I was a Supreme/Empress/Zara regular, and I have been in a stable relationship with an ex-Supreme girl for the last couple of years. So I probably have some (slightly outdated) insight into how much a "typical" KTV girl earns. The numbers the chiongster quoted are probably on the high side, if you consider butterly income only but he does miss out the other sources of income.


1. Many KTV girls cannot work a double session (HH + NH) every day, and certainly not 30 days in a month. All you need is one butterfly customer who makes you drunk, or to upset you to tears through super humsup behavior or plain unreasonableness. The prettier the girl and the cheaper the KTV, the higher these unfortunate incidences.

2. Most 2 session KTVs have a set of super hardworking girls that will work HH+NH (especially those on Holiday visa) but the huge majority who are long stayers and especially the ang pais, will only come for NH. The better girls generally wait for mummy to specify which KTV to go and which customer has booked them. They do not do butterfly, unless they are super hardworking. High-end KTVs (e.g. Lido/Tiananmen) are booking only, at $500/session but when my girl was working at these top-end places she can sometimes go 2-3 days without a customer.

3. Double-session KTVs generally only have NH on Sundays and most Viets (especially the Northern girls) will not work Sundays. If you have ever been to Hanoi, you can appreciate why this is so. Saigon is generally the same on a Sat vs Sun, but Hanoi is noticeably quiet on a Sunday

4. Getting 5 butterfly rooms every night is tough. A girl I know well, can do 9 butterfly sessions in one NH session, including 2 bookings but she admits that if she does that more than half of them will end up complaining to the Mummy and she may have to pay back some of the money collected. She also will end up super drunk and sometimes will miss out her tips because a customer du lan and just leaves without paying (very common).

5. The KTV life ages a girl very quickly, and takes a huge toll on their bodies. Most girls can't sleep at night and they end up taking a powerful relaxant which they bring in from overseas (some of them, Schedule A drugs under the CNB list). It is very common for girls to need a forced break, after a bad night of drinking. Those that get drunk every night, usually burn out pretty quickly and end up doing something else after their gastric problems become unbearable. It is very common for KTV girls to undergo upper endoscopy whenever they go back to Vietnam, simply because of persistent stomach pains. Continuous drinking and late nights plus persistent suppers also wreaks havoc on a girl's menses and many need to take it easy for at least one week every month.

6. Most girls consider their own safety as priority no 1, not money. Every girl is deathly afraid of being caught in a raid and being "sent back". On average my girl encounters a raid once a week, sometime more. During a raid, the girls generally run (unless they are already SPR, or a "house girl") and no tips will be collected that night.

7. A big part of a KTV girl's income doesn't come from butterfly, but from bookings or short-time/long-time. Bookings are generally easier on the girl unless the customer ends up wanting hum sup or set out to make the girl completely drunk.

8. You need to consider the cost side of things to get a better picture. A "freedom pass" S-pass or WP costs around $3000 per month, Rent can be $500 for a bunk bed to $1500/2000 up for apartment share, cosmetics and food costs are roughly $2000/month and transport + mobile phone costs another $1000.

So a girl needs to net $5000-$6000 a month before she can send even her first dollar home. Yes, an outstanding KTV girl can net $40knett and more but that is not every month. A hardworking girl can earn $20K probably, anything higher than that is possible but super-tiring. My girl was ex-Supreme/Zara and ex-Lido so I understand both the mid-tier segments and the premium KTVs. The top-tier KTV is extremely competitive. No matter how pretty you are, there will always be a younger batch of girls waiting to take over, and you certainly will not get a booking every night.
Old 21-07-2021, 04:40 PM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Old 21-07-2021, 05:16 PM
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Originally Posted by funboi View Post
do you agree?
Dont care agree or not. Once exposed and if the general public disagree with hostess lounges it will incurr the wrath of the gov and the lounges will disappear like the street walkers of the past.

Once exposed the gov needs to be seen to show results else they will lose seats to the opposition.
Old 28-07-2021, 09:57 AM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by Penguin23 View Post
Those who have read my posts will know that I was a Supreme/Empress/Zara regular, and I have been in a stable relationship with an ex-Supreme girl for the last couple of years. So I probably have some (slightly outdated) insight into how much a "typical" KTV girl earns. The numbers the chiongster quoted are probably on the high side, if you consider butterly income only but he does miss out the other sources of income.


1. Many KTV girls cannot work a double session (HH + NH) every day, and certainly not 30 days in a month. All you need is one butterfly customer who makes you drunk, or to upset you to tears through super humsup behavior or plain unreasonableness. The prettier the girl and the cheaper the KTV, the higher these unfortunate incidences.

2. Most 2 session KTVs have a set of super hardworking girls that will work HH+NH (especially those on Holiday visa) but the huge majority who are long stayers and especially the ang pais, will only come for NH. The better girls generally wait for mummy to specify which KTV to go and which customer has booked them. They do not do butterfly, unless they are super hardworking. High-end KTVs (e.g. Lido/Tiananmen) are booking only, at $500/session but when my girl was working at these top-end places she can sometimes go 2-3 days without a customer.

3. Double-session KTVs generally only have NH on Sundays and most Viets (especially the Northern girls) will not work Sundays. If you have ever been to Hanoi, you can appreciate why this is so. Saigon is generally the same on a Sat vs Sun, but Hanoi is noticeably quiet on a Sunday

4. Getting 5 butterfly rooms every night is tough. A girl I know well, can do 9 butterfly sessions in one NH session, including 2 bookings but she admits that if she does that more than half of them will end up complaining to the Mummy and she may have to pay back some of the money collected. She also will end up super drunk and sometimes will miss out her tips because a customer du lan and just leaves without paying (very common).

5. The KTV life ages a girl very quickly, and takes a huge toll on their bodies. Most girls can't sleep at night and they end up taking a powerful relaxant which they bring in from overseas (some of them, Schedule A drugs under the CNB list). It is very common for girls to need a forced break, after a bad night of drinking. Those that get drunk every night, usually burn out pretty quickly and end up doing something else after their gastric problems become unbearable. It is very common for KTV girls to undergo upper endoscopy whenever they go back to Vietnam, simply because of persistent stomach pains. Continuous drinking and late nights plus persistent suppers also wreaks havoc on a girl's menses and many need to take it easy for at least one week every month.

6. Most girls consider their own safety as priority no 1, not money. Every girl is deathly afraid of being caught in a raid and being "sent back". On average my girl encounters a raid once a week, sometime more. During a raid, the girls generally run (unless they are already SPR, or a "house girl") and no tips will be collected that night.

7. A big part of a KTV girl's income doesn't come from butterfly, but from bookings or short-time/long-time. Bookings are generally easier on the girl unless the customer ends up wanting hum sup or set out to make the girl completely drunk.

8. You need to consider the cost side of things to get a better picture. A "freedom pass" S-pass or WP costs around $3000 per month, Rent can be $500 for a bunk bed to $1500/2000 up for apartment share, cosmetics and food costs are roughly $2000/month and transport + mobile phone costs another $1000.

So a girl needs to net $5000-$6000 a month before she can send even her first dollar home. Yes, an outstanding KTV girl can net $40knett and more but that is not every month. A hardworking girl can earn $20K probably, anything higher than that is possible but super-tiring. My girl was ex-Supreme/Zara and ex-Lido so I understand both the mid-tier segments and the premium KTVs. The top-tier KTV is extremely competitive. No matter how pretty you are, there will always be a younger batch of girls waiting to take over, and you certainly will not get a booking every night.
Seems like really hardwork if you ask me. No amount of money can bring back their health and freedom.
Slow and Steady
Old 30-07-2021, 11:06 PM
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Originally Posted by fallen11 View Post
Think its rather selfish to call for places which you dont go, to close down.
Yes different people cheong differently.
Some like FL, some prefer MP, some lapsup bar, some ktv. Some dont even cheong in their own country but once they fly to another country their alter ego is unleashed.
Not all ktv needs a fat wallet to enjoy either.
There are more people like me who do cheong these places, but have not gone there since covid appeared. We're waiting to get fully vaccinated and for the environment to become safer before we go back to cheonging again.
So its pretty unfair to call for a blanket ban / closure of places we like to cheong when its just a few bad sheep doing such things now.
Everywhere there will also be bad sheep.
Some people endure, some people cant. Cant endure? go pay the full price and play. Its a risk. They get caught, they pay for it thats all.

Some people 1 day go 3 different MPs and fark 3 different girls. If any of them got covid, it'll just end up similar to this ktv scandal too. So should ask for all MPs to get banned permanently too? I dont think so.
I believe in "ownself play, ownself pay" and sometimes the price wont be limited to financial cost only.
Haha different type of venue got different feel bah, I believe most bros, myself included, have tried all types before. I like gl and fl best because discreet, and quick satisfaction but I do miss my ktv days. I no chionging buddies, so go ktv myself book single room, I actually like it a lot because it's the one place I can actually sing without being paiseh, plus got gal to accompany me and bao home later, feeling is different from other venues as not simply action and go. But ktv is rare occasion for me last time as must plan and definitely more ex than just go gl unload.

End of day we are all chiongsters trying to have some enjoyment in this country, agree with you that it's unfair to call closure. Even mp earlier this year was cluster, if my favourite gl was still opened, high chance might have cluster there also. Peace to all my chionging brothers, I hope to be able to return to some level of the past when got many choices.
Old 31-07-2021, 12:20 AM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by obeyyodude View Post
Haha different type of venue got different feel bah, I believe most bros, myself included, have tried all types before. I like gl and fl best because discreet, and quick satisfaction but I do miss my ktv days. I no chionging buddies, so go ktv myself book single room, I actually like it a lot because it's the one place I can actually sing without being paiseh, plus got gal to accompany me and bao home later, feeling is different from other venues as not simply action and go. But ktv is rare occasion for me last time as must plan and definitely more ex than just go gl unload.

End of day we are all chiongsters trying to have some enjoyment in this country, agree with you that it's unfair to call closure. Even mp earlier this year was cluster, if my favourite gl was still opened, high chance might have cluster there also. Peace to all my chionging brothers, I hope to be able to return to some level of the past when got many choices.
Well said bro. Different venue different feel.

GL - Direct and quick. Got the most excitement going house to house to look for the most attractive one to fuck. But sometimes, you might get a sense of emptiness after the fuck.

FL - I refering to the online one. This one is like the Forest Gump chocolate box, you never know what you going to get. Even when the picture looks so good, the actual experience can turn out otherwise. I gotten the most disappointment from this actually

ML (sleazy) - This one is similar to GL but lacks the choices. Depends alot on fellow samsters recommendations but not everytime accurate too cos different guys have different tastes.

ML ($88) - This type can have a good massage + pretty girls to choose from. I like the quality of girls here. Generally very pretty but expensive and no fj release.

ML (legit) - This one really tests patience. Can lead to nothing except a good massage to relax the muscles. But if can get something more from this, got the sense of achievement and satisfaction haha

KTV - This is by far the most expensive but totally different feel. Got choices, got entertainment, got buildup. Sometimes can dabao sometimes cannot, so it adds to the anticipation and satisfaction. But cannot do that often as it is heavy on the pocket.

So yes, they all serve different purposes and gave different feels. Last time still got the health centres. Especially those that have buffet and sauna type, lagi best.

Now really scared we got lesser and lesser choices. Haiz.
Old 31-07-2021, 12:52 AM
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Re: KTV Kakis

Originally Posted by Frankenstein77 View Post
Well said bro. Different venue different feel.

GL - Direct and quick. Got the most excitement going house to house to look for the most attractive one to fuck. But sometimes, you might get a sense of emptiness after the fuck.

FL - I refering to the online one. This one is like the Forest Gump chocolate box, you never know what you going to get. Even when the picture looks so good, the actual experience can turn out otherwise. I gotten the most disappointment from this actually

ML (sleazy) - This one is similar to GL but lacks the choices. Depends alot on fellow samsters recommendations but not everytime accurate too cos different guys have different tastes.

ML ($88) - This type can have a good massage + pretty girls to choose from. I like the quality of girls here. Generally very pretty but expensive and no fj release.

ML (legit) - This one really tests patience. Can lead to nothing except a good massage to relax the muscles. But if can get something more from this, got the sense of achievement and satisfaction haha

KTV - This is by far the most expensive but totally different feel. Got choices, got entertainment, got buildup. Sometimes can dabao sometimes cannot, so it adds to the anticipation and satisfaction. But cannot do that often as it is heavy on the pocket.

So yes, they all serve different purposes and gave different feels. Last time still got the health centres. Especially those that have buffet and sauna type, lagi best.

Now really scared we got lesser and lesser choices. Haiz.
Yes bro, in fact gl and los online fl were my favourite, but maybe rtf a few times gal go back. KTV can build a bit of a longer term working relationship, and sometimes my regular would jio me go out in the day. In fact I am still sad that by the time I started trying out mp, I missed the HC boat in sg, only realized how shiok it is when I go to the JB ones, really take weekday leave and whole day outing and relax. Now sg no more HC like that.
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